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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. Stop looking for free shortcuts to cut corners. There are professional articles to teach you how to write a proper resume.
  2. a combination of HIIT, calisthenics, shadow boxing, jogging and biking most of the time
  3. Maybe you haven't explored this deep enough. Have you bought the LP course? That can really help. Sometimes you may need to dubble down on it becoming more specific or explore your subconscious mind a bit deeper. For me it was also a bit vague in the beginning but then with some and some further coaching it got clarified. Definitely don't let that go, finding your calling is the most important thing to do in life Let me know if I can help you answer any questions in this area Perhaps it is part of the process. I graduated in business uni and while I deem it mostly as useless it has opened new opportunities to me that slowly lead me to discovering my purpose so could be that through this uni other door will be open to you.
  4. don't forget that you are a survival driven animal first and foremost The instinct to survive is more powerful than the instinct to protect other species. Your brain will trick you and hide these feelings from you because it sees that steak as "live to fight another day". If you want to change that you have to ensure that you give yourself alternatives, healthy and delicious plant based recipes available all the time. A pressure cooker is the best tool I know of to create amazing warming and tasty plant based dishes. Once you can reprogram your mind into "wow this chickpea cury is actually pretty damn good for me" your brain will adapt and rewire, it will accept that this is also a survival option and at the same time you will realise you don't need that steak
  5. Seems like you need to carve out your own journey, a one that will exclude all toxic people around you. You don't need any of them. Move out from your family if you can, even if it meant renting a condo for a year. This will help you to start focusing on your journey. Become a hermit for a year. It will be just you, your flat and your own life. Stay in touch with family via WhatsApp once a week. If they don't understand that's their problem. Do you have a life purpose? What are you passionate about? Find that thing and then pour all the energy in that. You cannot control anything else, only what you do with those 16-18 waking hours. If you have to waste your time fighting toxic people and defending against chronic attacks from family and stage orange buddies, life is going to be hell. Move out, find your purpose, crate a process that will get you closer every single day and do that, nothing else is in your control. Whatever that is for you. Otherwise, what's the point of all the struggle. Dedicate yourself to yourself and screw what everybody else things. Their opinions are not important. They are ona different path. Forgive their mystery, they are suffering in their own way, you can't help them. It's just you alone and nobody can fix your life for you. You will find help along the way but in the end all the responsibility is in your own hands.
  6. Let's make sure we don't forget this epic duo
  7. @Preety_India world ain't all that bad. You gotta see some positivity around you as well otherwise life becomes and endless row of suffering and avoidance of harm
  8. hey @Preety_India hope you don't mind me chipping in. I am sure you are already speaking to professionals in mental health and working on healing the deep wound but thought I'd add something that may help you accelerate this process also from a biochemical perspective. Let me explain Whenever healing of trauma is to take place, on the physiological level you are trying to reshape your brain to stop accessing certain memories and to stop operating in a certain way (e.g. you hear certain noise and panic attack is triggered) this is called neuro programming. Basically what needs to happen in the brain is for these pathways to break apart and new ones to be shaped. Besides a healing therapy, for this to happen a molecule called BDNF (a protein that helps you build & rebuild your brain all the time) needs to be activated. It helps you reshape your brain pathways better, faster and more permanently. This is called neuroplasticity. The reason I am saying this is I recall some time ago you mentioned you had a vitamin D and iron deficiency. If your body is low on both, you may struggle to produce enough BDNF and to physically force your brain to adapt and rewire. With low D and iron your ability to create strong neurological pathway is many times slower. These are just the building blocks of your reshaping brain. There are also other things that block and that stimulate BDNF. I wrote two blog posts about it here and here. Not writing this to get you to become my client or get traffic, not at all. I work with guys but thought I'd share some advice that may help you accelerate your already ongoing healing Good luck on your healing journey!!
  9. hmm could be that or you were "poking" too randomly Don't you touch her vagina before she is ready. Also no shame in googling proper technique. This stuff is not taught anywhere so make sure you know what you are doing down there. Too quick may indeed cause pain. Also, make sure your nails are trimmed and there are no sharp stubs. Nah that's not it, give it time and as the connection between you guys strengthens the sex will get more intimate, more enjoyable and moe passionate. Sometimes the challenge is to cum and sometimes not to too quickly. That's just how it is.
  10. Yeah, this is the part you need to skip. I mean who heats up a frozen vegetable in plastic containers? You dump it into a pot or on a pan easy, don't buy soups, make them yourself. When storing self-made that's the bit when you need large glass containers. Buy something like this
  11. @kray totally normal and common. Don't let that discourage you. Try it again and again and eventually you'll get to the point that getting an erection is not an issue, ever. And even if it doesn't work the first couple time, make sure to at least take care of her, there are other ways
  12. Frozen is fine, bpa is leeched under high temperature or mechanical damage mostly. Also consider that frozen vegetables will have a frost on their surface possibly giving you an extra layer of protection. Whatever you do don't put hot water in plastic bottles or at least don't drink it, don't get takeaway's in plastic container (if they do that change the place) and don't use reusable mug made either of plastic or bamboo (glue is used there) for coffee Stick to glass and ceramic when possible
  13. Practice letting go of all those fears, you don't need therapy, you can do that on the sofa in your living room. Consciously and deliberately let go of every single need until there is nothing left to drop. Every time a new neurosis comes up, label it, acknowledge and start letting go. With every exhalation, release it drip by drip.
  14. Either whatever you were eating before was draining more energy than providing so not eating anything turned out to be better solution or it is the fact that going long periods without meals (whole night + the period until lunch may be up to 14 hours without food) raises your stress hormones basically to increase the urgency that food is scarce so that you have energy and strength to go out there and hunt for food (we are primitive creatures in that sense ) despite not having eaten anything. There is also a chance that you are well adapted to ketogenic switch but that usually takes longer so depends on what is served for lunch and dinner could be that your body is very good at producing ketones straight away. But if you are not someone who has ben doing a lot of keto, I would say it is one of the two above.
  15. I'll try to give you an alternative response, if it makes no sense to you feel free to ignore it. Counting calories makes zero sense unless you are a professional athlete or suffering from an eating disorder or morbid obesity and have to either lose weight to prevent severe health complications or have to gain weight to prevent losing bone mass or die of self-starvation (e.g. anorexia). It also makes sense for diabetics to count carbohydrates. Everyone else should be eating intuitively. 1. The values of most foods in a variety of trackers are vague, incorrect and unreliable. This is because we base food calorie on vague amounts found in scientific experiments when the type of food is literally burned in a measuring unit and a heat output is measured. Two 100gram bananas may have completely different caloric ration and carbohydrate content. Same with 2 slices of toast 2. Every person has a different microbiome structure and for this reason, one person may extract 60% of the calories while another 95%. Digestive health maks a tremendous difference why somebody extracts 300 calories from a block of cheese and somebody else 450. 3. We all have different metabolic rates and the efficiency of burning food into calories is different in every person 4. finally, counting calories creates neurosis and creates a disordered relationship with food. (e.g. this food has too much calorie therefore it must be bad for me) Instead, the way to approach eating is the following 1. Don't skip your meals especially breakfast, doing so wreaks metabolic havoc in your body. Serve a proper large breakfast, smaller lunch and small dinner. 2. Observe your energy levels, if they are insufficient, eat more. You should have 2-3 bowel movements per day, if that's not happening you may need to bulk up your dishes as well. The passing of stool needs to be completely effortless and quick. If you have to strain, again something needs to change (soz if this sound gross :D) 3. Make sure all your meals have a palm-ize portion of protein-rich foods, a source of complex carbohydrates and a good quality of fats 4. Serve vegetables with each main meal. 5. Eat slowly and mindfully. You should be satiated but not stuffed. Hope that helps but if not, ignore or delete
  16. hmm not necessarily. I think you mean phytoestrogens (xenoestrogens are synthetic estrogen-receptor agonists). It is important to say that neither phytoestrogens nor xenoestrogens have any impact on biological oestrogen production in testes or ovaries. Phytoestrogens in soy can dock in to Oestrogen receptor and stimulate its secondary effects, that's true but the affinity is like 1/1000 of a real biological 17-b-oestradiol so you would have to consume insane amounts of soy milk in single go. They however DO NOT make your body produce more oestrogen, this is a pervasive internet myth you will see on many bodybuilding forums. In order for phytoestrogen to have a significant effect either on oestrogen receptors or IGF-1 we would be talking about drinking 20-50 boxes of soy milk in one go. Funny enough all the guys who use words such as "soyboy" are secretly feminising themselves by eating beef and dairy. These are the real "manboob-makers". Dairy and beef has so much bovine biological oestrogen that it is not surprising you see so many guys with love handles, manboobs and soft voices. It is the effect of eating chickens, cows and dairy. In an attempt to become more masculine they are becoming more feminine
  17. I'm so disappointed, thought when talking "bottle caps" you'd say something in terms of"you need this https://www.amazon.com/miccostumes-Soldier-Cosplay-Costume-Outfit/dp/B07TZGZRSV/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=fallout+suit&qid=1613900647&sr=8-5" @IAmReallyImportant lol I would have never noticed that
  18. cooked quinoa with banana, pear, berries, walnuts and some plant based yoghurt cooked buckwheat with a banana pudding (banana blended with 1/2 cup oat milk), berries, almonds and shredded coconut flakes tofu scramble with turmeric, spinach, onion and garlic oatmeal cooked in a mix of oat milk and blended banana with anything you like on top
  19. according to heartfoundation.org, you should stick below 5g of salt (2g sodium) but that may still not be good enough, it is just that most people in the west are not able to stick to those values because we are salt addicts. A typical American will consume over 7g of salt daily. For the best prevention of cardiovascular complications like hypertension complications, I would keep it around 1-1.5g of sodium (2.5 - 3g salt per day). Multiply the sodium by 2.5 to get the salt value. At the same time, I wouldn't go below 1g of sodium (2.5g salt) per day as there is such thing as having too little sodium and that's not ideal for electrolyte balance and kidney filtration either. As long as you eat plenty of sodium-rich vegetables and occasionally have a bit of hummus and add some salt in food here and there you are totally fine.
  20. haha fair enough Some data yes, I would say heart rate, steps and the simple mechanical data can be tracked easier but some of those function, I dunno sounds too simplistic to be very accurate. But check some reviews and see for yourself
  21. @EntheogenTruthSeeker How is your digestive system. Is it healthy? Do you have a history of antibiotics or any digestive problems? There is a huge connection between the digestive tract and mental health. How about the rest of your body? Any inflammation conditions, diabetes, blood sugar problems, hypertension etc? What about your personal health history? Any past trauma, bereavement, long stressful period? C-section birth or vaginal birth? Was it traumatic with any damage to your body? How was your health as a kid? Were you sick often? Did you use to take a lot of medication? Any heavy vaxing period? Sorry or long questions, I found with some people I worked with the mental health may go decades into the erliest childhood even to pre-natal period for example if mother was experiencing a traumatic pregnancy. What sort of antipsychotic are you taking and how long? How you been put on benzos or diazepam for a long period of time?
  22. Most of them are overrated, overpriced and provide you with unreliable data often lacking evidence in interpretation. For example, the new apple watch evidently tracks your oxygen uptake? How on earth are you gonna do that without being locked into a metabolic chamber and having a respirator hose covering your mouth and nose. That being said, you can probably find fairly accurate heartbeat trackers, that sort of technology has advanced well just make sure to use the chest belt s that seems to be more effective than the wrist tracker. The sleep tracking is also a bit funny, again t do that accurately you need to hook people on the cardiometabolic thingy and monitor their breathing, their co2 output, it's not just the heartbeat that is important. However I've sen aura ring recommended widely even by people I have high regard for and whose opinion I respect. It is not cheap but unlike Fitbit, it does not get in the way the moment you try to do something like a pushup. Oh man, you're the dream of every marketer Make the toy fancy but no need to make it too accurate.