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Everything posted by UnbornTao

  1. Organic pesticides for breakfast. Seriously though, I heard from Michael Greger that if the matcha is sourced from China, it likely is contaminated with lead.
  2. Only the truth is true. No belief, whether religious, social or scientific, is true in and of itself. What this inquiry misses is that whether we subscribe to Y or Z, in the end we still fundamentally don't know what's true. In our experience, we just exchanged a set of beliefs for another. The point is to directly know and realize what is true, not to adopt a set of thoughts, usually from another, that you like and feel validated by. Ask yourself: Am I deeply and directly conscious of the absolute? In my experience, have I realized, without the slightest doubt, what the absolute, life and reality are? That should open up some doors for contemplation, and offer an opportunity for deeper self-honesty.
  3. Best to start with the question, What is a body? It does seem to me like an essential vehicle for experience, much like there has to be hardware for the computer's software to be installed. I'd also say that the body is an object. But once again I haven't become conscious of what it is. So grasp what it is for yourself.
  4. Not sure. One of my favorites, Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. Loved it.
  5. Just watched the two-part series Understanding the Conservative & Liberal Mind. I enjoyed it a lot and resonated with it. It's very relatable as I co-habit with an extremely conservative person and I myself am rather liberal. Both episodes offer many insights which I'd been reflecting on for some time now. I'm thankful for this type of deep, genuine content.
  6. I think high amounts of any vitamin supplement may produce side-effects. Whether you recognize them or not depends on your level of sensitivity and their intensity. I sometimes supplement 5000U of vitamin D, 1000mg of vitamin C, magnesium, CDB oil or Krill oil. Almost every time these produce some sort of side-effect: itchy skin, irritability, insomnia, horniness, relaxation. But I don't know.
  7. I've been two months without a phone! Stop having a phone or buy a dumb one. You can test it out for a few months in order to detoxify your mind and then slowly incorporate the most basic needs with an actual smartphone. So basically: do it.
  8. How come some people seem to have moved on from their past while others haven't? What allowed them to move on? Guilt arises in relation to the past. Stop being identified and attached to your past history. Guilt can't happen in relation to the present. The simple advice is get over it; become conscious of why you're creating these feelings, then drop them. Focus on the present and create a hopeful image of the future. That'll help in moving on by building goals. This may sound a bit ruthless, I see it more as tough love. Just some opinions.
  9. Guys don't try to figure it out mentally and get on the cushion.
  10. Anger is based on hurt, so let's start by contemplating it on our own. @Kalki Avatar According to historical hearsay, Jesus wasn't always a bag of joy lol Acting out or repressing emotions are thought to be the only possibilities in our culture. There's a third distinction that can be made! Which is, fully embracing and experiencing anger without acting it out. Mastering emotions is possible in the sense of knowing what they are, how they come about and what purpose they serve. I suspect that this makes you able to bring them about as desired, or not at all. Imagine an actor who uses emotions as tools depending on the occasion while being aware that emotions are being done by her instead of something inflicted upon.
  11. Ground and clarify what you want to achieve first, then go do it. What skills do I want to develop? What is learning? What stands in the way of my learning? When I learn what happens in my experience? How can I master learning? Formulate questions like these without worrying about models.
  12. People drink coffee so that they can better focus and have increased energy. At bars many consume alcohol in order to be relaxed and so approach girls free of panic. People consume sugar when anxious or bored. You're doing the same with less common substances. If you feel impostor's syndrome, try to learn doing what you do while microdosing without the drugs. On a microdose, contemplate questions such as: What changes in my experience? What allows me to be this way? What way would I have to be in order to experience this while "sober"? It'd be cheating if you were dependent on it when socializing, in this case. Otherwise it can be a useful tool. Hope that helped.
  13. Yes! Conscious Relationships and Communication.
  14. Yep. Currently reading Your Life As Art.
  15. The work of Robert Fritz is phenomenal. Check it out if you want to learn about anything involving the creative process and actual creativity.
  16. As a kid I used to wonder about who I am. In my experience I'd be naturally fascinated by this. "I am me, what's that about? What is I?" So coming to grips with the fact that I don't actually know (am conscious of) who and what I am was/is a huge revelation. It's very eye-opening. As an adult, that wonder now seems to be a little bit harder to experience since it's covered up by a bunch of shit, but the not-knowing is still the case.
  17. pretty much this. Set some boundaries.
  18. A bit late to the party, but he's 37. By soccer standards, with that age you're already old for playing optimally and consistently at your best. He'll probably retire in two years or so.
  19. Integrity Part 2 if you feel ready for that. Understanding Relativism Part 2. More content on serious philosophy.
  20. @ZenSwift those are exciting! Already pre-ordered the book years ago. in my mind lol I'd like to see more on: Distinctions, learning, creativity and emotions: fear, pain, boredom, inspiration, etc Bliss, freedom Serious philosophy. More profound/existential topics, even if just on the blog Entrepreneurship, leadership, business
  21. cement lol. Appreciate it.
  22. Some of this is just too funny. Is there a book on this practice untainted with dogma?
  23. @Ulax