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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. Test yourself first. Either through doctor or buy one of those finger prick vitamin D home test kits. If your levels are good you only need maintenance dose of around 1000-2000 IU. If you are very low you may need to go into 10,000s for some time. yeah, not surprised. I noticed massive difference from that too. Interesting perspective. I agree with you to a degree but then we are not our ancestors anymore. For example in my home country in eastern Europe, my ancestors would have solely been concerned with survival. Get enough wood, food and shelter before winter hits because if one is stuck in the middle of winter without enough food the whole family would die because it would get below -40 degrees celsius. The entire family would be living in a house made of one room living with animals often. There was no electricity and poor people did not even have books so yah all they did was probably chill (or be stressed about everything that can kill them over the winter). I wouldn't say they chilled, these people worked extremely hard, lived in shitty conditions and often died of disease and premature death from malnutrition. And these could probably be said about any ancestors that we so often refer to. These were people 100% concerned with rough survival of finding enough food, reproducing before dying and finding a good shelter from animals and environment. We've moved past that now. We live longer and with it are coming new challenges. People have businesses, demanding jobs, duties and roles they play, hobbies and other commitments. Definitely not a good idea to be overcomitted but most of us cannot afford to sit & chill the entire winter anymore. I think we also need some of that tension in our life that gets us going and having little energy makes it difficult. As always there needs to be a balance between do & be.
  2. @aurum I advise people to filter their water in any means possible for them. For lot of people, RO is not an option so we explore other alternatives. TBH I'm not yet sure where I stand with remineralising the water. I don't believe demineralised water leeches nutrition from the body but maybe adding something back in can help get those micronutrient goals up. As long as what you do fits your lifestyle well, then do that. Our bodies will tell us if we're messing up
  3. it can be temporarily effective for people who suffer from acid reflux or too much acid buildup but drinking it for that purpose does not fix the root cause of the reflux, it just manipulates the PH. Most antacids work this way. However, you don't want to be pouring down too much-alkalised liquid on empty stomach as it temporarily brings up the PH of the stomach from PH 1 potentially up several grades if you drink too much which can lead to things like transmigration of bacteria that would have otherwise been killed by the acidity as well as reducing the efficiency of the stomach as the second line of digestion. Constantly altering the PH of the stomach could (theoretically) lead to a buildup of bacteria in the small intestine and something like SIBO over a very long term - but that's just speculation at this point. It's probably ok taking a sip here and there but I definitely wouldn't;t rely on alkaline water as my main source of hydration of minerals. Most minerals should come from the food we eat and as long as the diet is well balanced, you shouldn't;t have issues with missing any essential mienrals especially not the aliaklisers (magnesium, potassium) which are very easy to get from diet. It would also be interesting to know how efficient the body is extracting nutrients from liquids compared to food. But if you feel you are undernourished, suffer from lots of cramps etc potentially mineralised water can help but I wouldn't drink it continually throughout the day. ALternatively you could blend bunch of fruits and mix those with a bottle of water and drink that instead for extra electrolyte bomb.
  4. Unless you're gonna be using some ultra caloric gainer powders (which is itself toxic garbage) eating those 2,500 - 3000 calories that you need (judging from your past posts I assume you are a fairly athletic individual wit increased caloric needs) will be super unhealthy. Stuffing yourself with so much food in a single go is completely counterproductive to any health goals you may have. As already advised by others, you could consider eitherextending that eating window and have 2 meals within time of say 8 hours for better results. But really, if your goals are to improve physical and mental performance, even eating 3 regular meals without too much snacking might be a good idea. Always depends. If you lead a more hermit kind of lifestyle where you spend most time meditating, journalling and chilling then OMAD is doable but once you ramp up your caloric needs through a lot of physical activity, OMAD will just lead to always being fatigued and drop in performance as your body will be burning more than it will be getting from food and you'll quickly start tapping to your fat & muscle stores.
  5. I've noticed that too when spending the Christmas with my family in Slovakia. My skin was always dry (could also be the hard water) and I generally felt like I had less energy which I'm pretty convinced was due to that heating. In UK we keep temperature to about 17-19 and that seems to work very well. Also as others advised, splash your body with some cold water twice a day, that will pick the energies up for sure.
  6. It could simply be daylight deficiency and kinda suppressed daily circadian rhythm through excessive melatonin buildup. I made a video about a month specifically on this topic on YT, might give you some answers
  7. I believe the content of L-Theanine in tea is very very low. I recall it is like 15mg per teabag of green tea or something like that (don't recall the exact amounts) Maybe double for black tea. In research, they usually go up to 1000mg to get some interesting effects. I find green tea slightly stimulating but the effect goes away fairly quickly where with coffee the effects lasts longer but it sometimes makes me more impulsive. Haven't drunk black tea for a long time but may give it a shot again for comparison.
  8. Does that actually make a difference to the taste? Never tried using filters Theanine has the opposite effect from coffee. It is calming and (at least theoretically) should give you the stable level of focus and energy without the spike but personally, I've never felt any effects from even going up to 1000 mg and that was a highly reputable brand with a clean product so I dunno.... Fasting can be used for all sorts of purposes. A lot of people use it to heal a health condition. For spiritual practices, for regrounding and reconnection with your inner self or tour inner child or even during processing of traumas fasting can make it easier to excess certain states.
  9. You could consider making it Americano (sugar-free) so that it is not as strong and the acidity is diluted. Otherwise it doesn't matter. Coffee does not break your fast but if you are already fasted (increased stress hormones due to caloric deficiency) your adrenals will be even more blasted by coffee so that's something to bear in mind too. If the fasting is to heal then addition of the coffee could be counterproductive.
  10. Reach out to @flume her advice and approach is another level, testified ??
  11. I don't think it matters You won't become a world-renowned coach in a year to a degree that your lack of business skills would hold you back. You probably already know some basics to be able to sell a coaching package to a client or to build some basic website with Squarespace or Wix, you need no business skills for either. I've been leading my tiny business for about 14 months and my true business skills are mostly shit because I spent the majority of the time for the past 4 years learning the craft. I'm just now really digging deeper into the business skills. I would start with the coaching course. It will get you fired up and inspired and motivated. Starting with the business thing without having the base ground of what your coaching business is all about will be difficult as it is possible they'll be asking you to draw practical experience from you practice....do you see what I mean? Start with understanding your art, nische it, be specific, get the skills, the techniques, do some research and understand who your client is and what are his needs. Once you have that, then start working on business skills....at least that's just my opinion. It may clash with what you believe. It is easier to learn new craft before learning how to sell it then to try to learn how to sell something you're not even specific about. And you can always read some How to business book alongside the coaching course. Either way, wishing you good luck Matt, glad to see your life purpose taking on
  12. The food groups are good but it doesn't tell much about quantities. That's more important if you want to be in hypertrophy. All of the above are great for bulking but you need to eat a bit in excess. SOmewhere around 450 - 650 calories more per day. I'm not exactly sure what that golden number is for a guy. 1.6-1.8g of protein per kilo of bodyweight would be a good idea. You can probably get there even at 1.4 if you want to make it long term sustainable but it will be slightly slower. the word "skyrocket" is a smooth marketing pitch. Nothing can skyrocket anything in health unless you take steroids, pharmaceutical drugs or hardcore drugs. Muscular gain is a slow and lengthy process. It takes years to build up a strong and relatively muscular body. It takes decades to get what you see on Instagram. I don't see how walnuts and berries wouldn't be helpful, they are excellent foods but they won't skyrocket your gains for sure Make sure to ignore all videos and products promising "quick gains", there are no quick gains, just a bunch of liars taking anabolic steroids profiting of young men's insecurities and impatience. Be patient and pace yourself slowly. Tiny steps each month. Train hard but not as hard as to hurt yourself or to burn out. Take enough recovery days (at least 3 per week), eat well, don't skip meals and sleep enough. Over time, you'll see small changes happening. With consistency and patience you can get sick gains within 24-36 months
  13. @Ima Freeman yeah ofcourse. Individual genetics, polymorphisms, microbiome balance and other individualised characteristics impact the efficacy of the vaccine. It is hard to create something that everybody will benefit from but I'm still grateful we have this option if only to protect the most vulnerable members of the society.
  14. Mostly not. SOme people are more sensitive to eating late at night and some can not tolerate breakfast but overall it won't make a lot of difference. On terms of gains in gym, it won't make a lot of difference when you eat. Glass, stainless steal or ceramic is safe. Caca or cinnamon won't boost your gains. The balance of your meals, protein intake, carbohydrate intake, meal complexity, sleep etc will make the most difference. And then obviously training hard enough to create enough microdamage in your muscle tissues is also crucial
  15. yeah I believe that too. Medication rarely fixes chronic health problems. Pharmacology is a tool of suppression not healing
  16. Well, if you understood immune system you'd appreciate the endless complexity of needing to develop ultimate protection from everybody. It is pretty much an impossible challenge given that a single virus molecule can have hundreds of differents recognition points that we need antibodies for. Yes, getting covid is the best "natural vaccine" but for many people that will be fatal so we develop vaccines to reduce the likelihood of dying. Yes, we should all strive to have great health, a strong immune system and a great diet It is not a perfect solution but it protects the most vulnerable members of society. I'd rather get vaxed 10 times than go visit my grandparents and kill them both by spreading something to them and them dying due to being invaded. It is easy to be cocky for young healthy people who do not come ina lot of contact with vulnerable people. It is different if you have a degree of social responsibility and if your actions can lead to other people dying. Ideally, we would all work to improve our immune system and perfect our diets and lifestyles to achieve peak defence but the majority of people have neither interest nor information or enough education to do that so in order to prevent massive genocide we have to create artificial solutions.
  17. Vaccine DOES NOT protect you from getting the virus. Only 100% isolation does (if you wanna go to that extreme). Vaccination definitely isn't a scam but perhaps without it your experience would have been worse. It is supposed to accelerate your immune response by already having prepared antibodies and memory T-cells. Imagine a scenario where you own a small hut in the forest and a winter hits. If you previously spent a month preparing wood stores, you're good. But if you forgot and only started looking for wood now after winter has come, chances are you are f...ed or at least you'll have to work harder to get those supplies now in the state of crisis. That's kinda how the vaccine works. It just gets to body prepared better but it does not minimise the chance of actually catching the virus (physically)
  18. Yeah it is safe for majority of people. If you do a lot of explosive training especially things like powerlifting or short sprints where you put extreme effort in a very short duration, then this is where creatine will shine the most as it will extend the time before early fatigue by donating an additional phosphate group into your energy metabolism pathway. Regular use of creatine may add about 2-3 seconds of peak effort. In Olympics, that could be a difference between no medal and gold medal. But for a regular workout for a regular person, perhaps not so much but a lot of people report feeling kinda stronger and more explosive so it could be interesting to experiment with it.
  19. You're trying to cage a bird and rob it of its freedom. With a controlling mindset like this, even if you end up marrying your woman will be depressed, unhappy and will feel restrained and robbed of her freedom. Work on letting go of that neurotic tendency to control and restrain. If you cannot trust her, then there is no point in being together. If she wants to cheat, she will and there is absolutely nothing you can do to prevent that. All that is in your control is how you approach that relationship. If you have a genuine reason to suspect she is unfaithful, then find another woman. But if not, then ask yourself "why am I so obsessed about this?" I appreciate that there are cultural differences in India compared to here in the West but nobody likes to be suppressed and controlled. Lost virginity cannot be regained but that doesn't mean she is somehow impure or defiled. If you see it that way, perhaps you should question where those beliefs are coming from.
  20. No you're good. The shell of the seed should be fairly protective from most stuff especially if you grind them yourself. Ofcourse nothing is 100% clean on this planet anymore but i wouldn't be worried about seeds
  21. Do you mean gelatin as a part of normal food (eg animal cartilage on chicken wing or tight) or concentrated gelatin in some sort of supplementation form?
  22. Seems it works as cholinesterase inhibitor giving your brain more bioavailable choline by preventing it's breakdown. Similar effect to what SSRIs do with serotonin. Definitely interesting in pharmacology but not sure if you wanna be manipulating your neurochemistry for a long time, who knows what other knockon effects that can have ?‍♂️ Whenever something works fast and is super efficient, we should exercise caution.
  23. Congratulations! Your website is absolutely beautiful! I love all the interactive elements. Feels very organic and not too cluttered at all.
  24. You should document that journey on YouTube should make for a neat video journal. And name your channel Sageonwheels I love that ?
  25. Let's be careful with how we state things like that...I think it is important that we do not connect these incidents with the forum or Leo's teachings (not saying you did, just making a statement). People are always constantly reminded to seek out professional help for those states when they are most vulnerable to their own doing. There are trained facilitators of help for people with the most critical conditions. This is not a place where suicidal depression will be healed quickly. Perhaps what Waveintheocean needed was short term pharmacological intervention followed by less aggressive medical support before even considering psychedelic and nonduality. It aches my heart to know that this has happened and I wish he has given the emergency services more chance. There are times when that is the best solution to be able to function again in society. We will never know what happened and what didn't but I just wanted to mention this.