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Everything posted by Nulik

  1. When I start a project I'm usually incredibly inspired, I can work on it all the day long without rest. Sometimes I even sleep only 4 hours a day because the project wakes me up. But after a month or two, the inspiration goes away and it becomes more difficult to complete the goal. In one of Leo's videos he mentioned that such inspiration can be endless, but how do you do it? I suspect you have to focus your mind on your project again, but what thoughts do you have to think ? What do you have to imagine in your brain so you automatically, not by discipline but by genuine desire throw away all the other stuff and start working on your project again?
  2. Hi, my life purpose is to make 5 million USD cash by 2020. Is this too selfish ? Will I achieve it if I think this way? Of course, I am not going to just print this money out of nowhere , I will achieve it through hard work and offering useful services to other people by doing what I love to do, which is many different things. So, my doubt is, if my life purpose is has some flaw in it. I wouldn't say it is a goal, it would be purpose, because once I achieve it , I wouldn't do anything substantial in my life anymore.
  3. I disagree. I have clear idea of what I want and it is being financially independent. That's why I need the 5M. And after that I have no other goals. My life purpose would be enjoy life by living for myself , my friends and family , if this qualifies as a life purpose of course.
  4. Thank you guys for the comments, I really appreciate it. Just to complement the answer on selfishness of the life purpose, I just read the Success Principles 10th anniversary of Jack Canfield and he clearly states that life purpose has to be selfish and only when you fulfill your own interest, you will will succeed. So, I guess the level of success you will achieve will be measured of how much selfishness of other people will you fulfill with your own goal. Obviously making 5M for myself doesn't sounds of interest for others. But I do have passions and I am going to make this money by doing what I love to do.
  5. You are saying, the only difference between a goal and a life purpose is the length of the period? Sounds logical. I think you are making a good point. Then I have 2 life purposes, first make the money, and then relax and live a good life.
  6. Those who exploit others don't earn large amounts of money usually. For big success you need to lead many other people and they aren't going to go behind you unless you offer something good in return. Making money is the result of helping others, i.e. the opposite of exploitation.
  7. I have got his 67 steps. I listened to the first 8 so far, just had not time to finish all of them yet. The impression that his material gives me is that he didn't prepare well enough before recording it. Kind of like he woke up and said "lets talk about XYZ" , kind of like telling you "Hey pal, with my high status I don't have time to make the best content ever for you, but it is cheap". Leo's free videos are much deeper. But despite that Tai is more superficial than Leo I believe you must listen to Tai too. See, every guru out there has it's own focus and he will talk about what hurts him most. Tai is also more practical than Leo, he will talk you about ROI , and many stuff about business. Tai has also read a lot of books and he is a walking encyclopedia, so you definitely can learn a lot from him. You just have to be smart enough to identify what is good and what you want to keep and what is not. That easy.
  8. You can calculate this number of those who fail, it is very easy. I don't have it, but I did this math many years ago. The short answer is : about 90% of people fail. Now , long answer: I don't know what your domain is, but mine is business, so I measure the results by the amount of net worth. So , I found this number, of how many millionaires there were in the world, then I divided it by the number of people in the world. I got the result : 1 out of 400 people becomes millionaire. It is means 99.75% of the people fail. This is in my domain. But not everyone pursues the goal of becoming millionaire, so this number gets lower. I would estimate that successful people are only 5% of the population, however some reliable statistics are required.
  9. This is my personal opinion, but I believe being aware that you are procrastinating is not enough. You have to study on the subject. Or more, precisely, start reading about procrastination random internet content, about 30 min a day. I am sure this will help a lot. See, it is like brain washing yourself. Your brain gets dirty and you have to clean it and reading about it is a way to do it. If ISIS can brainwash people to kill themselves brainwashing procrastination out of your mind is a piece of cake.