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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. There is an audience for everyone. Maybe you need to go to school, maybe you don't. If you can have interesting ideas and insights that will move people, you don't need to go to academia. It all depends on what you want to do with this. Having a background education certainly helps because you will get exposed to that environment and make lots of contacts and get access to incredible resources. But you'll also have to comply with academic rules which may be a bummer. But just make sure you're not going into this to be famous. Wanting to be famous is a shallow value and not something you want to have as your core value in your pursuit of your ultimate passion because it will lead you down all sorts of funky alleys where people will promise you fame if they can sense you could be exploited. Fame is something that happens (but for most people it doesn't) as a byproduct of deliberate effort and work (and luck for some people) but most of those who got famous in the line of career you are thinking about, were hard workers and dedicated themselves to their craft fully. It was their deep insights about reality that got people attracted (and some marketing) not their desire to be famous per se. Also, comparing yourself to Socrates is a bit odd. The man lived in ancient time during which most people were stage purple and stage red (maybe blue for more developed part of the Greek aristocracy ). In Ancient Athens it was rare for someone to be that sort of a thinker because everyone was just occupied with survival. I have never studied the man but I believe he was not a low-born so that already allowed him to dedicate himself to this and this gave him a massive advantage over the common mob. Nowadays the competition is larger and people don't have to struggle to feed their children anymore so they can dedicate themselves to other matters, such as philosophy. What I'm trying to say is "don't compare yourself to the early adopters, they had a completely different environment". Figure out what your passion is and do that, not for the money and fame and success but for the pure love and joy of it. And whatever happens as a side effects of that, is an added bonus. Desire for fame is amateur's game. Don't be that guy Do it for the love of sharing and love of wisdom.
  2. Seems you may indeed be on to something. Might even be worth reporting to your doctor as an individual case study actually. Doctors are obliged to collect these rare scenarios of rare occurrences for the completion of larger case series to incentivise observational studies to be triggered in the future. Normally, traces of nickel are found in some foods and these should not be an issue but seems it can become problematic indeed through the cookware. I was not aware of this. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7037090/ (most findings in here are based on in-vitro tho so bear that in mind as you skim through) Interesting perspective when cooking tomato sauce on it https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4284091/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27804135/ - seems that even after 1 hour of cooking the content is already growing. Also, final point. Hair mineral analysis is not very accurate. We don't know the correct ranges and different labs use different safe vs not-safe ranges and there are not evidence-based standardised levels at the moment so also bear this in mind as you go down the nickel detoxification rabbit hole.
  3. not unless you are coeliac, no. There are certainly better types of foods than refined wheat products but if you are asking about gluten specifically, it is not an issue unless you are allergic or sensitive to it.
  4. @Knowledge Hoarder was temporarily banned for using foul language towards another member of the forum but was not permanently banned. We will keep the account open for you to reconsider. There is no need to leave just try to play nice and keep other people's feelings in mind as you go around doing your thing in life. (not just here) If you still wish to have both accounts closed, let us know or reply to this message when you're next around. Thanks!
  5. Are you referring to all ALL vegetable oils or specifically vegetable oils that have had their hydrogenated fat content altered due to excessive frying and reusing? Or are you referring to industrially hydrogenated fats like margarine?
  6. I dunno, it sounds too vague, too abstract and way too unattainable. I mean, if you can dedicate 16 hours a day to deep studying and have people take care of other things for you....maybe. Or maybe you can master a narrow field of domains such as becoming the expert in natural sciences...that can be achieved but becoming an "all-in expert" doesn't seem viable. Don't take hat as a limiting belief tho, prove me wrong Jack of all trades is kinda overrated and you'll quickly notice how full of shit a lot of these people are once they have to defend their position against an expert in the field. Twitter is an interesting place to observe that phenomenon. It's like learning a muscle-up, completely overrated and pointless exercise (and destructive if done wrong) but it is a neat party trick and you can impress people with it.
  7. Hey @Ayham, sorry I missed the tag. You know, this is a difficult question to ask and I would say nearly everyone who has gone through the course, feels a degree of this. You're always trading one thing for another. Life Purpose is a game of choices and if you choose to go one way you are pretty much sacrificing all other ways. For example, once you choose to become a professional nature photographer and choose to become an expert in that you may be sacrificing your secondary dream to become a Doctor of Astronomy & Physics. You can still read on other topics but it is hard to become a Jack of all trades and want to do everything - this would eventually lead to the extreme amount of stress, confusion and anxiety. What I see a lot on the forum and in the wider world in general, is people trying to become proficient in too many things where the real beauty often comes from becoming a top class expert in one or two things and then, if you have time expanding that further. Of course, you wanna have a general overview and know a little bit about different things but it is impossible with the time we have on this planet to become a deep expert in too many topics due to the nature of the complexity of the world and everything it includes. A shallow level of understanding may be useful for a pub discussion or shallow forum discussions but it won't satisfy you if one of your values is curiosity and knowledge seeking. Also the moment you come across a REAL expert on a particular topic you'll quickly realise the limitations of any shallow level of knowledge and they'll just spread you and your overhyped knowledge over like butter on bread. So ideally your LP should be navigated about becoming ultra proficient in a niche topic and then dedicating your life to that, ignoring most other things (as an LP but you can still read for pleasure about a variety of topics). For example besides studying my core thing which is nutritional sciences, I love reading about history, especially the ancient history and the history of the 20th century in Europe but I would never dare to go into a debate with a history expert because they would just walk all over my deficient understanding. So it is more for a personal pleasure rather than wanting to become an expert here. I think it is worth spending time exploring and trying things to make sure you get an opportunity to sample different "tastes". Try a few things, change protocols, change approaches and eventually you'll get an inclination about what you are being pulled towards the most...you'll just know because it will be the thing you'll tend to gravitate towards automatically. Now, it does not mean that the thing that came from your LP course is the ultimate journey. Probably not. It just gives you a vague direction of which way you should start walking but it is likely that the journey will be evolving as you go. I like see LP course as the aeroplane that takes you up and from which you jump however where you choose to land with your parachute is totally your decision. So for now you can choose to act "as if". As if this was the journey. As if there was no other choice. As if this was your ultimate journey. Chances are that if the assumption is wrong (meaning this thing you chose is not the right thing for you) at some point a new path may open to you or you'll start getting hints that this is not your right calling. David Deida talks about this in "Way of the Superior man" that sometimes a project that was previously meaningful to you, suddenly completely loses all meaning. If that happens, you need to act on it but it is equally important not to be a dabbler and jump from one project to another just because you got a bit bored or feel a bit lost. That being said, It is important to recognise whether that doubt is linked to a massive loss of motivation and interest (see ebove) or simply confusion about how to approach this challenge of your current LP Journey. The later will be a common companion on your LP journey pretty much 100% of the time and you need to learn to be comfortable with feeling of not knowing and a feeling like this is not leading anywhere. To give you a personal example, my thing when I finished LP course in 2016 was that I wanted to "help people live longer, better and to thrive in life" that was literally my Mission Statement but it took me about 5 more months to identify which way to take this during which I was exploring a variety of options. Eventually nutrition education was what I chose to go for but maybe if I chose to go into Chinese Medicine or herbal medicine or even medicine that would have become my thing. I don't believe there is ONE thing you are supposed to do. It is a game of choice and eventually you choose what resonates with your intuition the most. The worst thing is probably not to do anything and to choose some 9-5 corporate career or some mediocre job out of fear and out of complacency. While easier over short term and more comfortable, eventually that path will to an accumulation of misery and resentment, possibly even chronic depresssion. SO just by asking all these questions and digging deep into your values, you're already in top 5% of people who actively choose to shape the trajectory of their life rather than having others do that for them. Congrats on that! I know this is probably not too helpful but I'm deliberately not telling you what to do because you have to intuitively reach to a point that feels right. Hope that helps a bit Take Care! you're on the right path and believe that this is the most meaningful thing to be doing with your life.
  8. This thread has spiralled downhill quickly today. Guys, please just focus on your work and stop bickering about who did what and who said what. As you can see, nobody is benefiting from that and you're wasting your precious time. Closing this thread for a few days to give everyone an opportunity to focus on what matters. Thanks!
  9. @Knowledge Hoarder let's keep this conversation clear of toxic attacks, shall we. I'm deleting your comment and consider this a warning. Thanks!
  10. @thisintegrated we are generally more similar than we are different and in disease modality and lifestyle outcomes, genetics play very very little role unless we are talking about extremes like ApoE4. Genetic tendencies can get silenced or mitigated by lifestyle, diet and body composition (e.g. obesity) and one of factors that can exacerbate genetic predisposition is having BMI over a recommended limit. All in all when you look at large population epidemiological data, BMI is a very significant factor where most doctors do not even consider genetic testing unless everything else has been excluded because of how little significance it carries. In terms of testosterone and disease outcome levels, most guys are somewhere in range of "normal" and at those levels there is probably very little contribution to anything negative. Chronically low testosterone levels are caused by inborn condition such as hypogonadism which needs to be permanently medicated unfortunately. Some natural practitioners tend to focus on things like generics and environmental exposure as MAJOR disease risk factors where those are really 2% at best compared to other major factors for which BMI is relevant. Many concepts in allopathy are frowned upon but most of the disease risk estimation methods are pretty darn accurate for 95% of the population compared to certain test protocols in natural medicine that are notoriously inaccurate and hard to interpret such as irridology or some of the TMS methods
  11. You do realise that this is Sv3rige you're talking about right? Chronic liar, manipulator and deceiver lol. The guy is a master of tearing things out of context and manipulating reality to serve his carnivore audience who cannot digest fibre . What you are looking at are people psychologically sick with extreme anorexia or extreme fruitarians who have been brainwashed and have ended up with a mental disease caused by extreme malnutrition and protein deficiency. He is looking hard to find the worst cases on the internet and then presenting that data as "this is common" where it is clearly not. He even says in his comment "this was insane amount of work" because you gotta look hard to be able to manipulate reality like he is. There ios a reason why he's had an entire account banned This is NOT a valid not just representation of vegans lol. It is quite scary tho, I agree. You could equally start to create a compilation "look what beef does to you" and show sick and morbidly obese Americans in McDonald's but that wouldn't be as exciting to watch I guess.
  12. actually once you exclude the people for whom BMI is not a reliable marker (extreme athletes & pregnant women), BMI is actually a pretty robust marker of disease risk (especially CVD, diabetes & cancer as well as malnutrition driven conditions). It is nearly as reliable as waist:hip ratio and then taken together BMI & Waist:Hip ratio are pretty darn accurate predictors of disease mortality. And bear in mind that most people are NOT extreme athletes or super muscular so BMI is actually pretty reliable. Both extremes (underweight & overweight) come with their own risks and knowing where one is, does actually help to predict a particular disease pattern. I've seen obese people say hat BMI does not mean anything where in reality in their case those number mean a lot
  13. I think the Initial assumption was correct. At 55kg, BMI of 18 indicates borderline underweight and with 1000 calories a day your body may just about keep at this levels (without loosing further). I would say 1000kcal is eating quite under where you should be especially for a young guy in his primal growth years where your body has high energy demands I'd try to raise it to 1500 at least possibly more especially if you aim to be physically and mentally active or even make a muscle gain. Best discuss this with a dietitian.
  14. @The0Self the major difference for me was to start using batch cooking with loads of lentils. True, i do get bloated more ? but got me up to 3 solid movemens per day which seems like a good trade-off? I think I'd say that 1 is good and healthy. 2, if you can is even better but maybe the difference is not as significant as going from less than one per day to one per day
  15. Thanks for sharing Max! Gym can indeed be a powerful remedy for depression. Take care! ?
  16. I'd exercise caution here. On one way, it is good to have "safe" sites and sources for people to make sure shady links and shady sites are avoided. On the other, this may attract all sorts of spammers and snake oil salesment and potentially invite an investigation from an outside party should this become too big as a "drug sourcing forum" from some rigid stage blue organisation. I'd lean towards "not yet" and perhaps wait a few years till this topic has become a little bit more mainstream? Alternatively, you could make this in a way that each contribution has to be pre-approved, not sure how much coding would that require to make sure the section remains clean & safe. On the other hand this would introduce another layer of time consumption for you (& mods)
  17. Great advice above already on specific products. In addition, it is a great idea, before you engage in liver detox, to make sure your phase I, II and III nutrients are at optimal level. You dont' want to start sending a swarm of toxins if the liver is not equipped enough to handle it. Google liver Phase I and phase II nutrients for more info on this. Secondly you want to make sure your gut health is optimal because eventually, all that stuff needs to be eliminated through stool or urine so it's a good idea to start any liver detox with a bit of gut cleanse as well. If you're having less than 2 bowel movements per day, I would not engage in liver detox. You want to make sure the content of your bowels is moving smoothly and regularly to prevent toxin reabsorbtion or reopening by certain strains of colonic bacteria such as beta-glucuronidase.
  18. Don't take online dating too personal. Most girls on dating apps get so much attention that it becomes hard to justify talking to just one guy and eventually many get to a point when they are hanging around just for the endless attention and dopamine fuckery associated with having so much interest. She might have ben talking to few other guys at the same time she spoke to you and at some point she just got bored. It's nothing personal, maybe she treats other guys the same way. Lol, the immaturity Sounds like the opposite of what you would want actually. The last thing I'd want ina relationship is a young women who boasts about how many guys she has had sex with. Move along, forget about her.
  19. A lot of conflicts in the journal section are caused by people reading each other's journals and making lots of personal conclusions "this has to be about me". "this is definitely about me". I'd say for folks who feel other people are writing about them, just stop reading those journals and stop giving those people fuel of your attention. THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT !! YOUR ATTENTION. Block these people in personal messaging and block all forms of communication from them in "Account Settings" - this person will cease to exist for you. Sometimes that is the only way to resolve a long-standing conflict, unfortunately. Life is too short to give in into other people's bitterness and negativity. Also remember that EVERYONE in the world can read what you write. There is no privacy in journal sections so think 10-20 years ahead. Would you still wish you wrote that thing 20 years later? Especially sharing a personal information. If you do share lot of sensitive and emotional information, make sure to keep your privacy protected at all cost. There are a lot of sick people on the internet, sick to the head and even potentially dangerous if triggered the wrong way. Can you be sure someone is not meticulously print screening everything you write and have ever written? Only share what is not sensitive and what cannot be used against you or what someone can use to actually trace you down in real life You can't change what someone writes about nor what they think about you. All you can control is how you respond and you can choose not to respond at all by ignoring their journal. Gradually the fire of conflict will become weaker and weaker as the attention to it subsides. Now ofcourse if someone spews toxic content directly into your own journal, make sure to report that and we can help deal with it. Focus on your own growth and don't let negativity of other people stunt your progress. Don't agree -> Ignore -> block -> move along. If this person keeps making new accounts to harass you, report it to one of the mods. And finally, if the forum is giving you too much grief and pain, consider taking a month of. You may notice a new type of freedom as you can expand your lungs freely without fear of "I wonder what he/she wrote about me this time, better go check"
  20. Solid advice! I keep finding in my practice that just by saying "meditation" you will already lose some people due to deeply rooted misconceptions about the nature of the practice. Since then I've been using "stress relief techniques" and then trying to find out what is a realistic expectation for that particular person. But otherwise, if you can elaborate on each of this on 50 pages, you got a bestseller in the making just gotta market it right and name it right
  21. With so much anxiety about microbes, intimacy is going to be hard. Not all microbes are pathogenic and there is a benefit of exposing yourself to more microbiologial diversity for your immune system tolerance and antibody circulation. Animals can actually enrich the diversity of your microbiota so don't worry about them. As a guy, generally, your risk of catching UTI is probably 50 times less than a female simply because of longer urethra (more distance to cover) and each time you pee your basically flushing the urethra with an antimicrobial urine so drink enough to make sure you pee a lot. That being said don't stick any object up your penis (some guys do and that's how you risk interstitial cystitis), don't do unprotected anal sex and whenever you wash the penis glans under the foreskin make sure to do so with clean hands Now if you come in contact with surfaces that may have fecal bacteria from other people it is a good idea to wash & disinfect hands each time you do but i wouldn't be too worried about cats unless you come in contact with a pregnant female which is where risk of toxoplasmosis exist as it can be passed through the placenta. Otherwise embrace a little bit of diry surface, unwashed hands (not after toilet) and eat some unwashed fruit or veggies that you picked from garden. Oh and don't be so afraid of blowjobs ? but when it comes to sexual intercourse unless you have a stable long term partner i would NEVER go unprotected for both of your safeties
  22. 150g is quite a lot. It may simply be irritating your GIT mucosa. Honey can be a bit irritative in larger amounts
  23. If you don't see the value in what you are doing then that's the sign that you need to start looking around. Agree with you on that the passion hypothesis is kinda wrong amd there is no "one thing" for everyone but staying in same occupation especially if you're getting hints that you'd rather be doing something else is gonna make you gradually more and more miserable. There is no need to leave and liquidate the business immediately but keep your mind open for new opportunities along the way. Expose yourself to new experiences,new books on new topics,speak to people, attend new events and something may fall through the cracks eventually
  24. Life comes with its challenges and it is what builds your willpower and resilience when you can do the things you don't enjoy. It doesn't mean following a life of mysery and some shitty career but even a life that is built along the path of your ultimate purpose will require lot of grudgingly boring work especially if you want to make a living out of it. Even when you are on the journey towards mastering something you enjoy there will be days when you don't enjoy what you do and will want to quit. Otherwise how are you gonna build the life of your dreams and achieve creative freedom if you don't want to clock in the work and learn real marketable skills. It is hard making a living of mediating on the couch and introspecting (a common issue i see on the forum where guys have hard time actually doing THE work) If you quit each time you get challenged, life will become incredibly hard, not just that but you will train your mind to be unable to focus and to want to quit whenever it has to do some deep work that is valued in this economy (whatever that means for your thing). Sometimes you just gotta suck it up, roll up your sleeves and get it done.