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hey, what dosages are you trying? You could consider adding Ginkgo extract to that mix as well I've had some nice results with one or two guys with it.
Of course not . The relationship is a selfish need for survival and reproduction. And we can play any game we want but eventually, it comes down to fulfilling a few blocks on the Maslow pyramid and increasing the chance of reproduction and fulfilling one's selfish desires for survival. No amount of fluff and fairy tale will change that.
Great advice. I came across this in the Oxygen Advantage book the first time. Evidently, it is helpful for people who suffer from nocturnal asthma. I did that a couple of times in the past when I still had asthma and it was somewhat helpful but I'd often wake up kinda suffocating because my nose would often get clogged at night Rule number one make sure your nose is not blocked
I was fortunate to visit the country for 3 weeks in 2016. The transition you experience when you head from Tokyo to Kyoto and then back is mindblowing. I loved the contract thou, somehow Japanese managed to create a system out of this and everything in the country is nitpicked to tiny details (e.g. warm toilet that toilet splashes your ass after you poo or sandwich papers that come with a printed mouth so that people are less self-conscious about eating in public or the guy that cuts the lawn in the park with scisors). The Japanese mindset is very much driven by stage blue values, at least out in the public but underneath I felt a lot of bitterness and frustration that occasionally slipped when the "social mask" dropped maybe stemming from the outlived collectivism and need for more individual aspiration
Spammers reopening this old post
I found in my life I crave sugar the most when I'm either bored, trying to procrastinate, fresh after an exhausting workout or haven't eaten enough. So it helps to identify the motive and once you do you'll often be surprised that quite often it is simply being bored or running away from some tasks/duties. Once you identify those cravings they are easily suppressed by not giving in. This also trains your brain to stop making connection between mild craving and immediate reward. If the craving is from hunger, such as not having eaten enough, not eating enough carbs or protein then eating a bit more helps. It may also be that you got a reactive hypoglycemia from a very sugary food and your blood sugar dipped too low after being too high and now you crave a quick stabiliser. In those cases, eating more carbohydrates with lower glycemic load and more protein is helpful Step number one is not to have any sweets and chocolates at home maybe with exception of high-quality dark chocolate. This will naturally present an obstacle "want sugar need to go out and buy it". At the same time make sure you have alternatives available such as sweeter fruit or dried fruit. If the craving gets too powerful have something like 80-90% dark chocolate at home and use that. There is also a habitual element such as needing to have desert that is always familial or cultural (e.g. in Italy desert is often the last meal or in UK there is a habit of snacking straight after meals quite often). So if habit is the main driver think about how you could unwire those patterns.
Yes this is very important and I would encourage you to make the effort and get the testing done in the lab or making sure (within the scope of possibility) it is sent to lab quickly, maybe pay a premium service or send the sample yourself. In medicine the distance between the medical practitioner or phlebotomist taking the sample to the evaluating lab is directly proportional the risk of mistake, loss, contamination and need to test again. Antibody test samples can easily get contaminated during transport and in fact, transport and mishandling are one of the most common causes of false negatives/false positives on serum testing. So if you can driving there and getting the sampling done on the same day would be ideal. Might be enough to kill it, might not. See what happens after 14 days then act accordingly. Maybe after that would be good time to get the double test of ELISA & Westernblot. Good stuff. Some of the other dietary tips would be to maybe have a measure of your vitamin D and get it up if needed and some Zinc citrate supplementation for general immune support. Good luck!
Make sure you are no trying to circumvent the painful & exhaustive healing process by applying a "green pharmacy" as a form of shorcut . Healing of trauma has to be difficult, nasty and very emotional process otherwise there is no deep healing. The person you speak of may not be ready so be mindful of that as well
@universe consider getting retested at least one more time, possibly at a different clinic. And then maybe one more time. Antibody tests rarely have 100% specificity or reliability. If you can get 2 or 3 negative tests you are probably good. This is from National Institute of Health Likewise, diagnostic tests that are based on the identification of antigens of B. burgdorferi, including the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), have not been shown to be sufficiently accurate to be clinically useful under non-experimental conditions. It is well documented that the sensitivity and specificity of antibody tests for Lyme disease vary substantially [48]. The accuracy and reproducibility of pre-packaged commercial kits is much poorer than that of tests performed by “reference” laboratories that maintain tight quality control and regularly prepare the materials that are used in the test. Official recommendations from the Second National Conference on Serologic Diagnosis of Lyme Disease and from the CDC are that clinicians use a two-step procedure when ordering antibody tests for Lyme disease-first, a sensitive screening test, such as an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and, if that result is positive or equivocal, a Western immunoblot (a more specific test than the ELISA) to confirm the result. If the ELISA result is negative, an immunoblot is not indicated. Immunoblots should not be ordered without a simultaneously ordered ELISA. The ELISA provides a quantitative estimate of the concentration of antibodies against B. burgdorferi. The immunoblot provides information about the specificity of the antibodies; positive “bands” mean that antibodies against specific protein antigens of B. burgdorferi are present. Most authorities require the presence of antibodies against at least either 2 (for IgM) or 5 (for IgG) specific proteins of B. burgdorferi for the immunoblot to be considered positive So in a summary the most accurate way is to get PCR followed by ELISA & Westernblot together (the two need to be ordered together). If all show positive, then you are positive with nearly 100% accuracy. Maybe print this of https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3652387/ (or at least the Diagnosis section) and bring it to your doctor for some evidence on proper testing. This is from NIH, the library of medical evidence so no doctor in the world can ignore this Ofcourse keep observing for symptoms of the bullseye rash, headaches, joint pains and severe fatigue as well as fever
I agree with you. Often when you look past looks and the true nature of the person's core & constitution is revealed the looks are often not appealing any longer if the core is rotten and dysfunctional. At the same time, I'm gonna say that even if the later was perfect without liking the look, I wouldn't be able to be in a relationship with that person. As simple-minded as that sounds, looks is the most superficial thing but at the same time, you would not be able to sustain a relationship if you don't like your partner's face. It is just something that is close to impossible to bite through. A relationship has to be a harmony of physical, chemical and spiritual attraction with a good levels of sexual energy, empathy, understanding and compassion. Take one of those pieces out and the whole thing falls on your head. . My grandfather used to say "ya gonna look at that face you don't like for the next 60 years?"
He has some of those books in his book list. Worth making the investment. Counting calories is a double-edged weapon. On one hand it is useful for self-calibration for people who want to lose or gain weight or who are trying to optimise their performance by using measurable markers and indicators (e.g. marathoners or professional athletes counting carbs, doing carb loading, optimising protein intake to get into a heavier weight category etc.) For most people who just kinda want to eat healthy, it is not necessary as long as there is no degree of eating disorder. It can become a stressor and a constant thing on a person's mind whenever a new meal is consumed. Chronic counting of calories can completely destroy relationship with food and turn it into a functional nutrient extraction stripping of the element of enjoyment and pleasure.
I would start here. Active smoking is a risk factor for every single cancer. The sun might have just been the final blow. Yes there is no denying the fact that the rate of cancer we have today is the highest it has ever been in human history but the fact is that we live longer, we are better at diagnosing it and so many causes previously not caught are now being actively diagnosed. there is no need to avoid the sun, the natural vitamin D has an abundance of health benefits, cancer protection being one of them. The key rule here is DONT GET BURNED. If you are more pale-skinned like the typical norther European you ned as little as 10-15 minutes to get daily requirement of vitamin D. The darker your skin the more exposure you need. A good strategy is to avoid the strongest sun. Get it before midday or then after 6 pm as it starts setting. Generally, I'd avoid the silly touristy habit of roasting yourself on the direct sun while covered in a sunscreen like a turkey in the oven. It is very much possible that some of those chemicals in the creams can potentially cause some damage if combined with hours of very high heat and direct sunlight....but I haven't explored this topic properly to be sure. Go out for a workout before 11 and take your shirt of. Or just wear short sleeves and short trousers during summer and that in itself will get you enough. There is no need to be tanned, in fact, tan is a defensive reaction against the harmful effects of the sun. Ofcourse, it looks nice but find a balance and stop before your skin turns red. Melanoma is not as pervasive as other cancers like prostate, colon, lung or breast so just lead an overall healthy lifestyle and you'll mostly be fine. Dont avoid the sun but don't roast your skin either.
The combination of swollen lymph nodes and fatigue might indicate something like post viral chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Any chance you had a viral infection? EBV & RRV viruses are common causes of CFS. Look it up maybe see your doctor and ask for some viral testing
@flowboy now be a good boy and cut out those reishi tomorrow (for science) while keeping caffeine dose the same. Let's see what happens ?
By all means, it's your health and none of us are in any right to tell you what to do. But see if you can also think long-term. Say you go down this road of eating pizzas and junk to have more calories and make more gains for the next 20 years and then get diagnosed with colorectal cancer in your late 40s. Would you have wished somebody told you not to do it?
Oh boy "eating pizza to make gains" I sense you need to invest in some nutrition book bruh ?
@flowboy might be that reishi coffee simply has less caffeine because 30-50% of that dose is reishi rather than coffee bean extract?
Interesting I haven't heard about this combination. People have reported to me previously that L-Theanine helped to blunt the crash (maybe this is why Green tea sits so well with people). But makes sense, reishi being somewhat adaptogenic might work on some of those receptors that caffeine occupies and mitigate the effect...I dunno maybe that's not how it works.
You need to be VERY careful when advising people with cancer to avoid medical therapy. In fact it is somewhat unethical so be mindful of that. Make sure this is their individual choice to avoid it. If the tumour has metastasised the chances of some natural herbs killing it are quite low and sometimes medical therapy needs to be the first line of approach after which they may work with naturopaths to regain their immune strength, health their gut and learn to live healthily and sustainably so cancer does not return. But it really depends. For example, a single isolated growth is much less harmful than a metastasised cancer across main organs. A great success can be achieved by combining the two by working with a medical and holistic specialists. This was success can be achieved with greater rate and higher changes of cancer not returning. If they chose holistic route, make sure it is someone who ONLY specialises with cancer. You don't want a half-asses naturopath experimenting on them. You need someone who has developed a strong expertise and rigorous protocols who will also be ok to work alongside medical doctors. They don't study oncology for 10 years for no reason...cancer is an extremely complex condition.
I used to be for nearly 5 years but not anymore. I'd say I still eat 95% plant-based since that works best for my energy levels and I don't feel I have a need for animal products other than an odd greek yoghurt or an egg but I don't identify myself with any ethical movement anymore because I have allowed myself to slip in a deep dogma back then and it caused a lot of internal conflict. @Zeroguy I watched those videos. I dunno, is this your idea of a healthy food?
I think if somebody decides to be vegan (not plant-based) it indicates that it is an ethical choice as much as it is a health choice so it would not be right to tell them to just "stop being vegan". The ethics behind veganism on their own give the person every right to reject any animal products if they wish to do so.
Do you think you'd be willing to spread it across at least 2 meals? Because you are on a plant-based diet, 1500 calories (on paper) may be 1200 calories in reality. The absorption of calories and macros from plants is generally a bit lower than from something like animal products (not suggesting you start eating animals just making a comparison). SO spreading your nutrition across 2 , even 3 meals may ensure that essential nutrients are coming in throughout the day and that there is a higher rate of calorie/vitamin/mineral absorption. Also certain components in plants generally do interfere with some nutrient absorption (for example Zinc or Copper). In a typical diet that is not of a concern but in vegan-IF it may become an issue actually. Also if you look at the fasting, during the period of no eating, your stress hormones will start rising and as someone trying to heal your energetic/spiritual body this may not be helping too much to stay calm & grounded. I'd go for more warm, cooked meals with some mild spices. Cooked food is generally more gentle to digestion and just really more warming to the soul. Eliminate coffee and if you like green tea get it decaf. But other herbal teas like lemon balm or chamomile would be more beneficial for the work you are trying to do. I think paying a visit to your doc and getting some basic blood work done would be a good idea. Some sort of liver/elimination support would definitely be beneficial which is where we come back to the earlier point of possibly benefiting from spreading your meals across multiple portions. The liver is very nutrient dependant so I think applying more gentle approach rather than intermittent fasting would really benefit you. Again, best done under a supervision of herbalist, naturopath, nutritionists, Chinese medicine doctor etc. A short term supplementation of some green powders and some complex organic wholefood multi would also help. As for the rest of your response, this is where working with a spiritual coach / guide or someone well versed in this area would be useful. We have many members who might be able to help you. All the best !
Maybe you should do this for the next 6 months. Suppressing your sexual desire in pursuit of ultimate enlightenment will be hard with that raging testosterone monkey inside your head. Maybe you need to go out there, date bunch of girls, have a lot of sex, party a bit and live up your suppressed stage orange feature. Once you're done come back and carry on with the important work.
Damn, that's a powerful commitment, the universe will repay you the kindness @integral Great tips by everyone above. On top of everything that has already been said, something like bach flower remedies can be really nice gentle way to help people who are healing from traumatic experiences. These things can be purchased online or often on Amazon. Something like this https://www.ausflowers.co.uk/collections/combination-flower-essences/products/sexuality-essence-drops and this https://www.ausflowers.co.uk/collections/combination-flower-essences/products/transition-essence-drops No need to go for this brand in particular. Homoeopathic may also be useful in situation like this and Herbalists claim that rose tincture feels like a "hug in the bottle". But all of these are only marginal unless deeper work is done to help heal & forgive. And most obviously her environment needs to change. This is at the point that child protection service should potentially be contacted and father prosecuted but that would be up to qualified qouncelor to decide. Kudos to you brother! Best of luck.