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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. ah so you're looking for a shortcut to perfect health "Pssst hey kid, wanna buy some steroids", organic, vegan, non-GMO, soy-free, soil association certified (not from China )
  2. Throughout all the years of my training I have never heard of high thiol foods being problematic. I did a bit of digging into this topic and it seems the problem here is the amino acid called cysteine because it has sulphur locked in its molecular structure so I wonder if this comes down to sulphur intolerance. Seems like some people may genuinely have a genetic deficiency in sulphur detoxification but it may also be that the liver needs some extra support and it may also be that your stores of glutathione (the master antioxidant in the body) are not optimal (or something else). Here is few things (along the elimination ) you may try 1. A functional testing could reveal some stuff. Something like this: https://www.gdx.net/product/methylation combined with this https://www.gdx.net/core/sample-reports/Organic-Acids-Sample-Report.pdf. This would be VERY expensive thou so maybe as a last resort. 2. You could ask your doctor for an assessment of a gene called methyltetrahydrofolate-reductase (MTHFR) and whether there are any genetic "snips", but I would be surprised if this is an issue (may be part of the problem, hard to tell) 3. Experimentally, you could try taking some S-adenosyl methionine (SAMe) along with reduced glutathione as well as a methylated B-complex for a short time (4-6 weeks) and see if that makes you feel better (if it does it would be an indication which way to go next and would reinforce the need for point 1) Observe symptoms thou and stop if it makes you feel worse (it shouldn't). ALpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) may help as well, it seems. 4.You may also try to ask your doctor if you could have your liver function assessed including the CYP family of enzymes. + While doing all of that look up some foods beneficial for liver health and if you can tolerate them, add them in. Adding teas like dandelion or milk thistle may help as well. And finally, sufficient fibre content is also important in detoxification so make sure to keep consuming enough high fibre foods (the ones you can tolerate) to help you eliminate detoxified stuff from the body. ++ Also adding few choline-rich foods (if you can tolerate) as well as beets (if you can tolerate) to support methylation pathway. +++ adding some zinc-rich foods you can tolerate. You said you can't consume legumes and don't consume any seafood so we could assume a potential zinc deficiency. Perhaps adding 1-2 oysters 3 times a week if you can tolerate them? Or just 25mg of zinc citrate before bedtime for up to 3 months. This article was very helpful but may be a bit too advanced but perhaps you could print it for your doctor? You may also consider working with a functional medicine doctor or someone well versed in functional medicine, this a very complex stuff and there is only so much MD will be able to help here.
  3. yeah, a young body can tolerate a lot of abuse without any consequences but it may start catching up. When you are young, your cells are still powerful, mitochondria mostly functional and the body is better at storing resources. All the energetic pathways function optimally so even at poor nutrient intake, it is easy to have a lot of energy unless you have become very obese or sick. In guys, the peak health is somewhere around 25-30 after which the first symptoms may start to appear usually in form of depression, fatigue, brain fog and digestive problems. However, if the diet was VERY bad and combined with poor genetics and bad growing up in an unhealthy environment (lack of cooking habit, smoking parents, stress, abuse, dysfunctional family dynamics) you may see the first problem as early as 15 usually in the form of mental health problems. I am sure folks n the forum has lots of stories to share on how they transformed their health for the better. Personally I was lucky to have been born to a fairly healthy family so, besides asthma and allergies in past, I was fortunate to have always had good health but I've seen the health of others transform fairly quickly once put on a decent diet and once lifestyle was optimised. If you are a mind worker and use a lot of brain capacity, then or nutrition will have 100% impact on everything you do. Memory, concentration, peak attention, executive function, formation of new synaptic connections etc. Your energy will be impacted as well as mental health, digestion, immunity, metabolism and pretty much everything else including skin, hair, eyes, teeth. recommended resources This is very individual and different people resonate with different stuff but generally and statistically the most prevalent evidence aims towards something along the line of Mediterranean diet with an abundance of natural whole foods, cooked at home from scratch with minimal use of processed foods. Ofcourse this is a drastic simplification but there are videos, books, seminars on how to get closer to that. Star y eliminating sources of processed junk and deliveries/takeaways replacing them for real food cooked at home and you'll see a great difference within 2 weeks. Hit me up if you have any questions.
  4. Helps to unconscious become, free from suffering and desire.
  5. Could be lower thyroid function but also sign of chronic stress or just living in cold environment. Try eating a bit more "yang" foods. Like heavier aromatic dishes with heavy spices and some chilli. Exchange smoothies for warm oatmeals and cold salads for veggie soups and curries
  6. @ilja I'm very aware of what PCRM do, have read some of Dr Barnard's studies as well. I think this is one of the best (if not THE best) protocols for reversing diabates type 2. My message was based on the fact that we should not guess but we need to test. IR is not something to joke with and if it is diagnosed, it needs to be treated asap.
  7. @Preety_India Again we are talking about milligrams of chemicals. You breathe in more in the first 20 seconds when entering the main street in your city (or any city). I don't dispute that they may be harmful but once again there are bigger factors here that are 1000 times more harmful.
  8. I would avoid any types of salted nuts because they are always also roasted and roasted nuts with salt are just pure junk food. The salmon is alright
  9. unlikely in those amounts. We are talking about few drops per meal. Cancer doesn't develop from one thing, it is an accumulation of at least 50 - 100 types of offences and a combination of genetic, lifestyle and environmental exposure over 20-40 years. All these studies saying for example "dairy causes cancer" etc are usually poorly constructed because one single thing cannot give you cancer (unless you eat coal brick for dinner I guess)
  10. Insulin resistance is the last stage before becoming full-blown type 2 diabetic, this is not something to take lightly. A poorly managed diabetes or insulin resistance can result in irreversible damage to your optic nerve, your nerves in the extremities, kidneys and progressive arterial narrowing. Step 1 : Go and get tested by your doctor. Ask them to test for blood glucose and HbA1C It is possible that these symptoms are linked to your gut not to you being insulin resistant. In fact, I am pretty sure this is the case No time to play around, book an appointment with your doc and get tested.
  11. you're usually talking about milligrams of substance, yeah there may be additives but in such a tiny amount they are no issue. There are worse things we do to our bodies, I mean....people fry steaks on butter and gril bacon on an open fire lol,. Something like this won't really make a difference.
  12. order some legumes, lentils & nuts in bulk such as here https://www.buywholefoodsonline.co.uk/ or here https://www.realfoods.co.uk/wholefoods or. Things like red lentils are literally 40-50% protein dry weight and for the cost of Pret coffee you can get 2 kilos. This is all the protein you'll need and the only one you can get if you are avoiding meat & soy. In terms of other produce: able & cole is good but imo large supermarkets like Asda are enough and they have good organic selection
  13. same, I didn't know he even trains Conor. This primal movement stuff is insane but you need good space for practice
  14. many bodybuilders end up with severe arterial proliferation because of their "experimentation" with these things. They try to manipulate their insulin and testosterone to tinker with growth hormones but what ends up happening is that their tunica media (the muscles inside the arteries) starts to grow because they are super sensitive to growth factors which effectively starts to clog up their arteries. This is probably why so many end up needing bypass. I wouldn't look up to a bodybuilder community for health & longevity advice, all that animal protein is destroying their bodies
  15. as T1 diabetic you need to be very careful with monitoring your blood sugar if you want to undergo fast in order not to end up with severe hypoglycaemia. Perhaps even on an hourly basis. Have you lost all isles of Langerhans or do you still have some natural insulin being produced?
  16. @neovox This is interesting. IgM antibodies are usually high in the beginning and once the infection settles they drop and IgGs start raising which would explain the rise in IgGs. So this would suggest this has been going on for a while. I'm by no means an expert in virology or immunology so definitely ask for a comprehensive test on this and push to get as much as you can but happy that you found this advice helpful. Once diagnosed you'll have a clear line of treatments available to you holistic or medical. If they dismiss you, get a second opinion or see a functional medicine doctor Good luck! Keep us informed about your journey.
  17. @Preety_India thank you. I read the whole post and I think I understand better now. I would however still go back to my original post. I would not say "leave the forum" what I was saying is "take a short break". It may do you good and come back once you feel relaxed, recharged and had some of your stress reduced. You may get anew perspective on some things going around and on many of the forum dynamics. But the second thing I'll say is that it is a part of the internet to be met with opposition. That's just what it is. Some people are trolls but many who disagree are often just people coming with different perspectives, opinions and thoughts. Some of them may even be trying to help in their own way that may often seem as unpleasant simply because they present it in the way most natural to them. We all carry our own bias and emotional baggage that we unload whenever we can When you open up about sensitive topics there will always be people who get attracted to that, that's just human nature. It cannot be prevented. Perhaps having a very private journal such as One Note that is only for you would make you safe from these things, otherwise you leave the room for others to chip in and comment...like I do now.
  18. oh my, I hate when they do that...
  19. it is a bit hard to assess the overall structure of your diet from these points. what does your typical breakfast, lunch, dinner look like? Also, generally rather than looking at what is and what isn't I'd also go by how do you feel: energy, digestion, sleep, skin, libido, mood, exercise recovery, motivation, current weight & body fat, dental health etc. Can you "check" all these markers? If so you're probably fine
  20. As far as I know, there isn't anything reliable to test for permeable gut thou, the current golden standard (zonulin) has poor reliability and low specificity. Alessio Fassano, who is currently considered the leading authority in this research says we don't have anything even remotely close to being accurate so with leaky gut the best we can do is by symptomology. What test markers did you order? (genuinely curious)
  21. I think the hydrogen/methane test is not that widely available outside of US and UK. In my home country, Slovakia doctors laugh when you talk about SIBO, a client of mine in Czechia was told there is no such thing as bacteria in small intestines by the gastroenterologist It is super hard to even have doctors entertain this idea anywhere outside of these countries.
  22. @BlackMaze you won't know until you try just be mindful of your dehydration levels as you do it. Funny enough water requires no digestion or energy it just kinda difuses in through the intesines. I'm not fully convinced of dry fasting being that beneficial since all detox organs are heavily dependent on hydration. Give it a try and let us know how you felt ?
  23. give yourself some time to process your feelings and come back to this in a week, maybe you will feel different. I agree with this. It may sound a bit rough but this sums it up, don't be in a relationship that makes you unhappy, you are too young to put up with such a thing, you only have one life.
  24. I don't really know. Not all heavy metals can cross the blood-brain barrier eitherand I guess the same for microplastics. But some people have a degree of "leaky" blood brain barrier so this is very individual. Not something I've looked into thou so I'd just be giving you my anecdotal opinion. The issue with microplastics is them being xenoestrogens that can dock into oestrogen receptors and potentially cause problems. This we already know. yeah it can if the water is filled with copper and lead. arsenic is not a big issue in water nor us mercury (at least not in UK). The greatest source of mercury is dental fillings and seafood especially big fish like tuna. The issue is chlorine, copper and lead and Britta does filter all. The Brittas all use the same filter, it is literally down to what size of the jug you want. Get something that comes with at least 2-3 filters. don't drink the shower water I don't think any of that will really enter through your skin, the dermal collagen barrier is very very dense and thick. If you wanna filter it, by all means, but I'd start with filtering the tap especially if you're on limited budget. yeah they are, copper can be a problem in the British victorian houses. Again the filter in Britta if filled with millions of tiny activated carbon particles literally being attracted to these heavy metal cations things like a magnet. Just change it regularly and you are mostly fine. If you want to go deeper and 100% buy an RO filter.
  25. @neovox Consider requesting a test for Epstein Barr Virus. This virus has been associated with Chronic fatigue syndrome and also causes inflammation on the neuronal level (this could explain the neuropathy) The swelling of the lymph nodes indeed suggest that there is an immunological conflict because your lymphatic immunity is fighting very hard which is causing lymph nodes to swell. Push for stool testing as well as for blood testing of common viral infections. Also, consider requesting B12 (lack thereof could be causing neurological symptoms), vitamin D testing as well as HbA1C (to test your long term blood sugar) but these have probably been done already https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6525645/