Human searching

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  1. Aurum, thank you so much for your advice It feels good knowing you're not alone with such problem...
  2. Hi everybody! I'm 19 and I've got a problem with determination of my future life. Like... real problem. Within 2 last years my interests are changing too fast and every time too cardinally (from learning languages to maths, from economics to writing, from programming to physics and history, etc). And yet there's no field in which I would be any successful. I really have no idea what to do with myself... I feel ready to give all of me to the idea... the special one. I could work for years and do it effectively if only I would know: "This is what I believe in". If you're familiar with this problem I would appreciate sharing some advice. Maybe it's ok for this thing to happen with 19 years old guy? But still it feels like I'm loosing my time and energy not moving anywhere. Thanks for your attention! P.S. Pardon me for mistakes in the text - not native speaker Peace!