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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. bad bad bad bad !! Talcum powder is a carcinogen. Johnson & Johnson had to pay few billions to women around the world for having their product linked to ovarian cancer. Maybe you don't have ovaries as a guy but I wouldn't touch this stuff...ever. The solution is not to use deodorants but to adjust your skin microbiome. Get a natural essential oil soap without chemicals and only use that to wash your armpits, you need to adjust your microbiome in this region and after some time the nasty smell will be practical gone. The more you use deodorants the worse it is because they are like antibiotics for your skin microflora. And if you afterwards still need to use some, buy a rock salt or something of that sort.
  2. a little @ertopolice inositol is actually really good for PCOS. There are two types. Myo-Inositol and chiro-inositol. So get the one that is cheaper as there isn't really much difference in efficacy at least from what I've read. Other things you may try with PCOS: * Regular exercise to improve your insulin sensitivity and blood sugar (This is absolutely key in PCOS) especially strength bearing and a lot of lower body stuff like biking, running, squats, etc * do not skip meals, do not follow fad diets and do not intermittent fast. Definitely start your day with good breakfast * do your best to eat a LOT of fibre - that means a lot of vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains * add brassica vegetables (cruciferous vegetables) they are exceptional to help you detoxify excess oestrogens * flax seeds may be helpful as well, lignans have great phytoestrogenic effect * if you have digestive problems definitely find someone to help you fix those as that could be a big factor here * get your diet as close to 100% plant-based as possible * remove as many oils as possible (cold pressed olive oil is fine) and as much sugar (fruits are fine) as possible * caffeine can also be problematic. Feel free to DM me if you'd like to discuss. @soos_mite_ah may be able to share a bit more, she has a lot of post on this, check out her journal.
  3. That would depend on your overall health but bear in mind that those tests are not free so the doctor won't request anything unless you have specific symptoms
  4. Take care Hopefully see you around later this year.
  5. This is a great info! Basically you want to hit 3 levels of Omega 3 Family. From the top-to-bottom these are: 1. ALA/Alpha-Linolenic Acid (not to be confused with Alpha-Lipoic Acid, an endogenous antioxidant) You can find ALA in flax-seeds, lineseeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, lineseed oil and walnuts. Generally, ALA is easy to get just add 2tbsp of ground flax seeds to your breakfast every day. If you grind them in advance, store them in freezer, up to 3 months 2. EPA / Eicosapentaenoic Acid - Slightly harder to get on a vegan diet. You can find it in linseed oil and if you consume enough ALA sources and are otherwise healthy and have great insulin sensitivity you can convert that ALA to enough EPA. 3. DHA/Docosahexaenoic Acid - This is the hardest to get if you are vegan and want to avoid supplements. There are no natural vegan sources of DHA. Algae Supplements are the only way to get this or if you consume sufficient amounts of cold-pressed lineseed oil maybe.....maybe. What harms conversion from ALA to EPA and DHA gender (males convert around 8% while women up to 20%) sugar alcohol zinc, B-vitamin and magnesium deficiency inflammation stress certain diseases excess Omega 6s in the diet other things (can't think of anything else from the top of my head) genetic polymorphisms of certain genes such as FAD or DI5D (and other)
  6. @fridjonk you are jogging in world's cleanest environment bro, you are not entitled to comment ?
  7. If jogging is not an option, buy a skipping rope, a pair of 1kg dumbbells and TRX and you don't need a gym. Then perform 60 minute workout divided into 10 min warmup 10 minute rope skipping 20 minute shadow boxing 20 minute TRX training You can find videos on all on Youtube Good luck!
  8. What is the point of this thread? What are you not addressing @Ibgdrgnxxv ? Please try to raise higher-quality topics or at least be more specific in your statements so that they can be addressed.
  9. Not in those amounts. I assume that's a soy protein powder which is not the best thing in the world (tofu is preferable) but I wouldn't worry about it. If you ate a bunch of raw beans, you could end up with extremely severe lectin poisoning due to high PHA content, I totally agree with the harmful effect of those in that sense. But this is well-known information and no company will sell you product that contains raw legumes. I assume these in the pasta have been boiled, dried, ground & powdered by which time 99.99% of the PHA is gone. For example, it takes only about 10 minutes of cooking to destroy the majority of the PHA in kidney beans. And then if all of that failed, I assume you will cook them for at least another 10 minutes, maybe even more as non-wheat pasta generally requires more time. SO we are looking at 5+ stages of processing. Yah Steven Gundry's production is a joke, he vilifies most of the plant food and promotes a palaeolithic diet while we, to this day, have no data that paleo diets are safe in the long term. If legumes were toxic and killing people we would have known that long ago considering that majority of Indians survive on legumes and have survived for probably a couple thousand years. A large portion of south-Americans are living on them and I know in Eastern Europe certain strains of legumes have been grown for at least half a millennia because it has been the protein source of the poor. These antinutrients are a modern invention to sell you garbage supplements that "protect you" from them. It is based on very little scientific evidence. I took a deeper dive some time ago, into things like Oxalates, lectins, phytates, goitrogens, lignans, phytoestrogens etc and to this day am to find one that is toxic for humans in rational amounts.
  10. @mmKay haha true! There is a brand here called Very Lazy selling prechopped garlic, ginger and onions in jars. They seem to be doing well.
  11. @fridjonk Sweet! Explore are also in UK, good brand with a great variety of wholegrain pasta. About time we stop seeing only trashy white pastas on the market My only complaint is that they can be expensive as f in some places
  12. You could decide to create a more Green type of company by alleviating people's fear. What does anyone going to buy in this market fear of? Shady real-estate salesmen that are trying to fill their pockets by charging you ridiculous imaginary fees. Could you create a company that does not do this or does it transparently? If so, I would buy from you rather than anybody else if I was to buy a house, rent a flat etc.
  13. Mushrooms are not particularly nootropic. They do have a really decent immunomodulatory (e.g. allergies, asthma, autoimmunity) and mild adaptogenic effect but I don't think much research has been done on neuroplasticity (doesn't mean there is no effect). But if I was to point at one, I'd say Lion's Mane does seem to have some emerging data that it can help people with dementia or Alzheimer's so there is something happening there . The things is that we don't have standardised doses. We know roughly how much beta-glucans 100g of dried shitake have but we have no idea how much a person weighting XYZ kilos needs to invoke a particular therapeutic effect. Could be that the dose in capsules needs to be 10 times larger, I look forward to seeing this area of research emerging but so far there isn't much besides a bunch of petri-dish studies that can hardly be translated into real world effect. Also, many companies selling this stuff are growing it somewhere in a warehouse on hay stock so you are just buying overpriced polysaccharides. Mushrooms need to be grown in humid foresty areas on particular types of trees or rotting trea trunks. If you want to look at what some of the best mushroom companies are doing, look up Hiffas Da Terra in UK, I took their course couple years ago, they are one of few genuine and high-quality brands in Eu Add some cocoa and a little bit of honey (unless you have ethical conflict with honey in which case use maple syrup). Or just hold your nose while you drink it. Nature's best medicines are usually gross when eaten on their own.
  14. Seems you like your life is missing a deeper spark that would ignite your motivation & energy levels? What do you like to do? What are you here to do? What's your passion? Even while working as a taxi driver, there is time to put some effort into what matters to you the most.
  15. That's about right Try something like whole grains (buckwheat, oat, millet, or some of the other gluten-free ones) in a form of porridge. Very slowly absorbable, high fibre and lot of slowly releasing energy. These are also quite cheap so you can purchase them in bulk
  16. @LfcCharlie4 thanks Charlie I will be doing lot of that this year
  17. Thank You! I think this is the greatest problem at the moment. I've got basics from Seth Godin and Russel Branson but those ain't good enough. Got any books in particular that you personally found most helpful?
  18. @Leo Gura do you have any advice/recomms for those who are trying to bring value to the world but the returns are just not there? As in financial.
  19. Closing this topic @Danioover9000 @Scholar @neutralempty guys thanks so much for sharing opinions and thoughts. I definitely have something to think about. The discussions are now going in a circle and this exact topic has been debated many times before with similar results.
  20. @flowboy if I was to search 10 topics on random, 5 of them would have some sort disputable communication potentially violating laws. These are not a bible although obviously a gross violation such as calling someone directly the f-word or c-word would be penalised. These two have been fighting on and off but I don't see any major rule-breaking although I agree with you that we didn't do our work here perfectly, the thread should have been closed long ago. I appreciate your feedback thou and your support for helping us identify spambots and hidden spammers thus far. I am also closing this topic as it has long ago run its course.
  21. @kozakor 5 grams is like 1 walnut l. you sure he didn't mean 15 nuts per day? I usually advice people 30-80g per day depending on their goals
  22. Vaping is a new thing relatively, we just don't have any long term data. Give it 10 more years for epidemiology to catch up
  23. Aaaay ?‍♂️ haven't seen you around for a bit. Or maybe it's the lack of Shiva with guitar ?
  24. @Scholar thank you, I will take some time to think about this.