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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. Have you had this assessed?
  2. Wow, what a generous offer. I would be interesting to practice visualising my goal & thing I'd like to achieve in my business (clinical) practice a little bit more. Been trying to make this a consistent habit but I usually failed. Or just generally visualising one's goals that are part of their Life Purpose. Thank You <3
  3. Ok so you asked for a roast yourself so here it goes ADD...MORE...VEGGIES...BRO
  4. @Joelvs hard to say without knowing more about what you do day-to-day. But generally, I'd start with few points * make sure you are eating enough - maybe consider tracking your food intake for 3 days in cronometer, perhaps you are undereating * making sure you get daily exposure to daylight especially early in the morning * What does your diet look like in a bit more detail? * is it possible you are pushing yourself too much in any area of your life?(e.g. athleticism, aiming for shredded body, avoiding certain foods to look a certain way, pushing hard for academic goals etc..) * have you ever been struck down by a hard infection in the past? * do you have a history of high levels of stress? Maybe as a kid living in stressful place? * have you seen yourself react negatively to some food? * history of excessive use of pharmaceuticals?
  5. No, I don't think you do. RO does not steam out the pure H2O in a way that distillers do. Btw I wouldn't generally rely on water to provide minerals, food should do that for you easily The amounts of minerals in water vary so much across the world that it just wouldn't be reliable.
  6. I've watched an interview with a gastroenterologist who said that there is no such thing as colon sedimentation. This is a guy who has seen thousands of colonoscopies. Basically all marketing claims that say they will "flush out your colon" are based on thin air. Same with all enema and majority of juice-detox procedures, the best they do is flush our your microbiome and that can have pretty significant consequences. In terms of Alkaline water Your body has a precise set of processes to balance PH. By breathing and through kidney filtration. If that is not enough, there are other ways. Regular drinking of alkaline water is the best way to disrupt these processes. Alkaline water increases PH of your stomach and essentially renders the first line of digestion pointless. I know it sounds tempting to read about miraculous effects of Iceland Glaciers but bear in mind that this is a marketing article from a company that has an interest in you buying this, this is not a research article. Not hating or judging or criticising just drawing a picture
  7. This topic has now been exhausted and deserves to be put to rest
  8. I think the risk here is that if you do this, you will become a neurotic carbophobic. It is better to observe how different types of food make you feel and experiment with that. There are signs your body will give you and you can always ask yourself: 1. how is my energy 2. how is my digestion - how many bowel movements do I have? Am I constantly bloated? 3. how is my skin? 4. how is my libido? 5. how is my sleep? 6. how is my mood? I do absolutely agree that the main cause of brain fog is blood sugar dysregulation and caused by riding the insulin rollercoaster.
  9. It literally takes 10 minutes including all the preparation, unpacking etc. many filtration systems require you to change filters regularly as well, not that big of a deal
  10. do you mean headaches? Those can be caused by a variety of things, what I've found in my practice among the most common causes are: stress, caffeine, dehydration and nutritional deficiencies (this is the biggest one). Also if you have a history of using a lot of drugs, then that may be a cause of headaches as your liver could still be struggling to detoxify all that stuff. It depends on what causes the pain: If it is inflammation, than some of the natural eicosanoid blockers are: turmeric, ginger, Boswellia, white willow bark of frankincense If the pain is caused by muscular tension you may look into magnesium glycinate supplementation, start with 200mg per day and up it to 400mg max. If you get a bit light-headed, reduce the dose. But these may only be managing the symptoms and the cause may be somewhere else Other than that look into: being well hydrated, reducing your stress, eating enough, avoiding artificial sweeteners, avoiding chemicals in food, reducing stimulants, being more active
  11. yes with these jugs you have to filter around 2-3 litres before the sediment disappears. They are working on carbon binding base. All heavy metals you will find in water have high binding affinity to activated carbon (at least that's how I understand it but maybe everything I just said is nonsense) but it can get saturated in few weeks hence the need for changing.
  12. Only if you do it wrong, if you enter any fertility or IVF clinic, 90% of those women won't be vegans. Veganism can be done beautifully where the person thrives on all levels but also horribly which is, I suppose, what the article is referring to. Just to break their points down: folic acid is EXTREMELY easy to get on plant based diet and most vegans know they need to supplement B12. B12 and folic acid deficiency are very prevalent in non-vegans even those consuming lots of meat. I do agree that many vegans ignore their Omega 3 requirements and this can be an issue so algal oil is an easy way around it.
  13. Is that a hunting rifle?
  14. @Preety_India I agree, jugs are not perfect but they are a good transition step when RO or other systemic filtration is not an option. In the ideal world you'd heat up your water with your own solar panels and that water would be filtered in both shower and kitchen but well....
  15. @Strangeloop I assume as a taxi driver you spend a lot of time sitting. This will sap so much of your physical and mental energy. I was researching some consequences of prolonged sitting not long ago and it goes way beyond just back pain and obesity, the brain of sedentary person is becoming more like that of a depressed person. Definitely find opportunities to get out and do 10 burpees every time you don't have a client...or something of that sort Also check your vitamin D levels.
  16. Something like this is a good start. It is not as effective as RO but if you are short on budget, this will do for the largest molecules like copper & lead which are the biggest problems in Europe in terms of contamination. Since we don't use glycophosphates as much, water in Europe is generally cleaner and also fluoride-free. What this won't do is filter microplastics, at least it has not been claimed by the manufacturer but I am not convinced that RO does either. Anyway, long message-short. if you are right on budget, start with a filtration jug and make sure to change filters on monthly basis, you can taste the difference.
  17. Moving to health subforum. Seems like this topic is heading towards similar fate as the other ones.
  18. DEAR LORD ! She is absolutely stunning!!! .. Reminds of Joanna Jinton a bit.
  19. @andyjohnsonman I think this is a good number to be at. You've just barely gone over the upper threshold. Basically, there is no benefit of being over 99, this is a cutoff point after which the protective effect of vitamin D from overall mortality and disease does not get any better. Still, better to be at the higher ends than the lower ends. I'd say take a month off supplements and vitamin D rich foods, let the values drop to low 90s and then maintain it with 1000 IUs till summer. Get retested in November or December again.
  20. Can be temporary sensitivity caused by stress or short term spike of certain hormones if it lasts over 3 days probably good to get it checked
  21. @ertopolice in addition to the lifestyle changes ,you could experiment with a combination of agnus castus (progesterone balance) black cohosh (LH/FSH balance) cinnamon (blood sugar balancer) and maybe something like nettle root (for excess androgens) But i am not familiar with doses so follow that on the bottle and definitely start with lifestyle and diet choices ?. Also if you are on ocp i wouldn't use those herbs. Good luck!