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Everything posted by UnbornTao

  1. What contributes to, and hinders, this process? That said, listen to those whom you deem sincere. After you have reasonably gotten a sense of what they are alluding to, you can begin to assess whether they are communicating a real and valuable experience, or rather intent to manipulate, disseminate opinions, pass on beliefs, or something else.
  2. Appreciate everyone's contribution. I guess this is loosely the idea: he went to india (and/or Nepal, etc) and studied eastern religions. Interesting, will use AI to do learn more about this. Could have been taken from a sutra. @JoshB It is mostly for the sake of entertainment.
  3. I'd say thinking of our perception and experience as accurate reflections of "existence" is a big contributing factor to our superficiality, or in other words, operating on our impressions of things. We generally take our experience of things at face value, stopping at identifying (naming) what something is. As long as it is identified as threatening or beneficial to ourselves, we rarely question what those are beyond their relationship to us.
  4. Remember to be centered and to tell the truth about your experience, regards.
  5. I think it is important to first get clear on the subject.
  6. Essentially, feeling stuck is of your own making. Easier to say than to experience, though. Our own desire, and the cultural assumption that we should get everything we want, is what traps us. Watch the domain of ideals: What do you assume has to be happening in your life that isn't? What are you comparing yourself and your life to? You can keep pursuing your aspirations without this struggle.
  7. Revisit the main lifestyle factors: diet, exercise, sleep. What activities do you do throughout the day? Whatever contributes to stress, consider removing it for a while, such as drinking caffeine, being online, watching TV. L-Theanine could work, too.
  8. The man has been dead for a long time. And most of what we "know" of him is essentially rumor-based. There likely is a more subtle interpretation, but the above still applies. This is not to say he wasn't a deeply conscious guy–he apparently was. Interesting hypothesis: in his "lost years", he might have traveled to India or similar and studied Buddhism there.
  9. @Spiritual Warfare Thank you
  10. Thanks, DALLE
  11. If it works, it works. If it's true, it's true.
  12. A videogame could be made out of this.
  13. Being effective and being honest aren't the same pursuit, so they have different goals. We can notice that there are layers to the truth. Experiencing anger may be a fact and if we happen to find out that hurt underlies such emotion, that is somehow a more honest recognition. Still, are anger and hurt "true" by themselves–existentially real? Another way to put it: is our experience an activity? What's not constructed but inherent? If the truth is that we don't know what anything is, what does that leave us with, considering self-survival (hence value, meaning, function, use) as our primal and central pursuit? We're hard-pressed to act in spite of our fundamental uncertainty. Another reflection: say the truth of anything can't be useful since by definition the truth is just what is the case. The nature of a chair is what it is, and its function gets to exist relative to something other than itself–ourselves. Value is a second order phenomenon that is applied by us, not intrinsic; being is prior to construction, conception, activity.
  14. I prefer your written reflections as opposed to videos from others.
  15. Learning and creativity, writing, art and cooking/nutrition.
  16. Osho in Rings of Power!
  17. Once we've mistaken ourselves for something not real, shit happens–Peter Ralston.