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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. Reading, educating yourself in some way, taking a course, doing some interesting lectures etc. The sky is the limit these days. The important question is "what is meaningful for you?" It is better to channel that time & energy into a particular trajectory leading towards something rather than being all over the place and wanting to excel in many things. Once you know what you are passionate about, it gets easy to find what to do with that time
  2. @undeather makes sense, thanks for clarifying that. I guess my thing against these 5AR blockers was that they can mess up with a person's libido and sex drive,is that not so? I recall seeing some of those adverse effects of Finasteride which seemed quite vicious. But yah, contamination is always a concern in natural products.
  3. Do you also make breakfast during weekedays? What does it usually consist of? Eating a meal within 60 minutes post-waking up helps you shave off the cortisol peak in the body that has accumulated as a result of overnight fasting It has been found in some studies that skipping breakfast can induce depressive states in some people. This in itself may not fix it but could help. It would also help with the morning routine, which seems like a really good one already. I know this is probably easier said than done but that 1 hour when you remain in bad could be making if very hard to find the drive for the morning that you need. The signal the brain is receiving is that "there is no reason to wake up but it is not time to sleep either anymore" and so naturally what may happen is a bit of tug of war and some stress may start building up which will further increase the resistance towards waking up. Sometimes the most counterintuitive thing to do could be to force yourself to rise up regardless of how you feel about it and get on with the routine, get some mild cool water exposure on legs, belly and arms, splash a face and maybe add about 10-20 squats to wake up the muscles and get the circulation going. Also making the bed and letting it look neat give another signal to the mind which is that "time for bed is over and we are not going back" Another helpful tip is to make some stronger green tea in the morning, green tea is BDNF stimulant and helps with neuroplasticity which is essential when you try to retrain your mind to perceive things ina different way or to break old patterns. A few drops of Gotu Kola tincture in that tea may make this effect even stronger. May be helpful while you try to break the old routine of laying in bed. But maybe this does not resonate with you at all, that's also possible, in such case just ignore it. Best of luck
  4. Would you say something like Saw Palmetto which appears to have (to a degree) similar function would be comparable in efficacy? I recall doing my thesis on BPH therapeutics and when I was comparing FInasteride and Dutasteride to SP, the differences weren't that huge in those meta analyses. At least in terms of BPH symptoms. Less side effects seemed to be a benefit as well.
  5. @machinegun why do you think that you need to be broke in order to be enlightened or spiritual? Leo is a small business owner among other things, he created a course and products that have earned him hundreds of thousands of dollars while helping people. Myself, I've had just ridiculous benefits from taking his course and today I would have happily paid 5 grant for that course if I knew how much it would bring back. Does someone who creates something like that deserve to become rich? Fuck yeah. Don't make the mistake of thinking that just because somebody earns a lot of money, they are "in it for the buck". No, money was a sideproduct of his passion, commitment and creating a purple cow that people desire. Following one's passion and helping people is hard if one is stuck in a rot, earning little money and having no financial freedom. Doesn't mean they are money hungry, it just means they've played their cards well and can now reap the benefits. Seems like you have a huge stage orange shadow following you. Make sure you allow yourself to integrate it in a healthy way
  6. Why no try to cut down on those powders and buy more nuts, seeds, nut butters and other more calorically dense foods? Huel are huge on marketing and they seem to be better than most other brands but nobody really knows if they are safe. Food is about more than just calories and protein and huel cannot give you things like phytochemicals, antioxidants. Their powders are also a poor source of fibre and Macrobiota Acessible Carbohydrates which we should eat in abundance from natural foods.
  7. I would start with preparing your body for the detox first by eliminating junk, processed carbs, sugar, oils, meat, dairy and coffee and sticking to kinda semi-vegan wholefood diet for a month before you even think about detoxing. Get your gut, kidneys and liver prepared for what is to come. Just this will already help you start losing weight. Your gut needs to be prepared to take that shitstorm and liver & kidneys should not be burdened by alcohol, junk food or any unnecessary pharmaceuticals because there will be a lot coming down once you start the chelation. A problem I see with AC protocol is that so many people just start taking the products without putting an inch of effort into correcting their diet, this is actually what you see a lot on AC facebook group. And this is how one can end up with toxin redistribution, hepatic recirculation etc. If the microbiome isn't balanced well, that may have an impact as well. And then it takes tremendous amount of effort and nutrients by your liver (google Phase I & Phase II detox nutrients) to get rid of stuff so the body needs to be prepared and have a lot of micronutrients stored. AT least I'd do this if you care about long-term outcome as well as short-term. So to answer your question, give yourself at least 2 months of slow body cleansing and correcting of diet, more exercise etc and refeed the body with nourishment as it will require a lot of energy to do the detox. In those 3 months you will probably lose a lot of weight aleady. And then onc you are stronger, jump into that detox pool. Yes, losing weight releases a bit of toxicity but not as much as chelation will. Carrying extra body fat will be burdening your detoxification a lot so that should be taken care of first. Hope that helps.
  8. Search for comments made by @Average Investor, he has made a few great posts on this topic.
  9. @wellbranding there are rare side effects that one in ten thousand will experience. Maybe you were unlucky and maybe you had a lingering infection you did not know about and the vaccination slightly weakened your immune system and tipped you over the fence. Maybe you have a genetic predisposition there and maybe you already had pericaditis but mild and in control by your white blood cells. Make sure you don't blame Leo for something YOU chose to do. Taking vaccine was your decision. all the major organisation in the world will encourage you to get vaccinated because 99.99% of people are fine. If you blame Leo, blame WHO, blame NHS, blame CDC, blame the American Red Cross, hell you should even blame WWF and GreenPeace, I don't see you doing that. Leo did what we should be doing, encouraging people to get vaccinated because it prevents people from dying, statistically at least. Yes there are odd cases where it doesn't work, where it doesn't help or where it produces side effects. It doesn't mean you should stop listening to people or authorities. You were just unfortunate, I'm sorry about that and wish you swift recovery. We have a medic on the forum @undeather maybe he can shine some light here. Also, consider that maybe it was just unlucky misfortune of events and the vaccine had no role in that even if it seems impossible, it could have been. But it shouldn't stop you from reporting this to your medical services so that it can be tracked by research Hope you'll feel better soon!
  10. Can you leave your parent's house? Or would it simply be possible for you to cook your own meals? My mom never allowed me to make my own meals so leaving home was the only option if I was to become self-sufficient and make my own decisions.
  11. For weight gain? Yes definitely For long term health and cancer prevention? - I remain highly sceptical that consuming hyper-concentrated animal protein is a good idea especially in bodybuilding where there is already too much anabolic manipulation going on. Even soy despite being beneficial becomes harmful once isolated. Excesive IGF-1 and mTOR stimulation both which has been possibly associated with cancer development. Now does whey cause cancer? The answer is probably not...but what if? What if it can tip a person susceptible to it just over the edge? What if 9/10 people get away with it and one doesn't? Would it be worth that risk? Like drinking full-fat milk rather than low-fat tipping you towards prostate cancer. I haven't found serious studies to back me up in this but intuition is telling me it is not a good idea to chug isolated dairy protein. But then we don't have long-term studies on whey. We need 40 years of human data gathered year by year so maybe it just hasn't been caught yet. I know you didn't aks but thought I'd chip in anyway. Ignore if irrelevant
  12. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21590713/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7081506/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29476976/ I'd be careful with the claims how liver is "just filter" and toxin-free. You have no idea where you liver on the plate came from. High levels of contamination with heavy metals found across the board reaching the upper tolerable limits. Look at that chart. Granted the study acknowledged huge limitations in testing and some of the other results came much lower but why risk it. Do you really think the poor farmer earning 24K a year give as fuck about your health? No, he'll pump those animals full of antibiotics and chemicals to keep them huge, bulky and fat. Not to mention all that intrahepatic fat these poor obese animals have to tolerate. I mean, if you put bovine, liver, heavy metals, in Pubmed, you get over 1500 results. Obviously this is a topic that has been of concern to the research...for a reason Just curious, what's your evidential basis for these. As far as I know, none of the antinutrients has even been proven to be harmful in human studies or shown any long negative effect. With even mild heat processing, nearly 100% of them are destroyed or at least weakened. Alex Leaf actually caught Paul Saladino on this one beautifully where he nearly had to admit that all of it is based on in-vitro data or rat studies where they discussed goitrogens and thyroid effects. That's an debate worth watching.
  13. reach out to Maria for down to earth and compassionate guidance ^
  14. If she has headaches to the point of vomiting she should contact her doctor pretty quickly. Rare cases may happen that she has some enzymatic deficiencies or mutations at the site of P450 liver enzyme family and the antibiotics are messing her up because she is having issues metabolising them. It could also be some severe early-onset allergic reaction. Let's ask the expert @undeather who can probably shine more spotlight here. It could also be that her body has triggered a fever or strong immune response and headache is a side effect of that immune system vs bacteria warfare The headache could be linked both to the UTI & the antibiotics as well as many other factors. For example, dehydration can be common in people experiencing UTIs (lack of urethral flow increases chance of bacterial retrograde mobilisation up from urethra towards bladder) and dehydration can cause headaches. It could be the die-off from antibiotics taking a lot of friendly fire inside the gut and creating a buildup of LPS (dead bacteria releasing these toxins as you said).... Maybe all of the above and maybe none of that.
  15. Money happiness is a U-shaped curve. Being broke sucks and makes one incredibly anxious but there is a level (statistically this is about £50K annual) after which the person is not getting an ounce happier even by getting their salary doubled. Like if you earn 70K annual and you get a new job earning 120K after about a month that excitement goes away and with it come more new anxieties (need new car, new watch, better clothes to maintain the new status, paying more taxes etc). I work in high-profile corporate environment at Fortune 200 company and let me tell you I know people who earn 300K a year. They are unhappy and burned out with horrible health, many addictions and bad relationships. The "more" can actually be detrimental after certain threshold. From personal experience, I'd also say it depends where that money came from. I've noticed that getting paid 400$ from client who has approached me for clinical help gives me more satisfaction than getting £2K+ paid by some corporate job I don't like. But I guess this becomes a thing once we get over a certain threshold and no longer have financial anxieties. At the survival level, "more" always sounds like "better" even if that's rarely the case.
  16. You may potentially overdose if taking it for a very long time. Retinol isn't as available excreted as for example B vitamins and lot of it gets stored in the liver and the storage capabilities are driven by individual genetics. I don't recall the exact dosing but it should always be short term. The 5,000 IU is probably safe but I guess it's always better to rely on food since beta carotene in plants is converted to retinol in abundance despite the low conversion rate because there is just so freaking much of it in foods like peppers and sweet potatoes.
  17. Well doing Hatha yoga for big arms and abs will be a hell of a long journey ....Ok sorry, jokes aside. I definitely have some degree of that as well. As much as I like to tell myself that I exercise for good health, there is a great degree of vanity in that. I rarely miss an opportunity to flex in front of a mirror (when unobserved) and spotting the mirror with the best lighting at the lighting speed is the superpower I cultivated in my teenage years. Either way, I think (and this may be biased opinion) that having a degree of vanity in there is ok and totally natural. But it shouldn't become toxic to the point that we get neurotic about not having ultra chiselled six-pack or jawline or feeling like less of a human because someone else can lift more or looks better. Use that element of vanity and showmanship let it channel drive and motivation into your workouts but don't let it be the sole motivating factor. For example, I noticed I can ramp up my strength and endurance during circuit training if I feel I am being observed especially by a female I find attractive...like that takes away 30-50% of the fatigue. It probably isn't ideal but hey, use every opportunity to push a little bit harder eh
  18. Godspeed! May you find the answers you're looking for.
  19. Why do you think you can't get enough of it from plants? What's the main doubt factor?
  20. Is the test cervical smear? In UK, women are asked to take one every 3 years. In my home country, it is an annual screening and every woman past certain age is recommended to attend. I wouldn't call it a "cancer test". Just say "I have a routine screening", may already help your mind relax. It is the same type of routine scan as mammography or prostate exam.
  21. @Adodd ok so the initial verdict after about 4 hours going through the research is that Bacopa is a waste of money ? much better to grab Aswagandha or Theanine for cognitive boost. There are a few benefits here and there but overal I remain unconvinced that it is more useful than taking placebo pill
  22. @Preety_India Ocassionaly mild gastrointestinal disturbances may occur but that's quite rare and usually happens at much larger doses. If you get some belly ache, reduce the initial dose. Personally, I've never experienced it. And make sure to have it with a meal, not without. For example, after breakfast is a good time
  23. That's very low. I'd start getting it back as soon as possible. Your protection from covid complications is also improved with higher levels. I'd suggest buying 5,000 International Units capsules. Maybe even 2 packs. Start with a loading dose of 20,000 International Units (4 capsules / day) in week 1. Then reduce to 10,000 for week 2, 3 and 4. Then carry on with 5,000 International Units in month 2. Then get retested. Hope that helps.
  24. This is most likely a side effect of vitamin D deficiency. Serum calcium is highly regulated by your vitamin D status. Do you know what your D levels are? Makes sense, having been born to a country with a lot of natural sunlight and having slightly darker skin, your vitamin D production will be slower and you'll be more resistant to the UV exposure simply because historically your people would have had a lot of exposure but nowadays being closed inside this can be an issue. Only reliable natural sources of vitamin D (besides sun) are animal products especially liver, fish and beef. Eggs to a lesser degree. Mushrooms are not reliable and not sufficient to get your levels back. But honestly for deficiency, supplementation might be the only way to get yourself back on track. Depending on your current levels 5000 up to 10,000 International units of D3 per day for up to 2-3 months maydo the trick. You want to get at least to 60 up to 80 (blood levels)
  25. I wouldn't underestimate the power of just having a healthy overall diet & lifestyle. A short term detox or fast can't heal an autoimmune condition that has been going on for years. To heal the long-term conditions, you have to be prepared for a long-term healing process. This means creating a diet & lifestyle that you can stick with for the rest of your life that will gradually reverse any imbalances and deficiencies. Basically any process that promises quick results (e.g. dry fast or a week long detox) is destined to fail eventually. I would avoid all drastic eliminations and restrictive approaches before putting the basics in place. Your day-to-day diet will be more important than any short term protocol as it creates the foundation of your entire cellular biochemistry. But to give you some practical aspects, psoriasis can be worsened by: Vitamin D deficiency Fatty acid imabalance Chronic stress High sugar consumption Gut health problems (IMO this is a main contributor) environment (too cold, too hot, too dry) nutritional deficiencies Give make a shout if you'd like to chat about it But really it starts with commitment towards healthy diet. Cutting junk, cutting sugar, takeaways, pizzas, sweet drinks and all that stuff. And then regular anaerobic & aerobic exercise as well.