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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. Ok so you're basically looking at 700 eur / month + some change for miscellaneous expenses. I looked at your profile saying you are Slovenian. From some quick search I found that an average salary in Ljubljana is 1200 euros net (after taxes and deductions). So there are options for better income for sure. The next question is, what would you have to do to get a better salary? What is your age and current level of education? Do you have any university degree or are you trained in any craft? Could you move to a city with better average monthly salary? Do you currently work full time or part-time? Could you take on some extra work? Also I don't know about your current diet, but maybe there are ways to make it cheaper such as buying from bulk food delivery companies. Things like legumes for instance are the cheapest food there is with a nutritional value 10 times what any meat or vegetable will give you. If you eat out a lot, that will take a significant proportion of your finances. Learning to cook in bulk, vegetarian meals based around legumes, root vegetables, local produce is a good option. I probably wouldn't invest in any exotic powders, superfoods and that kind of crap. Another possible saving is (if you live in small area) buying a used bike on Facebook market and not paying for public transport anymore. This way you could potentially get some extra exercise as well. You can buy a decent bike, used for 80 euros, get it serviced for 20 and you're good to go. Other small things are seeing where you have subscriptions you don't need,. pay for programs you don't use, money for idle socialisation (such as spending 30 euros on drinking once a week - not suggesting you do this , it is an example) etc.
  2. Best way to find out is to give it a shot Do a 21 day nofap then come back and tell us how it went. A lot of people claim it makes them more productive, others say it just makes them constantly horny. Maybe there is a U-shaped curve type of relationship between duration of avoidance and the level of horniness and at some point in time the craving for masturbation starts to decline.
  3. Families can be hard to accept changes or even suggestions for improvement. The last time I tried (sensibly) to suggest to my mom to do some minor cooking adjustments (such as using less oil and less sugar) that would benefit her and my sister's health, I was met with a major backlash. You could try to suggest cooking for the family occasionally and making them see and appreciate that healthier food can be tasty as well. But if you are up against family traditions and strong conservative values, you won't be successful on that front especially if the dynamics of the family is that the woman cooks the meal has to be tasty and savoury (means fatty and sugary) , there won't be any changes because "this is what we have been doing always". In such case, the most strategic thing to do is to consider moving out. I'm not saying get rich but maybe try to plan what's the minimum monthly income you would have to achieve to be able to pull of some small apartment, maybe like a single-room space with living room, bathroom, kitchen and bedroom. A condo style. Or you could enter into a shared rent with someone else. Like have your own room but share bathroom and kitchen. I've lived like that for at least 6 years in the past and it was mostly alright. As long as the flatmate is alright, it is a great way to be free from family "bullying" and saving money. What's the minimum of income you would need to get to that place? I'm sure it isn't thousands of euros (or whatever is the local currency in your country). Put the amounts on a paper: monthly rent monthly food spend travel hopbbies, gyms , etc other personal spend Then put it together and work backwards and try to figure out a way to get that money. Maybe you would need a part-time job? Maybe take a job as a courier or some online thing. What I'm trying to say here is that it's all in your hands to get away from that situation because it won't get better on its own. I was in slightly similar situation 7 years ago before moving abroad. I was lucky in few things but mostly it came down to packing my belongings and finding a place on my own.
  4. @Preety_India thanks this topic was blocked and removed
  5. Trans-poo-sion as some call it may be one of the most promising medical treatment of the next decade but so far it is still research in diapers. As far as I know so far FDA has only approved transplantation of Bifidobacterium which is super limiting so I'd wait at least another 5 years for more research to catch up and more variety becoming available. Mice studies show some pretty darn exciting results in obesity, diabetes, IBD. Consider reading "10% Human" if this stuff interests you. Potentially this could even be helpful for authism I'm definitely looking forward to poo-clinics transpoosion becoming widely available
  6. Find better friends. Cut ties with those people to a minimum and focus on your own development. If you are not blessed with masculine genetics (from what you write I assume you may have some predominant feminine features that are a source of mockery?) you will have to compensate for it in your life with sharp mind, intellect, humour, self-confidence served from other areas of your life, strong sense of purpose and intuitive wisdom. The earlier you start working on those things, the earlier you'll outgrow those peacocks. I would also consider doing some physical fitness. Gaining some muscle will increase your self confidence and even if you are shorter (I am making assumption, maybe not) you can gain peer respect by developing some musculature. Find what you are passionate about and start investing energy and money into it and fuck everyone who disagrees. You cannot please those people so don't even try. Don't worry about that girl either, you will meet other, better quality women once you develop yourself enough they will start getting attracted to you Hope that helps
  7. I'd probably start with retesting and comparing results to your first breath tests just to see if round 1 was any successful. If not, you may need to swap around the antimicrobials. I'd even consider speaking to a herbalist to create a powerful antimicrobial blend for you. These things work better in synergy than isolated and you need a master in herbs to really know what to use and when and in what amounts. I've had decent results elsewhere with SIBO using a combination of goldenseal, wormwood, oregano oil and psylium + strong probiotics in combination with a strict 100% LF diet and later on some gut-maintenance protocol. I wouldn't just throw random stuff at it. Get a strong blend from a good herbalist. Herbs on their own are usually not that expensive. These are excellent in the second phase once the antimicrobials have been finished. If you suspect a degree of intestinal permeability, then glutamine has by far the best evidence out there.
  8. Highly recommend this book if you're ever keen to explore the topic of ww2 in depth from a highly critical and kinda yellow perspective
  9. try this https://www.amazon.com/Letting-Go-audiobook/dp/B00ZTN2CKE/ref=sr_1_3?crid=22610VW1U2LSF&dchild=1&keywords=david+hawkins+books&qid=1632420622&sprefix=david+hawkin%2Caps%2C233&sr=8-3 and this https://www.amazon.com/Emotional-Intelligence-20-audiobook/dp/B003MSCSD4/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2W78AIAXT2EXR&dchild=1&keywords=emotional+intelligence+2.0&qid=1632420642&s=audible&sprefix=emotional+%2Caudible%2C231&sr=1-1
  10. yes, agreed this is a general issue with pharmacology, especially polypharmacy. Lack of long-term holistic solutions and leaving people on meds for decades. Absolutely agree that this is a huge huge problem Brains of people with long terms mental health may often undergo some atrophy of the executive regions such as prefrontal cortex or cingulate cortex and hypertrophy of regions such as amygdala which creates a vicious cycle and makes it harder to treat. But I'm not sure to what degree this is relevant in terms of wider population and "normal brain" size/weight. Might just be academic speculation rather than a crucial point. Animal research does have a huge value in early stages when lack of human data is available or it would be unethical to conduct human studies but once the research availability grows, animal trials start losing their value. Not disputing the results. They are indeed scary findings. But they are aware of the limitations. When you conduct observational study, there is just way too much that can interfere with your results as much as we'd love to see a direct association, it cannot be drawn as simply despite those results. "Our results must be interpreted in the context of additional limitations. Identifying an association does not necessarily indicate a causal relationship. Furthermore, observational studies involving long durations such as ours inevitably preclude use of the “gold standard”: a random-assignment controlled trial. The current study could have been strengthened by having control groups, eg, schizophrenia patients assigned to deferred or no antipsychotic treatment or healthy volunteers treated with antipsychotics for comparable periods. However, ethical standards in human subject research prohibit such comparison groups. The small number of schizophrenia patients in our sample who received no antipsychotic treatment did not allow for meaningful statistical analyses. "
  11. The longitudinal study being an observational study within a single geographical region does not have enough strength or statistical power to suggest a correlation or causation relationship. The best they can do is hypotheses generation. You will notice that the study does not say A causes B. They are aware that more research needs to be done. While I agree that this is a disturbing finding I wouldn't straight away assume that everyone who takes these drugs end up with cortex atrophy. 211 patients isn't that huge of a study. There is just too many confounders and potential biases in here (recruitment, choice of treatment etc) here that could influence it. For example patients with schisophrenia are often more likely to smoke and we know smoking is a risk factor for neurodegeneration. These patients are more likely to have a junk food diet, sleep deprivation and recreational drug abuse. So the question is, is it really the drug or an overall behaviour? 211 people longitudinal study won't be able to catch that relationship. You need a prospective cohort of 50,000+ (hundred even) across different populations to determine a statistically strong relationship. Obviously drugs are never an ideal long term treatment but sometimes this is what prevents the patient from killing themselves or becoming deluded and instable. In the long-terms they are probably not the best line of treatment though but they keep the patient sane so that the problems can be worked on for example by working through some shadow work, nutrition therapy, herbs, mindfulness etc. But without those drugs, the patients wouldn't be able to ground themselves. Or at least not in the short term
  12. On the top of everything that has already been said, I'd just add this. Make sure you don't automatically assume that any health problems you currently experience (whatever they may be) are caused by systemic heavy metal toxicity simply because that has been a popular topic on the forum. Groupthink can be a seductive beast. Common symptoms of fatigue, neurological symptoms, digestive irritation, mood problems etc could be caused by a variety of other things as well. Ofcourse, some of those may indeed be caused by toxins but usually that's not the case. A lot issues can be fixed by fixing one's sleep, diet, sitting:not sitting ratio, stress elimination, mindfulness practice and maybe doing some basic medical testing like blood/stool tests. For example, I've seen some pretty groundbreaking changes just from people starting to eat proper breakfast and sleeping a bit more. Just saying Make sure to eliminate all the most obvious triggers and mediators first before you go down the detox rabit hole
  13. It's ok, don't base too much on sex. All good things will come to you in time. Focus on advancing yourself, work on your health, finances, emotional mastery and your life purpose. In time women will get attracted to those qualities and sex will become part of your life.
  14. Good start, now think about how you could turn that into living. Put up a drawing board and everytime you walk around it spend 1 minute thinking. Anything comes up, a keyword, add it to the tab. See what you got in 3 months. Of course it needs to be at least somewhat profitable so you can leave the job you don't enjoy
  15. Originally in 2017 when I finished the course it was: "Studying health & nutrition to help people live better, longer & to thrive in life" nowadays if I was to polish it, it would be shorter and kinda more on-point but the core of it still works. I think this is a good start and needs a little bit more specificity in terms of "what's the medium". Helping people be together by <add your core medium and core activity>. But I know you're getting there
  16. While certain alterations to some water-soluble nutrients such as niacin, vitamin C and other chain-breaking antioxidants may help, generally cooking does not destroy as much nutritional value as is often assumed. That is moderate cooking. If you grill the heck out of the chicken or fry the heck out of that broccoli, you may lose more. Microwaving is totally safe and we do not have any reliable data that would show microwaving any food is harmful or bad or exposes you to radiation. How much that food has spent on the shelf is also important thou. Ageing vegetables and fruits do lose some antioxidants naturally. That's impossible to tell without fully knowing everything about their logistic and the entire supply chain. How much time has elapsed between that broccoli being picked and it landing on your plate would be the major determinant as well as what sort of heat alteration has happened in between. Sometimes companies use synthetic ingredients to protect shelf life, that's a factor as well. I'm gonna jump in conclusions and assume your question was "is microwaving safe and does it destroy my food? " The answer is yes it is safe, it does not destroy your food and it is a perfect warming option for busy people who have no other means of eating warm meal. Don't worry about it sometimes ..... many marketing words, unless they are protected by law literally mean nothing. A word "fresh" or "natural" is as meaningless as can be these days. Other words such as "organic" are more likely to be relevant as there are more rigorous testing protocols.
  17. Might be you are approaching the meditation mechanically. Such as "meditation = less stress" and so you force the meditation and expect less stress immediately but the brain actually becomes stressed about it because it is not working as effectively or as quickly as you want it ti. You could try switching perspective from "I meditate to suppress my gastritis" to "I'll just sit here and see what happens". And you let go of trying to control, you let go of desiring an outcome (less gastric pain, less inflammation) and just sit there and take it all I. No judgement, just pure 100% observation. And if there is any pain during the process, see if you can accept and tolerate that as well. May I ask what the bland diet is based on? What supplements are you taking for the gastritis? Is there any medication? And finally, have you been tested for H-pylori?
  18. Could it be that you've conditioned your brain through a lot of exciting stuff and social media to expect quick and short hits of exciting information? Maybe your mind is resisting the deliberate focus because there is no immediate gratification in it the way you get from tic tokc scroll. But I might be assuming, it could be something else. If the above is the case, then 40 minutes of meditation for half a year will fix that for you, possibly much sooner.
  19. What are you most passionate about? If happiness was the currency of your salary, what would you be doing to maximize income?
  20. That sounds very unlikely. If excessive exposure to any given food led to a development of allergy and a risk of subsequent anaphylaxis, human race would have died out by now. Legumes have been eaten by populations for thousands of years. If you have been ok eating them so far, you won't develop an allergy. Any intolerance that develops would stem more from gut problems (e.g. SIBO, IBD, excessive intestinal permeability, EOE) rather than an actual allergic response. Some intolerances can be corrected with some deep gut work and I've seen that happen on a rare occasion from personal experience. Real allergies are more difficult to cure. There are many theories that cause allergies, one of them being insufficient exposure in childhood rather than excessive exposure and insufficient microbiome balance from that. Or when kids are raised to vegan parents and then in their 20s or 30s they decide to start eating dairy or eggs, a theoretical possibility is a massive flareup of allergic symptoms to a point that adrenaline shots for life will need to be carried by the kids. For this reason I am not super pro the idea of raising children through avoidance of many food categories. There needs to be an exposure. Even for parents doing ethical veganism, I would potentially still consider giving kids at least trace amounts of these things especially during first 3 years of life. Hygiene theory is also popular that says insufficient exposure to environmental antigens leads to development of allergies such as not having had opportunity to get exposed to dust, mud, bugs and microbes by living in sterile environment - I think we'll have a whole new generations of covid kids who will grow with massive allergies due to their parents desynfecting their hands 50 times a day and forcing them to wear masks which will among other also prevent inhalation of airborne antigens such as pollens and so allergies will develop over time. O Other theories include an imbalanced immune response between intracellular and extracellular immunity. This is super complex and dependant on million of other factors but generally what can switch this balance are things like inflammation, oxidative stress, toxins, heavy metals, potentially even some medical drugs mainly antibiotic over exposure. I've had this to a degree with my allergies in the past and managed to correct it (to a certain degree). One side of this imbalance is asthma & allergies where the other side is autoimmunity. From my limited experience when this happens, gut health is usually massively involved. It is not yet well known what causes the shift to more pro-allergenic or more pro-autoimmune response. Genetics could be a strong determinant here. Other cases can also be genetic such as with coeliac disease when you have the HLADQ8 and HLADQ2 mutations and eat an excessive amount of gluten, over time coeliac can happen. But things like antibiotics can definitely accelerate this process for those genetically predisposed. This is fairly easy to test for and so cure in form of avoidance is possible and quite doable.
  21. It might stem from gut-related food intolerance. Any sort of mucous discharge and respiratory blockage is either caused by environmental irritation or dietary intolerance. Mechanical obstruction in the nasal package such as deviated septum or nasal pollyps is also a possibility. If outside exposure is a cause (e.g. pollen, dust, dustmites), tests can be down for that. Some of those are serum IgE or finger prick. Your doctor can do those fairly cheaply. Once you test positive on IgE alergy to something, avoidance is usually the best remedy or some natural antihistamines such as quercetin dihydrate If the cause is intolerance to food on the level of the gut triggering an immune reaction and buildup and discharge of mucous, that's a bit more difficult to deal with but can equally be tested for. If you suspect gut health to be the cause best work with someone who knows what they are doing. You could try ti get gastroenterology appointment and see if you could get a few tests done. Sometimes even things such as intestinal permeability could be related to immunological symptoms but this is again something that needs a supervision of medical professional, nutritionist or a gut health specialist. For mechanical obstruction, ask your doctor if they would be able to have a lookup your nasal cavity to check for nasal polyps or cartilage obstruction. Most nasal inhalers are only masking symptoms, in majority of cases this is not something you can fix with any nasal sprays or nasal corticoids.
  22. 1. stop using KRATOM look at this - basically this stuff can behave like morphine, slightly weaker (but also stronger depending on what you have) so what you are experiencing might genuinely be opioid withdrawal "Both mitragynine (kratom) and 7-OH-mitragynine target opioid receptors, albeit with significant differences in binding affinity [37]. In fact, while the affinity of mitragynine for opioid receptors is less than that of morphine, 7-OH-mitragynine is far more potent than either, approximately 46 times that of mitragynine and 13 times that of morphine" Kratom has also been implicated as a cause of organ dysfunction and toxicity [67]. Animal studies have indicated a risk for drug–drug interactions, namely through modulating hepatic P450 activity and drug metabolism Mitragynine also appears to inhibit hepatic demethylases and transferases, as well as glucuronidation by UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGT) such as UGT2B7 and UGT1A1 [70–73]. This bears important implications for a possible interaction when kratom is co-administered with other drugs known to be UGT substrates - what this says is that kratom may competitively be detoxified with other substances because it eats up a lot of different liver enzymes necessary for basic function. Aside from its potential for abuse, kratom poses numerous others risks to patients, largely a consequence of its status as an unregulated supplement. Without regulatory oversight, there is little to ensure the authenticity, purity, quality, potency, and safety of commercially available kratom preparations [89]. Consequently, it is difficult to know for certain what is actually present within commercially available kratom preparations, and the concentration of mitragynine contained can vary considerably [90]. For instance, it has been reported that kratom products may be altered by artificially increasing levels of 7-OH-mitragynine to enhance potency - read what I copied in the first bullet about the strength of 7-OH variation Also, it seems like there might be something you're ignoring in your life and a voice of your unconsciousness is letting itself be heard through those anxieties. I'd spend some time journaling on this and exploring areas in your life where you might be committing slow spiritual suicide (e.g. being stuck in wrong job)
  23. good list & great post! When it comes to disease, chronic inflammation & free radical damage are always going to be your main go to when trying to heal the body. Forget about miracle products, target these two and the body will start to heal itself. Stop inflammation and help trap free radicals as good as possible and the rest will take care of itself.....at least most of the time. Interestingly where energy is concerned, I found that protein deficiency, carbohydrate restriction and general caloric deprivation to be the main trio of culprits followed by short sleep and excessive exercising.
  24. I use Teepe brand. Any size that fits well without too much pain between two teeth. Expect mild bleeding in the beginning and some pretty gross smell. Both will go away as you become regular in it. The standard dental thread also also work but I prefer the small brushes. This this - kinda like a small dental shower. I prefer the manual one, it has become a habit over the years but the electric works well as well you just gotta be careful around your gums to prevent erosion from force and also have to use a proper brush. Not too hard but not too soft either.