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It depends on what you can offer to the market, the more unique the skill the more you can get paid. Remote work, has over the pandemic been accelerated by 10 year margin so most international large companies actually don't mind employing people all over the world. Polish your LinkedIn profile and look around what else there is. Other than being an employee the only other way is to be your own boss, which as someone who is trying to do that is about 50 times harder than being employed because you are the service provider, the marketer, the accountant, the customer support, the sales person, the content creator and the IT person at the same time. It is hard, frustrating, ungratifying and stressful. But if it works, it buys you freedom. Technically you could also become a consultant/contractor and charge a premium for doing short-term works. For that you need to become good at networking and build up some skills but if you can get in and bet contracted by a big corpo you are going to be swimming in cash. The company I work for full-time pays contractors up to 3000 dollars a day. And to be frank they don't work as hard and lot of them seem actually quite useless and the internals often end up cleaning their mess. Some investing is always an option but unless you have spare 20-50K it is going to take A LOT of time and skill to get something back So ultimate @Someone here the question come down to: What can you offer to the market? What do you want to do? If you need unique skills but do not have them, what could you do to get them? This is the only way to make a conscious living. To be proud of the work you do by offering a superior value. Or jump on some crypto scheme but that ship might have sailed a long time ago for people with low capital.
the human microbiota is not just made of bacteria. There are also fungi, viruses and it is not uncommon for some parasitic species to live there too. In most cases, parasites are asymptomatic and dormant (suppressed by the immune system and other microbiome colonies). I don't think it is as black & white but I have never researched this topic in depth so that's a personal limitation - but I don't think there is anyone out there who understand the whole complexity of the human microbiota and all sorts of interactions and relationshi[s/ What if having tiny amount of dormant parasites is even beneficial? Like the hygiene hypothesis for allergies saying that lack of environmental exposure and excessive cleanliness causes the immune system to overreact to harmless proteins such as pollen, gluten or gliadin because it has nothing else to do? Which is why it actually benefits children to play with animals, play in durt and dust, put stuff in their mouths and eat every type of food available to build up immune tolerance. Whose to say unnecessary antiparasitic cleanses wouldn't have same effect? Lot of people are endlessly cleansing, juicing and taking antimicrobials, that seems to me like taking low-grade antibiotics endlessly. Look here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331744428_Interactions_between_Parasites_and_Human_Microbiota "In a similar study, it is reported that the patients who were protected from Cryptosporidium infection had an increased level of indole-producing bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, Bacillus spp., and Clostridium spp. In contrast, infected patients had an increased level of Bacteroides fragilis, Bacteroides pyogenes, Prevotella bryantii, and Akkermansia muciniphila (13). A previous study of intestinal parasite infection in individuals from a rural area showed that there was a significant increase in the relative number of Bifidobacterium spp. in G. intestinalis-positive patients (14). Increased Clostridia levels but lower Enterobacteriaceae levels were observed in Blastocystis-positive subjects (15). All these studies suggested that the tested intestinal parasites may induce significant bacterial changes in the microbiota, and gut microbiota has also a potential influence on parasite infection outcome" "During this prospective study, it was observed that acute diarrhea occurred less often among Giardia-positive children than among children who were not infected with G.intestinalis" It's like there are small adaptations that force the microbiota to adjust and strengthen against these species. Maybe that's even beneficial. I'm not saying we should WANT to have parasites, just maybe that it's a threshold effect and tiny amounts are not harmful as long as one's microbiota is healthy and they have a healthy immune system. But regarding the tests, the risk here is that if you google "antiparasitic cleanse" you will instantly get targeted by quackery. Unreliable tests, unverified cleanses and potentially dangerous protocols harming the integrity of the microbiota. Basiclaly you will get diagnosed by some ridiculous online questionaire and then sold on a $300 dollar parasitic cleanse that needs to be done 4 times a year. Where a real parasitic dominance is a concern such as Protozoan infection or Trichomanas overgrowth person needs to get medically tested via stool sample test and get a proper guided protocol not half-ass it with herbs and juices. I'm just cautious with embarking on a random protocol. unless first properly tested..that's what I wanted to say with the above.
I read "Paradise Cleanse" and I'm like "wth is Leo tripping on now" ok, jokes aside......Have you actually had any sort of faecal tests that would indicate parasitic overgrowth? Medical? Not some quackery over the counter nasal swap? Wanna know a secret? We are all full of parasites! Your microbiome is made of probably tens of millions of them and thousands of different species, some may even be beneficial, keeping your immune cells at alert and keeping your intestinal mucous nice and thick so you wanna make sure you are targeting an overgrowth situation not doing a maintenance protocol that can end up with more problems than solutions. Overgrowth situations should be managed carefully and potentially short-term medically-administered anti-parasitic protocol may be more effective as the drugs used for this are extremely specific and highly lethal. If you then wanna go in with probiotics, oreganos, wormwoods and agave, I don't see how that would cause any harm
Eating higher mercury food does not necessarily translate into having a high heavy metal count in your brain. In order for them to get from the gut to the brain they need to go through a transport system so incredibly complex and protected by multiple mechanisms that none may get there at all. It also depends on what you ate with tuna. The more fibre there was, the more likely it was that any pollutants just got excreted. Have you considered getting some basic blood work, ferritin tests, thyroid tests, and assessment of some basic B vitamins (doctor can do all of this). How is your diet, sleep, stress management, , the environment in which you live (e.g. mould, dust, poor ventilation), relationships, daily routines, hydration, stimulant intake, current body weight, lean muscle mass density, body fat density, the current level of physical activity etc. How much time do you spend on your phone and social media vs on disconnecting yourself. Work-life balance & socialisation? There is so many factors that could be causing you to feel the way you do. I wouldn't jump straight into the chelation pool without investigating more obvious patterns. At least not until you fix that vomiting reaction. Either way, all the best with the protocol!
I have someone in the family who is heavily drinking alcohol and I can tell in a millisecond whether they've had a drink or not over the past month. It affects the body more than just on those obvious levels. It's like the energy around the person changes, they are in darker place - mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Energy levels are severely impacted days and weeks after and it may take the body years to completely reverse the damage of alcohol. I've seen a few men in my clinic as well who drink regularly and it is nearly always the major factor behind their depression, anxieties, pains and fatigue. It's like healing a wound by cutting yourself elsewhere to take the pain away. Not meaning to shame you Ima or anything like that. It is brave for you to share this. I'd say to maximise the results of the chelation therapy, you should ideally do everything possible in your power to remove that alcohol 100% , it takes too much away and gives too little in exchange. Not to mention chelation is a heavy liver-demanding process and if the liver is busy turning alcohol to aldehydes it may impact the effectiveness of the chelation protocol Also, I'm wondering if you wouldn't;t benefit from more plants heavy and fewer animal foods in the diet. Plants provide many phytonutrients and fibre which aids removal of heavy metals from the gastrointestinal system where a lower-fibre diet may cause the reabsorption of toxins through the intestinal walls. I'd say a split of 80% plants and 20% lean animal products like small oily fish would work very well. Not to mention things like beef are associated with a worse mental state in the nutritional epidemiology. But that's just a minor suggestion. All the best on your healing tourney.
It might be a reverse causality - people who are more introverted, shy, retrospective or who generally have lower mood are more likely to wear darker or navy, dark green colours because you don't want to stand out and introverts prefer to hang out on the outskirts of the attention circle. I've always been more pulled towards darker colours and darker themes and feel better in places and clothes that are not too bright - and it reflects my personality and interaction with the world. On the other hand, if you are an extrovert, love socialisation and being in the centre of attention, your dressing style will reflect that, you'll wear bright colours that contrast the grey & black that many wear so that you can stand out. These people naturally attract attention if you notice them. Obviously there is a lot room for manoeuvre in the middle such as introverts in bright colours and extroverts preferring darker clothes. Social media will skew this a lot as well. I don't think clothes per say impact one's energy/auras/chakras - whatever you wanna call it. It's a reflection of the internal state.
Then don't do it. Chelation is not the only healthy therapy out there. Consider getting a medical assessment for those symptoms to make sure you're not missing anything important.
It's really impressive how much you are doing at 24. I don't see anything wrong with any of those activities but maybe you are a little too overcommitted. When was the last time you took a holiday? Do you also do things that don't necessarily lead to anything other than just chilling and taking it easy? Ultimately, what is the reason you are doing all of this? Is it financial independence? That's an ultramarathon and sometimes letting of of the outcome a bit and loosening up can go a long way. What that means is that's it's ok not to work some days on your gig and just chill and play a video game or enjoy your favourite series without feeling guilty about it. Or instead of a work-packed Saturday go into the nature and do some photography. You know...stuff like that. Otherwise, without sufficient rest you will indeed burn out.
PhD is a complete waste of time and money unless you need it for the next step in your career , mostly likely in academia or research. If you are doing what Leo does, PhD would probably significantly impair his work, progress, time, finances and willpower. You should never do an academic course like that just for the sake of "having the title" to boost your self-esteem. However in a career where PhD is valued such as research & development, medicine, biology etc, yes you should get it.
What is the rest of your lifestyle like? Is your diet optimal? Sleep? Exercise routine? Alcohol & stimulants? All of those or lack thereof can give you symptoms that one would associate with detox and which might have nothing to do with it but everything to do with lifestyle induced fatigue and mental fog. Also consider that perhaps the acc may not be the answer.
I guess the question is then, what's the point of this thread. There is no easy way out. You will have to suffer your way out of it unless you just want to become addicted to something else as a rebound. I agree with @UnbornTao . Any therapy that does not force you to face your demons and promises easy way out is just a waste of money. Ignore if this doesn't resonate
I've got Philips 1000i It filters everything from mould spores, allergens to hydrocarbons and variety of chemicals. There are 3 filters. One needs to be vacuum cleaned monthly ,one i had to replace after about a year and the other has so far lasted over 14 months. The machine tells you when filters need replacement based on usage and intensity. The device seems very sensitive which is good and has a nice night mode. It is also quite energy efficient. only downside is the price of nearly 300£ and the dumb app that you may use with it which is just broken imo. But i operate it manually so app is not needed. It is perfect for a small space and filters come at a reasonable price.
You could create a vision board of things that inspire you that you associate with health & healing and stick it on random places around your house. But yah elimination diets are not fun, they suck and they test your willpower but where they work, the results can be incredible.
Once you are banned for swearing by @integral, a power vacuum will be created and mods will fight for the dominion over your mini-empire. You don't want that digital blood on your hands. Be a nice lad
\i think if you watch his marketing video, you will get lots of answers you are already looking for but I agree it would be nice to have "traps of starting an unconscious business" or something like that
I played the first one only for about 6 hours. It was great and I really enjoyed following the story but wasn't my top 10. In a similar category, I enjoyed the old Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3 much more, Alan Wake was not bad either and Metro Exodus is probably one of my top 3. In other genres Divinity 2, Dark Souls 2&3, TES, StarCraft and Total War Roman series (before they started making the Warhammer crap) would score in my top 10.
The benefits of alkaline diets are mostly based on the switch people make towards higher fibre diet such as eating more veg, fruits and vegetable juices while eating less junk and meat. The Ph bit may have nothing to do with the health effects of this diet tho If you were to alter the ph of your body significantly, your cells would start dying out. It is a tightly regulated system with many buffers such as breathing, calcium metabolism and kidneys to ensure the PH remains optimal for cellular survival. It's not something you can manipulate to a significant degree and i wouldn't try to do that with enzyme inhibitors and alkaline water, it may cause more trouble than benefit. That being said any diet moving towards more plants will generally be beneficial regardless what marketing title it caries.
holy shit that's expensive !!!!! Wix costs about 700 USD for a 3-year license and you can do all that stuff there easily. And you can get Wix Acend to t=do the marketing stuff for you for abut $20/month I think. Maybe less. Some of the course plugins may be extra but definitely nowhere near Kajabi prices. I have zero coding skills and website on Wix was relatively easy although of course the current website is a reflection of my lack of skills so in the future I may actually pay a designer to redo it. If you have decent experience, you can work magic there.
Maybe you could consider an actual addiction treatment managed by a qualified team of specialists, and nurses. In a centre that is not your home. Maybe you need to spend 2 months there. It might be that you need to be in an environment that helps you manage the worst of the chemical withdrawal and that regardless of how conscious you are you may need a short-term pharmacological support to rebalance your neurochemistry an then gradually wean of it. I'm not doubting your willpower, I've just seen you raise this topic many times over the past 24 months so maybe this is just stronger than what your willpower can suppress and you actually need a professional help over a longer period of time A success rate of those sorts of therapies can be quite high. Obviously, you need to cut away all ties to your previous life as a smoker. All friends, pubs, places and experiences associated with smoking need to go. You may even need to move to a different city once you succeed. Perhaps even a different country. My greatest life experiences and transformations came after moving away from my home country and starting a new life in another.
It seems a bit too restrictive. It would be hard to sustain this for too long I'd imagine. Even as a daily example it is just too...I dunno...dull? Too functional. Like the vegans who only eat porridge all the time and then complain about hair loss and thyroid issues You gotta spice it up. Add more ingredients, more variety, more flavours, spixes, herbs. Actually something you'll enjoy life-long. Learn 10 decent balanced recipes and spin them around. Some vegan, some vegetarian and some pescetarian or some wity other meat if you eat meat. If you can't be bothered about any of that consider learning to batch cook in a pressure cooker It becomes very liberating once the diet is no longer just functional but also savoury and deeply satisfying. But as long as that split works, it's all good What's wrong with soy and gluten tho
@Phil777 which is exactly why you can't trust 9/10 nutrition books because it is a biased cherry picking. The reality of what seems to be the ideal diet ain't all that exciting and flashy ?
Michael569 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
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Thanks! into "to read" list it goes.
It shouldn't matter in general. The capsule is often PH sensitive and will dissolve once it gets into the right place. Not all capsules are enterically coated to so some may dissolve in the stomach whether it is full or empty but that doesn't mean all nutrients are destroyed. All those components in Ginkgo and Bacopa have to first be broken down, absorbed, passed through the hepatic circulation and then, if you are lucky, a small portion of it (if it crosses the BBB) gets where you want it to get. Unless they just get used up elsewhere or get excreted before being re-absorbed. The pharmacokinetics of herbal products aren't as well understood or as well explored as those of medical drugs so it is best to experiment yourself and see where you feel the effect the most.
It is not a black & white question apart from hydrogenated fats. Hydrogenated Fats - harmful Sugar - conditionally problematic where it leads to weight gain, overconsumption and fibre displacement. refined oils (non-trans unsaturated) - probably neutral, potentially beneficial where they replace saturated fats gluten - conditionally problematic (for Coeliacs or those with genetic tendency towards Coeliac) otherwise not problematic Dairy - conditionally problematic for lactose intolerance/allergic people. High-fat is more problematic (may increase prostate cancer, breast cancer risk) than low-fat which may potentially be even beneficial in small quantities. Fermented low-fat dairy seems to be mostly beneficial. Soy - mostly beneficial (except for people with soy allergies). Protein powders potentially problematic if contaminated. Excessive consumption of fermented soy especially miso and nato potentially problematic due to high sodium content.