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Everything posted by MrDmitriiV

  1. @Leo Kaminski I've been suicidal for almost 5 years. You feel trapped and like literally there's no escape but death. Study basic psychology. Remeber Chester Bennington? All his close friends knew he was suicidal, even if they tried to help him, how can I blind person guide another blind person?!
  2. @Leo Kaminski Famous people commit suicide because they realize success and fame doesn't make them happy.
  3. @Artaemis thank you! May infinity bless you!
  4. @MsNobody @XYZ @PsiloPutty @non_nothing @Salvijus Thank You for sharing your thoughts!
  5. @Joseph Maynor I felt love so I shared love. Did your highness find anything wrong with this or you couldn't come up with anything else to say?
  6. @Zweistein Thanks for bathing me in your playful energy ! (Everyone knows his bright side) @ajasatya Thanks for pointing out that spiral dynamics lacks love and compassion at it's core ! I guess @Leo Gura skipped stage Green when he was transitioning from Orange to Yellow, and it shows up in his behavior. Leo lacks love in his responses.
  7. @Artaemis That shines more light into why&how kriya yoga might work. Thank You
  8. @Zweistein Yes, as a long term "Architect" personality (pls see ) I can get very distant and "cold", which may result in silly behavior. Some love and kindness would be great remedies for me! Of course I also noticed myself feel that masculine issue you pointed, it's easy to get influenced by it! Thank you @Zweistein for pouring some positive/feminine energy in this thread/ herd of masculine intellectuals
  9. @Zweistein YES! This post helped me understand the value of "intuition". Initially I just wanted to blindly follow Leo's advice because I trusted his judgement. But something deep inside me told me there's something fishy about this. I realized how blind I was. I realized the value of always remaining skeptic, especially of myself. Im glad to see someone as kind and grounded as you @Zweistein !
  10. @Zweistein My initial goal was to clarify a question, later I just wanted to show people that Leo isn't who everyone thinks he is. You see, I didn't just say (to myself) that Kriya Yoga is a bad idea, in fact I wanted people to help me clarify on how and why this practice may work.
  11. @tsuki This post has been initially called "The Dark Side of Kriya Yoga", as some replies flew in, I started to see something much bigger develop in this post. There's even a reply "Ugh changed the title aye" if you don't believe me, me the "evil" guy who commits the unbelievable act of being skeptical. (Yeah you'll say it's the wrong skepticism lol) So I had no initial "assumption" when creating this post, just wanted to clarify a question. Instead of helping with the question, Leo's dark side couldn't stop but vigorously show what a stage Orange fool I am for being skeptical of his holy opinion/advice. When someone asks Sadhguru a question, does he tell him/her that they're a stage Orange fool and that's the main problem?! Open your eyes people...
  12. @Leo Gura @stevegan928 @Scholar @tsuki @Joseph Maynor @ajasatya Congratulation gentlemen, the purpose of this post has been succefully acomplished. From Leo's replies you can clearly see his "dark side" he very vigorously tries to hide from everyone, probably even from himself. Also we can see 3 collective egos in this thread: 1st The Great Mass, hundreds of people who clicked and saw nothing their mind desired. 2nd Leo's followers, who will defend his opinion no matter what. 3rd The few ones who have seen things from a much deeper perspective then everyone else. I myself thought Leo is truly stage torquise, but this thread made me doubt that.
  13. No. You were given a far deeper lesson here. You were shown the limits of the Orange paradigm, but you insist on continuing to see the world from that level. You are being taught to open your mind. When you finally open your mind, you will stop demanding that people prove anything to you. The irony is that your entire attitude is anti-scientific. True science is not about demanding proofs from people. True science is about openminded experimentation. This made me laugh so hard))) So if I tell you to smoke boiled potatoes for 1 year everyday: If you'll question this potato practice then I will say that you need to be "open-minded". If you'll ask me for an overview on HOW this potato technique might work, I will say that you need to stop have shit proven to you (just like you said to me). Or I will just label you as stage Orange, because you'll say smoking potatoes doesn't have a good "physical" impact. Do you see the abusrdity??? Do you @Leo Gura see your DARK SIDE?
  14. @Prabhaker THANK YOU!! Finally someone explained why Yoga may work!
  15. @Prabhaker So by doing these practices you must first imagine that you have 7 of them (and they are located where images show), then you must imagine moving them through your body, and after "holding your breath for 2 minutes and then exhaling" you must imagine that the sudden rush of energy comes from chakras and not because you finally exhaled after holding your breath??? People don't understand the core problem mentioned in this post. Its not about chakras or if it works or not, it's about the fundamental problem of Kriya Yoga. Instead of trying to ged rid of ego and mind-filters (beliefs, assumptions, imaginations...) like you do with meditation, you add more illusions to your mind (by imagining those chakras). WHY don't they ask you to just sit and look for yourself if chakras are there or not??? Because there are none, so they make images for you to show where they are so you could imagine them. @Joseph Maynor
  16. @GreenDragon What explanations? There are no valid explanations regarding Kriya Yoga apart from your post, the other ones are just blindly defending Leo's opinion. Except the user @FakeEnlightenment Experience? I did it other a week, after that I realized that the exercises make you use your imagination. It may work despite ironically using a mind-filter (imagination). Theres no general consensus with this practice. The marketing mass of this practice just ask people to use their imagination, they don't explain why and how it works. They just tell that "somehow" it works. It doesn't mean Kriya won't work, it just means that there's something fundamentally wrong in the way it is being presented. Your explanations make sense though! Thanks! (And why others don't explain it like you did?)
  17. @Privet Why should I try Kriya Yoga instead of hundreds of other practices and different yogas? Just because Leo said? You blindly follow his opinion. i tried Kriya Yoga with a very open mind at first. In fact I was excited about it and didn't question it. But after doing it over a week, I realized that what you are doing with it is using imagination for those chakras. The path to awakening isn't picking a guru like Leo and blindly accepting his opinion and then defending it (are you people stage blue???), it isn't picking a random practice and investing your precious time just because someone said so. Reread my post, it seems like you closed your eyes on its message.
  18. @MM1988 1. There are findings in neuroscience that the brains of Heroin addicts are different. So should we do heroin because they are "different"? 2. I don't need anymore concepts, most people have too many concepts already I'll look at Wim Hof.
  19. @Malelekakis I did read a book recommended by Leo and done a few practices. The practices asked me to use imagination to imagine chakras and imagine moving them. WHICH I DID. But I couldn't help but notice that the feeling I got was a result of imagination not chakras.
  20. @Ero Surprise Surprise I'm not enlightened! If I were I wouldn't be here. I am trying to drop those behaviors. But again read what I already told:
  21. @Ero My goal is to get out of illusions, not to attain more of them.
  22. @Ero I know I believe that. Didn't you see the sentence:
  23. @see_on_see @SgtPepper @Leo Gura @Esoteric @Pernani i know that I'm a dellusioned creature, but: ALSO it's a basic psychological phenomena for you to start imagining something is real after believing it really hard. So people might start feeling those chakras because they believed and imagined them for a lot of time. Kriya Yoga may work or not, but it is surely shitty in nature.
  24. @BramscoChill Raise the depth of your awareness thru meditation.
  25. Not all people were fortunate enough to be born in a first world country with 2000-4000$ monthly average salary, some like me live in countries with less then 250$ monthly avg salary. NOT complaining, just it's "a little harder" for people like me to get access to high quality psychedelics. Are there any good psychedelic substances I can either grow myself (plants, but I do need to get seeds first) or just get cheaply, preferably legal? After quite an extensive research I found "Salvia Divinorum" as my best bet, although not very sure if I'll find it. There is shit like Nutmeg, but it's negative effects over the body are way too big. Any other ideas? Maybe seeds I can buy from other countries online? (I don't live in Mexico/Tropical countries to find psychedelic trees/plants.) PS I do my best with meditation and Kriya Yoga