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Not necessarily. A time restrictive eating may in fact benefit muscle gain if timed correctly and as long as the person is getting sufficient macro and micronutrient requirements. In fact those prolonged fasting windows cause a variety of interesting metabolic benefits that can accelerate things like muscle hypertrophy and fat loss by digging into many secondary and side biochemical pathways. it appears if people can squeeze their meals in a 10-12 hour, their sleep will be enhanced which then has a positive knock-on effect on lean mass retention. Equally important is a distribution of meals in that window and rather than doing endless grazing do a 2-3 proper size meals to align one's food intake with the cycle of the circadian rhythm and daylight . It's all about how that IF is approached and what can you squeeze in. If you are constantly undereating and riding that cortisol wave of starvation then you can expect not just muscle atrophy but mood decline, energy decline and non stop brain fog but where correctly timed and optimised IF window can lead to improvement and optimisation on all levels.
Well done! ??
you could just get an electric hair trimmer and keep a little bit of hair on your face when you shave rather than shaving clean (unless that is a personal preference ofcourse). Some of these allow you to go as low as 0.2mm. I used to do clean-shave for years and would always get super dry skin were using an electric trimmer does not do that nearly at all. And you also save on aftershave, shaving foam and all the other creams that one would need to use for a clean shave. Just slap some coconut oil on that face after Not to mention the cost of Gillette razors over a year which could be significant. You could be looking at less dry skin and potentially saving 200-300 dollars a year
this is a very very specific goal. If the person in question has either oestrogen excess or oestrogen deficiency problem the cause is unlikely to be corrected by DIM alone. Have they had a blood assessment? (not DUTCH but blood endocrinology assessment) DIM shouldn't be used sporadically without being part of a larger protocol. On its own it is unlikely to fix the issue.
@Vision try having a chat with Alex Manos https://www.alexmanos.co.uk/about/ He is somewhat of a SIBO expert among FM practitioners in the UK.
Michael569 replied to DocWatts's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
if you cannot argue without using inflammatory language, don't debate at all. Try to show more empathy for people not sharing your worldview rather than being flat out arrogant. Thanks! -
A word of caution (from someone who did that too) Make sure you do not start bombarding people with your thing just because they follow you. Many people, despite following, may not want to hear from you. This is no criticism or anything like that. This is something I had to learn the hard way and that i see a lot of people in my industry (nutrition) doing. Doing daily videos on their private Facebook and their private Instagram. It is not uncommon for a person with 800 followers to be getting 1-2 likes on average doing that. There is a reason why that happens. Even people in your mailing list may not want to hear from you. (also learned this the hard way :D) Trying to convert a private channel to a business channel and expecting to get away with it is a dangerous strategy Now if you have an Instagram channel for your art (not your private life) that's a different story and that may indeed be a good place to start.. also despite to what I wrote above, a gentle invitation (to people who may potentially care) on your private account to join a dedicated account is a good idea. But it has to be gentle and it should not be too frequent. Be veeeeery careful with how you approach this. Adds should only be run in the groups of people who already know you, and who want to hear from you and who love your work. The purpose of adds shoudl really be you telling your people (who love your work) "hey, thanks for being an awesome listener. I just wanted to let you know I made this and thought you'd like it and I even put a little bit of money behind it to make sure you have some time to look at it at your own convenience". The purpose of adds in the marketing of the 21st century for small businesses and small artists should never be "heeeeey youuu, yes you random person that did not know I exist 1 minute ago - here listen to my stuff!!!" Dropping adds to random people based on demographics & psychographics is "being ignored " at best and "being annoying and getting lot of snappy feedback that will absolutely shatter your self-confidence and motivation at worst, from people who may absolutely not want to hear from you and who will work hard to let you know that. Again, hope this does not come through too harsh. I applaud you for finding your thing and successfully going on your path to financial freedom. Congratulations!! This is a major step in life. Next step is to figure out who your true audience is and how to speak to them without annoying everyone else. It is about showing empathy for the people you're looking to serve (but also those you are NOT looking to serve) and understanding what they believe that you don't believe. What they want that you don't want and what they see that you don't see and then being able to cross that chasm by building your own unique bridge and inviting the person in. One by one, not by hundreds on TikTok. The masses like shallow entertainment and the masses like average stuff. By definition, if your art is unique you must never strive to get the attention of the masses. As a beginning artist, chances are that audience will be very very tiny in the beginning. Maybe 30 dedicated fans, maybe less. That's okay. Listen to them, let them help you produce better art. Their feedback will help you grow the most. Their feedback is important. Ignore everybody else and forget about the masses (anything > 500 people at this point are masses). Figure out how to reach out to the early adopters and let them spread the music like a virus to the early majority. Don't feed ads to random people who just like random music because they'll hate your guts. Basically you need to be able to look 99.999% of people in the eyes and say "this is NOT for you". Good luck & once again congrats! You've got this! Patience and showing up regularly will be your main friends on this journey.
Michael569 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Damn! Listening to John talk was quite a reality buster. Shows you the immense value of being a history student. -
@Human Mint thanks! yeah it's been fun making those altho the whole production quality still sucks overall Like, that video took me 2 days to put together including filming, editing, rendering, voice correction etc and so many bits are still awful. Cant imagine how much time it takes to produce a really high quality vlog that some of these guys do. Not to mention probably spending 10K+ on equipment.
@selfvalley thanks
Getting an Instapot could save you a lot of time on cooking. Make a huge batch and then just keep reheating smaller portions. If you don't mind eating the same thing several days in a row, this is the best option. And it will save time on washing dishes too. I did a step by step video on instapot cooking on Youtube not long ago in that Full-day-of-eating vid (link below). You can use that as an initial inspiration if you'd like. Now in terms of those limiting beliefs, Instapot probably won't cure them. It might help to try to journal on "What does health really mean to me?" and "Why don't I seem to value health as much?" and see what comes up.
not even with anabolic steroids. Without progressive, constant and repetitive mechanical pressure and micro-tearing that is impossible. You can maintain only as much as your body needs for basic level of functioning at the level of activity you're at (this is where the atrophy will eventually stop for anyone who cuts down on their exercise routine) but if you want to get a bit bigger, resistance training is the only way. For more functional strength, things like bouldering, swimming, sprints, primal movement etc are also useful. You won't get big but you can get very strong, agile and get immense core strength doing these things. But generally, with everything in the body - "you don't use it you lose it." It is a way of recycling resources and minimising energetic consumption to ensure survival and reproductive efficiency There is no need to have big muscles, in fact it becomes kinda counterproductive at some point but maintaining decent level of lean muscle mass with strong core and decent overall fitness level (rest bpm < 55-60) is a boost for your longevity and disease prevention goals
@fopylo sounds like your circadian rhytm may be out of alignment. If we push our sleep time too far, we may unconsciously reset out body clock even before it is time to sleep and so your body perceives morning even thou it is deep night. It take a little bit of work to put it back but this can help you get it where you need to get. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Circadian-Code-weight-supercharge-energy/dp/1785042017/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1K5FYGPI0ZP1W&keywords=circadian+code&qid=1646419459&sprefix=circadian+code%2Caps%2C129&sr=8-1 Quite enjoyable reading and I found Dr Panda's work fairly easy to follow. It is not too technical either.
Productivity Ninja by Graham Alcott Can't praise this book enough. As a chaotic qnd messy person myself this has been a tremendous help in starting to get organised. It will require some commitment to make the method work but it definitely works very well once it is in place. Books also talks about stress management, calendars, journals etc. Pretty much everything you need to create a single funnel system through which you will be able to organise tasks, meetings, projects and anything that life throws at you that neds to be categorised/postponed/attended/stored/filed etc. However I only see this book available on UK Amazon which may be a bummer depending on where you're based so perhaps there is another, equally awesome resource from a local author that would suit better
Don't focus on it too much. Mostly genetically driven as mentioned above. Focus on things you have control over in your life that are more important ?
Mechanisms are definitely interesting and they form a basis of hypotheses but most mechanisms eventually fail us. For example when it comes to FDA drug development, I believe less than 2% eventually make it through all trials starting from mechanisms. I love creating my own biochem pathway maps, like I have this huge drawing of cellular pathways that I made 2 years ago and its been fun making that and learning a lot but when it comes to human data, it should always take priority And in topics where we have a lot of human data (such as cardiovascular disease, saturated fats, cholesterol, oils) we should be looking at human outcomes with priority at all times because this is what clinical guidelines are based on which is also important for us, clinicians and practitioners to appreciate when working with real people. i.e. we should not be recommending or discouraging a particular cause of treatment simply with basis on in-vitro data because we "want it to work like that" if there are human outcomes that show "actually it doesn't work like that". The reason is one thing is observed mechanism in-vitro and one thing what is happening inside the human body. What if we have buffer systems negating the effects we see in the petri dish etc. True, there are confounding variables but we have ways to control for confounders through stratification and other techniques. Like you can literally tweak the statistics to ignore all but one confounder. Now I have no idea how to do that but it can be done by people who understand statistics. But then if something is appearing over and over and is a predominating occurrence in studies that involve hundreds of thousands of people, the odds of those effects happening by chance are gradually minimised. On the other hand where we have little human data, mechanisms are super important. yeah, this is a factor too. Pesticides, industrial processing etc. I guess ideally you want to be getting mechanically pressed EVOO form the best quality you can. My line of thinking was that , it appears that once people move away from sources of saturated fats towards PUFAs and MUFAs their health outcomes (be it CVD mortality, be it cancer, be it diabetes) are actually improving and the guy shows it beautiful in that article I shared. And for most people the % of calories coming from PUFAs and MUFAs even at the segments of highest consumption are still negligible to have a huge impact it appears. But I continuing to explore this topic deeper as it is super important and I don't feel confident with my interpretation of the data just yet. For now I believe reduction of SFA and increase of MUFA & PUFA is a better idea than the other way around. Also, you could play this game by sharing a video of farmed animals, the way cows are treated and impregnated, the way chickens are walking and eating each other feces or the way animals ar being castrated and slaughtered.. And I don't want to go into ethics but if you can make it through Earthlings without shedding a tear or covering your eyes at least 10 times ....
Most of it comes from algae so why not go straight for the source and get some Algal Oil ? more ethical/ more sustainable and prices are more and more comparable with fish oil
Seems the boys were holding back until Leo commented ?
If your circadian rhythm is aligned with the cycle of the day, it is normal to start getting sleepy with loss of natural light....well in ideal world at least where there is no blue light and never-ending screen time. It would be considered normal to start feeling that sleepiness about 2 hours before your typical bedtime and that feeling should gradually increase if you don't expose yourself to stimulants or excessive amount of blue light. You shouldn't feel sleepy during the day although it is normal to feel tired after an exhaustive mental or physical work ) or sex) It is not normal to feel sleepy after food and it is not normal to feel sleepy and low in the morning other than the buffer time it takes to fully wake up. Also for a healthy young person, one should not feel tired at random points of the day if there was no previous exhaustive task. Some people nap in the afternoon but if the reason for nap is that one is completely shattered by lunch meal then something needs to change (often it is the meal consistency especially the amount of processed carbohydrates and low fibre content). A meal should be energising not sedating
Let's try to be tolerant & inclusive of other people's opinions and worldviews even when they collide with our own. Thanks!
Few questions: What is your diet like? Frequency, meal, any dietary restrictions etc Do you have any ongoing health conditions? Have you ha dany infections in past 12 months? Have you changed your environment / jobs? Any personal trauma, bereavement, stressor that came up? Have you tested covid19 positive in past 12 months? Have you been put on high doses of antibiotics? Do you take any regular medication? What is your sleep like? Do you exercise? How often? Have you had your vitamin D levels measured? What were the levels? Have you had your iron panel (ferritin, transferring TIBC etc) measured? What were the leavekl Have you had your blood cells measured (leukocytes etc)_ How is your digestive health?
@Average Investor thanks for comms! @John Paul it is a good idea to start with your doctor and try to find out what is actually going on. Get either a diagnosis or at least some leads to what might be going on. We actually have a super knowledgeable specialist (GIT medical doctor) on the forum @undeather who may provide way more info about where to start and what to do with the results. I do work with guys who have gastrointestinal difficulties as well but am not a doctor so can't diagnose you or run any sort of blood tests or stool tests so definitely pay a visit to your MD and consider getting some basic checkup.
@Austinsmith depends on your baseline diet your needs and your goals. Ideally you want to be reliant on as few as possible with the exclusion when one is following a diet that does not contain particular nutrients or taking supplements for a restricted amount of time for a therapeutic purpose (3-6 months usually)
start by fixing this. Bulk up the fiber content of your meals to at least 50 grams of fibre per day if you intend to maintain decent health beyond 30s. go by your urine colour. If your kidneys & liver are otherwise healthy,you want to see the urine kinda bright, like a diluted white wine. If it gets too dark or too smelly, drink more. I'd suggest grabbing some nutrition books and educating yourself about how to create a healthy diet that goes beyond a bunch of protein. A complete wholefood diet will provide majority of your protein needs (and that brain fog would probably disappear pretty quickly). Lots of videos how to do that available too. You want a healthy balanced based mainly around plants with a little bit of animal foods if you are concerned about good health maintenance. Animal heavy diet is good for gains but may not be the best for the other goals.