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Everything posted by egoeimai

  1. Maybe you lack energy from your digestion! Eat small but mainly easily digestible food. This will boost your energy very quickly. Also I would recommend freeletics bodyweight. Its an app ,free,Im sure you will build your discipline there. Edit. Sometimes books dont help to make us active and feel motivated. Try something like this.
  2. Sure its not happening only to you. Its a way to react to different things as you said to a crush,talking in public..etc But you can change they way you react by changing your thoughts and beliefs. Its gonna take time and you must practise it. Being more calmful. Find things that relax you. Im gonna give an example maybe is too too random but it might can help you. Yesterday I ate only raw foods.fruits and veggies. My digestion was super fast and I didnt even feel it,whereas other times I feel heavy in the stomach. So that tactic relaxed me very much and make me feel calmful. So you can try something similar,find something that relaxes you and you could manage your reactions better. So yesterday my dad made something that usually make me mad or super agry and I react yelling at him and then being sad of my reaction. But yesterday I managed without effort to stay calm not on purpose,but because I was on that mood all day. So I didnt react the way I used to. Im beginning to like this. Also I was surprised by myself . So what you can do to bring the same effect?
  3. I dont think running is the cause. I know 2 reasons : 1.obesity 2. Standing up for several hours. Whenever you five pressure varicose veins appear. Its a condition and can be treatened. Surgery is the certain method but she can use tight socks or something if the problem is small.
  4. @Spiritjunkie this describes that life forces you to fight for good things and worth having things. You have to experience the pain,which is actually a feeling, and other unpleasant things in order to succeed. Its pretty common jn life and we have accepted it. We know its true. Some of us just refuse to apply it in life. The denial. Also I think thus quote is a part of these excuses we have in life. Just because we dont want to accept difficulties, we say its diffucult but achievable. Its bullshit but its true unfortunately. Thats how we get things The hard way. I dont know if we created or if its a fact in life. A rule. I mean the existence of difficulties. Or we are not so powerful in front of some things, but the things are there ready to get them. Who knows ,,,,,,we must find it.
  5. Hello i dont have experience on drugs but I can tell you that you can try some form of detox if you like. Search it on the internet. It may help you for mental clarity.
  6. @Eelco1981 who is hurt,is his best video.
  7. Does his presence makes you feel happy? I had an epiphany today. That people whos presence makes us feel happy, worth at least the effort.
  8. Stay positive. Every good action adds to the whole win.
  9. Firstly, If I were you ,I would like to change the title a little bit. Fixing past relationship mistakes? Your actions. Its not about others or relationships in general. The first question: No. What is done in the past stays in the past. In my opinion. Today is a new you. Dont think about your past self. We all make this mistake. We do things we regret ,we break up,and THEN we try to learn more about ourselves. Whereas at first part you should have searched for these, improve us,and then try to build a relationship with others. So we are a little undeveloped here. We need to get in touch with our emotions in order not to suffer by "other's actions" where its not the actions hurting us but the beliefs and the reaction we choose to have. And the last part I dont get it.
  10. Sugar causes cancer. Good for you that you got rid of it. See a post of mine about cancer I have recently posted. It ecplains everything .
  11. Maybe you dont want it so bad. Well on those dreams you have to be sure. Other ways is a dream? Or some belief?
  12. It takes your energy and your focus. Your mental clarity.... it leaves you with panic and no plans.
  13. Hello. I dont have this phobia but when Iam alone and in the dark,sometimes I have these fearful thoughts about the dark. Dark is something that makes us feel insecure and the place is uknown we cannot be prepared for the future danger. We cannot see and we cannot protect ourselves as much as we re in the light. So...I belive is all about thoughts. Become close with your fear. Be in the dark on purpose just to be sure that you got used to it . I am just afraid of the elevator and I challenge myself to go there alone and to be alone with my fearful thoughts. Its only in your mind. Be there...feel it and try to think the opposite. Just think positive. For example instead of "im afraid..did i see someone there? Theyre gonna hurt me..someone that i cannot even see..or i will die or whatever bad youre thinking about" reverse it to " its only in my mjnd eventually. The dark is nothing bad..its like i am in the same place an a few hours ago there was been light why am i not afraid the light? This place is not dangerous I am just afraid and its normal. Accept that and move on. Noones gonna hurt me or kill me. Dark is nice because we wouldnt like to have daylight all the time. Lets relax and go to sleep ) Its as friendly as daylight. You have to accept it. Nature by iysownnits not cruel. There are bad people in daylight as well. I brought a few examples I dont say that these are in your mind and necessarily are going to help but I hope so.
  14. Plenty of them I have many favourites I cant remember
  15. @Kevin Dunlop nah. No need.
  16. I used to have this point of view. ...that job sucks N you dont have time left. But its not true. You will adapt to the new way of living.
  17. @Naviy what an asshole. I hate him. :l Well we are still surviving you see. ????Thats positive!! Make your own money and leave this bastard. I wish I was 25 or 30 now to be able to do this and take my degree and disappear for ever.
  18. @Naviy oh hello!!! I have the same asshole for father!!! Excepth he doesnt buy me a single chewing gum,not a flat. You lucky!!!!
  19. @Orange "Time ,it needs time To win back your love again I will be there, I will be there Love, only love Can bring back your love someday I will be there, I will be there" You need some time. It reminds me of this song.
  20. @Orange Thoughts. And not asking why theyre coming.
  21. @Orange did you managed to accept them?