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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. @Raphael id try some of the gluten free wholegrains, most of them are LF. For example same recipe as oatmeal but use buckwheat or quinoa instead. Cook it, mix with some LF fruit, berries, bunch of walnuts some cacao to taste. Careful with overripe fruit tho, the brown bananas for example are too high in fructose and can exacerbate it. Same for dried fruits, some are ok other not so much. Also just go online and google low fodmap cookbook. Plenty of good ones there. If you suspect fodmaps to be an issue I'd suggest you look into the hydrogen/methane breath testing. Get the 3 hour not 90 minutes. The short one is not enough and can produce false negatives or false positives. Hit me up if i can help answer any questions on the topic of LF elimination.
  2. Healing journey can sometimes lead to temporary worsening of how one looks or feels. It's all part of the process. What is to give light must endure burning.
  3. Probably not in the west thou, most people actually eat way too much protein in US & Europe. But I agree that where protein is deficient and a lot of calories are derived from refined carbohydrates, obesity can become an issue. Protein intake does not protect from obesity thou as some of the key protein sources in the western diet are also largely obesogenic such as burgers, fried meats and processed animal products yes to all Genes can predispose one to have larger stores of adipose tissue and maybe having poorer insulin sensitivity and some other endocrine factors but it comes down to a whole scale of other external factors such as some of those you already mentioned but mostly financial situation, social situation, education level and upbringing (e.g. if parents eat bacon and eggs for breakfast every day, so will the kids)
  4. I agree that having an abundance of hyper-palatable foods sold cheap and wide makes this worse but the problem of obesity goes beyond lack of self-restriction. Obesity is a socio-economic problem. It often stems from lack of education, lack of financial resources, being born and raised in a family with poor eating habits and low levels of personal development over generations. Not to mention rising cost of education, fresh produce, housing etc. Basiclaly things that would pull these people out of the rut are becoming more and more unaffordable for them. At some point poor parents have to make a decision: do I let my kid go hungry or will he/she become obese by feeding them the poorest quality food (the cheapest food) like bread & sugar? With a lack of education, it is hard to make informed decisions about what is healthy and so the natural inclination is towards high calorie, rewarding foods that tend to be ridiculously cheap. Here in UK you can get a pound of fried chips (french fries) for 3 British pounds for example (3000 calories in a single meal) - if you know where to look. I mean even look at this forum where you would assume most people have a higher rate of education and mostly decent upbringing and background. Even here the opinions on what to eat to be healthy are so incredibly diversified. And now imagine someone with 5 years of general education being raised in a family of two neurotic grown-up children of a parents, probably alcoholics, probably having at least 5 addictions each, who has to make critical decision on what information is correct and whatnot. Impossible. Then not to mention being born to already obese family means one is born with messed up microbiome, somewhat messed up genetic predisposition and is thrown down a slippery slope which takes an extreme amount of willpower and independence to get away from. In 90% cases it is impossible simply due to lack of positive examples and external help that these people never get. We could take this further but just wanted to reiterate that obesity is a deeper problem than just eating too much junk. That's a consequence of other, deeper underlying problems that have accumulated over generations of resource deprivation and social inequality.
  5. Maybe you need to park that course for 5 years and expose yourself to more life experience first. Read a bunch of books of completely different genres, get a few jobs, travel the world a bit (once covid restrictions lift ), talk to people from foreign countries, join toastmasters. You know savour diversity. At 22 it is possible you just haven't been exposed to the wide world enough. Try to get some more diverse experience and then come back to it in 5 years, you may see things differently.
  6. There is a progressive contraction & relaxation technique. Start from the head and gradually scan all areas of the body. Start by tensing all muscles you can tense for 5 seconds and then release completely. Observe the difference. You can repeat the cycle as much as you need per body part until you feel some of that tension has gone.
  7. It might be helpful to address this at some point. But everything else was professionally addressed in the comment above
  8. By how much was it elevated? What was the level and what was the healthy range? Bilirubin can be elevated for a variety of reasons, on its own it is not a reliable marker enough to indicate liver damage. Did you get some of the other enzymes taken? (GGT, AST, ALT, ALP) What was your CRP? Anything else that was off chart? Were your kidney markers elevated?
  9. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the evolution of species over millions of years and the postural and practical advantage of having opposable thumbs
  10. I don't know why but it sometimes feels like this part is being completely omitted in the endless "what's the best diet for weightloss" discussion. Get yo ass to the gym and sweat it off like there is no tomorrow
  11. I feel like every aspect of my life has (positively) been impacted since 2016 when I first stumbled upon the channel. The thing I'm most grateful for is the LP course which opened a new career trajectory for me, showed me how to transition and gave me hope that corpo career won't be my early grave. I've learned what I'm passionate about, went back to school and have for the past 4 years been actively taking steps towards liberating my ass from wage slavery. I started a small business, learned about marketing, finances, accounting, taxes, legal stuff, things I'd have never thought I'd be able to do or would need to do. And I'm still far from being able to leave wage slavery, I know it will happen eventually. Other than that just understanding how I was always being a victim, driven by emotions, unable to cope with negative emotions, always on the run, always holding grudge against someone. Leo taught be about how to understand myself, how to ground myself and be happy with less, not needing more stuff to be fulfilled. Disconnecting from media and news was a big one as well. Learning about SD model has been a game-changer as well. I started taking much better care of my finances, diet, my body, my relationship has thrived from this work as well as my general life happiness and satisfaction. At the moment pursuing enlightenment, trying psychadelics and letting go of "myself" is not on my radar...yet, I feel I'm not ready for that journey yet (maybe I never will) or maybe there is something else I need to do first.
  12. Leo, do you have a good resource to learn from about this? Like, speaking to a very niche market and how to find those people?
  13. The issue with plastic cutlery is only when you use it with hot food. Like a plastic spoon in a hot soup. Personally, I have an ecological issue with plastic cutlery rather than it being a health hazard. Licking a plastic spoon every now and then won't give you dementia don't worry, xenobiotics are a concern but compared to what you'd get from fish or heated food from a plastic bowl, it is minimum. If it bothers you throw metal cutlery in your work bag and carry it with you. I do that sometimes although it seems to disturb some people
  14. ofcourse! It was around the time Starcraft and Dune were out as well. The early days of my video game addiction Yop the first video sums it up! No, there were good features. The graphics were excellent but the gameplay was repetitive and vanilla.
  15. For me it was definitely Rome 2 but that's because I'm really passionate about that time of human history and I explore a lot of those sites here in UK on weekends. The Shogun 2 series are awesome if you liked the movie, The Last Samurai, with Tom Cruise. The Medieval one was also awesome but it is a bit older so expected outdated graphics. For me napoleon didn't fit but that's because I don't particularly like that period of European history. no shame in spending that time with ES series. It was s time well spend Mass Effects 3 was insanely good but Andromeda sucks imo. Yop, my youth used to be the same
  16. Yop, I've clocked over 300 hours on SHogun 2 & Fall of Samurai, not to mention nearly 400 on Rome II You know what the worst thing is, I'd probably do it again it they didn't start making all that Warhammer garbage
  17. A very very limited amount of research shows some positive benefits for testosterone levels which could potentially have a positive impact on libido and sperm production speed. "potentially". No personal experience tho
  18. Going back to the original argument "humans are frugivores" maybe this could be truth for those living in tropics where there is endless abundance of fruits across the year including those such as coconuts, jackfruit, and durian that are slightly higher in protein and also contain some fats. As it stands today, with large portion of humanity living in cold regions, fruitarianism simply isn't the answer. Yes, you can import mangos from SOuth America but is that "natural"? Were we really supposed to have eaten food coming from 5000 miles away pretending this is the "natural diet"? A fruitarian in Sweden will probably start losing hair and teeth after 2-3 years unless they can afford to spend their entire monthly salary on fruit not to mention drinking smoothies during -15 in winter is anything but pleasant. We have come too far and too apart which is why the question of "whats the best diet for human" has no answer because it is dependant on region, cultural heritage, tradition and most of all climate, soil quality and agricultural availability. A naive Californian will think anyone can be vegan because for them, the options are endless, they have great availability of financial resources and are only exposed to people like them who are middle upper class and surrounded by wholefood stores and Costco supermarkets. Well why don't you tell that to a poor shepherd in Nepal or a dairy farmer in Scotland with a rough income of 18-22K per year. Do you think they're gonna start binging on Acai berries and papayas? Historically these people based their diet predominantly around animal food, potatoes and grains and even more animal food, milk, butter and eggs in winter. If they were lucky to live close to a coast, an occasional cod on butter with potatoes was served. We can argue all we want but the answer is that there is no answer. It is too complex and too diversified.
  19. I'd say you look good in both before and after. It's important that you feel good & happy in the body you've got now
  20. BPAs & phtalates are a problem with cans that are not labeled BPA free. In terms of leeching aluminium, that's mostly issue in the ones with tomato sauces like Heinz beans because the sauce is cooked AFTER the cans are sealed so all those acidic tomatoes may be reacting with the alkaline aluminium can unless there is an isolation layer. But yes, it is a concern. Get your tomato sauce in glass bottles and cook your beans from dry
  21. @joshuahuebner Holy shit first of all well done for earning so much in 19s. Damn at your age I was making less than 600 euros per month I agree with @Average Investor a lot of serious investment into your own growth including health, reading, taking courses & seminars but also this is a beautiful opportunity to find your life purpose. Once you do invest as much as you need to start moving that way. You'll have a 5-10 year headstart to most of us who did that process. If living with your parents doesn't in any way impair your growth then make the most of this advantage of not needing to pay rent & bills. It truly seems like a blessing my friend. The omens are good, time to get your hands dirty
  22. Might be you'd benefit from some gut work. WHat's the general state of your digestion (intolerances? pains? bloating? burping? etc) I think you'd benefit from getting some basic blood work. Request a test called Full Blood Count including Ferritin, Vitamin D and B12. See if anything comes up
  23. I am sure if Leo had 100% freedom to eat anything he wished without negative digestive symptoms his diet would be largely different to what it is right now. A therapeutic elimination diet can be extremely restrictive and detrimental over the long term unless new food groups are reintroduced. A lot of proponents of the carnivore diet such as Paul Saladino are completely oblivious to this fact. Eliminate -> Heal -> reintroduce.
  24. Yes this is excellent point. Never ask the client question starting with "why" that is aimed at questioning an existing behaviour. People absolutely hate that. Open questions exploring alternatives and engaging deeper sites of the prefrontal cortex are better option such as "what other colours do you think would work as well?" Reminds me of a book I once read, the guy was talking about how in school at PE sessions are kids are evaluated equally. Such as the usual time for 1K is say 9 minutes and so anyone who makes it at 10 or worse is downgraded. What they don't appreciate is that while Student X made it in 7.5 being an athlete it was easy however Student Y being from a non-sporty family made it in 11 while firing on all cylinders and ending up exhausted for 24 hours.. This would have never been appreciated. It is the amount of individual effort and willpower that was spent that needs to be counted not some pedestal hall of fame target. For some people those targets may be completely unechievable
  25. right..... So you think that all health problems disappear on their own once you become conscious enough? I had the pleasure to work with a guy who was extremely advanced in this practice and let me tell you it did not help his health problems at all, if anything it made them worse. Sometimes the answer is not in getting more conscious but embracing other, more physical aspects of healing which includes getting your hands dirty and fixing your shit.