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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. I didn't sorry I jumped into conclusion, let me delete my post
  2. Nothing raises a mammalian (natural) oestrogen in the body. No food has that sort of impact. This is a common misconception. Food may "sit" in oestrogen receptors but it cannot impact your natural steroid secretions. Same when people thing [add food] raises or decreases testosterone. Nothing does that. What decreases natural testosterone secretion is hypogonadism, being castrated or having a genetic defect or something like a pituitary tumour. There may however be things externally that are interfering with hormonal balance and that can be "stealing" your testosterone and making it into oestrogen (through a process called aromatisation). Things like sugar, being fat, being insulin resistant and being inflamed do that generally and so does lack of physical activity. Soy is beneficial overall. Despite all the fearmongering on the internet, there is no harm to consuming it. It does not give you manboobs or cancer or anything. As a guy soy protects you from prostate cancer. It is not a goitrogen and it is not going to make your dick shrink or turn you into a woman I would however eat it organic and fermented simply due to glyphosate pesticides being used but hey, pesticides are an issue with everything these days so this argument is not valid just for soy. That being said I would absolutely avoid soy concentrates like soy protein , soy powders as those are most contaminated and at such amount it may stimulate IGF-1, a growth factor. But so can dairy and chicken. ...For same reason you should also avoid casein, whey and all dairy concentrates as well. So, long story short, Soy is good for you, don't be afraid of it. Fermented is preferable because it is easier to digest and you lose some of the pesticides. If you can get your tofu or tempeh organic even better. A lot of broscioence is based on nothing, these people don't know how to interpret the research and how to read studies or distinguish shit studies from high-quality ones. A lot of studies against soy are mechanistic or in-viro, the largest systemic trials and meta analyses all show beneficial effects.
  3. Find healthier alternatives that will give you the same reaction And eliminate all cakes and junk from sight. Don't buy it, don't enter the shopping aisles when they are found and don't go shopping when you are hungry. If you get the craving rather than giving in allow yourself to "ride" that feeling and submerge yourself in that. Become an observe rather than a slave of your desires and it will go away. If nothing else helps, have some 90% dark chocolate available to quench that desire with something healthier
  4. As Leo said, over 50% of global population are deficient, some critically. Ever saw those kids with crooked legs, that's what deficiency does to you. Deficiency can harm your gut, your teeth, your bones, your thyroid and even accelerate autoimmunity. It can even accelerate massive depression. Vitamin D is no fun to play around with. Get it tested and if your levels are below 55-60 ng/mL start to supplement until you get to 90-95.
  5. Sometimes it can help but I wouldn't take it indefinitely. If you are going for it, buy a good quality one, made of wholefood ingredients otherwise the absorption is <10% and you're buying expensive pee. Not to mention cheap multivitamins come packed in a lot of garbage that you don't need in the body. But in the long run, all your micros should come from diet. Vitamin D is the only one that can be difficult to get enough of but if you get enough sunshine you may not need that one either
  6. Take a step back and reevaluate your goals? Maybe you are heading down the wrong road and need to go back to the last known intersection, whatever that means for you. It is not cowardly to go back to drawing board but it is unwise to pursue a goal that may not necessarily be achievable even if the original idea and the vision were powerful.
  7. I was contemplating what it is that gets men attracted to buts and hips and boobs and it is exactly that. Boobs mean the chances of offspring dying of malnutrition are lower (although size has nothing to do with lactation volume), hips & bum mean more space for baby during birth means possibility of bigger baby which means higher chances of the offspring not dying during early days. Funny how evolution turned us in horny sex machines where in reality we only want what is best for our babies However this brings me to the next question, why do women like men with more profound jawline?
  8. your brain cannot focus for that period of time and still retain information unless you are on enhancing drugs. Your dopaminergic circuits need to get recharged after such an extended period of focus. This is very individual but the peak focus starts to come down after 2-3 hours and you only get one or two of those per day. Don't take that as a limiting belief, if you can go for longer by all means do. it'll probably produce a lot of confusion. It may be better strategy to focus on one subject for a period of time and then switch to next such as doing subject 1 for 2 weeks then take a break then switch to subject 2. It will be easier to memorise information related to each other (e.g. only study biology) then cross reference and study biology for 2 hours then engineering for 2 hours then astrophysics for 2 hours. At the end of the day the retention will be 5%
  9. Start to study early in the day, as your cortisol peaks, you have the highest attention span. DO 2 hours before breakfast, then take cold shower, breakfast, meditation and carry on till lunch. Then go for a jog or some workout to give the mind a break and stimulate neurogenesis. Then after lunch, take another cold shower and crack on. Altogether don't study more than 6-8 hours a day and take regular breaks. Make sure not to skip sleep but rewind the crucial bits an hour before sleep, this promotes the conversion of short term to long term memory in the hippocampus. Don't sleep less than 7.5 hours to give yourself all the REM and non-REM peaks. If you feel sleepy in the morning, sleep more the next day. Sleep is crucial for that memory conversion. The most crucial of all the things on the list of cognitive improvement. Start off with a coffee and then maintain the level with green tea. You can add a ginkgo extract to the mix. Make sure to minimize added sugar, any energy gels and all that crap, will suck out the energy from you. Don't eat a lot of simple carbs like potatoes and white pasta but get something with high fibre. I wouldn't touch Adderall unless you are desperate.
  10. @Tobia I can hear Robert Morse, John Rose and other fruitarian (I forget the name of the dude living in Hawai) raw foodies through your words. These are not your words, you've allowed yourself to be influenced by others on the internet without having done a single ounce of a research or worked with others. I know that because I was there as well. I have followed RObert Morse blindly for about 2 years before I realised it was not the answer to everything. Sometimes you need to rebuild not strip down to bones. A lot of what you say makes no sense, has no support in nutritional evidence. If complex carbs were "ongesting" you wouldn't even be able to consume fruits because fruits are predominantly made of complex oligosaccharides & polysacharides with some disaccharides and some monosaccharides. How many people have you helped personally to get better? How many people did you personally see going through healing in this way? Have you ever worked with a chronically ill person? Did you know that some people cannot digest most fruits? What are you going to do then, put them on 40 days water fast? Theory and internet key jocking is nice but the real world is different. Some people need to gain weight by consuming more protein rich and carbohydrate rich foods not become a walking skeleton through a fruitarian diet. Sometimes it helps yes, but detox is not the answer to all problems although I grant you that in many conditions it does help. You don't need to strip your body to a skin and bones to do that thou. Again, I've gone through this myself, I've order Dr Morse's tinctures and teas, I've done the endocrine, GI broom, kidney review, upper circulation, lung tea combo for over 4 months alongside around 75% raw diet with zero results. I've tried to cure my allergies and asthma in this way and the only thing that started to happen was my gums started to recede while the cure of allergies and asthma lay elsewhere. It is not always mucous and lymphatic congestion. The bit with sediment in urine is also fairly questionable suggesting everyone who does not have sediment in urine is sick and their kidneys are not working, if that was so, 99% population would drop dead with stage 5 chronic kidney disease. I am not against fruits, I love it and they should be a staple of everyone's diet but saying that everything else is congesting, mucous producing and causes lymphatic stagnation is clearly missing the point . In your pursuit of becoming completely open minded you have allowed yourself to fall into deep dogma. Don't talk with such a conviction about things you know nothing of. The world is too populated and too isolated for everyone to become fruitarian and many who do thrive poorly unless you live in tropics. There is nothing natural about eating watermelons and peaches in December if you live in northern Europe. The arrogance of your words clearly shows that you are an inexperienced angry guy/girl who thinks they have (after month of watching youtube videos) swallowed the ultimate truth and now deserves to preach to the world. Health is complex and so is the human body. I suggest you expose yourself to other opinions out there and study the work of other people in health before being so convinced that your view is the only and the right one. People have been healed from chronic disease through other means besides going raw foodie. It is just one of the many tools to achieving health, sometimes more effective, sometimes less and you need to become aware of that if you are to master the arts of health. Everybody needs a different approach and going cookie-cutter detox will give you mediocre results at best. People may lose their teeth, their hair and become incredibly aged and wrinkly on this journey. Have a look at this couple. Look at the girl properly. This is what being fruitarian in cold country of Eastern Europe does to you. Complete full body malnutrition and starvation. Her face looks like a woman 30 years older and her hair line has receded significantly probably from protein and iron deficiency.
  11. A combination of the two. Mostly the low GL, high antioxidant/polyphenol types (berries, plums, pears..or whatever is seasonal). More focus on whole and less on juices & smoothies. white rice you mean? You definitely, to be replaced by either for some high fibre long grain or brown one or some other whole grains completely like amaranth or buckwheat
  12. I used to think this too but not necessarily. While people with candida should not be juicing fruits or eating banana shakes, regular (sane amounts) fruit consumption may actually be beneficial for candida overgrowth simply because of the polyphenol content, many of which help to control the candida overgrowth. Any "added" sugar from sweets and stuff like that has to go of course but I wouldn't remove fruit from candida client.
  13. I'd prefer regular wheat germ for the added benefit of fibre but the oil is probably ok, never looked into it and never tried.
  14. Definitely helps. The VOCs, PAHs and all those car exhausts concentrate on the main roads so living off the main traffic will be helpful. Funny enough the sunnier it is, the worst it gets so avoid the major streets during the nicest days where those volatile compounds are being turned into ozone through the contact with UV light of the sun. This is when the smog is the most toxic and when allergies and asthma attacks get the worst as well
  15. I just can't get over this sentence. Wish I could stop poisoning myself? If the reason is vitamin E just eat a lot of almonds
  16. Chug out that margarine into the bin. Trans saturated fatty acids (in margarine) is one of the few things in nutrition that pretty much everyone agrees that are incredibly bad and toxic for you. Once you turn cis-isomers to trans-isomers your body cannot deal with it, it damages everything it comes in contact with. It would be "healthier" to eat butter dipped into lard and wrapped in nutella But basically, vitamin E toxicity is at risk if you supplement high doses, it is unheard of to get toxicity from food. Also the important question here is what is the ratio of your polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids. This goes hand in hand with how much vitamin E you need. Focus on food, google some top 10 vitamin E foods and add them to your meals. That's as far as I would push it
  17. This one is REALLY critical. I wrote a blog post on it after having dug deep into the research. You can check it out here if you are interested. But basically, it would be a great idea to get it tested. Either medically or privately and then set up the dose accordingly. You can order it D test online, you'll have to prick your finger and send the blood sample back to them. SHould not cost more than 30-50 $. If you are deficient you may need to go into the 10,000 IUs even so really hard to say what the dose should be. Otherwise, if your levels turn out just fine 2000 IU is a good maintenance dose during low-sun days.
  18. Most perfumes are just cocktails of chemicals, there is nothing natural there. Apply few drops of some rosemary oil or lavender oil on your neck ad you'll attract the right types of girls However, from the bigger picture perspective, perfumes are the lesser evil compared to living in a busy city, not filtering one's water, eating non-organic meats etc. If you care about toxin elimination start with the food, the water and the air you breathe (this can be hard thou if you live in city). Everything else is minor compared to those.
  19. Get in touch with a functional medicine doctor or a gut health specialist and pay them to fix you up. Gut is very difficult to fix if you don't have a lot of systemic knowledge and training. You may need some private testing followed by strict elimination diet followed by gut cleansing & sealing and reintroduction. If candida is indeed present it may take up to a year to eradicate completely depending on severity of colonisation. From reading your story i would nearly bet my entire savings that all your problems including ocd and brain fog stem from the gut issue
  20. If you can fix this, your neurogenesis will return back to what it was. Without proper sleep, BDNF shuts down and it will be hard to perform mentally very well Also, more strength exercise either with weights or with your own body rather than just cardio will be more helpful Get your vitamin D checked and optimise it as long as you are below 60ng/mL (this is a European measure, the values in US are a bit different) And finally making your diet predominantly plant-based, with as little sugar spiking junk and as much whole food ingredients like legumes will benefit you greatly.l
  21. Love this, can't wait to read more about your journey ?⛰️?
  22. let me know if you want to reopen and continue to thread
  23. @Hap E-Boi @diamondpenguin you guys are stretching my open-mindedness to infinite degrees
  24. A bit late to the party but All the best Leo and thank you for all the hard work you do!
  25. oh man you bet this could be contributing to the whole allergy thing, disrupted microbiome, potentially disrupted gut mucosa with high production of LPS are all risk factor for worsened allergies. Yeah, I'd suggest some good probiotic mix. At least 50 billion CFU (make sure there is a good cocktail of bacterial colonies) per unit maybe for 2-3 months and prebiotics in forms of beans, wholegrains, mushrooms and some fortified foods. Feel free to hit me up if you wanna talk about it sometime Yeah coming of SAD, that diet pretty much predisposes individual for everything, sometimes it is like a Russian rolutette, what comes first Good luck!