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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. Lol, nobody stole anything from you. You had a naive idea of how the world works and now that bubble got burst. Businesses have beenn investing trillions of dollars into advanced medical technologies for the past 20 years, tech that will advance the human body, cure blindness, cure paralysis, and deafness. This is the newest boom. I hope this won't sound harsh but with limited capital you will find it hard to compete with companies who can spend 100 billions on R&D and PR with a wave of a hand. But don't let that discourage you. You can still become part of that movement. Figure out what education you need and what specialisation to become a leading expert so that you can get hired by these businesses and chip in. Or become a specialist in development of more advanced technologies so that you can get hired as an R&D consultant. It certainly is easier than having to create that entire industry, entire supply chain and basically reinvent the wheel. Ideas can sell as much as anything else these days. Unless you can obtain a starting capital of 100 billion dollars an convince bunch of investors that your idea will be a return of their investiment withn 20 years and has enough of a competitive power, starting a medical technology company like that in the Northern America is going to be tough. Follow your dreams but at the same time keep your feet on the ground The ways you can become part of this movement are literally limitless even without becoming Elon Musk 2.0. There is an infinite amount of space for more people to come in within all those markets. It's now about changing the world. If you can help a 1000 people in any any way, throughout your lifespan and get paid for it....that's enough.
  2. Moved to health section
  3. Wv Golf 1.4 Fsi. A second-hand (or more like 4th hand). Manufactured in 2009 and works well. I had to replace a few things that were just worn out and change a water pump after leakage but haven't had any other issue. The car cost me 2600 British Pounds. If you don't know anything about cars, it is a good idea either to buy from an authorised reselling dealer or go with someone who knows more about this stuff to help you review the state of the car if buying from previous user. Things to keep in mind: diesel cars are being pushed out of the market in Europe & UK, I wouldn't buy one consider cost of fuel if you are going for bigger engine especially if you're gonna be driving in cities a lot (costs of fuels are skyrocketing across the world and are only gonna go up from now on) consider how common that car is (spare parts & repairs cost) consider utility - no point buying pickup if you're gonna be commuting. Unless you want an exceptional performance something with 1.4-1.6 engine volume should do the trick. Go for the best fuel consumption you can get while not completely sacrificing for performance (Golf, Polo etc). Also, I think 6th gear is a nice thing to have if you do a lot of long-distance travel but I don't know enough about cars to really be sure this makes that much difference check if you'll have to pay emission tx where you live check the annual cost of car tax beforehand check the annual cost of car insurance beforehand make sure the car you bought is not reported as stolen or previously crahsed (authorised dealers will know this) Generally second hand car purchase is probably a better idea if you are on a budget just make sure to buy from reliable seller. You can't usually go wrong with German cars, Toyota, Honda or Ford (ppl who know more about cars may disagree) The more complex the engine (e.g. turbo and that sort of stuff) the higher the likelihood of issues (from what I've been told)
  4. Derek Simnet has tons on his YouTube channel
  5. @RendHeaven ah, always nice to get to know the face behind the profile
  6. do you think you could post the full results of those blood tests here? (without name or any sensitive info ofcourse)
  7. As long as you can sufficiently stimulate your muscles to repair and remodel and stimulate all the growth pathway through progressive overload and micro damage week by week it does not really matter where the protein comes from. Eggs aren't even that great of a source unless you do like 8-10 per day at which point you may cross the threshold above which eggs can actually become harmful to some degree.
  8. Love his content. Absolute goldmine of amazing information
  9. Not true actually Replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturates actually improved people's A1C score and reduces things like triglycerides and even LDL and ApoB. Diabetes type 2 is an energy status disease where the body has exceeded its adipose tissue stores and triglycerides are backing up through liver and pancreas. The maximum tissue store availability for fat deposition is genetic which is why some people can get ridiculously fat and not get diabetes and some get it while not even being chubby. The body becomes so saturated with calories, glucose and triglycerides that all receptors are shut down because it does not know what to do with all that anymore and so it stays in lumen of arteries gradually damaging glycocalyx, red blood cells and causing a havoc Weight loss is one of the most efficient strategy for diabetes treatment and eating less saturated fats and more pufas helps that goal Most people do not consume enough vegetables oils (even at the quantiles with the highest consumption) for them to be a significant factor in their overal calorie intake. This is a typical argument in low carb anti-seed oil communities that rarely stands to a scrutiny of good evidence basis. Ofcourse processed foods and junk are a problem but the issue is not the oils, it is the consumption of hyperpalatable foods that are abundant in calories but low on dietary fibre so it takes more time to reach a satiation point
  10. There is nothing to heal because there is nothing wrong with you. Being a human means you are hardwired to crave calorically dense food. All of us are hardwired this way which is why caloric fools are so tempting to us. It is like a monk punishing himself for having sexual thoughts, you can't remove biology from your existence. From what you say it seems like 90% of the time you are on top of your diet and then if you slide those 10% who cares. It won't kill you, it won't harm your progress. Have a cake once a week and be ok with it. Allow yourself to have a treat every now and then. Your brain will receive a signal that it is not evil to eat these foods otherwise you are just punishing yourself for something you have no control over and then being miserable. As long as you eat well most of the time, you can pretty much eat anything those 10% of the time time and it won't make you sick or unhealthy in any way. It's just about finding that healthy balance in things.
  11. That thing looks scary as f ? For me what works best is a syringe with an adjustment that reduces the water pressure and then just kinda squirting water in and flooding the wax out gently
  12. It's probably better but we don't have enough data yet because these things haven't been around for as long so epidemiology hasn't caught yet. With vapes it is important to get good quality clean fillers and not some rubbish from china. If you can inhale some natural essential oils that's preferable. Also consider how much time you spend per session. The potential issue with vapes is that cigarettes are limited by their size 2-4 mins per smoke where a lot of people will vape up to 45 mins per session simply because there is no physical end. So I would time the vape session to the max time it would usually take you to smoke cigarette and then put a hard stop to it. Still, it is a good progress towards stopping altogether, good job @Someone here Btw the issue with cigarettes isn't nicotine per se. In fact, nicotine as a herb has some therapeutic effects. It is the combustion, the chemicals used to hold the thing together, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, cadmium contamination, tar formation and all the other hydrocarbons that deplete antioxidants and cause oxidative havoc in the respiratory system and also cause microdamage to the systemic vasculature. All the mucous and coughing that smokers experience is just body's attempt to heal the damage this causes. It may even be worth trying some sort of nicotine tincture or figuring a way to get just nicotine naturally in small doses without having to burn anything and gradually wean that off if you wanna take a more Gabor Matte sort of approach to it.
  13. He may just want to get into your panties. It would eventually reopen old wounds because most people have hard-wired patterns they follow in particular social situations and relationships and eventually it would get exactly where it left off. Of course practice forgiveness and accept his apology but I would reconsider letting him in your life again. People rarely undergo dramatic changes of character and behaviour within a short term like that. But there also exists a possibility that he is genuinely sorry and seeking attunement... use your best judgement but be careful with who you let back in your life especially if they hurt you before Also be aware that fuckboys are brilliant mental manipulators so filter everything he says through a healthy level of scepticism. my surprise he said sorry and he felt bad. He said that was the last thing he wanted -to see me broken and he doesn't like hurting people just because he leads this "specific lifestyle". sounds like a huge red flag btw
  14. 12:15 damn, I'd love to try lifting in that sort of environment
  15. Hsv is only infectious during breakup. If you knew how many ppl carry the virus you'd never kiss a woman. Keep your body healthy and your immune system strong and it won't flare up. All the best!
  16. Paradoxically one of the best way is support of your natural immunity by exposing yourself to bacteria more not less. Doesn't mean kissing random strangers but embracing healthy ways to come in contact with bacteria in the nature, animals, unwashed produce etc. and sterilising less. Sterile society is what is causing decline of the number of ancient species in our guts we have housed for tens of thousands of years and probably rise of autoimmune reactions abd susceptibility of inflections with colony depletions and rise of pathogenic and opportunistic species. Erica Sonnenburg has a beautiful lecture on this topic on YouTube how sterilisation and avoidance is causing lots of issues
  17. I don't know if that's true. While I didn't find human studies there are a few lab animal studies out there, look. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5464538/ - 4-week mice study Collectively, our data evidence that Ace-K consumption can lead to adverse effects in the gut microbiome of mice. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4615743/ - Mice recipients of saccharin-associated microbiomes developed glucose intolerance and their microbiomes reflected many of the changes observed in the donors, as compared to those receiving microbiomes of control mice. And of course in-vivo (lab animals) studies are at the very lowest in the hierarchy of evidence, I totally grant that and without human outcome data we can just speculate but boldly dismiss the evidence available (due to the absence of more robust studies) shows a lot of arrogance, especially by a PhD. If you listen to people like the Sonnenburgs (top-level microbiome researchers) and Chris Gardner (an actual clinical nutrition researcher) you'll quickly understand why creating studies that monitor microbiome outcomes is just ridiculously difficult to due because there is a gazilion of potential correlates in there. I think Norton is way out of his league being so dismissive here. This is how science starts. In the absence of human data, petri dish studies and in-vivo studies is the best we have. Every human data has at some point been initiated by a bunch of petri dish studies, the science takes time to catch up. One can only dismiss petri dish studies if they have been superseded by human outcome data or at least animal outcome data. On the topic of artificial sweeteners and microbiota, they haven't so I wouldn't be as dismissive straight away. Maybe he is right but maybe he isn't.
  18. Hmm yes and no. Yes that it will meet your nutritional needs because even pop tarts are now enriched with nutrients to support global deficiencies. And remember that whenever we say "avoid deficiency" means you hit just above the bare minimum to prevent a disease such as scurvy or beriberi. It is not a level at one will thrive. No, in a sense that this sort of eating won't be ideal for preventing something like early-onset cardiovascular disease for which 7/10 people will die. IIFYM is bro-nutrition driven by bodybuilders and stage orange bro-science of people who don't know how to interpret nutritional epidemiology and who do not really understand the consequences of dietary choices of one's health. Calories in calories out is not the most complete interpretation of the literature. There was a video in which Layne was interpreting his blood lipid results and his total cholesterol and LDL-C were just fucking through the roof! with levels you would see in men much older than him and he completely dismissed that. Vegan gains actually addressed that bit in his video really well by looking at the LDL-C and atherosclerosis development chart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3GtMScnqHQ The point of nutritional epidemiology is to assess potential health outcomes of different eating patterns and saying "it does not matter as long as you don't overeat" is a huge disservice to the public especially when it clearly shows on test that it is not working. Norton is approaching nutriiton from the standpoint of total caloric intake. The theory usually is that " as long as you are not overeating you won't get sick" and to a large point that is true because things like diabetes for example (Type 2 I mean) are basically energy status disease caused by long term overeating over the body's fat storage tolerance. But we lave loads of data on switching people's diet from saturated fats and beef and that sort of stuff (that he would consider ok) and seeing dramatic improvements in health (within the remit of their caloric needs) so I don't think as a hard-nosed PhD scientist he is being totally correct there. I have seen a lot of criticism for this on Norton's head. He is a denier of many things that are gradually being established in nutrition such as that consumption of PUFAs over saturated fats is actually healthy for humans. This particular video is on sweeteners for which I haven't done in-depth review but from hearing about others who have, they do not appear to be damaging although there is emerging literature in animals that they may be harming microbiome so that's something to keep in mind for future. So far we have no human data on that topic.
  19. Take an oral zinc test and check of you're not deficient. Extreme zinc deficiency (covid depletes zinc like crazy and most people are already deficient most of the time). The tests consists of holding a particular liquid in your mouth and testing the taste. It can usually be bought online or in pharmacies. If deficient take 25-50mg of zinc citrate for 2 months. After dinner before sleep. It may not be the cause but it may also help
  20. Most of this sounds like lack of passion and lack of purpose in life. You cant change how the world treats you but you can choose how you respond to it. A lot of what you mentioned is learned helplessness that stems from thinking one is completely powerless which is not true at all. UIf you live in a relatively developed country you always have a choice how you respond. If you don't want to be controlled, work on identifying your passion and start digging your way out....it is the only way. A lot of anxiety and depression I see these day, especially in teenagers is actually lack of being challenged, especially mental challenge in life. Life becomes too easy and once there is a little bit of tension, instant anxiety kicks in because the body has not been allowed to develop coping mechanisms.
  21. without food before bedtime, yes. This is because many minerals have a binding affinity for zinc receptors and it is easy for there to be interference with absorption.
  22. -moved to dating sub-
  23. That vitamin C dose is fairly high and gastrointestinal disturbances can occur even at smaller doses. The zinc is high enough as well to cause issues in some people, it's not uncommon. Although it is more common to get zinc induced nausea if taken on empty stomach in the morning. Magnesium is just above recommended daily dose. Citrate is usually well tolerated although with 600mg you may be going slightly overboard and that can cause some osmotic changes in the gut. Overall this seems like quite a radical supplemental protocol but still within ranges of what's safe short term. I'd probably take a step back and ease into it. Also I'd eat everything except zonc with food and zinc before bedtime (as you were)