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Everything posted by egoeimai

  1. Lots of water. Good sleep. Turmeric masks.
  2. @Siim Land I tried freeletics today. Its a "pain in the ass" if you want to know
  3. No god this is unfair. I do the same. This has to stop.
  4. I approve! Its great .
  5. @Natasha people with acne take care of their skin with coconut oil. Its anti inflammatory such as turmeric. I havent tried it on my face. Only instaed of body lotion. And hair mask some times.
  6. I think you can fight guilty emotions by thinking that you are not the reason things are happening around you and you are not the center of the cause. That you cant control things and people and by not blaming you own acts and thoughts because nobody's perfect. We act as we act because we know that this is the right reaction at the moment. This is far away from the emotions of guilt that come next. When you do something you know that its right. Then why you blame yourself after? Its nonsense. Also by not having damaging thoughts and self injuring. Some time we do that. Maybe do something good afterwards so that it can make you feel better. But the thing is to not feel guilty at the first place. Or be aware of what you do every moment. But that's a bit difficult and it takes effort and practice. I dont know If you can control it all the time and not drive you insane or neurotic or anxious. By the not an expert obviously.
  7. I thought that aerobic is about movement and increasing your heart rate more,and anaerobic more like pilates and yoga. ????
  8. Sorry If I interrupt your subject,although I dont have the same age/height/weight etc. I want to have this type of exercise (walking/running, running/walking) and If anyone is into that, please tell me the benefits of it. Not just "is good for your heart etc" I know these, I want to know every little unimportant reason or result, it can give me,and why should I do it. All about physical and mental 2.mood 3.appearance 4.reasons reasons reasons WHY should YOU keep doing it for the rest of your life. I dont care about how fast I can run or how far I can go. I want to have the habit. Its important to me. Because with my nutrition and stuff,things are going great. Im so into healthy eating. But exercising? ....ugh.. zero effort. The reasons are very important to me. The appearance is very important also. I know that you cant beat low self esteem with running,but it can improve things a little bit. Thank you!!!!!
  9. @Christian oh i now saw your reply. I dont know why. Maybe because you havent tagged me. Im like the majority honestly. Ill have to search it and look If I can do something about it. The resistance...:)
  10. I already have coconut oil which i use instead of body lotion,but i dont have peppermint oil extract.
  11. Ι have a huge bag of turmeric powder which i had bought for skin purpose. Acne and stuff. I did a lot of masks but then I get bored of the yellowness and gave up the try. I had a nice result I remember. I knew that we can use it for whitening our teeth also but I never tried it. Now Im thinking in trying for both purposes at the same time. Any thoughts?
  12. @dboyle Reading all this post....I thought..."pick up is not your problem. A girlfriend cant solve the problem.." and such. Maybe try to search anywhere else to find the root cause. Really...Can she solve your issue or problem or complex or anything??? I dont think so.
  13. They're kinda true . Thoughts are messages coming by. Maybe its your subconscious mind telling you that you like her. Its not on purpose. And maybe you dont want to let her know that you like her....because you can lose your job of it. Scenarios.
  14. Why? Why is there such an exception? Why this guy and not that guy? I do this only with 1 person in my life. A person that I dont use to have conversation with...actually dont know about him and its crazy. Why. Literally...everyone deserves the eye contact. I think its a way to show others respect.
  15. Or just be rude to yourself: "why am i so $@$!$ ?? " "Why do I act like this? Relax please." Sometimes we have to get the brain to its own position!
  16. Hahahahahah its funny because man I dont know if this person actually can exist. Maybe not. Try to accept the flaws.
  17. Hell yeah. The best post!!!
  18. @Vaishnavi where can i find it? Online or at stores?
  19. @Paan is acceptance. She doesnt even love herself . You dont accept her. There is no love here. Do your thing and she will find her way. Dont be together again. Its wrong. For me its not right. If something doesnt work then it doesnt. And who knows who you will be after years and years.
  20. I saw the video by ted talk for just recommended. It was fun! And the only thing shocked me was the calendar. That monkey a total frustration for me.
  21. Ive read "eat that frog" Great.
  22. Omg what a great video. What a wiseman really. I wish all people be like him. Have his mind. Men and women
  23. @abrakamowse usually this type of nerd is not real. I believe there is most shy guys with some time of experience and friends..or is the loner who has skills. This is extreme haha
  24. Hahaha idk. Probably running.
  25. @abrakamowse no hm..whats that?