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Everything posted by Michael569
It's unlikely that their price: earnings ratio will be what it was anytime soon. The investors clearly saw how overrated their stock was and the bubble burst. If you got some leftover cash lying around and want to go for it for the thrill of it, sure why not? But there is always risk in investing in a single company that you don't have when you invest in a fund where individual performance tends to balance out among the index corporations. Otherwise if you wanna play slow and strategic game, nothing beats standard index fund investing with regular monthly contributions. The Tesla case has been repeated over and over across years by many other companies, tech giants and industrial Corps going back to 60s but if one thing is clear is that the index funds have always shaken off radical drops where many companies haven't.
I think what you're describing is sort of a curse of being competent enough that you can organise your life so effectively that working on your life purpose every day is no longer a luxury or a possibility but it becomes a reality. So the rules of usual 9-5 work/life don't apply to you anymore because you have to master your own time and at the end of a day there is nobody there to give you a pat on the back and say "good job today". No boss to celebrate success with and no promotion to be secured. Its just you against you and every day feels like a drag even you are probably achieving more than 80% of your peers clocking at 9-5 job. Tho it may feel like the opposite. What the LP course doesn't fully tell you, I feel, is how miserable working on your LP often is The results are amazing and those moments when you feel like its working and you are on a path towards something greater than yourself is the best feeling ever but the hours and hours and hours of manual grudging work that nobody praises or rewards you for is frustrating and disheartening. I've experienced that more than enough time where I should feel achievement at the end of the day but all there is , is a feeling of incomplete void. Somebody raised a thread about the misery of pursuing the path of self help optimiser and this is basically it. You become so competent that it takes a lot of imagination for someone to actually appreciate what you've achieved. (often including yourself). Not to mention you yourself have to create a system of tracking achievements and milestones otherwise you'll go crazy with feeling of inefficiency. But the opposite is a mid life crisis so savage that some people actually ponder taking their own life. Fathers who have an epiphany in the midst of their 50s realising they have pissed away their most productive years in some corporate job, had kids too early, pushed their dreams aside and no longer have time or energy or mental vigor to go back to school and get re-educated. That sort of misery will outweight any grudging work you put into your LP today by a magnitude of ten thousand. So its suffer now or suffer later but if you are conscientious enough that time will come ad that is as guaranteed as the next day's sun coming on the horizons. So you are on the right path, just need to fine-tune day to day operations. On a practical note, it also sounds like you're simply not giving yourself break and instead are whipping to achieve performance. Could you share a little bit more detail on how your day to day routine looks like from morning to evening? How do you measure progress in your work? How often do you take time to reflect on past period? Do you have a mentor or someone to help you create a structure or navigate path forward? When was the last time you've taken a holiday? How do you celebrate success albeit a small one?
I smell chat GPT all the way to the English channel
This is hard to generalise as different people may have different requirement. Compare a 17-year old teenager who is growing at a rate of 6 centimetres a year who also attends a basketball practice 10 times a week plus leads an active social life with a 52 year old dad who spends 9 hours a day sitting in the office does not exercise and drives car to work. You're looking at a difference of up to 1500 calories of energy requirements easily. But averaging it out using something like a gaussian curve of normal distribution, 80% of people will be somewhere along the average. Meaning average activty, average lifestyle, average amount of deviations (e.g. sunday hike, or saturday bike trip with kids). And so for those, using something like recommended caloric values are actually pretty darn useful and accurate. The remaining 20% may need to do some additional adjustments. But if we were to move away from this completely because it feels hyperrational and needing too much micromanagement, the other option is to use your intuition and observe your body signals losing hair prematurely or graying hair - might need to eat more (but also could be unrelated to diet) losing weight unintentionally - might need to eat more (or an ongoing complication) gaining weight unintentionally - might need to eat less or ongoing health complication like hypothyroidism often constipated - need more fibre, eating too much processed food and processed meat bad skin, too flaky, dry, eczemas - might need to eat more wholefoods and more protein, more healthy fats, less crap low energy - might need to eat more unprocessed food overall or might need to eat more food overall need to sleep after lunch - need to eat more wholefoods and less processed stuff to balance postprandial insulin spikes poor exercise recovery - low protein / low calories not gaining muscle despite training - more protein or more calories total problematic teeth - more wholefoods, less sugar (or poor dental hygiene) Also, all of the above could be completely unrelated to food in some cases or could be completely related to food as well so important to step away from observing just one symptoms and look at the full picture. Not sure if that helps
yeah that's it. Completely forgot the diagnosis name. , exactly. I initially panicked that I had vitiligo but it was reassuring that it was just a skin infection. I didn't experience any of the dryness or itchiness. It was just worrying. I don't think about it anymore, there's just 3 small spots left Interesting stuff. Vitamin D in general has positive effects in autoimmunity but I'm surprised to see that remission was achieved by some of those participants. It would still be interesting to be sure which one it is but good to hear that you've put it into remission.
Its not necessarily that levels will go up to much but that received in high doses at once, vitamin D can be hepatotoxic (cause damage to liver). More in people who have a pre-existing condition but also in healthy individuals. It also works with your parathyroid hormone and helps balance out the amount of calcium that's being absorbed and removed from the body so interfering with that balance for too long could lead to hypercalcaemia which in itself isn't great. You can imagine what having too much calcium floating around the body will do to your soft tissues (arterial calcification deposits, excessive calcium passing through kidneys increasing stone formation etc). Yeah 10K feels too high as a maintenance dose. Vitamin D - Health Professional Fact Sheet I'd check your levels and if you are already on a good level then maintenance 2K or a gentle push for even higher with 5k seems like a reasonable strategy. If you are very low then 10K for some time is probably a valid, just check it monthly. if you want to go super geeky, you could also run a genetic test for VDR and some of the other relevant polymorphisms (if existing) to fine tune even further but for most people this might not be necessary. I've run a genetic test on myself years ago and my VDR is actually working overtime so my levels tend to go up fairly quickly and I found that taking seasonal 2000 IU about 3 months a year keeps me at lower 90s (nmol/L) throughout. However I eat tons of UV irradiated mushrooms, live in part of UK that has decent amount of sun and am a bit freak about getting enough sunshine since my balcony gets hit directly so I'm like a sunflower catching every sunshine I can get tanning in my shorts on balcony in January @Norbert Somogyi btw really interesting insight about that vitiligo. I am just curious, are you sure this is vitiligo or could it be a fungal infection targetting your melanin cells. I am asking because I have 3 small spots on the top of my neck and they appear with each year's tan and fade as I lose tan. I got it tested and they said there was a small fungal infection that attacked the destroyed the melanin cells so those areas no longer tan. I had more but most of those naturally healed and they are no longer visible. So as we are now in the middle of "no-tan" season, those spots may have simply disappeared? Vitiligo tends to form around fingers and face the most and likewise tends to be more apparent during tan season. A GP can run a skin antibody test to assess whether this is an infection or autoimmunity/.
Sounds interesting, I can definitely imagine adding these sorts of microworkorkouts being great for circulation and cognition. On the other hand, It might not be sustainable for most people. Taking 10 pistol squats in an office environment every hour will give you more than a few curious looks, maybe even an invitation to a meeting with HR or your office manager. Fine for home workers Also you wanna make sure you diversify those exercises as pistol squats in particular are really heavy on the entire musculoskeletal apparatus around the knee and pelvic joints especially if the form is anything less than perfect. So do allow time for recovery for individual muscle groups to reduce risk of injury and overtrain. You don't want to tear a knee ligament and be off exercise for 8-16 months. Either way, give it a go for a week @integral then report back to us
Vitamin D is interesting because the evidence shows it is better to maintain it high over a long period of time than hyperdosing irregularly. Especially for all cause mortality it seems particularly powerful. It is one where almost a yearly blood check up is a good idea just to keep your levels optimised. Not just immunity but brain health as well. The evidence on lower risk of dementia in older adults who kept their levels moderate across life is really interesting. There is some speculative data that it has antioxidant function in the brain and can accelerate activation of microglia (immune cells protecting neurons) Getting to 85-95 nmo/L seems to be almost the ideal for long term health. Important to get there slowly and carefully rather than taking toxic doses. So yeah, get those levels optimised 🫵🏻
What units, do you know?
hell yeah! Love the supportive community. @integral great message although I see you once again injected a healthy dose of drama
The volume of your ejaculate is not all sperm, that's only about 10%, the rest being various fluids, enzymes, bulbourethral fluid etc . You'd have to test to assess the sperm count in a lab test. But still, interesting observation with the beet. Curious if you continue seeing effects of that. It would theoretically make sense but I'm surprised that it works so effectively. always the one for drama
Sounds like you have an integrity clash with some parts of the practices that you don't believe in and some parts that you do and so teaching it all is clashing with your values. Could you modernise the way you teach Qigong? Say , getting rid of some of the old traditional elements like the organ healing bit and opening the practice more to people who are stage Orange and Stage Blue (where most of the world's money sits) Could it be like its with the western yoga that most people looking for yoga don't necessarily care about all the woo woo elements like chanting and channeling breaths into chakras. Most people want to stretch their bodies and get a bit of a workout. Perhaps there is a way to revolutionise Qigong to be more that? Maybe you could approach small businesses with something like that to offer short classes for their employees in exchange for a retainer of, say 20 sessions for $2000 dollars or $5000 if you strike the right company. I used to work in a corpo that had yoga teacher come in few times a week, I bet she was earning crazy money. A lot of businesses are pushing "back to the office" model and facing employee pushback so they are looking for incentives and new benefits. Perhaps you could insert yourself into that model somehow. I'm also considering somethign of that sort with my practice to boost sales and be able to leave 9-5 so I can 100% focus on this. Sometimes things need to evolve. I myself have gone through a bit of an evolution in my practice. I started my nutrition company as a men's health practice and it didn't work and I knew it for years until I changed it. I recreated it to be more inclusive, I started changing how I talk to people, the way I write, worked on tone & voice, worked on branding. It isn't perfect but I've definitely had more interest from the market. I greatly struggle with social media as well, I think its an introvert thing or like seeing social media as a fun park for ego which can be deterring. At the same time maybe you focus too much on what others are doing and that's causing you pain. Maybe what you need to do is let go of old ways and modernise? And maybe the trajectory needs to change entirely. You're just 30, you are still young and have probably 60 years ahead of you. Plenty of time to figure stuff out
you know, academia is not the only way. Why not try a private sector? What exactly is the area of work you're looking in? Like ESG? Or is it more a conservation work? Yeah I can understand how this environment would be appealing. The standard of 9-5s has shifted over last decade and many jobs are now like this, that the managers allow more freedom to their direct reports. I think you'd be able to find such a job again you've hit the nail on the head. Frankly its a common topic I see on this forum. Trying to armchair-philosophise one's way out of existential issues like unemployment and being a mess. And it doesn't work. Sometimes a massive action is needed and we seem to be trying to somehow bypass that. And I am with you, you can totally get corrupted by those institutions but just being aware of that and how that can affect you, gives you a great immunity. So you can be employed by an institution, do the work they tell you, get the money from them, yet become completely resilient to the internal corruption, backstabbing and the shenanigans. And you can still use this time to try to figure things out for yourself. Not just "not that useful", it is extremely counterproductive. You'll have to be judge of that. PhD requires needing to teach, research and write but in exchange you get better pay, safe spot at the university, access to excellent resources and once you have the title in an industry that values academic prowess, your career will greatly benefit from it.
@Anastas Sia maybe the amount of freedom is the problem although i can see how saying that can be seen as invasive. I'm 34 but back when I was 18-22 i couldn't get away with 10th of the stuff kids get away with these days. I suppose to some extend the system has not changed while the students have. Its equally possible that the system itself needs to be updated to a newer model , whatever that means. I appreciate that would take a decade if not more. In the meantime you guys should probably discuss other options your partner has without sacrificing their integrity.
@AION did you ask GPT to write this whole thing up Judging by this ↓ All in all, lot of current AI tools are not original. There are only a handful of players on the market who have developed a truly generative model. Majority of companies using AI are just powered by one of the big ones and have spent some time training it to work for them. That being said for information , learning and creative work, premium GPT (whatever the latest version is) is absolutely indredible. Midjourney is a beast for design of images. Open AI's tool for that are crap at the moment. haven't found anything else that comes even remotely close to Modjourney. It has an entire learning tool that you need to spend tens of hours training and once you do, you unleash the true potential of the Model. I am intrigued by what Notion's AI (powered by Open AI & Claude) could do but not quite convinced it adds the value just yet.
Perhaps your partner should consider whether his/her career would benefit from some form of upgrade so that he/she can work with people who want to be there and want to learn rather than bunch of teenagers who don't care. You can't teach someone who doesn't want to be taught. I feel sorry for all the teachers who are trapped in that sort of system.
Sounds like it would be shame to let all of this great work be unused. That is , unless you feel that it no longer calls you. Don't assume that carving your own path will mean being free from all this. If anything, going solo requires even more structure and even more commitment because you no longer have a boss to check up on your progress. The criticism bit you may be more protected from but there is value in exposing yourself to a massive amount of feedback such as through mentoring or some sort of training. Definitely possible. In your industry you can probably choose to work in the field rather than in the office. I can't really say what that means but I imagine in sustainability there is quite a bit of ground work that needs to be done. Meeting farmers, the growers, ensuring standards are being met, doing routine inspections, taking to stakeholders involved in whatever the supply chain consists of etc etc. But also important to distinguish between the escapist type of travelling and productive travelling. Yeah, it can. But getting an accreditation from an established organisation can strenghten your value on the market. I think you're asking difficult questions that none of us can give you. Almost as if you are avoiding the work it takes to figure this out yourself. It may need months of self reflection but important that you don't outsource this process or you'll end up in a place that you don't want. Alternative to that is to take a small bet, embark on an experimental project and see how you like it. That's how I started my business. I went through a few smaller projects before finding the path I resonated with the most. Over time your path may morph and change but if you don't give yourself the opportunity to go with the flow, you'll end up with "what if" which is one of the worst regrets of an aging person who no longer has the energy and capacity to do what a younger version of him/her could have (should have) done.
2 out of those 3 were regarding a recently banned mod who went rogue. Sometimes people's circuitry snaps and they go haywire, that's what happened to NSS only that it was probably building up for a long time. I'm sure deep down he's a chill dude just seems to have some anger built up. Hope he'll get it sorted. Being a mod is not easy because mods are human and humans can be prone to errors in judgement this is not a paid job, all mods do this in their free time although it sometimes feels like a part time job lot of people have a terrible self reflection, are easily offended, can't take constructive criticism and think the world revolves around them. you guys don't appreciate examples of good modding which happen everywhere around you in this place because all of that flies under a radar of someone who is fixed on only seeing the bad stuff and the negatives. Without the mod team, this place would soon turn into spam market of shit posting, bots, adds and nonsense because that's what happens in an unpoliced online community of any kind. . So it takes a lot to keep that down. Some chronic problem users almost have a fetish for stirring drama and it takes hours and hours of modding work to get all of that under control not to mention scouting out all their profiles, getting evidence etc. Knowing the current mods fairly closely, they are a hardworking bunch with right values and strong integrity but also busy personal lives. There are lots of discussions among mods because they always want to do things right so they don't just go around slapping penalties to people. There is always a lot of consideration and fine tuning, again stuff you guys don't see. So cut the team some slack and stop raising ridiculous threads such as these, especially by someone who has a history of really nasty posting footprint Special shoutout to @Sincerity and @UnbornTao who really go above and beyond but also the other guys too
Sounds like your life is already on track and you've optimised many different variables for success. But overall, It really depends on what has the highest intrinsic value to you and what aligns most with your inner compass. Do you plan to have a family and as an extension of that, buy a house? If so, would you have a support from a family or would you solely have to self fund? That would impact your need for cash in the future. Some of that money should be saved as cash on checking account and portion of it should be earning you more in the future. Cash on checking account should be substantial enough so that if you lost all income, got ill or a disaster struck, you could maintain your lifestyle for a year. Some of it on short term fixed funds with annual guaranteed interest (if you prefer to play it safe). Some of it in a few long term index funds, this portion should be untouchable regardless of how the market is doing. Small amount (if you desire) for a speculative endeavours to satisfy the need for thrill (if that's your thing 🙂) Earning 40k from a LP 40k in your 30s is already a great success and it would be worthy investing into it so that it could become your sole focus and give you the liberty to manage your own time. In the Book , Psychology of Money, Morgan argues that the highest value of money is to purchase freedom over your own time, so think maybe what that would mean for you. Which things bog you down and which liberate you. But none of us are financial advisors so always be cautious with your major financial decisions. P.S oh and yeah, go travel a bit or at least take a break so you don't burn out 😉
@Jannes fair enough. Seems like you caught my comment before I removed it I reconsidered as it seemed like your mind was made up. But yes, a microwave that can also grill, bake and all the other things is a different story. Maybe for your lifestyle it would work the best indeed
Way too expensive. You can steam using a strainer over pot with boiling water. Use the lid to cover, the results are usually pretty good. For that price you can have an actual Instapot with the air fry lid that can steam too , plus the budget would also fit a food processor and a blender combo and a casserole pot and a weekly shopping in Aldi
There is sometimes value in it. You wouldn't usually expect someone to track nonstop. It is usually a short term awareness activity through which you can: show consistent nutritional inadequacies (not getting enough zinc, calcium, iron protein etc) and then using these apps you can prepare a nutrition plan that enhances that by choosing, for example, iron rich foods etc. assess portion sizes and portion control for people who need that (anorexia, diabetes, obesity, elderly people, children, people prepping for competitions, athletes understand a potential cause of health problems - like if someone complains about chronic fatigue and then you find out that they eat 500 calories below what they need - you can show it to them. help someone who is transitioning their diet (e.g. going to vegan, keto) make sure their new diet isn't suboptimal Also lot of people drastically under or overestimate how much they eat. So there is tons of practical value but I agree that long term for a healthy person it adds more unecessary complexity to life. I find it is a nice self calibration to do it every now and then.
Cal might work for very simple recipes where the ingredients are easily distinguishable and the model can roughly estimate portion sizes in scale to one another. Imagine something like a steak with roasted potatoes. It would average out the usual steak values and the same for potatoes. Now give it something like a fancy one pot dish made out of 15 ingredients and it'll have no idea without you prompting it further, which could work if you don't mind doing that. It'll also under or overstimate oils, sodium, water etc. I still find good old cronometer.com to work almost the best, even at a free plan the app is incredible. And if you tend to eat, say, the same 10 meals over around, you can create those and then have it calculate proportionally. So like if you have your favourite chillic-con-carne, you'll feed him all ingredients and then with each portion you'll literally do -> My Recipes -> Chilli-Con-Carne - 15% portion (of total).
This is an actual coach messaging you? Holy crap, some professionals talk to their clients like this? 😲