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Everything posted by knakoo

  1. I am on 4 months semen retention to help with my kundalini awakening. I can't really compare to before my kundalini awakening, but I think it helps a lot. You can actually do semen retention for years and still fuck! That is what tantra is in part about. You just have to learn non ejaculatory orgasms! Look at this great article to learn more about that:
  2. I am trying to understand your perspective but I am not sure I get it. Do you believe that a very hot girl can be extremely attracted and turned on by a below average looking guy ? And if you do, you mean it is a mental attraction with a physical response ? But not a pure physical attraction of a body being attracted by another body ?
  3. If the girl is super wet that's physical attraction no? Her body is responding in the same way if it's a rather ugly rockstar or a very good looking guy turning her on.
  4. So no woman has every been super wet in the presence of a rather ugly rockstar ?
  5. "...Charisma, personality. These have mostly nothing to do with physical attraction" haha! You do not understand female attraction (and I mean physical attraction) at all! These 2 are at the core of what makes a man attractive !! A grotesque looking men with balloon size beer guts can be very attractive to a woman if he is strongly masculine and charismatic. edit : Also Prestige, aka social status, is also at the core of what makes a man physically attractive. Social skills are basically indicators of social status.
  6. @Blackhawk Try semen retention for a few weeks or months. It will change your relationships with women and people in general and maybe change your perspective on this. And if you start approaching some girls as well that is even better ! Read this if you need some convincing on semen retention :
  7. Women are not "smarter" in this context, this is just biology. A man can be very attracted to woman that he considers less attractive than him. Like a "9 male" can be very attracted by a "7 female". The opposite is not true. Women seem to be attracted only to men they consider at least as attractive as them. Though a hot woman told me once that when she ovulates, she feels like she could sleep with anyone, so who knows !
  8. I said "I think Leo is overly focus on the content and not enough on the delivery". To be more precise I mean his state of consciousness and energy vibration when he delivers his content. Considering he spends a lot of time doing research to shoot each video, it would make sense to do a spiritual practice before shooting to reach a deep place of peace, love and gratitude. I have felt that from him in some videos. If he could be in that state in each video that would be great. I am going to look up Adyashanti !
  9. I think Leo is overly focus on the content and not enough on the delivery. When I listen or watch other "spiritual teachers" I get in a more peaceful and loving place. There is like an energy transmission happening. For me that is what matters the most.
  10. Depends what you mean by thoughts arising. Even consciously thinking something is form arising. But if you mean thoughts that just pop up in your mind then no, that's not really an egoless state. That would be a state of consciousness that transcends ego, so that there is a distance between the awareness and thoughts. So in that state it feels like a voice is talking in your head. But in a true egoless state, there are no thoughts that just pop up in your mind. Complete blissful silence. At least that is how I make the distinction from personal experience.
  11. I have read indeed that it was much stronger while fasting. Having done long water fast I can understand why ! Are you saying that from experience ? How many times stronger do you think it is ? @Intraplanetary Yeah 400-500ug seems way too much while fasting. You need to have tabs that you are sure of the strength (same batch), then take half the dosage of a strong trip when not fasting. In case you have a bad trip you can check this thread I made on the topic, could be helpful : Let us know how it goes ! I am very curious about the combo fasting + psychedelics.
  12. I will add, when you feel fear, focus on your body and you will feel some tension somewhere. Then love this part of you. If necessary you can think all the people you love and everything you are grateful for to feel more love. Then love the part of you that fears even more.
  13. You could take some adaptogen plants and supplements to be more relax and surrender more easily to whatever is going to happen. I recommend : L theanine bacopa reishi, maitake, shiitake ashwagandha Ashwagandha is probably the most powerful to help you relax if you have to choose one.
  14. Very interesting conversation. Really some smart people on this forum ! Can someone give me an exemple of Leo ever saying something like "thank you for the feedback, those are good points", or even better any comment suggesting that he is influenced in his views by the the feedback he is getting ? I am genially curious. I remember his message reconsidering his dating application thing, which I appreciated. Anything deeper than that ? I guess I am only seeing Leo the very confident (kind of arrogant) teacher, would like to see more of Leo the humble seeker.
  15. It is also ego to think you are god Any thought that pops into your mind is ego. Is thinking you are god really closer to the truth than thinking you are not god ? Is the ego being identified with the idea of being god not just as much delusion as being identified with the idea of being a human and individual ? It seems to me that being identified with the idea of being god will solidify the ego even more. In another comment you said : "Ego can understand that it is God. And in a sense that's correct. It is God. My ego knows it's God, but it doesn't become too narcissistic about it. You can think of it as an expanded ego. A trans-human ego." The ego doesn't even exist. It seems to me anything that the ego "knows" is intellectual and illusion. Any real knowledge is intuitive and comes from a deeper place. Some would say it comes from your soul or source itself. So if a part of you intuitively knows it is god, that is not your ego. Also the way I see it and expanded ego would be an ego with a very large circle of concern, with deep compassion for a large number of beings. Not exactly what I am sensing from you. Obviously acting humble is ego, but it seems to me, the more humble someone actually is, the less his or her ego is identified with form and therefore the closer it is from dissolving. So you could say the humbler someone is the closer he or she is from the truth. I remember you saying that a good way to evaluate a spiritual teacher is to feel how humble he or she is. I have felt this humbleness, this peace and grace in some of your videos. But in so many other videos and so many of your comments, I can feel your ego, and it is not even subtle! (could be in part projection) I am rather a noob in this whole spiritual process, so maybe I am not seeing the full picture, but I hope to feel this humbleness, peace and grace from you again. Until then, the content of your videos may be great, but the way it is delivered doesn't resonate with me. Another way to say it is that your energy vibration doesn't resonate with me. Like literally I start listening to one of your episode, because my mind is interested in what you have to say, but after some time I am just turned off. Finally I want to say you had a hugely beneficial impact on my life, mainly from motivating me to try psychedelics and especially 5 meo, but also from your content. So thank you.
  16. Yes I totally agree with you. It was a similar path for me. I would love to know what is the profile of that guy ! Can you share it with us or PM me please ?
  17. Leo's comment is good advice for you, but I want to say it's not the only way. "Basically the attitude you want to adopt when flirting with women is that you are the king/boss" I have done game for many years and used to think similarly, but for anyone on a spiritual path I hope you can get past that. It's possible to come from a deeply peaceful, loving and authentic place and still be polarising and attractive. Personally when my ego starts feeling like "the boss" relating to dating, I typically find it amusing and feel deep love for this part of me, then go back to peace. Following is a great post for anyone interested in a more healthy and less egoic way (in my opinion) to flirt and date : One thing I see a lot on this sub is questions about interest : "I want to know is she is interested", "I think she was interested but I couldn't escalate", "How to make that girl interested ?" and so on. I feel like addressing that, and would welcome any feedback or comments. Interest is mental. It's in your head, it's rational, it's in control. Excitement is in your body, you feel it inside you. It's a powerful force that you can't control. Imagine you're going to see a movie, one you tell yourself "oh I'm really interested to see that movie", and the other one "Oh I'm so excited to see that movie !". Do you feel the difference ? In your opinion, which one will you go for ? I had a discussion yesterday with one of my LTRs. She was telling me about this guy she had a date with. She told me "It went very well. I want to see him again but I'm afraid he will think there is seduction going on between us". I was surprised, and feeling bad for the poor guy, so I asked "well what makes you want to see him again if you don't want any seduction ?". And she told me he was very interesting, a fascinating person and discussion with him was smooth and intellectually stimulating. She would love to see him again. Obviously I told her he would probably like more than that and any guy I know after a date that went well would not be happy if the girl said "Hey I would love to see you again as friends". I asked her : "but what's different with me ?" (our relationship is still pretty recent, we had sex on the first date and we connect very well physically). And she said something along the lines of "I don't know. I'm just so excited when I see you. I never know what will happen, and when we see each other I feel like my brain just melts and my body takes the lead". I feel it's something that happens more and more often to me. I used to be all in my head, trying to show I was smart, funny, nice, interesting. I was focusing on looking good, demonstrate value, making money. And I didn't have nearly as much success as I do now. Now I have girls telling me that they have butterflies in their stomach when they think about me, that I'm always in their head. I just had a girl texting me three weeks after having sex telling me it was so profound that she made changes in her life and solved some long-lasting issues since then. So they talk about it to their friends, who obviously are very curious and interested when they meet me, and so on... So I never have to make an approach or use online dating, I just have an endless number of people wanting to meet me, interact with me, and eventually get into sensuality or sexuality with me, if excitement is there. So, how to generate excitement ? I think excitement goes in three steps : Connecting to your body Building a safe environment Being in the flow Step 1 : connecting to your body. First paradox, you can't generate excitement if you're looking for excitement. Why ? Because "looking for something" is already being in your head. Right now, reading that text, picturing how it would fit in your life, what plans you can do about it, it's all in your head. You're probably asking yourself "is this worth it to read that wall of text ?", "Is this guy bullshitting or is it really an effective method ?". It's all mental. What you need to look for is connecting to yourself. It's being inside yourself. Not only when you're with that girl, but all the time. Just noticing what goes inside you, without trying to change anything. When you have an emotion, observe how you feel. Don't rationalise, don't avoid it, just stay with it. Go for yoga, meditation, massages, anything that gets you a connection to your body and sensations. Hug deeply the people you meet, friends and family. Get used to eye contact, be at peace with your body and your nakedness (yes, by that I mean being naked in front of people). Dance, move, let your body decide what is right for it. Danse in the streets, take care of your posture, take time to close your eyes and feel your breathing. Observe the little things around you like the wind in the trees, like children having fun. When you're with a girl you like, shortcut your thoughts into your body. If you hear a voice telling you "oh my god, I wonder if she wants me to go for the kiss ?", focus on your breathing and sensations. If you tell yourself "oh shit I don't know what to say, she must be bored right now", just breath and put your consciousness in your body. You're there right here and right now. You're perfect the way you are at this exact moment. Life is an experience, you can sit inside of you and enjoy, look at the movie that goes in front of you, and be present with any emotion or sensation. Step 2 : Building a safe environment You know what is preventing most girls to be in their body during interactions ? A perception of danger. During a first date, most guys will be stuck in their head trying to get laid, while most girls will be stuck in their head trying to protect themselves from getting in a situation they don't want. Anxiety is the number one excitement-killer. It's the best way to not be in your body and even to dissociate (it's when you get completely disconnected from your body because the sensations are too difficult to handle. It's very important you know this so you can identify it and prevent it in yourself and the person you're with). Number one safety-builder is consent. Basically the girl should feel at any point that she can decide what she wants and nothing is forced on her. There is no pression, no expectation other than for her to choose what she wants. It's especially true in the first steps of the interaction when there is still a bit of tension. Asking "can I touch your hand ?" instead of touching it directly will reassure her. Maybe she will be surprised, telling you "well of course you can, you don't have to ask !", but deep down she can rest a bit a be a bit more in her body. Ask for questions that have yes / no answers. Like "do you want us to go to my place ?" and not "Where do you want to go ?". If she hesitates, diffuse the tension "Ok, I feel that's a maybe, so maybe we can take it as a no right now and see if that changes at some point". Just let her know that she can take her time to decide, and that anything that is not an enthusiastic yes is a no. That's what safety is. Final tip for consent, the "thank you for you no" method. Whenever you hear someone declining your proposition, look at her in the eyes and say from your heart "thank you for your no". Why ? Because saying no is hard. Many girls are afraid to say no to guys because they don't want to hurt their feeling, they don't them to be frustrated, they don't want to argue. By saying that you put value on her being able to say what is right for her and affirming her boundaries. That's also great for you because you don't want anyone to do something with you they don't want to do, right ? I can't overstate how powerful it is and how I have seen some girls completely drop all their mental barriers after hearing that. Of course you have to really mean it, if you ask again 3 minutes later or if you show frustration, it doesn't do any good Another way to build safety is to have emotional and vulnerable discussion. The question "how do you feel ?" (and NOT "are you okay ?") is your best friend. You can ask it at any moment about anything. Go deep, don't stay on the surface. Learn to be vulnerable. Vulnerability is the most attractive trait in a human being. Scientific experiences have been made that show that we connect through our vulnerabilities (look at "the power of vulnerability" Ted Talk if you haven't already). The more you'll be able to talk about your emotions, your fears, your struggles, your emotional wounds, even your relationship to your parents, the more quickly you will build a deep sense of connection and security. Whatever is shared, especially if that's something emotional, welcome it and don't judge it. Listen attentively, and thank her for being herself in front of you. Most people never hear a thanks for just opening to someone, but that's very courageous. Be willing to show who you are, even the parts you struggle to love, and be open to welcome fully that person. I need to precise something : you're not trying to please her. If you try to please her and agree with everything she says because you fear she will not like you, you will end up in the "boring zone" (which is the real name of the friend zone, being friends is great, being boring is not). Be honest and don't try to be liked, just try to integrate that person into your world, to make her feel at home in the interaction with you. Like she would with someone she has known for a long time and feel intimate with. Step 3 : being in the flow Ok so now you're able to connect to your body at will and are not intruded by self-judging thoughts. The beautiful person in front of you is completely secure and ready to abandon herself to her sensations. So what should you do ? Nothing. There is nothing that should do. Don't try to impress her, don't try to "demonstrate value", don't try to escalate, and don't try to have sex. Instead, allow yourself to be who you are. What do you feel like doing ? Express what goes trough you. Be vulnerable, be authentic. If you feel awkward, say it, the other person probably feels it too. If you are afraid, share it ! If you want to touch her, ask for it. You want to be with her in a more intimate place ? Propose. You don't have anything to say ? Just contemplate the silence. You feel good ? Just say "I feel good when I'm with you". Smile if you feel like smiling, let spontaneity express itself through you (but don't ask yourself to be spontaneous !), be present and follow your intuition. Being with the flow means not resisting to anything that life trows at you. She is expressing some negativity ? Don't consider it as a "shit test", it's just the expression of some insecurity. Take care of it. Be caring with everyone, but do not care about anything. Caring about someone is being present for that person, it's being deeply committed to make the experience as truthful and meaningful as possible. Caring about something is taking things personally, it's taking a no as a rejection, it's trying to make the person like you, it's putting expectations on what should happen. When you're in the flow, you never know what will happen. This is something that I hear all the time "wow, I didn't expect us to have sex / to spend the full day together / to feel something so intense / to have so much fun". Why ? Because I didn't intend for any of those things to happen. I just tried to be present in the moment, listening to my desires and acting on them without expecting anything from the other person. Fulfilment doesn't come from reaching objectives that only generates more objectives. Fulfilment comes from loving the experience no matter what happens and feeling gratitude for being alive right here and right now. Here are a few words I would advise to get rid of because they all put your power on external forces. You're better off without them : Shit test : No one is testing you. You're yourself, there is nothing to test about that. Some reactions can generate anxiety inside you, and it's fine. Accept it as any emotion, smile, and stay connected to yourself. Being rejected : you can't be rejected. You're a complete human being, nobody has the power to reject you. But they can decline your propositions. Start conversations with a closed question : "can I talk to you for a minute ?", "Can I sit with you ?". If you hear a no, just say "thank you for your no" and move on. Cockblock : You can't be cockblocked if you're in the flow. The situation can change, people can interact, but it's not about you. A few days ago I was about to have a threesome when one of the girls' roommate got in the apartment in tears because of a break-up and we spent the evening giving her emotional support. Was I "cockblocked" ? No, I just adapted, took the change of situation as an opportunity to bring support to someone and made a deeper connection with three people. Use the word "opportunity" instead, it will change your mindset. Physical type, as in "I'm not her physical type" : There is no physical type. Attraction is not about putting people into boxes. When a girl is attracted to you, she is not having a checklist of things you have and don't have, giving you a grade and then telling herself "hey, that's good enough for me". That's just mental bullshit. Attraction is about what you feel, what goes in your body. No matter how you look, you can still connect with anyone. You can build excitement, you can have a meaningful moment with no expectation. League, as is "she's out of my league". There is no league. The most attractive guy I know is very average-looking. He's just magnetic, because he loves himself, he connects to his body, he builds the most amazing sense of safety and he is so much in the flow it's like he's synched to the other person. When he listens to you, it's like nobody has ever listened to you before. When he touches you, it's exactly the way you want to be touched. And there is never any pression to go forward or to do anything that is not right for you. The only important thing about appearance is that you love being in that body and you take care of it. The more you practice being in the present moment, the easier it gets. After a while you'll realise that the girls you find the most attractive are also the ones that you connect with the most intensely. Why ? Because once you're not in your head, you will see beauty as something authentic and personal, not "this girl is pretty because she has nice make-up and good symmetry". You will go for physical features that appeal to you, that make sense to you. And your intuitive mind knows what is right for you. It was a bit longer than expected, I hope it will help some of you. I can assure you that once you get into that authentic and mindful connection, seduction becomes like a dance. You let your mind go and deeply connect to yourself and the other person. You will see girls having a huge smile whenever they see you, you will have much better sex whenever you want and you will feel love and gratitude in your body and can share that feeling with the world. I wish you all a wonderful journey.
  18. Considering that @Leo Gura teachings strongly emphasise the importance of understanding, I think this video is an interesting other perspective. It resonates more with me, but I am curious to know if someone can point the ways in which this perspective is limited. In this video Sadhguru talks about the potential path to awakening through the intellect as being an option only for a very tiny minority. So I wonder if leo's teachings are appropriate for a large audience. Also following is my favorite video of Anna Brown. It was helpful for me the way she frames the ego has just added commentary. Much love
  19. I have the impression that at some point, I guess it's when there isn't a center to consciousness anymore, there isn't a separate self that wants anything, just life happening.
  20. I am going through a kundalini awakening so I am very curious, what is piti ?
  21. @Leo Gura I am curious, you are conscious that you are god but you still have an ego. How can your ego not identify to some degree to being god, and therefore solidify itself. Like don't you ever have thoughts pop up like "I am god" "I am everything" "I understand the universe totally" "I have been infinitely conscious"... ?
  22. Compass Pathways raised Hundred of millions of dollars (146 m$ in recent IPO) to develop psilocybin therapies. Can someone explain to me what will be the benefits for them to raise so much money ? Running clinical trials is that expensive ? How does a company in the psychedelic sector will be able to have and keep an edge on the competition ? What is the barrier to entry ? Is it all about being first and building a brand ? They have a patent for their "psilocybin formulation", COMP360. Is that different from other synthesised psilocybin ? Cheaper to produce maybe ? Because in the end you can't patent psilocybin, can you ? Do you expect these companies will create amazing new psychedelics in the future ?
  23. Following is an interesting article about potential issues with the company :
  24. @Leo Gura Don't you already have plenty of high quality girls who take the initiative of contacting you, considering your position ? It seems natural for a hot and confident woman who is really into your content to do that.