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Everything posted by egoeimai

  1. Very interesting!
  2. @The Universe Yes I think that's it. All other advice is bullshit,to me. There are billion of ways to stress yourself out,nothing works long term. And dont forget:we came here to experience joy.Not being stressful all the time.
  3. Omg. Okay. You are saying that you are confident guy and you are minding your own business and you dont care so much about others and that you dont have problems talking to girls BUUUUUT you still haven't talked to her. Is this a joke? Be serious If you want this and take steps right away. I think that you are not taking that so seriously,it seems you're not so confident,and If you dont care,just risk it and If she reject you that is totally fine. Go!
  4. I used to say that I struggle with lack of self discipline,too. You know what? I was searching for years,to find something so powerful that can actually "motivate" me to do stuff. In fact,there is no good motivation. You need inspiration. When you stop and realize that there's nothing wrong with you and your brain,and that your mind doesnt play tricks in order to sabotage you,you will be free of this shitty 'motivational' stuff and discipline. Whenever you're ready to do it,you will sure do it. Forcing yourself is gonna make it worse,as everytime does,to each and everyone of us that we've tried it before. Im sure you did too. Just relax and believe that it is gonna come.
  5. What the hell do you mean?
  6. I prefer knowledge. By having knowledge you can earn wisdom. But with wisdom you cant earn knowlege. Knowledge is power. Wisdom is the application of knowldge. Without knowledge there is nothing.
  7. First you have to know what Love is. Because you said that you want to love yourself. Love is has to be unconditional. No matter your actions and your behaviour,the way you look the way you act,you must accept your self,your flaws and your successes. So, as I said, no matter what . Then just be easy with yourself. Dont beat yourself up this is very important. And act like this. Imagine a person who deeply loves do they act upon you? Remember every detail. Now,do the same to yourself. It is a commitment. I really don't have to say anything more. Its a slow process. Your whole perspective has to change. So its not gonna happen overnight. Be patient.
  8. Are you insane? Lol I have been taking 1000 and its a hell of a lot. Lets imagine your 2000. Its double amount!!!!!! It cant hurt you but this is a lot of dosage
  9. Let's say find the inspiration_not the motivation. You should really be inspired for good things to happen. Motivation is something external that pushes you to do stuff. ☺ You're welcome.
  10. Im not giving back. I just described they way they should be feeling after.
  11. You should read about esther hicks
  12. Well, it seems that you are very good at finding very easily all the shit that are happening in your life. What about the good stuff? Why you have trained your mind to see all the "bad" ? I dont think there are bad stuff. I dont even believe that your problem is the lack of friendships. Find joy in life. Start with things that pleases you. Fill your mind with good positive thoughts. You made a list with a ton of restrictions. What makes you think that this will help you? These things where your distractions before and your comfort zone that served you from anxiety. Now you will experience anxiety attacks from so much restriction. We use distractions as a form of false relief, in the meantime our problems get bigger and our progress in life gets slower. Problems were there before,for you,and dont blame the games for your 'situation'. Do whatever makes you feel happy. Even the darkest times makes us grow. Even the laziest habbits makes us wiser. From the error,we learn.
  13. I have a different opinion. I believe we should enjoy life. We came here to enjoy everything. Try to remember that noone is responsible for our "suffering". First and foremost, do not blame the circumstances,the people around you or the "bad luck" you believe that you are having at the current moment. Try to make peace with where you are. This is the essense of happiness. Search for the positive aspects,write them down and talk about them all the time. Believe that they are there and feel them. Do something in order to feel relief and don't talk about the things that are bothering you. Good luck, Popi.
  14. Yes !!!!! Go for it. Tattoos are great reminders. Be sure before you have it. It must be something you TRULLY believe and the feeling it gives you when you read it loudly is very great and liberating. It must give you joy and not anxiety. Post a pic If you do it. Good luck
  15. My favourite quote which I have also as my wallpaper ??? "People will love you, People will hate you, And none of it will have anything to do with you" ❤❤❤❤❤❤????????????????????? on point!
  16. Hey!!!! What an interesting thread! I came back to reply. My opinion: This is not matter of girl or boy,man or woman,young or old. It has to do with connection Any type of connection. Your chemistry with the other person,the good timing,the experiences you both had at the past,your desires,your emotional intelligence,your understanding,and your abillity to love. Everything happens for a reason. If something goes the opposite way just let it be. If someone rejected you,let them be as they are,want what they want,accept them with their opinions and decisions,because what YOU've always wanted and will always want is relief. Someone to love you,accept you the way you are,understand you,be there for you,and doesnt judge you. All is for your well being and its all about your feelings. You want to feel good. You believe that If you have it,it will make you feel better. Well,you are searching love in all the wrong places. People cant give you what you already have inside. Stop searching the object of your attention to give love to. You are love. There will always be someone to love you and someone who doesnt. Your goal is to feel this love,and give love no matter the person/being. Give love to everyone. Everybody needs love. Start with yourself. Top priority. Then go to your animals which they are not judgemental beings and it would be easier for you. Then try with a person in need-and old man/woman with dementia for example (give them your love and see what happens,they are unconditional beings for the most part) give everyone love and dont expect to take back. Then love with find you. And it will be so good,and unexpected...almost you wont need it. Popi.
  17. I came back bitcheeeeeezzz! To smack yo asses!
  18. Thanks guys for everything. For those who helped and those who didnt. It was fun! I learnt some things! Time to leave. P.S. @Elton see ya on freeletics. Special thanks to @Namesarelabels. Which theres no point because I now saw you left the forum also. Bye --------------------
  19. Omg Leo that sounds veeery nerdy hahaahahahaHhHHH There is a child behind that man.
  20. A have an asshole instead of father. So opening a thread talking about him it does equals you do care a little. Its not bad. You cant change them even If you want to. Ignore it. You cant do sth If you havent money. Or be more positive and calm yourself. You cant fight his situation.
  21. It doesnt mean that you must be asshole just because u are pleaser or sth. Balance it bitch Theres no black and white only. Choose grey.
  22. 1.Oatmeal boiled with water+raisins+cinnamon. 2. A fruit smoothie (see fruit combination)
  23. @pixelwave well even though you say you dont need a relationship, I can see a connection between you and your needs. For that shy friend you were talking about...let me tell you. You can have long term relationships too. Its not that sth difficult to achieve,and you can have sex/kiss/or whatever including love. Love I think it has to do more with ourselves. So If you want to have a relationship you can have it. Untill you find a girl who wants the same. And attract this type
  24. @pixelwave yes I have. Have you seen in the movies where a woman or a man has already a relationship and then accidentaly meets a person for a job or is making a new friend or she/he meets a person on the streets and then they feel connected ?? Although one of them has already a relationship,both seem to have fun together. So then something changes and they find sth better than their own current relationship. And they are together. So because she has a relationship this doesnt mean it has to stop you. Or discourage you. Of course she has a relationship. Shes a happy and fulfilled person. But that doesnt mean that she can have better. So maybe this person is you.!!