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Everything posted by SFRL

  1. @sheenp24 I have seen it in France where they put simply a whole choclate bar on bread. But in Holland where I grew up they got choclate products for on the bread as well.
  2. @Antonio sounds to me what is really going on is that you are addicted to sex and women. Sex and women are a drug. And you had some and now you want more and better drugs. But the real question is not where to find better women. The real question is how to kick the addiction. I got the same problem. It's very easy to get addicted to especially ones you get better at it, since it can give you that temporary fix so well. But it is really not that different then playing Xbox or watching TV. As far as the instant happiness vs reward dilemma it's right above Xbox and TV but not much higher. You can do things with your life that are more rewarding, and give you more leverage and momentum in life. Let's say you build a good body in the gym. On a job interview people may say "this guy looks representable we want him to work for our company". But you can't tell them how many girls you have been banging. And the funny thing is when you get your life handled you will attract higher quality women. Because you have not been focusing on women and sex. One of those counter intuitive things.
  3. Also banana and dark chocolate. The 85% or 90% kind. It's fast and gets me going the right way in the morning.
  4. @Shane597 how much older are you talking about? A girl who is 2 - 5 years older then you is still only 22 - 25 years old. I think most girls that age don't want a younger guy. Pretty much everybody at a younger age wants to get older and go up and up and up. So girls that age range still generally want and older guy. But once people go past 30 they want to hold on to their youth. So then they are more likely to date someone younger because that makes them feel less old. On average the women I dated are about 2 years older then me. But now I am 33 I am not that interested in 35 year olds. I rather have a girlfriend in the 25 - 31 range. When you are younger you look at older people baggage and you label that as experience and you might find that sexy. But when you are older all that baggage that the typical 30+ year old has collected, it's just baggage. I rather be with someone fresh. So long story short, when I was younger I liked older women as well, but now I get older I am starting to like older girls. Now on the point how do you attract them? At your age probably by having a kick-ass personality. With a really good sense of humor. But as you get older around the 30 year old mark women are more open to dating guys that are a few years younger. They may even be freaks and go for a 20 year old. That's probably your best bet. Hit up some women in the 28 - 33 year old range who want to use you for sex. Lol You can tease them a little bit. When you text them you can call them "Cougarina". Derived from the term cougar. They often find the term "Cougarina" very funny. It has worked for me. Also read up on the terminology Puma and Jaguar.
  5. I have been supplementing with Zinc, Magnesium, and Vitamin D the past 3 days. I think it may have been improving my sleep as Magnesium should do that. But I will keep you posted over a longer time period.
  6. @Antonio how are you different from those girls in the club? You are in that club yourself. What you can do is work on yourself. Build yourself up. And then see what you attract.
  7. If he says he is an INTP then he is an INTP. Lol Don't try to fit a square in a circle no matter how bad you want to. Although personality can change over time. I think the test seems fairly accurate. I usually get INFP wich seems accurate. Another thing you can try is to let other people take the test for you. Because you might have blind spots in your personality and that will give you insights in how the world perceives your personality.
  8. That's good. Get those hugs. It's actually good you asked for those hugs. That's very basic pickup. You leveled up. You went from level 1 to level 2. Only 98 more levels go ! And that is without the expansion pack. Lol Just messing with you. But sounds like it's time to move out the house for you.
  9. Yo dude you just took it to another level. Lol
  10. I haven't. I will try it out. I just started serious weightlifting after years of inactivity. I have been physically active in my way twenties though. I am eating all the protein and I am taking supplements. I want to make some serious gains. This is definitely a topic I am into now.
  11. That's a lot of different supplements. Do you lift weights?
  12. Do you eat meat? Eggs and milk have a lot of vitamin D. But most people are vitamin D deficient. You make vitamin D by going outside in the sun. When you soak up the sun your body makes vitamin D. From what I heard vitamin D supplements are effective though. I should start taking them myself. I am taking vitamin C now. I should buy vitamin D and magnesium as well. Lots of people are deficient in Zinc and especially magnesium. But I eat a lot of meat so I am sure I am not Zinc deficient.
  13. Yes they do. Especially when you are deficient. But then again a supplement is ment to be an add on. So try to get your nutrients trough normal foods first. What are you trying to supplement for?
  14. Yeah protein powder is good. It helps you recover from your workouts as well.
  15. If you experience crazy hunger then you can always eat.....Maybe you won't experience crazy hunger. When you blend in protein powder that keeps your husband get down for a long time is my experience.
  16. I like a nice booty man. When she is wearing a dress and you see it moving underneath. That's what I like.
  17. Apparently the body starts making cortisol after more then 45 minutes of working out. Maybe your workouts are very long? And a lot? Maybe do shorter ones, but increase the intensity. And do fewer workouts, but again increase the intensity. Like run faster, shorter rest times between sets, or lift heavier.
  18. You know the problem. So the easy answer is: Just stop giving those gifts. Next time you get with a girl that you really like, remember what happened before when you give a gift, and practice some self discipline and don't buy her a gift. More practical set yourself a deadline: Don't buy her a gift unless you have been with her for 6 months and she has been a good girl to you. No exceptions so no Holidays either. Maybe her birthday if it so happens to fall in those six months, but buy something small. Like a card and chocolate. Nothing permanent like jewelry or something. Some background psychology: I read somewhere that when giving gifts it's often the giver who experience out of the act then the receiver. The receiver will feel good about themselves, while the receiver can experience the gift as a bribe or that they now will owe the giver something. Also read up on the book: The 5 love languages. By Gary Chapman. He identifies 5 love languages: Words of affirmation Quality time Receiving gifts Acts of service Physical touch As you see receiving/giving gifts is a legit love language. And maybe it's your primary love language. But maybe it's not the love language of the girls you are trying to attract. Try to learn and communicate in the other love languages as well.
  19. Steak and egg whites. And banana. For me.
  20. People generally are most happy when they see their relative wealth go up. That is their wealth compared to other people. If you live in a village where everyone lives in a hut has one goat, but you live in a hut and you have a goat, a pig, a cow, and a few chickens running around you will feel pretty good about yourself. The actual wealth of people in the US is much higher. But if you don't have much more then your neighbors and you see no perspective to change that then that makes people unhappy. And that drives them crazy. Half the problems on this forum are really luxuary problems. Those problems only manifest because all people's basic needs in the western world are already met. Then there is a need to full fill the higher needs next. But those can be more abstract and require a higher level of cognitive thinking. As a result when people can't figure it out their psychology gets all messed up. That's my take on it.
  21. I think this video touches the subject. It may take it in another direction. But it's the same principles involved.