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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. You can approach this from a few perspectives 1. Constant eating stops the migrating motor complex from its gut cleansing activity so you become more predisposed to have something like bacterial proliferation in small intestine (I might be making this more dramatic than it really is tho) - seems we still don't fully understand what MMC really does. 2. Even small amount of snacking triggers release of digestive enzymes and acids and so you are triggering this Colossus of a process just to digest 5 almonds you snacked on, it may not be the best use of the resources and energy 3. Another perspective is simply from already stated blood sugar and triggering insulin response but that response is proportional to the glycemic content. Still for person with a disrupted glycemic control, constant binging is actually counterintuitive. 4. When you don't eat you allow deeper cleansing in the cells to happen although you'd be talking about not eating over 36 hours to go really deep into this. Still even not eating couple hours allows an occasional metabolic shift into your body releasing triglycerides and adapting to the stress of not having food... occasionally we need that. It appears caloric restriction may be one of the tools of achieving prolonged telomere life but we don't have as much data on longevity other than mice data and diet as most biohackers would have you believe. It probably comes down more to things like passion, purpose, movement and life enjoyment. 5. A lot of people snack from boredom or frustration so cutting that snacks actually helps one shine a spotlight on that behaviour and identify the cause Either way, you have to adjust your nutritonal requirements to your lifestyle and your goals. If you can pull of omad, good for you but if you need 5 meals a day to compensate for a busy athletic schedule then you do that. Obsession about what is and what should be and could and and who said what is just gonna give you endless stress response and make your life miserable. Enjoy this unique experience and don't overthink too much ??
  2. holy shit dude! You are a star!
  3. I'm one of his Patreons I don't know him in person, he is a Canadian but his stuff resonates with me and I love the work he has done to dispute the nonsense of anti-seed oil community. He has a huge Discord channel as well with lots of cool material and discussions being held
  4. I asked the Nutrivore to share his thoughts on the study and got the response surprisingly fast. This seems like a pretty decent breakdown. The sodium component makes a lot of difference
  5. why would it be a bad question.... Not everyone is versed in nutrition and difference in the composition of carbohydrates. I think it's actually a perfectly legit question that a lot of people are not clear on.
  6. The first study is definitely interesting. It is a cross-section of a larger cohort and the study population isn't huge but it is definitely provocative. I sent it to someone with a better understanding of nutritional epidemiology to comment on. I once read that Japanese used to (dont know if they still do) add formaldehyde to tofu products to preserve freshness. If that was the case, it could be one of the reasons why this is happening. Japanese also, for example have one of the highest rate of stomach cancer & h-pylori in the world possibly due to extremely high intake of salt, pickled food and smoked food. I wonder if a factor here is that people who consume more soy products also consume more fish (heavy salted) and more soy sauce and use very high doses of miso so they naturally consume more salt. The tab on page 4 actually does show the highest intake of sodium in 4th Quantile which is the one that has the most cogntiive decline. I just think this study isn't powered enough to show the association accurately. The second study tho, actually in contrast to the first, shows soy polyphenols being directly associated with better cognitive performance, same for curcumins, cocoa polyphenols as well as vegetable and fruit polyphenols.. Results for resveratrol are kinda mixed to null. One study here showed worsening with some "grape formulation resveratrol extract but that only had 10-people population so hardly enough power. Overall, I'd say the results of the second study are that polyphenols show mild improvement or no effect but it doesn't appear to show any association with actual cognitive decline. Still, would be good for someone to pool all of these soy studdies together into a meta-analysis to show power calculation and statistical relevance. Until then we can't tell for sure as soy has been associated with many beneficial effects in other areas of health so this would be a bummer
  7. What does "sugar" mean to you? And what sort of "bread" would you be eliminating?
  8. Generally, as long as there is a decent variety of foods and food groups, repetition isn't an issue. The foods you listed are protein and carb sources but it is important they are surrounded by a huge abundance of fibre-containing vegetables, legumes, fruits and whole grains as well as good sources of PUFAs and MUFAs. If the repetition plan is based on eating everything you need and having at least 30 different types of foods on weekly basis then you're probably fine. But it's kinda hard to comment with the limited info I got from you. I saw you mentioned you're 15? At such young age it is also important not to put strict restrictions on your diet as you want to make sure your tissues will develop properly.
  9. @RendHeaven well that's the first person ? changing the statement to "haven't heard about problems UNTIL TODAY"
  10. It's a good product. I've used it myself many times and recommended it to a few clients over the years. So far I haven't had or heard anyone have a bad experience or some sort of gastrointestinal discomfort which sometimes happens on whey. It is not a soy powder which is preferable and they also add a nice cocktail of herbs and some adaptogens in the mix, not to mention the taste is probably the best I've ever had in a protein. The cost is a bit of a bummer but frankly, some crappy whey products are starting to be pretty expensive just because IFBB guys are ambassadoring them. You can't go wrong with Vivo. They seem to be a caring brand, do a lot for the environment, invested massively into decomposable packaging and do a lot for the whole plant based movement. Now the milliondollar question is "do you need it"? It's not gonna magically make you more aesthetic. If you work hard enough and eat enough you probably don't need it and if you don't work hard enough and eat enough they are not gonna help. In terms of The Game, focus on your approaching skills and your charisma & humour rather than the aesthetics So I'd say evaluate the status quo and if the cost:benefit ratio is towards pro-Vivo then go for it. You won't regret the purchase, that's for sure. Make sure to use Derek Simnet's discount code to support the guy
  11. @kray use your best judgement General rule of alcohol is the less the better.
  12. Yeah, quite possible. Chillies can exacerbate flare ups ad well as high salt / high fat foods (wings/pringles) And then alcohol is basically forbidden on low FODMAP diet (used to eradicate IBS) so that whole combination would have been enough to trigger local immune response Still, if it happens too often I'd consider speaking to your MD for some further assessment
  13. Could it be that the dose is too high? Also, do you take any regular medication or high doses of other supplements/ herbs? Could be some interference upon the metabolism of the mushroom polyphenols with those meds. Could also be a particular strain you're sensitive to maybe?
  14. I've recently started re-reading The Lord of The Rings trilogy whenever visiting my home country. Feels very therapeutic compared to when I read it 20 years ago as a kid. Ben Kane's Eagles series (historical fiction) were incredible and I read that twice G.R.R. Martin's Song of Ice & Fire saga was pretty cool as well although I hated The dance with dragons one
  15. LOL, a bit of centre of the universe are we ? Perhaps you should look for a different teacher. Most of us are not as evolved as you seem to think you are so it will take a while for majority of Leo's audience to catch up. Isn't the purpose of bodhisattva to come back after the realisation of nothingness and try to teach the masses rather than isolate himself in a cave? Just because in the end nothing is ultimately meaningful or meaningless it doesn't mean we should completely abandon the pursuit of self improvement and dedication to becoming a better human being. Perhaps that's what Leo has to do and detoxing "imaginary metals" doing "imaginary pickup" and catering to one's "imaginary self-development" is a part of that journey of "helping the materialists to realise nothingness"
  16. Is moving to another apartment an option?
  17. By definition, the word "all" gets negated if there is a single woman out there who does not harbour any negative feeling toward you. Pretty sure you would find one fairly quickly Ok, jokes aside. Away with this nonsense. Nobody hates you. You failed a few times in pickup (I assume this is what it's about) and extrapolated that micro failure to global catastrophe. Be careful with the type of information you are feeding your brain because it will actually start believing it that really everyone hates you. I've seen a lot of your posts to see a pattern of self-destructive thinking that leads your mind down the negative spiral of "everybody hates me, might as well end it". I think you would greatly benefit from some sort of guidance of a life coach or trauma coach or really just someone to motivate you. We have great coaches on here already ( @flowboy seems to work with guys who experience similar things in life). Focus less on the stuff that does not work and try to put a bit more effort into things that are meaningful and make sense to you. Also, maybe you would actually benefit from taking a break from this forum,social media and internet wide. It forces you to compare to everyone else and makes it seem like other people are more successful. Perhaps retrospect on that? all of these things are just labels and you can wipe them off if you want to with the right type of support and approach. Leo has videos on all these topics probably.
  18. @Octagram Eye It sounds like your life is missing a bigger spark. Something to keep you going and to get you excited in the morning. Maybe the LP course could help you figure stuff out. https://www.actualized.org/life-purpose-course It did work for me and for many many guys and girls around here.
  19. MORE RECENT Metro Exodus is probably my all time favourite when it comes to story & gameplay. It is one of the very few games where I cared about the characters and really connected with the storyline and even got pretty emotional towards the end. The game is immersive as fuck, the environment is beautiful and frightening. The post-apocalyptic Russia is a masterpiece in this game. Days Gone Divine Divinity 2 Day Z OLDER Metal Gear Solid, Shadow of Colossus, Half-Life, Total War Rome 2 & Attila
  20. If there is a risk of forum coming under some sort of legal scrutiny or getting negative PR then I'd say no. Also it will attract spammers and illegal drug sourcing spambots like flies. Having spoken to a few peeps who tried different stuff, it seems people who are serious abot this and will want to try it usually find a way to obtain the stuff
  21. It can be if you are not the "own the book" type of person or don't care about flipping through the pages and experiencing the thrill of grabbing a new book. Better option if you don't want to be paying for books is to simply sign up for the local library which is usually covered by tax so books are free for citizens or people who fall under that council.
  22. I'm sure everyone has their own reasons why they do what they do
  23. Not everybody wants feedback. There is a reason why some journals have the words "CLOSED JOURNAL" in them. Mods on the forum spend quite a lot of time moderating the Journal section, you'd be surprised.
  24. The ability for users to lock journals and journal owners to be able to hide unwanted comments in journals they started would eliminate a lot of micro conflicts in the journal sections but not sure how difficult that is to add to the forum code.
  25. It might be best to wait till it fades. Temporary flare-ups may happen every now and then, but if this is a common recurrence, it would be a good idea to get some medical attention. GERD can be caused by many things but for example exercising while still having food in your stomach can make it worse. Other common triggers can be particular foods, spices, coffee, chocolate, alcohol, citruses, fatty foods, dairy etc Stress may induce GERD in some people as well. Hiatus Hernia is a common cause as well in case that hasn't been looked into. If it becomes too bad, pop an antacid and see if it helps over the longer term. If not, definitely speak to a doctor.