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About Lindyfairy

  • Rank
  • Birthday March 7

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  • Location
    The Netherlands
  • Gender
  1. "" You can help people step back from their daily routine and explore their own deepest motivations in so many ways other than psychology or life coaching."" What Piotr said. SO TRUE. I wasgoing to say the exact samething. Just keep on exploring and you will find many many ways in which you can motivate and coach people.
  2. What exactly is "Fail"? Not making millions, not finding happiness? I think taking a step into the unknown is stepping out of your comfortzone which is an automatic WIN in my opinion. Sure people fail, they dont achieve what they set out to do, they give up or try again, and those who keep trying are the ones we hear about. The others just...give up. No real story there. But YAY for stepping out of your comfort zone.
  3. Life is a journey, from the second we are born. When I was 3 years old I started having panic attacks, Maybe even earlier but I don't remember anything before that. When I was 12 I started treatment for anxciety and depression. I am one of the rare people born with depression and anxciety issues and for years I didn't understand it or know how to handle it. Going through a very traumatic move from one country to another when I was 15 sure didn't help either and by the time I was 19 I had a burn out. I was done. I was finished I didn't try suicide or anything like that but a part of me did die then. I was done living with disfunction and I got serious help. I had to train my body and brain to become "normal". So in my early 20s I got really into self help and spiritualism (removed from all religions and dogma) I felt like a 80 year old, an old soul compared to my peers, but now I am 36 and I realise that there is SOO much that I do not know about being enlightend. You can never know, you can not even begin to imagine how cast the world of thinking really is. Two years ago I made a huge change by ACCEPTING who I am completely and totally. Faults and all. I dont care what people think of me, I am FREE. I still take meds for depression bbecause of the chemicals going on or lack of going on, in my brain but I feel amazing. I discoverd Leos video 6 months ago and I agree with so much of what he has to say. In the last year and a half I have started my own bussiness, gotten my health checked out, started being more aware.... My goals for the coming three months are to focus more on my physical body, and losing some weight, about 10 kilos. I sometimes feel as if my body isn't connected to ME if that makes sense. I want to LOVE my body. I want to deepend my relationship with other people. I want to inspire and motivate others who go through depression and anxciety, I want to empower young kids to be themselves!! I want to start living more outside of my head, be intouch with what is around me, and travel a bit and just generally get my daily life routine sorted out. My goals for the coming week are *Start doing pilates every day!!! *Tell people I love them more often. Really listen and to not judge. *I work with young kids and if I can just make a difference in one little girls life, and to make her feel STRONG I will be happy. *Make some to do lists (laundry, admin, house chorse ect) and GET THEM DONE instead of sitting in dirty washing for 2 months because I am too self absorbed in my own little world. Be more AWARE of what is around me. In the Now. EVeryone has different goals and mine might seem small but if you have been depressed, like me, you know that sometimes getting into the shower is an achievment. START SMALL and build it up. Baby steps, create new habits every day by making small changes!!