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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. @Ora can you list a single of those MOST studies? I've reviewed the evidence on soy myself and none of the high quality trials actually say that.
  2. I dunno, you should have mucous on the walls of your intestines, this is where most of your microbiome is attached to, it is there to protect the gut. If there was black mucoid plaque we would see that on biopsies when dead people are being opened up but nowhere in the medical literature have I seen it ever mentioned. I may be dogmatically blinded to something here but I don't believe this is a real thing. Also, we can usually go both ways, you can get endoscopy all the way in the duodenum and colonoscopy can actually cross ileocecal valve and enter distal ileum but the middle part we cannot reach that's true. If it was a thing, it would have been spread across and would have definitely been seen in the colon as well. It's just another of those things like believing that one needs to have sediment in urine otherwise kidneys are not filtering or that every single disease is caused by a virus (e.g. medical medium). It just ain't that simple
  3. More like question your relationship and your sanity. From her viewpoint (blue-orange I assume?) it may seem as ridiculous as if you talked about flying carpets and voodoo. Gota be careful how and with whom you open up these topics. If you wanna bring her over, first help her climb into Tier 2 very slowly and gently.
  4. Yes it can, depending on the severity of it and what else is going on I wouldn't be surprised if IBD came out of it or disruption to the gastrointestinal nervous system. Hard to say, you can probably google consequences of untreated SIBO. Malnutrition and reduced absorption of nutrients would be the most immediate thing basically what I mean is that a lot of what the OAT test is based on is research in petri-dish, basically you create a culture in a lab and then dip stuff into it and observe what happens (this is called in-vitro), so not real human data, often not even animal data. We don't know what a lot of those metabolites mean, we cannot interpret them correctly. A lot of practitioners do not care about this and they order expensive tests for their clients because they get commissions (not saying your naturopath does this but it is a common practice, highly unethical in my opinion) if it is SIBO and it is confirmed, you can work on that and it is possible to heal that if the protocol is structured right.
  5. Your poo is not only made of the undigested food. There are many components such as recycled red blood cells, bilirubin, amino acids from cell breakdown, dead cells, dead bacteria your immune system killed, dead microbiome species, removed minerals, removed hormones, neurotransmitters etc. You will keep poo-ing as long as you live although the volume will reduce if you stop eating ofcouse. This is a common thing shared in fruitarian communities. If you speak to any gastroenterologist who has seen 100s of colons through a camera they will tell you this there is no dark sediment of dry shit stuck to the walls of colon. You would die if that happened. In fact there used to be a guy on the forum who would fill his journal with pictures of his shit and he was always talking about this. He did not believe when he was told that there is no black mouldy stuff inside your colon...it is a made of stuff. probably not a good idea, laxatives are toxic colonic irritants. Your body, being fasted, is probably already low on electrolytes and minerals , you want to preserve as much of those as you can.
  6. @SageModeAustin I used to have a client with binge-eating disorder. The poor girl would eat over 5000 calories for dinner. Her obsession had nothing to do with food and everything to do with a traumatic past. I had to refer her on to a specialist. Don't try to heal someone's trauma if you don't know what you are doing. Keep loving her and help her find professional help. It needs to be a qualified professional in obesitology and eating disorder but alongside that she may benefit from speaking to someone to help if there is an emotional trauma or negative beliefs around food. Most likely there is a big shadow that fears something, perhaps a body-shaming past.
  7. Having a mental health condition is no different from having IBS or having asthma. Brain can get ill as much as the body can. OCD does not mean you are crazy and I am not saying anything like that. But the behaviour that you described is often common in people with this condition. Being overly keen to get something done to a degree that it borderlines with obsession. It could be cleansing teeth, it could be washing hands, it could be needing to vacum clean your house 10 times a day. I apologise if my comment came as an offence to you, it was not meant as such but maybe speaking to a mental health specialist could help you with the next steps. Granted, this was not what you asked but otherwise you are stabbing in dark and there are many things that fasting cannot cure. And if that doesn't work it is just more guessing game where if you have something specific you can now look up experts on that condition to guide you.
  8. Honestly, my personal opinion on OAT is that Organic Acids are pretty much based on in-vitro research nearly 100%. It is a nice way for functional medicine doctors to make extra money but there is no way to interpret the results accurately enough. Any of those metabolites could literally mean 10 different things. Don't get me wrong, the amount of information you get is impressive and it is accurate but all those acids can be elevated or reduced for a multitude of reasons and you need a highly experienced practitioner to help you translate those results into something meaningful. I used to think OAT was a great and valuable tests but then I took deeper dive into all those metabolites and I don't think so anymore. There is literally no useful evidence to the majority of those markers which means we are assuming that just because something does something in a petri dish it means the same thing happens in the human body. It's like saying "I like astronomy so I should have been called to help design the Hubble Telescope" But maybe along with your previous tests and symptomology it can give some indication of what's up. the one called complete microbiome mapping. yes this doesn't surprise me. Lack of attention to client's need is quite notorious in the holistic health industry
  9. @NOTintoxicated have you spoken to a psychiatry doctor? Sounds like a textbook OCD which can be diagnosed and usually treatments are available (both medical & holistic). Probably best to get an appointment with psychiatrist so you have something on the paper you can work with. Don't just jump into antibiotics without knowing what you're up against. Seek a second opinion if you get dismissed.
  10. Amazing! Love the self reflection and brutal honesty. Get your hierarchy fixed and see you back here in a year or two. Godspeed ?
  11. @Vision thanks! I'd be more inclined to take the later one. The information seems more practical. Is it expensive? The trick here with intestinal permeability is that we currently don't have a tests that are very reliable nor is there a medical gold standard. There is a Zonulin test (which is part of this) but there is also Dual Sugar Assay (seems to be better) and Polyethene Glycol (which may be the best but is rarely available). Does the company offer either of those two? May be combined with the one above would give you a nice picture (depends on cost of course). I would specifically ask them what tests do they have available for intestinal permeability.
  12. @Vision they are both really interesting and there is a large overlay in what they show. Where metaBiome is mainly showing balance of microbiome, the GI Map is looking at screening for various potentially pathogenic species, parasites, worms and I'd say for assessment for intestinal permeability, GI Map is probably better. But depends on what you fancy more and what is preferable to you. Do you have a sample report of which GI Map would you take, do you have a particular company? Could you share it?
  13. Not a good idea when it comes to chelation and detoxification. You need a specialist guidance not some half-assed blog advice from someone who has just written what's on their mind. Either do chelation properly under the wings of a specialist (or at least using the guidance of trusted sources) or don't do it at all.
  14. @Vision GI Map is a complex microbial screening looking at parasites, worms, viruses, pathogenic bacteria etc. Hard to say how useful it will be here. It is not going to pick up SIBO nor will it confirm but it may give indication whether there is something else going on that could be a source of your problem. GI Map is fairly expensive test thou, not sure how much it will cost in your country. If you can afford it and are willing to burn the extra cash, go for it.
  15. Get the confirmation of diagnosis first by the gastro doctor and request jejunal aspirate. If it is diagnosed, either look up a holistic gut specialist or get some technical book online that guides you through the protocol. Potentially you could also get in touch with Gojiman. If diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor may recommend rifaximin and metrodinazole as a first line of treatment.
  16. Untreated SIBO (if this is SIBO) can progress to all sorts of problems (if there is also some ongoing intestinal permeability) can pretty much lead to anything including Coeliac, IBD, liver problems, asthma, new types of allergies, depression. jejunal aspirate is a medical test, your doctor needs to refer you to gastroenterologist (gut doctor) and they need to run the tests. This is what I mentioned before. Take your breath test and ask the gut doctor to interpret it rather than the private lab. Not sure what the medical system looks like where you're based but here in UK medical tests are not charged because they come from your monthly insurance contribution
  17. In this sentence, I can hear a voice of passion and love being muffled by fear and resistance. I don't know if you already tried it but if you have some extra money and some time, consider buying Leo's LP course. It has changed my life and lives of many people on here. If there is just one thing, start there. Watch 1 video every day and see the momentum starting to rise. You can't beat resistance, you just have to face it and go with it. It will ALWAYS be there no matter what you do. You must not let it hold you back. I loved the Dark Knight scene, always gives me goosebumps when the encouragement intensifies before he jumps.
  18. In terms of his content, he gives solid advice on sibo treatment,his gut stuff is really goods He however shares a lot of shit videos where he just attacks non-vegans for the stuff they eat. I absolutely hate when they do that. He also looks very sickly and unhappy to me and I struggle to sustain my attention to his videos because of that. At the moment this is the most reliable and the most sensitive test for diagnosis of SIBO we have. It beats the breath testing but it is more invasive. I guess at this stage the answer you are looking for is : do IU have SIBO or not and if you do you need to go heavy after it with antimicrobials, elimination diet and repopulation. The longer you let it untreated, the worse it will generally get.
  19. @soos_mite_ah it's not good. This stuff is basically a ultra-processed vegan junk food. They are trying to replace protein with cheap protein powders and it is full of the cheapest oils, thickeners, preservatives, colourings, E-numbrs, fructose and phosphates. I'd prefer to make the burgers myself using beans, mushrooms, onions and some spices with some tahini or olive oil to mix it all up . If you have food processor, it is fairly easy to do and you have 100% control
  20. @Tomtad any particular foods that are problematic?
  21. I think more for girls than guys. A beautiful woman will have things being offered to her more readily than a less attractive one. She will simply receive more male attention and allong woth it more opportunities (mostly material) Does not mean she will choose to act on this. I think the higher she is on the spiral the less difference will it make to her life. In the typical orange environment a beautiful woman will have somewhat easier life if she chooses to take advantage of her beauty and if she is highly invested in materialism and success. High paid corporate jobs are more frequently held by good looking women as it is usually stage orange men making those decisions. I have never seen an unattractive executive.
  22. I think the sibo test would Indeed make sense. You may need to go private if the GP is not willing to do it for you. But definitely worth checking that
  23. @Vision ok so I did a little bit of digging on this. There are 2 fairly reliable statements at the moment. One is coming from the Association of Gastrointestinal Physiologists (AGIP) the other from North American Consensus. This is what they both say: First of all, the order of testing (according to AGIP) should have been Lactulose first, Glucose second. Did your lab do it this way? If not, you may have got false positive/false negative. Secondly, "the recent North American Consensus document on breath testing (2) suggests that a rise above the baseline hydrogen level of >=20ppm of hydrogen within the first 90 minutes following ingestion of the provocation dose (lactulose or glucose) is normally considered positive for assessment of SIBO". -> this is positive on your test Thirdly, AGIP says -> "methane level >=10ppm at baseline or at any point during the test should be considered positive for methanogenesis. As methane may affect transit times it is difficult to say with certainty whether the methanogenic organisms are in the small bowel or colon so no comment on SIBO should be made in the absence of a concomitant rise in hydrogen" -> In your test, methane (yellow line) is above 10 at the baseline pretty much straight away + you have rise in hydrogen. So this point applies Fourth, AGIP Says: "The time from ingestion to the rise in breath levels associated with large bowel fermentation should not be used as a diagnostic tool for estimating small bowel transit." - This is what your testing company did. Dump it all as "colonic fermentation". This does not seem to be right. Finally, AGIP says "Ledochowski cut off values of a rise of >=10ppm within 60-minutes as positive for SIBO (6) which is a more conservative value but conversely increases the risk of a false-negative result. Therefore clinical judgement by an experienced Clinician and / or discussion within a multidisciplinary team should be used with borderline positive results (i.e. a rise seen between 60-90 minutes) and a glucose HMBT could be undertaken to provide more confidence in a SIBO positive diagnosis" -> This is the point that takes away the certainty. We cannot tell whether the increase behind 90 minutes is due to colonic fermentation or small intestinal fermentation. I think you should get a second opinion SUMMARY You should take these results and show them to a medical gastroenterologist. There is too much vagueness in SIBO diagnosis at the moment and you may need to get a test called jejunum culture aspirate which is currently considered to be a gold standard test. This is more invasive however and includes sticking a tube down your throat, this is the best we have so far. Good luck on your next step.
  24. modern medicine is brilliant for acute injuries, acute toxicity, cardiac arrest and getting you back to live once you are at the brink of dying. The amount of artistic work they can do if a 100 kilo brick falls on your leg is unbelievable. The Emergency medicine is a combination of art & science really. You don't have time to piss around with herbs when you experience a heart attack, you need to be sent to hospital, injected with nitric oxide and have your chest opened if necessary but then once the person is stable, naturopaths should take over. But there is no holistic education in medicine which is why management of chronic disease is so poor. You also have to consider that most people WANT this sort of approach. 9/10 diabetics are not looking for a real cure, just to dump their responsibility somewhere else and to stop being in pain. That's it. Having to take metformin 3 times a day is less painful than having to lose 50 kilos and starting to exercise. If you are interested in real treatment and taking responsibility in your hands, you're better of doing your own studies or finding a holistic expert with a decent reputation.
  25. it's like you're new to the internet. The amount of perverse action some people are willing to take for a bit of attention on the internet literally has no boundaries...it's really a cry for love what it is and that love, sometimes only comes when the person is holding gun to their head