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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. definitely! all of them meh, mostly not unless you already fixed everything above. Good for short term boost thou if you need to extra brain time if you ran out of other options (eg. all of the above) then this may be the next step heck yah !! don't have sex to improve brain power ffs have it with the person you love because it is the most intimate connection you can have with them. Masturbation has no impact on brain performance, if anything it just numbs you down. 1 short term boost, risk of long-term chronic fatigue and adrenaline addiction IF is great for boosting BDNF, definitely. Long term fasting will lead to muscle atrophy and with that possibly decline in BDNf and brain power. possibly, works nicely sometimes absolutely! time spent in nature = brain on steroids
  2. There are upsides and downsides. If you want to consume fish for protein, then you can get that from many other safe plant sources. If the reason are Omega 3 fats (ALA, EPA, DHA) then you may add more ground flax seeds and if you fancy add algal oil supplement to the combo, but that may not be necessary. If fish simply makes you feel more satiated, it may be that the diet needs some exptra protein which is where tofu, tempeh and things like red lentils may come in that are easy to make and can help you bulk protein intake. In terms of purity, nearly 100% of seafood is contaminated with something but so is fruits, vegetables and herbs. If we go down that road eventually you could not eat anything and the amount of mental distress the avoidance of all toxins causes can lead to pretty bad depression. If you want to avoid the biggest polluters, stay away from all carnivore fish and stick to sardines, mackerel and occasional salmon. Having salmon once a week won't kill you but yes the mercury is a concern. Eat it with a lot of vegetables as those may help bind and remove some of those contaminants. Don't deep-fry the fish and don't smoke it or barbecue it. If you fry it on pan use Extra Virgin Olive oil or just bake it for 10 minutes at around 160 degrees. A good way to do that is to have a huge baking tray, fill it with vegetables, some cut sweet potatoes to bake and just towards last 10 minutes add on the salmon. That way you have a super high fibre meal with some salmon that will help you minimise the absorption of those pollutants. Hope that helps
  3. Don't forget that for thousands of years there was no "mainstream medicine" and that herbal and natural medicine was what we had for generations and generations. A lot of the current pharmaceuticals are just herbal extracts. A lot of the mainstream medicine knowledge comes from generations of experimentation and using of herbal therapies. Also worth mentioning painkillers - in the past, many were just opioid extracts (e.g. poppy seeds). Research is now showing that things like turmeric or ginger can be as effective as Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. We have some good randomized trials to show for this Aspirin - Salicylic Acid the main ingredient is an extract from White Willow Bark digestive relief medication are often herbal extracts such as peppermint, senna, psyllium husk or ginger other anti-acid medications are really just magnesium and calcium carbonate, common minerals. Psyllium Husk is used as fibre replacement, another common herb St John's Wort is commonly prescribed as an antidepressant to people who cannot tolerate or do not want SSRIs Hawthorn berry has well-documented benefits for Heart function even when compared to things like Digoxin Echinacea is a powerful immunostimulant with well-researched benefits for flu, infections and even Covid 19 symptoms Medicinal mushrooms have been trialed in cancer studies and some of them show very promising results there are many other such examples of herbal remedies being as powerful as pharmaceuticals with less side effects, lower cost and less patient discomfort. Also mention to your dad that medical errors are one of the top 10 leading causes of death in the non-developing courtries. This is very well documented. I don't know what he means by "real conditions" but SIBO is very well recognised in research and medicine now. The "leaky gut" is not a real thing because it is a set of symptoms but a condition called "increased Intestinal permeability" is a real thing and it is now well documented in the research. The two are being used interchangeably but they are not, "leaky gut" is an inaccurate interpretation of intestinal permeability. The last bit is true, medicines are funded by the government through YOUR salary deduction and contribution. They are cheap to produce because of economies of scale and the cost compared to cost of production is tiny where herbs have to be grown, cultivated, harvested properly and ten stored properly. Herbs are not appropriate for acute conditions such as kidney infection similar. For treatment of chronic disease, pharmaceuticals do not improve these conditions. They block variety of pathways, enzymes and molecules that trigger certain process. They do not heal anything. You stop the medication, the disease comes back pretty much straight away. If a person on proton pump inhibitors quits the drug, they'll get the worst acid reflux of their life. There is more to say but I doubt your dad cares, from what you described he ain't changing his mind so it is you who needs to take the next step
  4. More important than the individual monosaccharides, is "what else is in there?". A lot of anti-fruiters focus on studies that look at isolated fructose for example in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. But you gotta remember that to eat the amount of fructose you get in a tablespoon of some concentrated syrup you'd have to eat half a kilo of dates. Yes, if you eat fructose in form of fructose corn syrup you'll end up fat and sick. But the fructose and glucose in fruit come wrapped with fibre and many types of complex polysaccharides that can be only broken apart by the microbiome. There are also plant polyphenols that impact how this stuff is digested and metabolised, none of which you get in isolated fructose. All this reduces how much fructose you absorb and how fast. If you look at the large epidemiological data, fruits are associated with weight loss, improved blood pressure, improved cholesterol and reduced incidence of fatty liver where isolated fructose and sugar (extract of sugar cane) does the opposite. People who eat more fruit live longer, they have better mental health, better BMI, less cancer and less diabetes and obesity. We can talk about in-vitro science, speculations and all sorts of funky pathways as much as we want (just because something happens in a petri dish does not means it happens in the body) but put into practical data, the evidence is absolutely overwhelming in that the fruits ar good for humans pretty much in any quantities. You can't really overeat that stuff because it fills the stomach quickly and all that fibre would make you poop 5 times a day @Max_V not bad per se but there are other more tasty fruits in my opinion, the more diversity you can get in a single day the better for your gut. Also, how the hell do you cram two boxes of dates in a day is beyond me
  5. Doesn't make it any healthier thou. If they didn't deep fry it and added chemicals into it this stuff would make you want to vomit.
  6. lol ofcourse but he'll just cover that up for by making a "Why your cholesterol number is not important" video
  7. @mmKay 250 grams seems like quite a lot. Why not get some wider variety of other fruits rather than a microfocus? Dates are great, I like them as well but could not eat so many in a day :D. I usually take 3-4 when I go for a hike or a bike ride. Dates are not harmful, not even for diabetics, the large population data is quite clear on that. Sugar in fruit, not even in dried fruit does not behave the same way as white sugar, not even close. Where the later is highly inflammatory and disturbing to the metabolism, fruits are actually extremely beneficial. But I wouldn't at too many late at night keep you awake. Just try to add in some other fruits to the mix, you'll enjoy those meals more and it is better for your gut bacteria to introduce large variety of fruits
  8. If you can source the meat from a local small farmer that you know and trust or like a neighbour who keeps a few chickens every year, that's the best but those sources are hard to come by. Most chicken comes from mass farmers and it is hard to trace the quality. I'd say get to know your butcher or your farmer if you want a "clean meat". DOn't just buy it from the shelf in the supermarket. Either that or just be vegetarian or vegan (or any in between such as pescetarian, lactovegetarian, ovo vegetarian, lacto/ovo vegetarian etc). Whatever seems like the right thing for you is fine. The choice should be yours. Here in Wales, for example, we sometimes get eggs from this small farm in the national park we go hike to occasionally. It is an old lady who has like 50 hens and they lay eggs every day so she just sells it. Her animals are kept in perfect condition, on green grass and have a huge area to feed and move around. The birds are there for people to see. I have no issue with eating those sorts of eggs personally.
  9. perhaps you need to listen to your heart & your intuition rather than forcing yourself to accept opinions on youtube just to be "open minded". People come to carnivore usually from a place of very messed up digestion and that usually helps them a lot but I am doubtful of both the healing powers of carnivore and its long term benefits. The human gut is dependant on at least 40grams of fibre a day for our microbiome to survive, you start eliminating that your microbiome profile changes and you end up with way too many proteolytic bacteria to a degree that it can become irreversible and you completely lose the natural balance a human should have. It is an acute elimination diet(same as for example FODMAP diet or Specific Carbohydrate diet or Low Histamine diet or Elemental diet). It work for short term but you need to find the root cause and fix it so that you can start eating a large variety of foods rather than staying carnivore forever and get completely brainwashed by people like Saladino who themselves have not managed to fix their gut. Feed him a salad and he'll spend the night on the toilet.... Healthy gut should be able to process any type of (human) food without too many issues or symptoms.
  10. not being highly informed about a particular topic (e.g. nutrition) does not make one dumb, intelligence or wisdom has nothing to do with knowing a lot of random facts "organic" should mean that the animal was not fed antibiotics, that the farmer had to adhere to certain standards, that the feed was coming from better quality sources and that the standard of living for these animals was generally better such as spending most of their time outdoor and being killed more humanely (I don't believe that last bit to be frank). But there are many ways to go around it so just because something is "organic" on the paper does not mean it is either super healthy or super clean. Large portion of this is marketing and there are many loopholes in the legislations regulation those certifications.
  11. He said a few times that he eats organic whenever possible (or something along those lines) so I'd assume this is still the case.
  12. @Vision you can't change him and the more conscious you become the greater the conflict. Move out as soon as possible for the sake of your health and mental well-being. Ideally at least 200 km away. If he is as you say there is nothing you can do to change that. Find a condo or a shared flat and start there. It's your life mate, no time to waste. Move out and get your health fixed properly. Good luck!
  13. If it was at least pure chicken but the stuff they put in nuggets can come from anywhere including the beak, the legs, cartilage, joints or organs. As long as it is made into a paste you can't tell a difference. Yum!
  14. One only eats animals the other doesn't eat any. What exactly buffles you ?
  15. @Raphael cool beans! Drop me a line if i can offer any more advice. Take it easy from the start. Quality before quantity
  16. @Raphael do you recall when you raised the "how to boost brain" topic and i suggested you eat much more? I would stand behind that suggestion and reinforce the need to increase calories of your meals especially of protein. If you can do that and add some weight bearing training your weight will come up and you'll have much more energy and brain power. No need to force it but you can simply shuffle around the ingredients of your current meals
  17. Hey Gregory, What's your diet like at the moment?
  18. The triple therapy is by far the most effective treatment for HP. If you have chronic HP you don't have time time to play around, it increases your risk of gastric cancer. Take the pharmaceutical therapy. It is around 80% effective. If it doesn't work seek out a skilled herbalist and go after it naturally. But I'd personally start with medication simply because the longer you have it to more severe the long term complications can be
  19. you sure those two are correlated?
  20. Hello to all new fellow mods! Thanks for volunteering to help the team ?
  21. @Vision it is very much possible that anxiety is connected to the gut and the same is malaise. Maybe you are not eating as much due to the gut problems and as such that is impacting both your mood and your overall wellbeing? I wrote a 2 part series about the connection between mental health and gut, you can check it out on my blog but there is a whole other component with anxieties of psycho/spiritual wellbeing such as just being happy where you are at life, doing what you want to be doing etc.
  22. @blueplasma once you have presented an argument of the animal suffering and the person is willing to accept those consequences by eating animal food nevertheless, your job is done. Nothing else you say makes any point or validity and just endlessly further attacking people shows only lack of compassion, understanding and personal development. 90% of vegans fail to understand this. It is your personal ethical choices but don't shove it down the mouth of other people. Show the same sort of empathy and kindness you have for animals to fellow human beings and maybe once they are ready they will be able to consider your arguments. Not everyone can be vegan, it does not work for some people and you need to be open minded enough to accept that and let go
  23. @Flowerfaeiry there is a mechanism that should prevent that called migrating motor complex (MMC) which is kinda like thousands of tiny micro contractions going across the entire small intestine with the aim to clean of any leftovers. (at least that's the theory what it does so far). You can google this, it's quite an interesting effect. This happens once the digestions stop so theoretically if this god damaged, maybe...it would have to mean significant damage to the nervous system branch managing the digestive system but even then the damage would have to be so extensive and so massive, I don't know what would be able to cause that. Maybe one ina million after some sort of traumatic accident or extreme form of IBD where the inflammation just destroyed a large portion of neurons in the gut. What these guys (Loren, John Rose, the dude on Hawai i always forget his name) say is that everyone who is eating anything but a fruitarian diet has that which I'm finding hard to believe. If you had a layer that prevented you from digesting the food you would find out very very quickly. Massive hair loss, fatigue, bad skin, bad breath, acne all over, depression, massive weight loss, bone loss, muscle loss to the point the person would look like a prisoner of war. Funny enough a lot of fruitarians end up looking like that... not a generalisation but just some observation.