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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. you're right, it does not fix the root cause but something like SIBo could have been developing for 20 years through slow gradual dysbiosis. If you can restore the balance, you can fix the problem. A root cause could have been a lifestyle Leo has in his early youth which has now been completely changed but now he has to take more aggressive measures to restore the balance of the microbiome. Kinda like when cancer treatment is addressing something that has been developing for 40 years. Even if the person changed their lifestyle sometimes they may still need to do chemo to buy themselves more time. Once chemo is successful and lifestyle is transformed, the chances of cancer coming back are much smaller.
  2. This can be one of your main triggers & drivers actually. Gut-brain connection is a new emerging powerful therapeutic area for mental health. When was the last time you felt well? What has changed since then? How is your overall lifestyle? (exercise, diet, relaxation, sleep). Happy to have a chat if you'd like But generally, your day-to-day decisions especially around what you put in your mouth and how you spend the active time will make all the difference here. Also, consider testing your Vitamin D levels.
  3. does not matter what some random doctor on the internet believes, the consensus of the evidence is that the higher your non-HDL cholesterol, the higher your risk of premature mortality, stroke and myocardial infarction, end of story. We have data frommhundreds of thousands of people to show for this. These sorts of claims are incredibly dangerous and misleading to the general public most of whom will die from heart disease due to clogged up arteries. Calcification is just a side effect of macrophage accumulation, not the cause. Once you see a calcification spreading, you know you've bought a one way ticket to the afterlife Mikhaila same as her lunatic father have been called out for sharing bullshit and pseudoscience. Not somebody I would consider a genuine and reliable sources especially since she interviews only carnivores a same way a vegan youtube never gets non-vegans on podcast. absolutely not true, fructose in isolation leads to fatty liver disease (such as eating high fructose corn syrup, protein bars and drinking fizzy drinks) and so does being obese, being diabetes, eating a lot of meat, junk, being inactive, being hypertensive and generally not caring about health. There is zero evidence showing that fruit leads to NAFLD and I would beg you to share some data with me if you find it. Fruit is protective from all forms of disease including cardiovascular disease, cancer, kidney disease, hepatic disease & dementia. Anyone who discourages consumption of fruits has no idea what they are talking about. Even for diabetics, fruit is helpful and can help them reverse the condition. Even dried fruit!
  4. @Bogdan make sure you don't idealize Gojiman, he has been called out on a lot of his bullshit. Yes, he offers a lot of good value but not everything he says or believes is true
  5. don't consider, buy it (no bias here ...well maybe a bit ) As you work on that, make sure to fix your diet and optimise your overall lifestyle. 3 proper regular meals, no skipping, no replacing meals with juices, you need to feed that scattered brain some proper nourishment. Add 30 seconds of cold morning shower followed by 20 minutes of meditation + 20 minutes of some light exercise at home or a jogg followed by a green tea & proper breakfast, you'll see a level of attention you've never had before. If you fancy add a Ginkgo extract to it as well (if you are not on meds). You can also check out my 2 part blog article on BDNF here, this may help you start reshaping your brain through your lifestyle choices Do all that and you'll see a nice improvement in your ADD. Good luck!
  6. @intotheblack try this as your next step https://actualized.org/life-purpose-course Changed my life and probably at least 300 other people on this forum. Best investment I've ever made
  7. Get some basic testing done, make sure they include iron and vitamin D in it as well. Is there any chance you simply lack direction and purpose in life? I found in my life whenever I'm working on something I am passionate about, I easily get a laser focus and into the flow whereas if I'm force to do something I don't feel any connection to (e.g. some shitty excel spreadsheet at work) it takes me forever and I get distracted very easily
  8. If this was possible, as a experiment I'd love to see our world without coffee for 1 month. You'd probably see rise in cocaine "sales"
  9. unreliable, unregulated and a waste of money, most evidence on this testing finds very little accuracy and specificity @intotheblack diet & lifestyle will be of primal importance as it has already been suggested. Systemic toxicity is nothing to discard either but I'd start by fixing your diet first. What you eat has tremendous impact on your cognitive profile. Also your gut health impacts your brain more than you know
  10. It is possible that the alcohol itself is what was causing the migraine in the first place, progressive damage to the liver, impaired detoxification and more migraines as a result of that which you "self-medicated" by alcohol giving you even more headaches. Does that kind make sense? you gotta get to the root cause of this not suppress it. Both paracetamol and caffeine could be driving your headaches. Caffeing is a common cause of headaches and paracetamol (over long term) will harm your liver, depriving you of effective detoxification -> more headaches as toxins get reabsorbed. + it may also be worth exploring gut health, after years of alcohol abuse, gut permeability could be suspected, another driver of headaches See your doctor, get some testing done, potentially even brain MRI if you can get it. Make sure you don't ignore pain in the head or try to suppress it endlessly, it will catch up with you.
  11. thanks for thinking that but I have many of my own biases @Arthur it was sorta interesting until he said that basically you need to stay away from fruit because it is bad for immune system lol. He thinks sugar in chocolate and sugar in fruit is the same and axcts the same way, I sense a very stinking keto low-carb agenda behind this guy. There is UNDISPUTABLE evidence that fruit benefits all health systems and reduces all-cause mortality. He put it as his Number 1. He also says beans & seeds are toxic which couldn't be further from the truth. The stuff around dairy, margarine and sweeteners was alright
  12. are you thinking of becoming a spiritual guide / therapist or a coach?
  13. attracting spammers, locking the topic
  14. @levani bro get an instapot and your cooking issues will be fixed, you'll save hours of time. Also don't rely on fasting to drop weight that's a short term solution, a change of mindset needs to happen for permanent weight loss. Time to stop dicking around & get serious.
  15. Michael Greger's: How not to Diet & How not to dieT Cookbooks are a great entry point into healthy colourfully meals Some of those recipes are raw. If you however want 100% raw, check some of Christina Bucaram's (Fully Raw Christina) stuff or you could check some of Freelee's stuff as well. Beware you may be entering a new dimension once exposed to fruitarians & raw foodies so don't say you haven't been warned
  16. Yeah, I'm with you on that. London Real has a decent following but nowhere near enough of what it would need to be
  17. Hmm, I don't know. If your gut is inflamed, yeah maybe they will be irritating but there is not much in there that can trigger inflammation unless it is something like coconut oil or processed vegan junk. Although it is true that everything we eat produces a tiny bit of immune response as the gut is "sampling" things to build up immune tolerance. But yah, agree that direct experience beats any research
  18. You want to basically consume abundace of foods that support hepatic detoxification pathways: 1. all cruciferous vegetables: at least 2 cups/ day - these are superb for detox support. It was even found that eating broccoli reduces the impact of showering with contaminated water. 2. seeds: good source of cysteine that helps with production of glutathione + look up other foods rich in cysteine 3. very high fibre diet to improve toxin elimination 4. good hydration & make sure to filter your water 5. eradication of other toxifying habits (alcohol, tobacco, weed, eating junk) 6. exercise especially high intensity that drives a lot of sweating 7. saunas 8. air filtration system may be helpful as well but I've never looked into this to know whether they really work
  19. Extreme elimination diet, if done long term will probably decimate certain phyla of fibre-consuming bacteria. It may work for some people but it should never be done long term because the damage to the commensal flora would be irreversible.
  20. sorry, missed this one. The short answer is that saturated fat content triggers a localised immune response in the gut The long answer is that the high saturated fat content of animal foods triggers something called Toll-Like Receptors 4 in the gut similarly the LPS from toxic bacteria would. These can interact with secondary messenger NF-kB to enter the nucleus of the cell and trigger a pro-inflammatory response including COX-2 and other mediators. "Current evidence suggests that saturated fatty acids (SFA) act as non-microbial TLR4 agonists, and trigger its inflammatory response. Thus, our present review provides a new perspective on the potential mechanism by which SFAs could modulate TLR4-induced inflammatory responses: (1) SFAs can be recognized by CD14-TLR4-MD2 complex and trigger inflammatory pathways, similar to lipopolysaccharide (LPS). (2) SFAs lead to modification of gut microbiota with an overproduction of LPS after a high-fat intake, enhancing this natural TLR4 ligand" https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26687466/ Basically, if you suffer from any condition where chronic inflammation is present (anything ending with -itis or autoimmunity, asthma etc), meat needs to be either minimised or removed. Generally, there is little to no benefit of eating white meat or red meat when the benefits vs downsides are considered.
  21. Brian would definitely be a step forward for Londoners, with Orange-as-fuck Sadiq Khan, Brian is a nice mixture of healthy Orange, healthy Green and some aspects of Yellow. Of course they will pull out some shit on him, they always do but comparing to other candidates he still has a lot to offer to London, I am just worried that he is not the typical "politician" like Sadiq is and is not ruthless enough. They will fuck him up and spit him out like they did Theresa May. He has a nice agenda but most of that won't fly, he'll spend all his time dealing with covid, brexit and TFL Maybe he should stick to London Real and think of another way to give back to humanity, becoming a major of London does not seem a task aligned with his mission.
  22. Oh how exciting! Good luck to folks applying.
  23. so you would, after a single dose, be able to tell based on symptoms whether somebody has mercury toxicity problems or not?
  24. There is no such thing as laziness, what is missing is a spark of motivation coming from a powerful sense of purpose, if you have that it is impossible to be lazy. Or could it be that you are simply facing resistance? In such case, reading the War of Art could help.
  25. this is an excellent point, never thought about it in this way