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Everything posted by UnbornTao

  1. From your favorite bald guy on the internet: https://www.actualized.org/articles/leos-super-healthy-vegetable-soup
  2. The only way to experience something is to become conscious of it. Not through intellect but consciousness. No amount of philosophy, speculation, beliefs, conclusions and extrapolation is an experience of the truth.
  3. That Jesus or Buddha were somehow white guys lol
  4. If you're honest with yourself, the degree to which you're selfish is recognized and acknowledge. Self-survival is that. Your very life, breath, and self are premised upon this drive. This isn't bad in itself -- it's just the case. Look into your own selfishness. What you find might surprise you.
  5. --- Blueberry Bowl: Half a glass of blueberries Natural (plain) yogurt 1-2 teaspoons of honey 1/2 teaspoon of raw cocoa powder Mix Add a chopped banana on top Alternatives: nuts, jam, other berries and fruits, seeds, oatmeal. Drink with coffee or a green smoothie for breakfast.
  6. Self-concept: The image you have of yourself The image of who you would like to be The image you have about what others hold as you (characteristic personality) Another's actual image of you When another's image about you is inconsistent with your self-image, you'll attempt to manipulate her in order for her image about you to more closely match your own.
  7. Same root, perhaps. Intelligence can be applied to emotions, social and the body (as in body intelligence). There's more than mere intellect involved in those domains. Intelligence isn't limited to intellect. Both may be based on "mind" even though that depends on how you hold that distinction. Let's bring up creativity, the genuine kind, as I consider it a form of intelligence. Creativity seems to come not from intellect but from not-you (outside self). And mind is the interpreter or receiver of that.
  8. Generally speaking, I get it. But day to day there might have been discomfort, doubts, boredom, etc. And you've also had bad trips. So that sentence may be a bit misleading.
  9. Several long free lectures from the great David Hawkins. If you want more, check out veritaspub.com. His entire video catalog is in there, available through a membership. https://mindsquare.video/david-r-hawkins-2002-video-lectures-1/
  10. I'm once again inquiring into the nature of pain. Haven't grasped it yet. What is it? Physical sensations seem to be fundamental. Pain, however, might be an addition to stimulus that is processed by the nervous system. Where is it? It seems to be readily accessible. Right now you may be sitted. If you were to stay in that position for long, your body will get uncomfortable. Is that a form of pain? Is discomfort a form of pain? There are very subtle forms of pain that you may not consider to be that. Envy, for example, is based on it. Ideals create pain. Not avoiding what you don't want causes it too.
  11. First time I watched a HP movie was in 2016, a bit late to the party. Then I watched the entire saga. big fan. A new PS5 game is going to be released soon.
  12. I've been getting into plant-based eating as of late, practically speaking. Theory was pretty clear to me. That is, the fundamental principles of a nutritious, health-promoting diet. My intention is to slowly (or not so slowly) optimize each aspect of my diet. https://nutritionfacts.org/video/flashback-friday-dr-greger-in-the-kitchen-my-new-favorite-beverage Come up with new variations of your own. My preference is adding blueberries to anything I can.
  13. Then I would word it differently, as that's asking different things. That's great. But I think it's up to each individual to decide. In the end, you'll live however you want to.
  14. Of course. Not doing that is precisely what depression is about: holding a negative future. So yeah, focus on a positive future. For that, creating goals based on what you want helps a lot, I'd say. Not only creating goals but consistently going after them.
  15. I wouldn't have started it in the first place. "Should" implies it is coming from a value system, usually from society and others. How to live is a matter of preference. People live the way they live until they die, regardless of the preconceptions they hold about how one should go about living it. There's no "right" way life should be conducted. Perhaps, since it has a similar focus, but with a more real and profound approach, a thread could be opened called Principles for Life.
  16. Sounds like you want to convince yourself of this perspective.@Girzo
  17. Ideal: "conceived as perfect; existing only in idea." You're confusing being inspired with following ideals (a fool's errand). Ideals are a detriment, and unnecessary. Yes, following role models is fine. That's not following ideals. Goals are grounded on actual possibilities. An ideal might be holding an image that one day you'll finally be transformed, whole, loving, complete, etc. by doing such and such. The content itself is secondary. The point is that ideals are the cheese you're running after. The cheese is there not for you to catch it but to keep you running after it. You want to be superman or superwoman and see that you can't do it, that you still get angry, are jealous, get tired, can't fly, etc. So you suffer. It's best to get clear on what you want, and establish goals towards reaching that. When you're actually committed, intent on getting something done, all else is rather irrelevant, even motivation.
  18. You can be happy with life and content with who you are while also setting up and pursuing goals for yourself. Ideals, on the other hand, are a constant pain generator, since your current experience doesn't, and will never match, the ideal and imagined pleasure it will supposedly bring. Ideals are by definition not possible to accomplish. They're not grounded on reality, and are disempowering in various ways, as mentioned above. Goals and purpose vs ideals and fantasies.
  19. By following ideals, you're setting yourself up for misery.
  20. No. If I recall correctly, he said something along the lines of wanting to make sure that whatever happens within experience doesn't alter direct consciousness. I think he wanted to make sure or test whether his enlightenment was untouchable by experience. It is, hence his position towards psychedelics. I may be misrepresenting his story, though I don't think so.
  21. Provisional thoughts: Psychedelics neither allow nor generate. You do. Making breakthroughs and having insights are possible now. With that said, psychedelics can catalyze, kick ass and open your mind, induce healthy states, etc. Many seem to have the tendency to make the work about psychedelics, or to give them too much importance. You miss the point by taking them as more than useful tools. This appears to be widely known but it'd be wise to reconsider its message often. In the end, the truth is the truth; it doesn't matter what path you took before becoming conscious of it.
  22. Maybe two grounded distinctions to clarify this line of inquiry are direct experience and intellectual understanding. Seems like the mind wants to keep this work abstract, where it is safe. For sure they sound better. For some it can even give us pride by showing our intelligence and eloquence. It's useful to ground it on something tangible and specific.
  23. Being is prior to meaning. If you think meaninglessness is bad, then you're still operating from a meaning paradigm! Get that. You could say that Being is itself, and that it transcends good and bad. That sounds better.
  24. I prefer that formulation. If you think meaninglessness is bad, then you are still operating from a meaning paradigm! You could say that Being is itself, and that it transcends meaning. That sounds better.