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Everything posted by egoeimai

  1. Haha not necessarily. I like all guys lol
  2. @Spinoza yes indeed they're cause of suffering . cause they're egodriven,their source is ego so they do cause suffering. But suffering is an illusion as well of course. ?
  3. I can relate to your experience as well. I get what r u trying to say, is a lack of interest in many materialistic things (u stop caring to reach to those things ,people see u as weirdo and u don't give a shit no more,its totally freedom) . The mind seeks pleasure in many things and when it comes to awakening,all these insights in the path,you kinda get what really matters,you kinda sense what its important or not. What exists what not. What u really are and what not. You can easily spot the ego games in your mind and you are aware of ego's shit,you know that's not you and that's why u lose interest cause ur focus of attention and interest is pointed elsewhere,deeper,not just what you've been told. So by searching for your own truth ,its expected to feel that way. I kind of felt like that and was scared because of this my ego responded "why tf am I doing with this? Trying to find answers threw me into the black hole ? What am I suppose to do now?" But in the end,this too shall pass for you,u wont feel like this forever,its just a phase in the path,just like I felt it and I think its worth a million times cause inner peace comes If u really figure it out. I mean you wont bite ego games ,if u can be aware of them and practice awareness and presence. But the interest in the path is necessary otherwise u won't do shit lol
  4. Super Amazing Amazeballz Thanks so much ❤ ✌
  5. u rule Lol
  6. response to thought patterns that are obnoxious: "Thank you ,I don't need you now, thank you for being here, I dont need u to be here atm"
  7. cause time is an illusion ,cause its a part of the dream called life aka illusion
  8. @Joseph Maynor coooooooooool! Thanxxxxx
  9. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
  10. wtf lmao @Ether u can only figure this out. Everyone has his limits .push through these limits
  11. I do that too. ? sleep is so important though. I love a good 8-9hour sleep .
  12. Hahahaha that was cool Choose first whichever is more harmful God bless ur efforts . With love u can cure everything.
  13. How many addictions do u have and to what ?
  14. hey beauties ?
  15. Omg u r hilarious
  16. Harsh honesty, okay. I don't see any mistakes from your part. Just to be clear w this. You did something u wanted to do or didnt (it doesnt matter)-(thats life-you live-you take action-sooo normal) ,but the after party is kinda what makes u suffer-that story you're telling now is what makes u feel how u feel , do not regret your actions, do not blame yourself about it, be kind to yourself, you did nothing wrong, you owe nothing to noone. Stay calm. Meditate. Now you can see more clearly the story, sometimes emotions get in the way and blur the picture. The guy has insecurities. Thats okay, but I can see that when he blames u thats kinda wrong , cause I know, when u love someone, u just fully accept him, and no matter how much u tried, he still feels insecure. And thats not your job to change. Now thats your part. You either decide to stay w this person and his insecurities or leave. You choose.
  17. Hahaha thats why it was a joke. @Prabhaker prabby !!! Glad to hear u again!!! How r u ?
  18. He came back to delete a few post of mine Lol kiddin
  19. I didnt know he hit you. Game over.
  20. Does ruth feel better after the advice you gave? ?