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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. Functional medicine is a great concept in my opinion. Although some of their concepts are not in accordance with the latest research, generally they are a good bridge between the scientific and the natural. I also specialise in men's health including fatigue and cellular health, you can check my website and testimonials in the signature below. Other than that naturopaths can offer great support, not sure where you are based, but they may be around. For something like parasitic cleanse, herbalist could be a good way for you as well. But I guess, the first step should be check-in in with your doctor and getting all the tests you can. Start there and if nothing helps, go private. Whatever journey you take,I wish you the best of luck and success !!
  2. We used to have a gatekeeper for who got the microphone before social media. It was good and bad. It was bad because it silenced voices we needed to hear. It was good because it kept microphone away from people who wanted to tear things down - Seth Godin Of all the chimpary in this world, TicToc is the worst. It gives an illusion of importance and an illusion od audience to people who have absolutely nothing to contribute to society. It destroys the value of those who have something to say over those who simply yell because they want to say something. When I was in Cornwall last year browsing a book store, a lady came in telling her friend on phone that her video was seen by 30,000 people. She was excited, empowered, felt important. Her use of language betrayed her very quickly. Words such as "influencer", "important", "rich", "deserves better" sounded multiple times from her mouth until it turned out she did not even know how to pay with a credit card upon which her reaction was "fok et meit" and she left the store without saying a word leaving the cashier somewhat upset and confused. To this day, this is a great reminder, at least to me personally, the danger and the illusions this social networks present.
  3. Always go for the box with the most fibre and the least added sugar, ideally go for No Sugar but beware of hidden sneaky poisons such as (fructose syrup, corn syrup etc). The less unnatural ingredients the better. Also, avoid something that has cheap oils like sunflower or palm. Not sure how many options there are in your shop but another option is to make it yourself. I used to do that. I mixed a bunch of oats, nuts, seeds, chopped apples, peanut butter, cocoa and some home-made apple juice to stick it all together and then heated that mass in the oven on medium heat. Otherwise, you have no control over what's in there. Post a few pics if you try it
  4. @Striving for more Look into the mirror and say "I love you for all your mistakes, you are perfect as you are!" Repeat 20 times 3 times a day. You need to start practising some self-love brother.
  5. A short feedback on @seeking_brilliance's work. Those of you looking to strengthen your connection to your Life Purpose, I'd encourage you to look into this recording. I found it very useful. Just make sure your goals are really strong and not something wishy-washy (I made that mistake)
  6. Your friends need to take control of her/his diet with the top priority. If they are type 2 Diabetic, reversal is possible, with Type 1 that's a bit more challenging and reversal is probably not possible. Hydration is important but it won't heal them.
  7. @Preety_India temporarily high sugar levels will eventually be processed by your body releasing more insulin, nothing to worry about there. More water will increase the volume of your blood but also increase urine output so I'd say as long as you are hydrated enough, there is no added benefit to drinking more, you'll just end up peeing every 20 minutes However, if the question was "chronically high blood sugar" as in being prediabetic, that is something to be aware of and to put maximum effort to bring down.
  8. Welcome @andyjohnsonman, @Moksha!!!! Lovely to see reinforcements to the team
  9. @Preety_India Water does not have calories nor does it require any digestion or insulin release so in that sense probably no. On the other hand, there is something to the old saying that hunger is just thirst in hiding because sometimes drinking can temporarily suppress hunger or sugar cravings so on that end it may indeed have some effect albeit temporary
  10. Any foods containing high levels of Tryptophan or Tyrosine in higher amounts. You can find large lists on google. Some herbs that work well: lavender, lemon balm, valerian, chamomile, passiflora all can usually be found as a tea. I'd say in India there has to be large variety of amazing herbs that never made it to the West, I'd check with some reputable local herbalists
  11. @fridjonk better ? now throw a bunch of blueberries in that oatmeal will ya? And a few nuts?? (Totally not hijacking your journal ?)
  12. No experience with the herb but great way for sugar cravings is to keep your blood sugar balanced with combining complex carbohydrates with good quality proteins. So avoiding things like white potatoes and pasta. For example a meal such as pasta with tomato sauce is a metabolitc disaster or something like macn cheese. Go for wholegrains with some legumes and lots of vegetables.So for example brown rise risotto with chickpeas, mushrooms, lots of vegetables and some seeds. That sort of stuff. Also making sure you start your day with good quality breakfast made of some complex carbs , good fats (nuts, seeeds) some fruit, berries and a little bit of some blood sugar balancing spice such as cinnamon or nutmeg. Anyway long story short sugar cravings are caused by foods that mess up your blood sugar balance wo always look out for adding more plants and good quality carbs. Hope that helps ?
  13. @Daniel2752 grass fed won't make it omega 3 rich unless there are things like flax added to the feed which is not common also you have to consider heating oxidises omegas and renders them useless lipid peroxides. I'm not a fan of keto for many reasons and i guess I'll leave my response at that ?
  14. @datamonster well spotted, i wasn't looking at p-values gotta admit yeah you want to get below 0.05 otherwise the odds of result being down to coincidence are higher. For me personally the increased inflammatory markers are a big deal. Atherosclerosis takes 40 years to build up. You may be looking fab on the outside while a disaster is building up inside ?‍♂️
  15. @Daniel2752 @andyjohnsonman the question is , what is clean keto? Is it eating fried steak 4 times a week and smearing it in butter because Eric Berg says it's good?
  16. Histamin Intolerance is something I call "postponing diagnosis" it is what they give you when nothing else makes sense. What it could really mean is increased gut permeability (maybe read on that) or also low-degree mitochondrial damage either from the parasite or simply from some years of stress. But generally hard to say. Best to work with a specialist in your area
  17. Might be, if you ae experiencing a lot of stress & tension your muscles can get locked by that as well and that will cause headache but from my experience a lot of psychological distress can be caused by certain things missing in the diet so definitely address this on all fronts Good luck!
  18. Generally you want to eat food that requires little processing and that does need more energy to digest than it gives you (such as steaks). I'd say getting as close to plant-based diet as possible and then not eating more than 3 times a day to preserve energy. But definitely observe what works for you, diet is always individual would be interested to see any of those studies, from what I gathered so far, doing keto over 12 months can actually be quite detrimental as it raises inflammatory markers all over the body
  19. @seeking_brilliance thank you so much! I will do this towards evening as my day slows down and chills a bit. I will send you a feedback via DM tomorrow Looking forward to testing it out.
  20. Have you had this assessed?
  21. Wow, what a generous offer. I would be interesting to practice visualising my goal & thing I'd like to achieve in my business (clinical) practice a little bit more. Been trying to make this a consistent habit but I usually failed. Or just generally visualising one's goals that are part of their Life Purpose. Thank You <3
  22. Ok so you asked for a roast yourself so here it goes ADD...MORE...VEGGIES...BRO