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Everything posted by Naviy

  1. Well, briefly speaking, based on my 1 year of practicing NoFap: 1) You have much more energy and motivation and you can very clearly experience it. 2) You feel more brave and confident in social interactions, especially with the opposite sex. 3) Overall you feel happier and more optimistic. You feel less lazy. It is easier to get out of comfort zone. You feel more social. You feel less vulnerable. It motivates you to be active and even start new activities (because you are full of life energy). And also, without porn, you feel much "cleaner" and healthier mentally. You feel like you are becoming free from an addiction and you are proud of yourself. Also the view how you see women changes - you respect them more. On longer periods of practice you feel that you are not desperate for sex and that what you really want is love, trust and you feel that you deserve it and capable of achieving it (again, because you have so much energy). They have a website and community on Reddit.
  2. I've been interested in lucid dreaming for some period of time. There is a guy - Mikhail Raduga, who invented, as they say, a very effective program which helps you to "get into a lucid dream" ("The Phase" as he calls it). And also, there is a community around his books and techniques ("aing" from "astralonauting" lol), but it is in Russian mostly. Some people reported that they successfully cured their phobias or psychological problems by creating some particular scenarios in their lucid dreams and experiencing them as real. They also say, that you can achieve a super high level of realism in a lucid dream. For example, if you are in a lucid dream and imagine yourself in space, you will be overwhelmed by this experience. So, yes, this is interesting. I wonder, what if you create a lucid dream scenario, where you are "enlightened", for example Or where you are extremely confident (I've heard someone tried to cure their fear of public speaking by doing lucid dreaming), etc. (I've read all this information on their "aing" website and forum - I don't want to post a direct link, plus, again, it is in Russian, but you can easily google it).
  3. I've been studying on enlightenment and I've been practicing for several years now. A couple of years ago I was doing an Adyashanti guided meditation. There was a moment, when he said to look at the body, look at the thoughts, look at the emotions. I realized that "I was not them". And then he said "look at your beliefs - you are not them" and also something like "you cannot be what you see". And in this moment I have experienced something interesting. I 100% clearly realized that the only thing that "I" can do - is to be. I cannot see "I". I cannot find "I". I cannot lose "I". I cannot experience "I". I - can only be. It is literally the only thing "I" is capable of doing - to be. It also cannot be something. And it cannot "not to be". I = to be. There is no choice or alternatives. "Not to be" is not possible. Actually, I've mostly forgotten that experience. I do not think that this was some kind of "1 second enlightenment". Just wanted to share something I find interesting...
  4. +1 I've been studying about Psychedelics on the Internet casually for about 5 years now (communities, forums, videos, articles). I am especially interested in DMT (Ayahuasca, etc.). I am very curious how Psychedelics are connected with spiritual enlightenment (I've never tried any of Psychedelics or narcotic drugs before). I am also planning to go to Peru some day and try Ayahuasca there with shamans
  5. Your Results: “The Architect” (INTJ-T) - Analyst - Constant Improvement