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Everything posted by Michael569
Great suggestion! Definitely agree, I couldn't date a primadonna who expects to get paid for everything. Ofcourse nothingnwrong with paying occasionaly
Food - gives you everything you could possibly need.
@neovox I agree with what Nahm said. Would you be willing to share with us what you are experiencing? Do you have any medical diagnosis? Many health conditions are manageable and many curable with proper treatment/therapy. Perhaps there is much you can do and are just not aware of other options out there.
all caffeine does is promote your Liver Phase 1 detoxification. If someone who has generally poor diet and nutrient intake does this they will upregulate their toxin breakdown and if their Pase 2 is not ready for that shitstorm you will end up recycling a lot of oxidative particles. Not the best thing to do for your average Joe. This is why you cant just jump into any detox protocol without preparing your elimination channels for it
Maybe..... I'd love to see someone look into this. Follow a cohort of 100 people who use different pans and see their urinary and tissue levels (confirmed by biopsy) of different heavy metals change after a year. Otherwise, we're all just fearmongering and many of these arguments are based on thin air. I also like to believe that certain companies do adhere to certain corporate social responsibility and not all arguments and claims are BS.....but maybe I'm kidding myself
fair enough, let's not push it too far
you gotta boil em Mandy
Greenpan seemed to have put a lot of effort into making their products non-toxic and they have now fixed their super sticky pans they once used to make. Might be worth checking out. Link
All wholegrains are filled with b vitamins, legumes, nuts, seeds also have decent amounts. For folate (B9) add some extra greens and lentils and for B12 either animal products or supplements (fortified foods are not sufficient with this one)
Oh absolutely, in fact prescribing antidepressants is the final step for people with chronic pain that medicine is unable to treat nor manage. If you are in chronic pain you will feelike shit 100% of the time , end of story. Go see a physio or osteopath or someone to help you. A pinched nerve is a poor excuse to go through all that where it can probably be fixed in a week
Ceramic or stainless steel. SS is not a non-stick thou so you'll either need to grease it up with some olive/coconut oil or just be careful on high heats I don't have personal experience with ceramic ones but people who do usually have only good things to say about them.
Start by working on strengthening your immune system,. Read some books, maybe attend a few seminars, find experts who can help you. Don't rely on drugs to fix your problem, that's not what they are designed for, they just suppress symptoms. Getting a regular herpes outbreak is a sign that your immune system needs some support for sure or maybe the gut needs som work as well, hard to tell from a forum chat
https://www.tiktok.com/@gaznight/video/6937735516527922437?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1 I couldn't care less about the dynamics of royal family but this made my day
Seems like you have slightly over-fried your dopaminergic circuits. Substance abuse can totally do that. But this can totally be reversed and healed. Most of all it is important to commit to ever using again. It will take some time for the sensitivity to build up again to natural stimulants, maybe your brains need your help to reshape and adapt to the new normal. Take great care of your diet and your mental health. I would stay away from all sources of recreational drugs, not even occasional weed or vaping. Probably also go very easy on the coffee. What could help you is daily consumption of green tea for some neuroplasticity bonus. Exercise will be your friend. The brain thrives greatly when you exercise especially on the strength-based type of exercises like bodyweight, callisthenics or weights but also agility-based exercises like parkour, primal movement, crawling, money runs, headstands, martial arts etc. The diet should be predominantly plant-based very heavy in fruits and berries for that added polyphenol benefits. Daily meditation, absolutely will stimulate neuronal reshaping like nothing else. Putting some work into your life purpose will give you a great spark of motivation. Find what you are passionate about and study the shit out of it for the rest of your life, aim to become the best in the world in that thing. Get your vitamin D checked, we have receptors for vitamin D in every area of our brain and it plays great part in dopamine production, serotonergic circuits, neuroplasticity and overall motivation in life. When you are at it, ask to have your iron checked as well Don't forget to go out in nature, explore, take cold showers every day or bath in a lake or sea if you have the option. Get in touch with the beauty and perfection of nature, hug a tree, pick berries (may need to wait few more months), watch birds, stargaze or just admire the perfection out there.
ofcourse they did.......... Get him to work on his immune system, find a specialist if you have to. Don't rely on acyclovir forever, it is highly nephrotoxic and neurotoxic.
Once HSV is in your body, you have it for life, there is now way to eliminate it. However that does not mean it has to become infectious. Our bodies are literally filled with millions of viruses, bacteria and fungi but most of them are under control. Most people who get frequent HSV flareups (oral or genital) are immunocompromised Few tips for you that can help: * if he is a smoker or drinks alcohol regularly, those need to go * has he been on any recent antibiotics or been on too many as a kid? That could be relevant here * have him check his vitamin D levels - if they are below 50ng/ml have him supplement 2000 IUs for 2 months. * consider adding 50mg of zinc citrate to his diet for 2-3 months * this may be more difficult to administer but there is research that shows that consuming too many foods rich in arginine over lycine may contribute to this. So check out the most common sources of arginine and consider going easy on those for a bit. Also check out sources of lysine and add those more in. I think if you google this whole concept (lysine, arginine, herpes) you will find entire charts topical treatments * zinc-rich cream * lemon-balm containing cream * sage containing cream other * is he active? does he exercise? * few rounds of high strength probiotics may help * add more berries and fruits generally in his diet. Make it fiber rich. if he is heavy consumer of animal food, cut it down for some time. * add more mushrooms to his diet as well as green herbal spices and olive oil one more thing: genital to oral transmission (ehm, you know what I mean) is a risk factor as well so be careful Hope that helps
Check out Derek Simnet and his girlfriend Crystal Kennings. To me this couple is the number one vegan youtube couple out there. Maybe I am a biased by being a die-hard fan of their work but what they do is wonderful and there is very little in there for you to criticise Check them out. They are the only vegan channel I have been watching so there may be many more out there, I'm sure just not as famous. Btw I'm not vegan myself so this is not coming from a place of personal agenda just trying to draw a different perspective
this is a stage green advice, there is nothing toxic about teaching children compassion for the animals and the environment as well as pushing kids towards eating a lot of plant produce and wholefoods. Now the other side of the coin is that they are potentially creating fear of many different types of foods which can indeed create neurosis in the future so the advice definitely needs to be balanced and not dogmatic (e.g. vegan gains type of stuff, but most vegan YouTubers aren't like that)
@StarStruck not all vegans who are killing it have YouTube channels. Probably less than 1% do. There are tens of thousands of thriving vegans out there you just don't know them.
daaaaaamn !!!! What the actual fuck! You get it for free on prescription in UK if you are employed or for small fee. Lol all hail private medical! That money would buy A LOT of goldenseal
I'm curious how did this work for you? The evidence for it is really good and it seems to be very gentle to microbiome as well
@actualizing25 gluten is problematic if you are coeliac. That would be an extreme form of allergy and in such case gluten has to go for life. The modern thing called Gluten intolerance or gluten sensitivity, on the other hand, usually marks gastrointestinal disturbance rather than any sort of genetic thing or an immune conflict. For example, you can test non-coeliacs who react to bread for gluten sensitivity and you will find that their anti-gliadin antibodies up. When you remove gluten and put something else like oats in and retest in a month, you will find anti-avidin antibodies going up. What this suggests is not that the gluten is an issue but that this stuff is making its way to the bloodstream, triggering an immune reaction and that's what you see on blood results usually due to increased gut permeability, the microparticles called antigens are small enough to fall through these "openings". For people who are non-coeliac and who have no digestive disturbances, gluten is usually fine but it should come from natural whole food sources such as wholegrain breads, wholegrain pasta or gluten-containing wholegrain such as rye or teff rather than from highly processed foods like tortillas, white toasts or flour. Alternatively, you can always mix it up with non-gluten wholegrains like buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth etc.
As someone who once used to buy to this idea that all symptoms of self-starvation are detox symptoms, I can kinda understand where these people are coming from. Most of these fruitarians are bought into the agenda that your body is filthy, toxic and that you have this black toxic layer all across your intestinal walls (I actually see this argument appearing on the forum fairly frequently, remember the dude who used to post his shit pics all over the journal section?). And so they end up cleansing forever an never rebuilding, the body is chronically switched into katabolism, adrenals running on overdrive, BDNF shut down completely, slow and gradual starvation, malnutrition, loss of muscle, loss of fat, loss of collagen tissue, hair loss, iron levels borderline low and yet all of it is perceived in these communities as detox --> like they will say stuff such as "until you are shitting black toxic moldy stuff you are not detoxed" or that "you need to see parasites and worms crawling in the poo otherwise you are not detoxing"
@Dunnel are you taking any medication? There is no harm in asking to be put on antidepressants for a while while you can work on the root cause just so that you can feel normal. Don't give up on yourself mate. You have so much to live and fight for. Never stop seeking help. We have a lot of highly conscious individuals on this forum who offer coaching, reach out to some of them. Take care !
this is actually really interesting and I'd absolutely love to get a perspective of an anthropologist on this to find out whether this is true or not. Some time ago I did look into 3-4 studies specifically looking at remains of hominins and sort of an analysis of their diet. What they all agreed on was that it was not the cooking or meat per se but the adaptation to hunting from foraging, development of hunting strategies, crafting weapons, learning how to cook food better, how to track animals etc. Hunting a wild animal would take a lot of collaborative effort and its not like you would pull out a rifle 20,000 years ago and snap a deer. It would take an entire tribe easily a full day to track down and kill a wild animal. This was an extremely energy-demanding activity and there is risk that if you fail, members of the tribe would starve to death -> the stress would adapt your brain even further. But in times of winter or scarcity, meat would naturally be more dominant simply because the ground was frozen and nothing was growing not because somehow the hominins realised "oh this is so good for me", it was all survival.