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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. It's several layers of arguments as to why not eat at Mcdonald's but if I was to summarise it to a single point it would be "processed beef"
  2. I think it requires a certain level of awareness and consciousness development to be able to work with mental health condition, especially a complex one such as Bipolar, Schizophrenia or major depression. Medications are there to ease life for people who do not have tools, knowledge or resources to handle these holistically. Medication prevent people from killing themselves during states of mania and hyperarrousal. If you are a highly developed individual, chances are you can, for example deal with a panic attack through a breath work and introspection but for people in spiral dynamics stage blue who are not aware of such practices even existing, medication is what helps them and keeps them from making a suicide attempt. They are not ideal and for moderate conditions such as mild to moderate depression, they do not work as well but for extreme conditions, meds are actually very helpful. The problem is that once people are put on meds, they do not receive further support. Meds should be used to alleviate major symptoms so that core issues can be addressed, which is where an integrative approach such as IFS comes in. It's like asking someone to hold a carpet while you vacuum clean underneath
  3. Ask and it shall be delivered, boys and girls. The episode we have been patiently waiting for AthlenX on Hubberman Lab Podcast
  4. ah, in that case, i'm sure protein is not a concern then
  5. Sure thing, there is much you can do to slow down that decline such as remaining physically active, lean, keeping healthy BMI and maintaining a decent lean muscle mass but only to a degree. I am yet to conduct a deep dive into the topic myself so perhaps you are right that it is not inevitable in all men. There is also a dark side of keeping testosterone too high (especially synthetically) in older age and that is an increased risk of prostate growth through the DHT pathway but the last time I checked, this has not been confirmed. Anyway, I think the focus is too much on testosterone and not enough on things like blood sugar management, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, BMI, waste:hip ratio or ApoB, markers that, in my opinion, matter way more once you get pass 50s. Rapid decline in testosterone may be caused by a disease state as well and where that happens, it needs to be investigated. Exactly as you said I am not a huge fan of antiageing because a lot of it is just mechanistic fuckery, marketing and fearmongering but I am a huge fan of healthy ageing rather than falling apart and relying on meds the last 30 years of one's life. That's imo more important than keeping testosterone at certain range.
  6. The question is "what would be a meaningful business for you?" You can offer a high-quality service even on a budget The danger here is investing in something purely for maximising revenue and selling your soul to the devil by screwing over customers for maximising your margins. Or you can use that money to get the education necessary to offer a type of service that you will be proud of.
  7. It may take a while to get the right ratio if you are athletic and especially if you prefer to get most of your protein from plants but what I found, just bulk ordering wholegrains and legumes and then always soaking few bowls of beans and lentils, pressure cooking large batches and then freezing them in small bags has been a way to go. Once you find a level of efficiency to do this, then in combination with organic tofu, which is becoming more and more affordable you should be all sorted. If you eat animal foods then by default you are probably eating more protein then vegetarian or vegan person so I wouldn't worry too much unless you are a competitive athlete. The protein concerns are just way way out of proportion due to all the industry propaganda, marketing and social media. In reality, most of us are eating more than we need.
  8. Yes testosterone levels decline with age which is why some men choose to undergo TRT after 50s. Main role of testosterone in your body is for reproductive purposes, spermatogenesis, maintenance of erection and sperm motility and to maintain primal sexual characteristics, once you are past reproductive age, natural selection kicks in and you lose the ability to reproduce. Same way women lose gonadal oestrogen production post-menopausal, there is no need to reproduce any longer. Wanting muscle and stuff like that, which is associated with testosterone these days is a modern invention, evolution is still driven by the survival of species and once your reproductive window is done, evolution does not care about you anymore and your body starts ageing and losing its primal sexual features as well as its vigour. Even longevity is a modern thing, humans would rarely live past reproductive prime in ancient times.
  9. @Aimblack look at their ingredient list, its full of chemical, glucose syrups, additives, caking agents, thickeners. I understand why they are there but companies Like Vivo or Huel are now using more wholefood ingredients instead these days. Secondly, that low price has to come at a cost somewhere else. I'm up for affordable products but they seem to push it too far. Either they are monopolising the market in some way and eating up small competitors, or cutting down employee payments, or screwing over suppliers or screwing over the farmer's market or getting the cheapest most garbage ingredients they can, importing whey from god knows where. Their website has no language on 3rd party and metal testing. I don't trust them, never have and never will. I don't recommend my clients protein powder anymore unless they specifically want to take them. And since most of my clients are not pro athletes or bodybulders, most people can get their protein from food. Still, if you want some, I'd go for something organic, tested, vegan and that is neither soy protein nor animal protein. Or just get a pressure cooker and bulk up on lentils and beans and you won't need any of this.
  10. The problem with this is that you are seeing a clean diet as a choir or burden and junk food as your salvation. This type of thinking does not allow you to create health as your core value because you not being serious with it. Eventually the amount of junk food grows as you make more and more exceptions, you get lazier, your willpower drains and before you know it 40% of your diet is made of junk, sugar and crisps. Once you start to truly value health, you won't even crave those things. Like, it won't even cross your mind to stop in Mcdonalds unless you are starvcing and there is no food for miles around. Even then, I'd rather hold a fast then eat at Mcdonald's ..maybe with the exception of their veggie wrap. Doesn't mean you are not fun to be around but just because other people piss on their health, you don;t have to. There are always way to have healthy food even if you are out and you can still see as a treat. It's all about building that mindset. If you don't have it, making exceptions soon becomes the norm. if you have friends who eat shit and drink and treat their digestive system as a garbage disposal bag, find better friends. Eventually all of them will end up sick and so will you if you let them lead you. Unless your standards are strict and built around a strong core value, you will be compromising all the time.
  11. @Jannes I'd rather gouge my eye with a teaspoon than consume something from myprotein
  12. By dehydrated do you mean unusually bright yellow urine? That's not dehydration, it's a biproduct of Riboflavin that colours the urine yellow, don't worry about it. Not harmful.
  13. Yeah, this is a potential problem. I'm a little bit disheartened by how Vivo have been increasing their prices lately. They have a great product but it is getting to a point where they are unaffordable for a lot of people unless you wanna commit to regular bulk ordering. You can always just not use protein powders and max up on your dietary sources. Might even be healthier
  14. No, just with the book. You could totally find a therapist but I found the book is a greastep-by-step guide to do this work yourself. Ofcourse you don't get a feedback that a therapist would give you and the depth of going solo is limited but it is a good start and you will see whether this stuff works for you or not and if it does you can always go private to go deeper and further. But really, all these tips we are all sharing are just tools. From my experience, mental health usually requires a set of "tools" to be corrected. No one things works on its own. Diet does not work on its own neither does trauma work nor does chelation. You gotta combine things, but I know you already are doing that. From what I observed it seems tho that you are looking for that ONE holy grail. The ultimate probiotic or the ultimate technique and the truth is that it may be a set of practices, things and techniques. Mental health requires a combination of biochemical, lifestyle, spiritual and psychological approach. I don't believe one of those alone will do it. Both physical and spiritual body need to be addressed at the same time and if this is something that's been going on for a while, it may take some time to be corrected.
  15. I would defer with the answer to guys who have done the protocol and have way more knowledge about the chelation process than I do @Average Investor @Space @The0Self Also what @Ulax said above. Internal Family Systems is a method worth exploring. I have recently started applying this method to myself and it feels like vacuum cleaning your house with a weak machine for years and then getting a Dyson. "holly shit where is all this stuff coming from, I thought I did all the work" that's how it felt. Would highly recommend giving IFS a shot alongside what you already do in terms of health recovery. A good way to start is to read "no bad parts" by Richard Schwartz. But you gotta do the exercises, this is not a "read only" book. This is a workbook and you can't skip a single exercise.
  16. You could have just given it to a random kid on the street. Lot of resources went into making that thing. Talk about wasteful capitalism ? Still, good for you !
  17. Approach your life with kindness and compassion. For yourself and for others. It's all about tiny steps. Forget the bigger picture for now. Forget what others are doing. Compare yourself with no one. Everyone has their own shit they are dealing with regardless of how happy or successful they seem. EVERYONE. Maybe you can just start writing. Journal and try to understand your mind. Right now it is possible that the different parts of your mind are out of sync, each wanting a different thing. Journaling can help you pull those back and integrate them as one. A good book to try if you have time is "No bad parts by Richard Schwartz". All the best
  18. No phone is going to fix this issue because the problem is deeper than the technology. The problem of social media addiction is a disconnection to one's core and one's purpose. The issue is also that the parts that do not appreciate mastery and growth are weaker than the parts that like fleeting entertainment and distraction. It is an internal problem. Given enough internal motivation and drive towards seeking something greater in life you'll start to see social media as a fleeting distraction and it will start losing its magic. Sure you'll get stuck in a Youtube loop every now and then but it will be easier to resist in the first place. They have their usefulness if you are building a business want to connect with an audience, selling products etc but the typical scrolling behaviour is usually being bored (lack of purpose) or procrastinating on facing a more existential question which is "what the f.. should I to do with my life" Still, getting back to old phones is a good way to start retaining your mind. Dumbphones with WhatsApp seem like a great step away from all this
  19. My sister worked for Amazon for 6 months. She had to leave due to mounting anxieties and an increasing amount of panic attacks due to the unrealistic workload, overtime and constant head bashing from her management over underperformance. Worth mentioning that NOBODY in the team was able to fulfill the monthly KPIs Maybe you'll look back in a few months and congratulate yourself on not getting this job. It is not a company I would want to work with. The next day prime delivery comes at a cost that employees and the environment have to suck up the most. They pay you well, but they will take more than they give in return...in terms of your mental wellbeing and your health.
  20. It's an interesting question and people who got hired this way would say "definitely". It helps to know, at least vaguely, what sort of industry you are looking to get into. If it is a Fortune 500 type of corporate business, a best way to start in mid 20s with limited experience is through an internship. Through that you could be offered a lower paid rate from which a full time employment can be offered. This is actually fairly common. This is how |I started my corporate journey too (the thing that I'm now trying to leave it is another matter :D) for this type of business you need a decent-looking CV, polished, to the point and free from fluff such as "i am a good multitasker and team player". They value directness. They like to hear about case studies. You know, what did you do in your old job that helped. DId you have an interesting project? If so, talk about it and tell how you helped the company. Big corpo is all about efficiency and cost savings, if you can demonstrate that you can be efficient and come up with ideas on how to save some money they may consider you. In addition, a Linkedin profile is a must in this sort of environment. If you can have a few people from old work endorse you, that might help. Gather a few contacts, and follow a bunch of people so they follow you back. If the targeted industry is small businesses (e.g. media, creative agencies, stage green type of businesses) then you can get in by having a creative resume such as a nicely edited video that will describe why you are an asset and why they basically loose by not hiring you" But I've never worked in this culture so it would help to have an opinion of someone who did. These types of businesses can also consider you for an internship and if they like you and have budget to keep you, they will. This one is tricky. Many businesses have setup block filters for external emails and people are nowadays so busy that unless this is coming from intra company, you will be ignored. It may still be worth trying with smaller businesses but your email has to be brief, creative, ideally have an interactive element (e.g. video or your own personal vlog) and talk about them (the company) rather than yourself. How can you help THEM? Why should THEY hire you? How will the person making the decision justify it? What will they tell to their boss?" At some point, the recruiter will have a one-to-one with their boss. What would they say? Why would not hiring you be actually a disadvantage for them? Why would ignoring you be a bad strategy? Not sure if you agree, perhaps not. Take it as a subjective perspective Hopefully something in there is useful
  21. @acidgoofy Yeah, been using it for many years. It is basically "How to cook plant-based 101"
  22. It really depends on where this is coming from. But through our chat before and through some posts & tests I've seen it is possible that in your case this is coming from the gut, at least a portion of it. I think this is where I would start. it certainly can. Mould can, in some people exacerbate things like asthma, chest tightness and allergic response, . I haven't seen any data on mould-related depressive disorder but I think with these things, anything is possible and individual genetic predispositions, immune tolerance and sensitisation may impact how people respond and why some seem to get irritated by it and others don't. But systemic toxicity would not be my first go-to unless I have exhausted al other areas with a client without any response. Still, if you believe this can be a contributor and you can make a case for it by being able to trace your major sources, it could be worth exploring and acting on.
  23. Usually, anhedonia is a side symptom of depression (or a similar condition) . I think it can be cured if the depression can be cured. That inability to experience pleasure is basically how most people experience depression. For all we know it may even be a side effect of the medication used for depression in some people.