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Everything posted by Michael569
Yes, cholesterol particle size does matter to a degree but unfortunately is not part of common screening. Regardless, anyone with elevated LDL should undergo more rigorous testing which includes other essential markers. People with high levels of LDL and non-HDL cholesterol are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease regardless of the mechanism. Blood sugar as well as systemic inflammation need to be explored among other things. Everybody is fat-adapted otherwise we would have died overnight without the ability to switch to temporary ketosis. If any high carb person had their blood measured for ketones after night, there would be some. Whether everybody on ketogenic diet will have increased cholesterol, it would very much depend on what they eat I guess as well as their LDL receptor density and sensitivity and their HDL levels. But majority of the population are not on ketogenic diet. For majority of population LDL, cholesterol and blood pressure are extremely sensitive markers of CVD progression and they need to be taken seriously every single time. We are not talking about a tiny group of people biohacking their ketogenesis into superhuman levels (granted, one can pull that of), we are talking about those who will die of cardiovascular disease way before their time. Few things with this study: 1. too small - The increased absorption could also have been down to many other factors that were not confounded for 2. cross sectional study is not enough to infer a causality -> you need interventional studies for that 3. obese diabetics are not a very relevant reference group where metabolic health is discussed. 4. In a topic such as CVD, cholesterol, saturated fats etc we cannot appeal to low level of evidence, you need to present strong argument in form of systematic trials and meta analyses on large populations of people. This is like when people try to defend saturated fat consumption with rat studies. Here is a systemic review & meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials on LDL and mortality. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29677301/ full study https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5933331/ Look at the forest plot. The therapies aimed at reducing LDL lead to lower mortality and greater outcome. Mind you this study included data from 270 288 over 34 randomized trials (randomized trials > observational studies). Yes granted people who had over 100mg/dL had better outcomes but that's fairly common to be honest. The higher the LDL the more people respond. This is why all major health organisations suggest to keep LDL below 100, ideally below 70. Because it protects people from dying early. You can't get higher level of evidence than this. Now tell me how LDL is irrelevant for majority of the population. The higher the LDL in the general population the higher the risk of premature death from cardiovascular causes. It does not matter what small observational studies say. It does not matter what rat studies say. It does not matter what the mechanism is. Increased LDL is a risk factor for all cause mortality.
Most jobs would fall into the category of wage slave jobs but it doesn't mean all jobs exchanged for regular income are bad. Many people genuinely enjoy their work despite receiving monthly standard income and others who work for themselves are still dependant on regular influx of money hence the margin between being and not being a wage slave is very thin (if any). You could argue that a professional football player is still a wage slave and so is a successful self-made entrepreneur. Maybe the term is being demonised a little bit too much on the forum as if it was bad to get paid in exchange for a service or product you offer. It is extremely difficult not to do that in one way or another even if one is self-employed if you want to survive in society and have a decent standard of living. What is more important is whether your job is destroying your soul and making you sick or whether you enjoy it and feel sense of purpose and direction. You could have an unhappy and depressed senior director in fortune 500 company earning 16K a month and you could have a happy and fulfilled lady working at a local charity store earning minimum wage.
Interesting finding. I wonder what would happen if they kept observing for a few more days. Maybe this was an initial adaptation as glucose and glycogen were depleted and fats were excessively shuttled around the body. Longer-term data would be interesting to see for comparison although this is obviously challenging when you have participants on water fast. But an acute elevation of a marker does not mean that that particular marker has no value in diagnosis of chronic disease. By the same line of thinking we could say that acute increased post-prandial (after meal) blood glucose is not a useful marker of diabetes and I would agree with you but if you made a statement based on that that "elevated blood glucose is always useless" you would have to assume that it also means "fasted glucose is also useless" which would be incorrect as it is one of the hallmarks for diabetes diagnosis. Other examples could be made where acute increase of a marker is not useful but a chronic increase is. Blood pressure would be another one or even some liver enzymes. I agree with you that LDL alone isn't a sufficient enough marker for CVD progression but it should not be discounted either. Anyone who shows elevated LDL on multiple tests separated by some time would be incredibly foolish to discount the readings as meaningless. What elevated LDL means is that further investigation is needed and the person needs to know what their HDL, total cholesterol, blood pressure, fasting glucose, free triglycerides, HbA1C, CRP, ESR and maybe also ApoB is for a full picture of CVD progression (or lack thereof). I see this idea of "LDL is not useful because XYZ" in the low-carb community and it is an incredibly dangerous statement to make and to share amount public uneducated about the risks of elevated cardiovascular markers. A person with no understanding of medicine hears this and they're like "oh well maybe it's ok that my cholesterol is up" and they will not see a doctor, not undergo treatment, carry on eating beef and bacon and end up with myocardial infarction in their late 40s because they've been exposed to brainwashing on youtube.
What's the source of your research? Because it probably isn't the majority of the long-term observational and interventional research. The benefits of fruits and vegetables are pretty much undisputable at this point. The sugar concern is not something to worry about as this is not the same type of sugar you get in candy but I won't go into details breaking that apart. Damn, imagine spending 150K on your education and then even failing to learn the basics. If you want some serious academic research from people who are elbows deep into this stuff look at "The Good Gut" by Justin & Erica Sonnenburg, the Phd researchers into human microbiome and the effects of fibre on our health. "Fiber-Fuelled" is another enlightening read breaking a lot of the dogma and nonsense about carbphobia. Or just any of the lectures on youtube really if you wanna save money. Make sure you're not getting influenced by low-carb & carnivore nonsense of the likes of Paul Saladino and Layne Norton, when challenged these guys often fail to come up with reasonable defence and eventually they keep turning to this "ancestral diet" argument which is an absolute bogus at this point.
Well I did for her it was more of a friendzone thing back then but eventually after inviting her out for a few innocent trips into nature, walks around a lake and your usual cliche type of date it turned into a something more although it took much much longer. But here we are 10 years later, so it was worth it
I would probably say he is not interested but maybe you can test it out and be the one who makes the move and actually try to schedule a date of some sort? I remember when me and my current girlfriend were messaging on Facebook long before we got together despite being super introverted and shy, I was always trying to keep the conversation going. I would not have bothered so hard if I was not interested in her. But you won't know until you try to make a move. Guys don't always need to be the first to do that.
Hey @River of Souls welcome to the forum! As Raptorsin has already advised you simply post new topics under the most current ones and it will all stay as a part of this same thread. If you are ever looking for your journal, you can either click on your profile photo and see your last posts or you can search for it (top right) by typing in either your name or your journal's name. Also if you ever can't find your journal it may mean it has been topped by other posts as the journal section is quite dynamic and you simply need to go to page 2, 3 and onwards until you see your pic. The journals you have added entry to will have a blue star sign. If you ever get lost feel free to message one of the mods (our names are in green)
The "painful" bit is something you should probably have investigated. The first line of your treatment should be to get an appointment with a generalist and ideally get a referral to a gastroenterologist. You may need some testing & investigation. That diarrhoea could be down to many things. A rapid weight loss like that is probably also something that should be mentioned. Please speak to your doc and see what tests they would be willing to do.
Do you know what you are allergic to? Have you had skin prick test to find out? Is it anything in the environment? A book called Oxygen Advantage by Patrick Mckeown could be interesting read for you. There are some (somewhat unpleasant) breathing exercises in there that are fairly good at unblocking the nose temporarily. Also, you may try experimenting with quercetin powder, it is a super effective histamine blocker. Not a cure but may help with what you are experiencing.
At least 2-4 portions of fruit and at least 3-4 portions (1 portion = 1 cup) of veg. This is the bare minimum to prevent the major disease and hitting the minimum of fibre (20-30g/d) to prevent your microbial colonies from dying out. I would advise more but since you're so adamant on carb avoidance this would be it. Then what you can also do is to add more fruits & veg with the lowest glycemic load. That would also be beneficial.
This pretty much sums up the endeavour. You could probably pull that off for a year or two but your health would start to crumble eventually. This is why you see all these keto and canivore guys adding fruit back on Youtube (or munching on it behind camera view) . It may be challenging to keep up with eating only meat and butter diet without ending up severely sick. Maybe you would benefit from eliminating processed carbs and fixing your SIBO on something like a low FODMAP diet and once that is done you could eat all sorts of (good quality) carbs again. The benefit of this approach would be that it is more sustainable and does not usually leave to deficiencies if correctly planned. Extreme diets are reserved for therapeutic purposes they were never meant to be complete diets . I'm pretty sure if Leo could eat fruits and vegetables without getting razor blades in his intestines, he would.
Asthma is often just an extension of allergic reaction. Not always but very often. Could you be reacting to environmental allergens / irritants? Mould spores are a common one, I have a huge problem with a mouldy environment, my throat literally starts closing up in such case and I starts sneezing a lot, probably because I was never exposed to it as a kid and did not build up a tolerance in those early years. Dust mites, dust, combustible particles are other possible irritants. Could also be certain chemicals in foods such as sulphies Other causes could be also related to pro-inflammatory dietary patterns, microbiome imbalance, gut health overall etc but not sure if any of that could be relate to you. Also you maty benefit from looking into Buteyko breathing if mouth breathing is an issue.
@WonderSeeker do you have a respiratory condition? (Asthma etc.) If you're healthy i wouldn't go beyond b12& D. Supplemental vitamin C is mostly waste of money and NAC is more a therapeutic supplement rather than something I'd use long term. Just google cysteine rich foods and add more of them in the diet should leave enough cysteine to maximize glutathione production if that's of an interest
@EntheogenTruthSeeker maybe you are going into this too quickly. Raw food diet has its time and place. It is definitely not winter and it is definitely not straight away. You gotta ease into it. First of all, you gotta gradually learn to be ok with mostly plant-based diets, learn to wean off stimulants, processed foods etc before you should even consider something like a raw detox. A vegan detox as a starting point would be much easier. Keep the cooked foods in, keep the whole grains and legumes and just start by eliminating dairy and factory meat. Those in themselves may already bring some benefits. I know people like Robert Morse and John Rose bang on about raw food diet being the one and only but for the majority of people they are neither doable nor exceptionally healthy. Raw food diets can be cleansing but the bets time to do those is summer or late spring, definitely not winter. Winter is the time of hot stews, aromatic dishes, soups, porridge and not juices and fruit cleanses. Even those can be incredibly detoxifying if planned and structure properly
@PurpleTree I'll defer to @undeather and his trained diagnostic eye to assess what's probably going on but seems like it may be a combination of multiple factors including disrupted microbiome for many years, some potential SIBO, potential intolerances stemming from disrupted intestinal integrity. All of those are hard to test for and tests and diagnostic tools are not always super accurate. But a test that maybe be worth doing could be: fecal calprotectin, jejunal aspirate for SIBO, IgA Tissue Transglutaminase for Coeliac and some sort of microbiome test maybe? Maybe also some general inflammation markers tested in the blood and potential some parasitology screening but I'll defer to the expert above as he is a gastroenterology medical doctor
The protein powder in the section where they compare with plant proteins everything they write about plant proteins is completely misleading and false. They purposely misinterpret research to make it seem like their whey product is better yet they make no reference of potential adverse effects of dairy proteins in the long term such as summarised in this meta-analysis https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32702243/ They claim phytoestrogens can cause oestrogen driven cancer - that is wrong and misleading. They claim phytoestrogens can cause gynaecomastia - this is also nonsense. If anything they protect from that And they claim soy is goitrogenic which has never been proven outside in-vitro not even in the population who consume huge amounts of soy. Whey is a dangerous substance to be tinkering with and people are better of taking pea or hemp protein. Then in the second link they ramble on about deadly effects of Omega 6 and vegetable oils. I used to think this for a long time but it is not true. There is no human data that would show seed oils are harmful in moderate amounts and all this nonsense that saturated fats are better and that PUFAs are prone to oxidation cascade is based on mechanistic reasoning that is not seen on the human studies. Once people replace saturated fats with PUFAs their health improves. I am even beginning to question the Omega 6: Omega 3 ratio thingy. Linolenic Acid is not as deadly as we once thought. "hile extra virgin olive oil provides a lovely flavor, it simply cannot maintain its integrity under high heat, which is why health conscious chefs and home cooks alike reserve this Mediterranean delight for dressings and drizzles over the final dish." - not true, the ridiculous abundance of polyphenols protects olive oil from peroxidatiove cascade. They are making stuff up because they know their products cannot stand to olive oil in terms of quality and sustainability The other claims about MCT may be true, I don't dispute potential benefits of it but they ar enot as overwhelming as they make you think. There are 1 or 2 studies that show people taking MCT lose more eight than those on olive oil but we don't have enough research to just jump into the MCT pool straight away. And finally, it costs 30$ + shipping a bottle are you kidding me? I can get the highest purity olive oil for 15$ per liter.
@caelanb any chance this can be environmental? I get stuffy nose when I am in mouldy environment for example. Could there be mould, dustmites or other airborne allergens? If so a strong air filter can take care of that.
This is probably more of a risk of using systemic steroids (oral ) for several decades. While there is some evidence of potential osteoporosis and adrenal crisis (with systemic, not nasal) , I don't think you'll get behavioural changes from taking localised nasal spray. The steroid content ios always like 2-5% isn't it?
This company is a joke, sorry. They are manipulating research to sell overpriced junk @Vision dude you're better of investing that money into fixing your digestion so that you can eat everything again. Leave this sort of rubbish out of the therapeutic process.
This is the perspective we needed here. No keyboard joking, no mental masturbation but direct hardcore personal experience from the frontiers of the war against covid. Thanks for sharing!! I am fortunate to have a few medical doctors as friends from childhood. This is exactly the experience they had as well from my home country in eastern Europe. It is nearly always the unwaxed people who need ventilation and who become the most acute cases. Vaccine does not mean 100% immunity nor does it mean it becomes impossible to catch covid again. It is simply like defending a nest with rifles vs defending a nest with machine guns. You can still get killed but the enemy will have a harder time
let's keep the debate free fom personal attacks if possible
awesome hope you'll find some answers them. Let me know if I can help in any way
@NeonLayf How is your health otherwise? A lot of incredible tips have already been shared and many useful techniques but other aspects of your physical health haven't been discussed. Are you otherwise healthy? How is your energy, digestion, mood, sleep, diet, activity level. Do you take enough vitamin D? Do you eat enough fatty acids and whole foods? All these things have a significant impact on how your brain operates. I've seen improvement in people's mental health through dietary and lifestyle adjustments. In combination with mindfulness techniques and spiritual practice they can work beautifully. Maybe not but make sure nothing is being left on the table
Seems like the need for physical attachment is what's holding you back. Why is the desire so strong? Any chance you can let go of this need? Not saying don't date. Just let go of the neediness to have a girlfriend. That in itself may actually make you more successful in dating.
@Einsteinonacid that's a lot of limiting beliefs. First of all 30 is not midlife goddammit, I'm 31 No way we are halfway through our life. Not even one third. And being single is not a mid life crisis!! It's just that....being single. Would you rather be tied in some toxic relationship that you pushed yourself in just to meet a neurotic desire to be in a relationship? same. I still work my ass off for a big corporate selling my soul for $$$ the important thing is that you work towards something bigger than that regardless of how long that will take freeze embryos? "Alriiiidi kiids gather round time for uncle Jo's favourite thanksgiving story! Did you know....?" Dude, men are easily fertile up to late 50s. If this concerns you so much regarding you partner's fertility just find a younger woman. Many women now choose to have children in mid 30s with giving birth to perfectly healthy kids. Again, just find a younger woman. You being 30 can easily date a woman of 24-25. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Another limiting belief. This is so not true. Some women and men way outsmart their older counterparts. Age means nothing in this day and age. Seems like you have a huge blue shadow you need to work on. Why are you so eager to getting married? It changes nothing whether you are married or not. Go do your bucket list thingy and you may meet that woman on you travels for all you know. If you marry now and abandon all that you stand for and all that you want to do you will hate yourself for it forever and it will damage the integrity of your relationship. You can experience A LOT that life has top offer even within 3 years. The neediness of wanting to be in a relationship will repel all women a mile away. Let that go and go do your thing out there. Explore, travel, enjoy what life has to offer.