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Everything posted by egoeimai

  1. Have you ever had depression? I think that those are "what's left" . I have the same issue.
  2. My queen! I❤U. Always.
  3. "Stop talking about the things that are bothering you so much" "If you knew your potential to feel good, you would ask no one to be different so that you can feel good." "You can get to where you want to be from wherever you are—but you must stop spending so much time noticing and talking about what you do not like about where you are" "That's how the scientists discover new science. They start out with a hypothesis--an idea--and then others believe enough in the idea that they make it true. You see?" "Rather than being so ready to jump into action to get the things that you want, we say think them into being; see them, visualize them, and expect them—and they will be." Esther Hicks. My queen,bitch! ??????❤
  4. "If something you want is slow to come to you, it can be for only one reason: You are spending more time focused upon its absence than you are about its presence" A.E.H
  5. @Evilwave Heddy Cockroaches. Spiders are not scary. All these animals are disgusting to me,not that Im afraid of them. Lol
  6. Lack of hope. If that happens to me, I will die. It never happened luckily. But I have also fears of elevators.
  7. @I_Like_Thing lolz Today I went to a metal gig and this guy looked like Leo's bald. Lol Check him out. He is 57 you know!!! He was awesome! Great night!
  8. @I_Like_Thing looool lmao omg
  9. @Toby Every man has a right to follow their desires. And it seems you hate women ? Its not their fault. You're responsible for your feelings and your thoughts. Noone can think your thoughts. This is true freedom. Pick the better ones.
  10. @Toby I was very unreceptive once, I was a total bitch to a guy , does that mean Im a bad person? No. Sometimes you're not ready,it doesn't feel right,it can't happen when the other asks you to. Its totally okay. I was unreceptive to a level that the guy was trying to approach me for years,and couldn't follow. Did I hurt him? Yes. Is that okay? Yes. He is fine now. We grow from error and trial. Its just our desire that doesnt match to others' and we get mad at them. Now this is not okay. If someone doesnt like you you should be fine with it.
  11. @DawnOfReality Im a girl,bro.
  12. Boy, you don't necessarily have to take sth from someone. I used to think that way. You are unique. We are whole. Thats it. She doesnt want what he wants? Its okay. Then accept it and its cool. There is no rejection tbh. But we mention this so we can be understood to each other. Its just all about desires. One desires sth different from someone else and that it. Freedom guys! And there isnt really a waste of time. Its just another term of human communication. We grow from every experience,especially bad ones. What If he was in a good relationship with her? Would it be "not waste of time? " Its all about perspective.
  13. This thing "I have to talk to you" maybe brings her anxiety. It sounds serious,I wouldn't recommend that. But now you're not just friends,you went it in a whole new level.And now you have to watch your words. And I dont mean 'dont be yourself', but I mean,you know, fear of rejection takes place,and you want your safety,so your words must be counted. I highly recommend to sit back and take it slow. I know you just said that you have a crush on her,but get your shit together.Everytime you talk to her rembember that 'you dont actually neex her dont need her in general' and let things flow. I think all relationships and trials to get what you want from the opposite sex,is something that brings out of you hard-pressed feelings. You know,you trying to be nice and cool and you sometimes pretend sth that you aren't, and its totally normal...but even tho you have a crush,you need to chill and let her show some interest. And If she doesnt thats okay. Maybe she doesnt trust you yet,or she is afraid of you,she maybe thinks u will hurt her. Who knows. You made your move. And now chill. Things will take their destination to what you want or not. One more thing. Dont ever do this again. Think about yourself "Im a strong man with little to zero needs. Even If she does reject I wont give a damn." Just dont say to her "with no pressure" Is she a queen or somethin? Doesnt she have flaws? Dont you ever mention this again. Its miserable. You're not a burden. I have a friends who acts the same. Not cool. Ok? Be confident. You don't need her.
  14. Jesus. This image about Jesus almost made me puke. This thing didnt even exist,how that could be ego-less love? Lol I just believe that unconditional Love is something that doesnt have to have necessarily an object of attention. It is unconditional too. The word its self explanatory. Conditional love is the opposite and its painful,only under some certain conditions,you cant deeply feel it because its nature is shallow Etc.
  15. The fact that she said that she doesnt want go be in a relationship, THIS means she saw it in you (that your intention was to be in a relationship/or that you're a type of person who aims for relationships and sth 'serious') which is good,that she felt that for you,because you know,most of the women want to be in a relationship. So you have a + in that from her. (Unless you asked her If she would like to be in relationship,and she said no. But you didnt claimed that,so I suppose it never happened) But you must know what you want,first things first,you must be clear for what you desire,TOO. To yourself and not in front of her necessarily. If you dont know what you want,or you are afraid admiting that you want just sex,it will not end well,for you amd for her. It will mess up with your mind,you will regret any action and it will leave you feeling uncomfortable with yourself. First,you must know what you want. Be clear. Be open. Do not be afraid. The fact that she didn't reject you its good,at that is because maybe later she will be into you Some people are a bit hesitant at first and then they give it all. So its a good start. But If I were you,her opinion doesnt matter If you dont know EXACTLY what you want. She can give and take,what she desires to give and take. But what about you? She will play her role,play yours!
  16. Looooolz. I used the site to recognize my age too,I found it interesting. It was inaccurate tho. It showed 22 and then 27. Hella funny.
  17. Lol lets just pretend I dont like light-blue eyes! Okay? They're only just a few. Lolz. It's past midnight Wtf Am I doing? Gtg
  18. I was on a similar path,once. I won't stay to analyze things,but feel free to send p.m. If you ever want 'advice' lol or you want to express your feelings anonymously ofc. (I have done it a lot in the past on this subject which called 'crush') Im only going to post here 1 quote that may lighten your way!
  19. Hey hey hey!!! Tell me how Can I make my own,please!!! P.s. its freaking funny how I came across to some VB which they had sexy women combined with Leo's baldness! I almost cried of laughter! Omg Im excited to make my own and post,for fun! --------------- I did it!!!!!!
  20. Hahaha and they lose all the time. Not wise,right? ?
  21. Although,I know that you are responsible for the way you feel,and not anyone else,but I dont know,sometimes you think others bring certain feelings out of you,when you meet their eyes! lolz