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Everything posted by Truthority

  1. What could be more fun than that? I mean this whole forum and internet and technology and the world itself is the devil's playground. Leo, i thought we already went through this.
  2. Truth is that which is. Right here in this very moment. No need to make it anything more than that. Debate over. Love is a dog from hell. - Bukowski
  3. Exactly. And to stop complaining and bitching and moaning and whining that the world is wrong because it's not the way you like it to be.
  4. @Joseph Maynor I agree with your mentality 100%. It's time to stop relying on doctors and government officials to fix your life. They won't. They never will. Who wins the next election in USA has zero relevance on your life. The whole idea of health care is a scam and takes all the power away from you. You are basically bending over and saying rape me world. You are the doctor. You are the government. You are the president. You are THE WORLD. You are culture. You are society. I also think Leo's video series on politics is a complete waste of time. I gave up after part 1. You are making 4 hour videos raving about political nonsense yet you are not willing to have a single conversation with anyone who might disagree with you. I mean seriously? You call that politics? I suggest you all get back to your lives and stop distracting yourself with this garbage. We have much bigger fish to fry. Become the example. Talk is cheap. These conversations are completely fucking pointless. shits and giggles
  5. I wouldn't mind at all if most of the idiots in this world destroy each other. Just don't destroy the planet please. I don't follow any news so even this thread was the first I heard of this. I honestly don't care at all. It's all entertainment. Tragicomedy. And not really even that entertaining. I prefer watching Formula 1 racing. Sex, violence, death, taxes, insanity, drama, tragedy, etc. Same old story. Nothing's changed. All the world's a stage like Shakespeare said. next And before you get your panties all twirled up, we have had these issues here in Funland too. I also live 30 minutes away from the Russian border so there's always that lunatic to worry about. The madness doesn't stop. And things are not really much better in scandinavia. Southern sweden is pretty much middle east these days. Multiculturalism will never work because culture itself is a dead end. We need to get beyond these stupid mind games and let love rule. There is no other solution.
  6. Maybe it's better to let others be the judge of that. A public dialogue can be part of your work. It will test it's rigidity much more than you care to admit. And expose weaknesses which it seems you are quite afraid of. It doesn't have to be often but this is just as important as any retreat or trip. Well if you do the math, that's thousands of people globablly. That's enough to fill a theatre. Again, not sure why you are so preoccupied with this. You are worried that not enough people will listen to you? But that could also be an invitation for you to go deeper so you connect with people on a level where it is no longer just about you but about something greater than that. And if it backfires, you will learn from it. People who are interested in what you have to say. Or even people who disagree with you. I'm sure many fascinating conversations could be had with people from all levels and backgrounds. This is what we need more of. Man up. Let them ask whatever they want. Or take it as a challenge to show people what you got and give them a chance. Or be curious and playful so you learn from others more. A little humility wouldn't hurt. Long talks are getting pretty popular these days. Your videos are quite long too so this is not a problem for you. There are lectures on youtube that are 6-7 hours long. And podcasts can go up to 3-4 hours. Or make it a live event. The gatekeepers are gone. You can do a lot with the different formats available. Your life is not about you. Wasn't that the whole message of Conversations With God? Forget about yourself. Maybe it's time to step out of the shadows. I think it will push you more than anything else. You said it yourself, doing these videos every week year after year is kind of starting to get stale. Time for a new challenge? Videos on youtube are not straight to your face. They are just videos on the internet. There's a huge difference there. And you can still do both. But straight to your face is getting out there and leaving the house. Again, you can do both. Don't underestimate the value of gaining input and inspiration from people who are smarter than you and more experienced. You are not the only one at this and if you think you are, you are deluding yourself. Surround yourself with the best of the best. Otherwise you are just preaching to the choir and probably a bunch of confused teenagers who need to get laid. ***** That said, you are still young so taking the time to develop yourself quietly and focusing on your work is not entirely unreasonable. And sharing some advice and helping your followers is a nice little public service on your part for newbies. I just hope you sort out your fears regarding exposing yourself because that's what it sounds like to me more than what you say. And after all, we are just each other's alter egos right?
  7. 1) What is your exact process of arriving at conclusions to the questions presented? How do you verify the reliability of such claims? 2) How can you test the validity of further extrapolations made based on the above? What is your error correction mechanism? 3) Are your views on love and truth and god falsifiable? Do your claims withhold the highest levels of intellectual scrutiny? Is that necessary for you? Do you welcome it? 4) Where does conscilience fit into your system of thinking (or whatever you want to call it)? 5) Is there a better way to attain knowledge of the the world around us and within than using the scientific method? Is direct subjective experience truly outside the scope of the western-reductionist-materialist paradigm? If so, how can we explain things rationally if we are questioning the method itself? 6) How is it possible to have a thought about non-thought and claim that there is a world beyond thought? (metacognition) You know, basic shit. It also seems that you are not actively engaging in any form of public feedback outside your community, no interviews, no debates, no dialogue, no podcasts. Why?
  8. I don't know any. Making a killing is different than becoming an icon or creating great work that lives forever. Genius is pain. And it's okay to go through different phases. Climb up the mountain. Enjoy the view. Come back down. Tell the others.
  9. You can become a... * big fish in a small pond * small fish in a big pond * big fish in a big pond * small fish in a small pond Or just become the pond. Depends on where you are. You go into the mountains to get enlightened, walk the lonely path and see the breathtaking views when you get to the top. Eventually you come back down to tell the others.
  10. Spiritual practise twice per day for 60-90mins is enough. Work your way up to this starting with 5mins sun salutations + 5mins sitting meditation on cushion focus on breath and "i am", increase by 1 min every week first month, then 2 minutes every month. WIthin one year you will be much further than the guy who starts eagerly with 1 hour meditations for a month and then gives up because he thinks it's pointless, doesn't have the talent for it or shiny object syndrome. Same time, every single day (sundays off). This is very important. Decide to do it at 7am/7pm every day and make it like clockwork. Or right after you wake up + before dinner. Or something like that. And not just meditation but other purification practises as well (this is where the western vipassana guys will mislead you, thinking meditation is all you need): * asanas * pranayama * chanting * mantra * devotion * psychedelics (not too often) And study the masters. The consitency is the most important thing. Things will start changing and shifting. Talk to everyone you know about this until they think you have gone mad because you will and it is part of it. Wacky-funny mad, not walking-around-naked-smirring-shit-on-the-wall-mad Kriya Yoga or AYP is the most effective.
  11. zen is pretty useless if you wanna get high on your own supply look into yogani, his methods are very effective great book on truth: Theory of Everything by Jed Mckenna great book on love: Everything Is Here To Help You by Matt Kahn these books need to mate and have a baby but books are like drugs, fun while they last eventually you have to jump in the water and swim
  12. mushrooms are also good if you plan to be social and for some reason the only psychedelic that enhances motor skills (anecdotal claim)
  13. someone asked yogananda if they should go to the caves in himalayas to meditate yogananda said your closet will do just fine That said, Finland i mean Funland is a great place because everything is pretty god damned perfect here especially the clean air and water and trees and lack of people and santa claus of course and his dumb reindeer blocking the roads sure people are a bit grumpy and alcoholic and love to complain and cheat and pretend but besides that... it's just lovely especially winter, nothing like a good dark blizzard
  14. why questions are an endless mindfuck into infinity that is one option sure but most likely it will drive you bonkers you are always left with another why... reason behind a reason... the god of gods... remember, consciousness is infinite so there is not end to it at least that's how it seems to be what/who will ground you into the seat of the soul so it is important to establish that first then you can fly off into space and into the stars at that point it might be a good idea to plug some dmt and breathe in that sweet ass prana
  15. it seems pretty much all homes are religious in today's world even if not explicitly judeo christian muslim just the way people think and believe all kinds of nonsense headline info just to feel safe and comforted and distracted the church has been replaced with shopping malls and football stadiums jesus has been replaced with oprah and ed sheeran even science lovers (and practitioners) can be so dogmatic and hostile it's kind of scary ultimately nothing has changed much except the gadgets it seems that being a very social extroverted person would be quite problematic if one is into such things as spirituality, creativity, art, business, etc becoming a lone wolf is pretty much essential if you want to succeed in this world you gotta love your own mind and live a more interesting life than any movie and turn on the charm when necessary leaders create out of nothing for the sake of the process itself followers obey and consume because otherwise they would go mad side note: that new show HBO Euphoria is pretty cool really bold film making and shows what adolescents are probably really going through and how lost they are how fucking brutal this world can be identity games and pressures to chase this sick hollywood porn love the search for external happiness
  16. All language and words bleed into the great ocean of experience so no need to get too caught up in silly definitions. Go deeper, into the sounds of words and the rhythm. Eventually you get to the source and all life becomes this great symphony. Every emotion and mood and dream and action is part of the show. All art is an exploration of that. You are my god and I am yours. Thank you
  17. all internet is just entertainment it is a distraction like drugs and movies and sex we are all here for fun like a big club with cool lights and dancing We are all each other's alter ego. Truth is the only authority. Right here. This. Now. You staring at this screen. The Experience. That is the way.
  18. a better question is who or what why implies too many assumptions that can't be accessed without first getting to source of who/what you are
  19. At the end of the day we can only evaluate the quality of each other’s poetry. The path itself is the great equalizer. Everything else is just an endless pissing contest. Drugs can help you gave a good time. They are great for inspiration. Nothing wrong with that. But they are not the real thing. The Boredom Wall of Death awaits. It's that gate where your ego identifications and attachments are no longer permitted to enter past this point. You know what's waiting and what's coming. All words and conversations and mind games are a convenient way to avoid the inevitable.
  20. False trichotomy. Time to drop it. The guru is within. - Yogani
  21. Talent is for amateurs. Do the work, fall in love with the process. That is the path of the master. It is not wise to compare yourself to Picasso if you want to paint. You can read all the books on swimming but until you jump in the water, you will never know what it feels like. Drugs are just another experience. Remember, there are no ordinary moments. If you think there are shortcuts, you are deluding yourself. This is all a distraction. Get back to work. Your old friend boredom is waiting for you with open legs. Get your face in there. Go to town on that bush. Those who talk, don’t know. Those who know, don’t talk. - Tao Te Ching
  22. Interesting but just remember that they are both completely powerless when it comes to your own development. What caused you to switch teams? But that doesn't mean IQ is a good determinant of intelligence overall. Would you rather date a 160 iq sociapath who is overweight or a 90 iq kind woman with a classic figure? Think about what this question entails and the false presumptions of your own reasoning. Agreed. Well said! It might be wise to learn to disagree with more kindness and understanding. And perhaps appreciate ideas you do not like a little more. This would be a cool plot twist (wink wink script writers). Increase that love dial That said, this thread is hilarious and highly entertaining. It’s like breaking bad. Y’all are doing such a good job. Loving the drama, can’t wait to see what happens next. Sex scene?
  23. And those who lead with love don’t need to be president of any nation state. They already rule the world with their existence and life work. Depends on your perspective and level. Don't assume that spiritual growth is non-threatening to one's expectations. Then stop arguing. You bring this up too much. Appeal to authority. Remember... Beautiful. “Our life has to be our message.” - Thich Nhat Hanh