Barack Obama

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Everything posted by Barack Obama

  1. Try to imagine this with me. You need to do homework and write a paper today also you have a exam tomorrow. So go get started... I guess not right? You are not gonna do it when it's stated like that. But cut it into small pieces and add time stamps to it and it looks a lot simpler. All of this in your head of course. Like: 1: i stand up from my bed right now 2: grab my book and pen and notebook and put them on the desk and open them 3: quickly fill the questions ~this will take me about 15 minutes. then it seems a lot more achievable. This is how i did something like that today. Pretty funny that i stumble on to this question at the same time luck i guess
  2. Do you guys get that feeling when everything is going great and you are happy and eveything. That this is going to backfire soon and you are gonna be depressed and just generally not going to feel good? I mean i don't think i'm a pessimist but the thought just pops up randomly in my head sometimes. i don't give it alot of attention but today i was like.. Soon everything is going for the worst.. How do i deal with these weird thoughts
  3. Hello everyone, The person who can force himself to do whatever there needs to be done. Can rule this world. There is a strong resistance to anyone who wants to do anything new. I'm talking about the resistance you feel from the inside. For example if you ever wanted to start going to the gym or learn how to code, or if you wanted to read a book this week. Let's figure out how to bypass this resistance! any suggestions?
  4. Sorry if this reaction comes over as non-sense. Why do you feel like you have to do anything? Is it because of your emotions controlling you? Do you feel like you HAVE to be happy? Do you feel like you have to be more knowledgeable so you can help people and there for feel more Happy? Do you want to become rich and leave Egypt so you can feel Happy? See, i think the only things that drives us humans, is emotion and mostly Pleasure/Happiness. Happiness, from the point that i see it. can be divided into 2 sections: Instant Happiness or Conditional Happiness. What i mean is: If you would go play a game right now, or watch Tv or anything you find enjoyable. You will get an instant rush of happiness, But if you decide to learn for example how to write code, so you can become a programmer and work at a good company to make money and support your family for example. I'm sure you will become happy. But only after all of these conditions are met. And the happiness that we get when we reach this Conditional Happiness tends to be far greater than the one we get from Instant happiness. There are 2 things stopping us from getting to that Conditional Happiness, Pain and Instant Happiness. Pain: it's obvious that to achieve anything big. You will have to do a lot of things you don't necessarily find fun. For example. There might be a lot of people who want to become as wise as @Leo Gura But they are not willing to do the work he has done. From reading books which is boring to a lot of people. To meditating ...etc. Also if you are happy right. Why would you go for something that is far from you like Conditional Happiness? It kind of feels redundant doesn't it? I truly have no advise for you. The only thing I'm trying to say is. You are driven by your emotions. And anything new and meaningful you are gonna try and do will be hard. Chose wisely i guess.
  5. Very nice information Sarper. I could think of examples of these people you mentioned instantly. What is being yourself though? Is it doing what you usually do? Is it reacting on the emotions you feel? I don't think being yourself is as easy as you think? it means you first have to know who you truly are. But i think what you mean. Is do what feels most comfortable. Like if you normally don't like to talk much. You just follow what is most comfortable. Which is not talking. And that is what we can being our self's. I don't think doing what feels comfortable is the answer to developing a strong personality. I think getting out of your comfort zone is actually really beneficial. If you are too kind. Be a dick for a while. At least then you have a full spectrum, and a better understanding of yourself and how it feels you know? Furthermore you will have to think about things like. For who is it beneficial to be for example kind or talkative or stubborn.. etc. Are you for example nice for your sake? so you can have a clear conscious? or do you do it for other? Knowing that they are might step over you if you don't put yourself first. Anyways you will automatically place people in different category's. What i mean is. By nature you will be kind to your mom, even if you aren't to other people. Something else i find was. You can be a lot ruder and a lot more free with your friends than with strangers. So your personality has to be dynamic as well. I really haven't thought about this stuff too much. So there isn't much i can add. But non the less. Very nice post.