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About Naviy

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    Moscow, Russia
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  1. Try the app called Seven. Quick workouts all below 10 minutes, but can be intense. Easy to start and better than nothing, works for me.
  2. Happy Birthday and thank you
  3. Does anybody know if Sputnik-V is safe? It's the only one available for me.
  4. Speaking of indie games, check out Loop Hero
  5. Hey Azote, how are you doing these days?
  6. Tried it, but feels way too complicated for me. I'll stick to OneNote for now.
  7. Do not trust your mind. But observe it's mechanisms mindfully. Openmindedness. Radical Honesty. Also, Life Purpose Course (thank you, Leo, I'm developing my Life Purpose project for a couple of years now and it made my life inspiring)
  8. I want to learn more about therapy and counseling for my Life Purpose project. So I found this book about what they call Metacognitive Therapy. It's basically Mindfulness, but in a more materialistic language. Quite detailed explanations about how to develop a more mindful approach to your thoughts and beliefs. Many things are similar to what Leo used to talk about. There are a lot of interesting techniques too. I wish more therapists and psychologists would understand Mindfulness on deeper levels.
  9. Yes, this I understand. But to me it seemed that Leo mentioned "every hair on a body" as if every hair on my body actually exists not as a thought, or a vague feeling. This is why I'm asking. If only direct experience exists, but there is no "every single hair" in my direct experience. But still he mentions every single hair. As well as other galaxies, aliens, humans, etc.
  10. I understand that to be aware/imagine means to create or to design. But why do we say that, for example, I (as God) designed every tree on this planet, if the only thing that I am actually aware is just a vague thought/vision about "all the trees on the planet"? When Leo mentions every hair on a body or, let's say, every tree on planet, what does he mean by those hair and trees? Does he mean just thoughts about those things or something more? Or maybe he actually, in direct experience, became aware of every atom in every Universe so now he can confirm that every hair on body actually exists in God's mind, but not in human mind, and because right now I am too much a human mind, I can only be aware of "vague thoughts" about hair and trees? But if I could look through God's eyes, then in my direct experience I would have been aware of "every atom in every Universe" so to speak?
  11. @Leo Gura This is what I'm trying to understand: 1) It is often mentioned that I create the Universe, the Moon and every creature and object and every hair on my body, and infinite amount of forms etc. While at the same time you say that: 2) "When you are aware of it, you create it" So something exists ONLY if I am aware of it? Did I create an alien in some other Galaxy? But I am not aware of the alien or any Galaxies. I am only aware of a thought about an alien. Which means that the alien exists only as this particular thought? But why then mention other creatures, objects, planets, humans and everything else that I am not aware of and say that I created them?
  12. @Leo Gura how is it that I designed every hair on my body if I am not aware of my every hair? Did I design something that I am not aware of in current direct experience?