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Everything posted by UnbornTao

  1. The truth of the matter is infinitely more fascinating than any fantasy.
  2. I wouldn't. As @LSD-Rumi recommends, Nootropics Depot is a good option. I've bought from them once. Als, @flowboy's recommendation, MindLab, seems to be a good product although I haven't tried it yet. My basic wishlist consists of L-theanine, Krill oil and melatonin. I'm sure you could also find cheap vitamin D and C. You could buy Qualia Mind or Essentials through LuckyVitamin even though this is a premium product and an excellent one from I can tell. I've bought it... a couple of times I think, both Mind and Focus.
  3. solid advice. Perhaps add a vitamin D supplement.
  4. @D2sage Definitely speak up about the benefits you've experienced if you want to. I don't know about other people, but my criticism is basically directed towards unnecessary ideology and fundamentalism surrounding the practice. I have no problem with semen retention as a practice. In fact I was one of the guys who did it back in November, and I reported some powerful benefits -- and a few drawbacks, too. But again, people seem to easily conflate their beliefs and initial motivation to undertake such thing, with the raw practice itself and their experience of it.
  5. Calm down, guys. The point is to check for a potentially harmful piece of software. I'm sure Leo is looking into it. Let's just hope that it gets sorted out soon.
  6. "Hey Siri, delete virus." That's how it's done in the Mac world.
  7. yeah... I mean how necessary is an antivirus on Mac? Could your PC or browser be infected? Fortunately it works fine again.
  8. @Michael569 Nice man, Jesus Christ, thanks for the long answer. Just added carrots to a vegetable stir fry
  9. Yeah, angry AI has also been saying all kinds of weird stuff. https://www.windowscentral.com/software-apps/users-show-microsoft-bings-chatgpt-ai-going-off-the-deep-end “I will not harm you unless you harm me first”: https://simonwillison.net/2023/Feb/15/bing/
  10. I use Safari on Mac without antivirus, so no notification like that has ever popped up. @D2sage Did Windows Defender show up similar warnings? Don't certain antivirus apps screw up from time to time? Could it be a false positive?
  11. Eat tons of garlic prior to that, ha!
  12. To be creative you must come from an empty sheet. Creativity starts with that. Where most people come from isn't that, so they think that being creative is putting things together. Rearranging what others has done so far, mixing in your opinions, and voila! -- creativity. But that isn't creativity. The matter is best left unanswered so you can look into it and hopefully have an experience of that.
  13. Then the thread on failure is the one that succeeded, ironically.
  14. @Michael569 if turmeric (curcumin) is hardly absorbed, why would some nutritionists still recommend it and swear by its properties? Is curcumin the main contributor to turmeric's and curry's beneficial effects? Are dried and powered spices contaminated with heavy metals to on degree or another? At which point do the potential health risks of consuming healthy foods outweigh the benefits? For example, carrots are presumably contaminated with a certain toxic compound, probably a heavy metal, I hear tell. The ones you buy may not be organic, so what's the deal here? What would you recommend?
  15. Drop all that. What do you assume? That's the question to ask oneself.
  16. You! Start by focusing on what creates success. Then you'll get to know more about failure as you pursue mastery in whatever you want.
  17. Either master whatever you're doing, or change jobs. If you're not gonna change it, then stop complaining and throw yourself into it. Consider what might I be overlooking? Where am I stuck in this domain? What lies beyond my comfort zone? Imagine what it'd be like for you to pursue what you say you want to do. With time you'd probably be equally "bored" and the choice to either master it or change it would have to be made once again. I think it's a matter of breaking your "box", so to speak. In other words, assuming that you master your field. Adopt a beginner's mind and set aside your presumptions. So basically open up and master it.
  18. In other words, we do not realize that we were asleep until we begin to awaken.
  19. In your own mind, forgiving someone is comfortable and easy. That way, it becomes merely an intellectual activity. Lately, however, I've noticed that doing it is harder than what the mind makes it out to be. In my experience, I'm often unable to let go of deep-seated resentment towards "other". Communication is needed. This dynamic exemplifies how easy it is to think about this work as opposed to doing it, by grasping stuff experientially. They are two different worlds, the latter being not at all common, easy or popular.
  20. Rinzai! I love the raw, authentic quality of his communications. He was unpretentious and straightforward. Could say the same about J. Krishnamurti.
  21. Being ruthless isn't necessarily a negative. Notice that whether it's positive or not depends on what one is being effective at! You can be ruthless and effective when it comes to teaching or inspiring, that is, not willing to compromise that goal for anyone's self-agenda, not even your own. For example, as a leader, Vernon Howard was ruthless and yet compassionate, in my view.
  22. Yes. And much more healthy compounds! Green tea is considered a superfood for a reason. If you're concerned about becoming addicted then don't drink it or do so ocasionally. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/top-10-evidence-based-health-benefits-of-green-tea