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Everything posted by egoeimai

  1. Filaraki ti jesus kai malakies hahahah Im kiddin. I dont know.
  3. Loool this was funny! Im the fat cheetah!
  4. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤??????????❤❤?????????????????????????????????
  5. ❤❤❤❤❤❤???????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  6. Thank u so much @Visitor
  7. Cant help but sitting. You can see because he doesnt move.
  8. @ashashlov Society at this point,only by judging is disgusting. Even more on appearances. Appearances have nothing absolutely nothing to do with the quality of a person and/or his level of happiness. Some people are very stupid.That's it. Im judging them,because they're judging how people dress and how the look in general,especially fat shaming. Lool. Trivial people.
  9. I wish I had a gay friend! I dont! But I have a male friend. And he is my bestie!
  10. It can happen. You need to trust this person and so the person needs to trust u too. It is the person,from all the other friends,that stands up! With which u spend a lot of time with! Damn my english! Better speak in greek. But you got it dude! Thats my opinion!
  11. @Visitor love that post. Can you give me some links or even more depth on this?
  12. I sure have the guts,although I dont like to go extreme as I usually do. Because going extreme will ruin the whole process and purpose.
  13. Yes my mum and dad had this treatment before. Dermatologist can remove them,burning the root with a tool,its totally safe. You may find a good doctor tho.
  14. I love it. Im waiting for summer to watch it again. Fuckin love it!
  15. No. At least I didnt associate it with this subject. Is it something that concerns you or it is just a statement?
  16. Noone can actually FAIL....In life noone can fail,only in their minds. Jacob can begin again,he can. And he must believe that he can. Noone is a failure. I have no stories to share. Even the most difficult lives people have experienced,somehow they get along with it in the end. Be positive!
  17. Easy. Done. Partially easy. And done. Who cares? Never cared. I have thought about it several times. Just staying in touch with nature. Nature is Love. What kind of detachment is that? Lol Super easy.Done. Easy. Done. Super easy. Done. Not easy. Not done. Easy. Not easy. It gets boring to be attached to self actualization and only working on that. Help others too,maybe volunteer. I would love it. But it would be super difficult in the beginning. You know the answers. Check Lisa Cairns on youtube. She helped me a ton. Someone here recommended this before. Such a great feeling! Such a freedom! So nice!
  18. I always get in the way,and try to support those that I care for the most,even in my family. But my opinion (and third's person opinion in each case) doesnt really matter,because Im not involved even when Im involving. I mean they may listen your opinion and respect it but in the end they will make whats best for them. So you better step back from the situation. If they think you are a coward,you cant change their opinions and it is about their problems,not yours. Your job is to stop caring about what they might have said behind yr back.
  19. Lol you guys are hilarious hahahah End of story,because the thread opener (loool opener,my english...I mean the proponent) just doesnt want to deal with all of this.Do not post anymore. End.
  20. What the FFFF? Who said that has to be romantic? Romance can only exist in literature. Human needs are human needs. If u cant share the bathroom u r screwed. Looool. Porn is the solution? Ok. Sad life.
  21. @Prabhaker looool this reply of yours ruined everything. It doesnt have to be "give it all" or "give nothing". Dude this is description/idea to an excessive degrew. Extreme at its best. Its so sad If people have this kind of relationship. Never meet each other,only randomly.