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Everything posted by Michael569
@aurum i was mainly reacting to the claim that "tons" of it are beneficial. The study you linked does actually show strong association with stroke and borderline association with diabetes (with trend towards harm although the confidence intervals do not fully cross 0 mark ) even for red meat although CHD was non significant. Also this is an old study superceded by newer evidence sich as Hooper 2020. I agree with you that we need to look at the bigger picture. For example in certain cultures whereas malnutrition is common, consumption of some red meat reduces premature mortality and heart disease linked to poor nutrition and malnutrition. That's a well documented thing. We have to look at each of these systematic reviews individually and break them apart. * What's the average consumption across population of each cohort? * What's the average BMI, Age etc * How much saturated fats do they consume per week on average? Is that average enough to cross the threshold effect? In American and European studies those outcomes often show harmful associations because red meat is frequently consumed alongside a hypercaloric diets and if replaced by things like polyunsaturated fats and carbohydrates it will probably show benefits The thing with red meat might he the high content of saturated fats and ApoB containing lipoproteins that accelerate atherogenesis.l (this is a pathophysiology of heart disease) At lower thresholds, <30g, saturated fats do not have this effect it seems and many systematic reviews pool low exposure and high exposure studies together, effectively diluting the data. Not to mention lot of people fry red meat on saturated fats like butter and coconut effectively increasing the SFA load. Considering its consumption is something more of a luxury rather than the necessity in developed countries , and also considering that the association is probably neutral at best and probably harmful at worst, it may just not be worth the risk. Anyone who eats it fairly regularly does so let's say 2-3 times a week at portions of 150-300 grams per portion, at those amounts, the statistical risk is crossing the safe dosage. But hey, to each their own. We always need to account for other things but where high saturated fats food is concerned factors like being active may not be enough to offset the damage Guess I'll leave it there
Not to mention the carnivores on Twitter coming down with 300+ LDL and requiring bypasses ? The damage to the human health and premature shortage of human life that quacks like Paul Saladino and Shawn Baker are causing may one day result in criminal persecution, it probably should because the evidence is there to prove it. Red meat is one of the very few foods where the link to chronic disease is so strong that it is probably causative.
Hey, It is hard to answer that question without knowing more about your lifestyle, diet etc. What heart medication were you prescribed? I assume this wasn't for hypertension or hyperlipidemia in your age. And what brain medication? What sort of underlining health problems are you facing right now? At your age most of those symptoms may disappear with some dietary optimization. I've seen that happen over and over. Are you still a vegan? What does your diet look like now?
@Jannes look, you don't need them. I assume you are a healthy dude with low sugar diet. You are not the core group of this discussion. But for people who are at lifetime risk of diabetes due to drinking sugar and bring unable to unwire his habit, this basically helps reduce that and reduce the risk of diabetes -related complications such as blindness, kidney failure and gangrene. The costs of managing diabetes are absolutely astronomical to the health services so if getting a bit of ADD while having less gangrene helps, this is a trade-off worth doing. This is a public health discussion not how to optimize health of the 0.2% of health freaks like you and i. I don't think sweeteners are something that healthy people caring about longevity need, in fact you should not need to sweeten your liquids in any way. But again, this stuff is not something you should even need to cocern yourself about if you are health nut Does that make sense?
There doesn't appear to be a difference in terms of health outcomes. Although we have significantly less research on things like Stevia compared to aspartame or xylitol but overall where metabolic health is concerned , artificial sweeteners (for people having hard time giving up sugar sweetened beverages) lead to less obesity, less diabetes and less cardiovascular disease. That being said if you don't need sugar you won't benefit from using them obviously ? The microbiome bit might be a concern but so far we have extremely poor evidence for that as it is notoriously difficult to test micriobiome adaptation in clinical trials. Losing weight is often associated with improved microbiome profile so for all we know, using them instead of sugar might even benefit microbiome since using them could be a proxy to also eating a slightly better diet. But overall from high altitude perspective where benefits vs costs are compared, artificial sweeteners are beneficial for people who would otherwise consume excessive amount of sugar and get fatter. Having high BMI is the major concerns here
Michael569 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
^ 9/10 times I've seen it used exactly like this. 1/10 the person was actually onto something -
Could you get a job utilising your art skills? Are we talking digital arts or more traditional forms of an art? If you're looking to get into that sector, then having something like that could indeed increase your odds of scoring a better job.
Polish your LinkedIn profile, and start making connections and introductions, get some endorsements and then start applying for job offers. You can even pay for the "job seeker" badge to appear on the top of recruitment queues and to tell recruitment managers that you are available. If you have someone who could refer you for a position that always helps. Of course you need to have some skills you can offer, depending on the type of work you are looking for but if you know how to do the basic admin, you can get employed by many businesses. Do you have some form of university education?
thinking one is higher than one really is and then ignoring all the essential steps that need to be incorporated to actually get there such as personal development, finances, career, health etc - seems fairly common on the forum but in many similar communities.
Contaminated samples maybe if purchased from an unverified source?
How do you feel about the content of the lecture? If it is boring, it is pretty normal to have difficulty focusing. Dunno if I'd be taking cns stimulants for that purpose as you'll then have to take it regularly for the foreseeable future
To a degree, yes. I recently finished Max Hasting's - All Hell Let Loose, which is basically a biography of WW2 and he spends a lot of time describing the socio-economic aspects and the attitude of German population towards war. Not all were against and not all were just following orders. A significant part of the population believed they were doing a greater good, were the pro-holocaust and pro-final solution although perhaps they were not aware of how that was conducted and the magnitude of that ethnic cleansing. Not to mention there was general eagerness among German youth to join Wehrmacht, especially during the preparation of Barbarossa. Brainwashing was pretty significant but from the way he described it, many followed orders more than willingly. Perhaps not at the end anymore when the red army was re-taking Europe and once the tide has changed for the German army but definitely so in the early stages. Same for the Japanese in the war, the eagerness to commit one's life for a cause went beyond what ordinary men following orders (such as the Allied armies) were willing to do. The Japanese insane banzai charge at the island of Saipan was a demonstration of that.
@kray i meant ww2 ? as that's what most war movies are about.
ooo I heard good things about it. 1917 was awesome, but this seems to score much higher. A lot of war movies from Hollywood are just dumb and over-glorifying the American contribution to WW2 or overly focusing on heroism and usually completely disconnected from how the reality was for men on the front. Curious if this will be different. Not a lot of good WW1 movies out there.
message me if you want to have your account deleted and locked
You could start a journal and keep uploading your videos in there. Other members including myself have done that in the past. Or you can put your youtube link in your signature. That is allowed and you can make use of that. But yah in terms of sustaining a Youtube channel, it's hard. As someone who started one and made it to tiny 83 subs, I can tell you that in the beginning the return on the time you spend shooting, editing and marketing is EXTREMELY LOW, borderlining with none existing. It can be heartbreaking to see a video you spent 10 hours on getting 30 views over 6 months. So it is important the content is right for your audience. If you have the discipline, the time and willpower you can make it. It helps to have accountability. We were a group of 3 holding each other accountable for 3 months but then it all kinda collapsed Patience and consistency is the name of the game. No tricks, tech, tactics and hacks will get you there, if you are not ready for the lon-term journey. I wasn't among all other obligations.
I had this conversation with my cousin who is in his early 20s and his response was basically "because you have to be like that if you want to fit in". It's all about status in the group, image and personal branding. Because the competition is so vicious pretty much for anything (girls/guys, jobs, social media attention, being the alpha or the diva in the group and different roles in the social circles) they have to play that game because the only other option is to be the outlier and get labelled weird which means no pussy, no fame and no social recognition. People get different roles assigned and they need to work hard to maintain those roles in the social circle. But not all are playing this game. In many countries, teenagers do not use Instagram on massive scale so you would see a completely different mentality compared to the young people in US or Australia. It's a cultural shift that cannot be stopped and one day it will start morphing into something else. To a Millenial, this makes some sense but it is weird. To Gen X this is hard to understand unless their kids pull them in. To Baby Boomers, this is a mental asylum because many of them lived in post-WW2 world and the values of today's people seem to them unacceptable in a sort of "this is what my father died fighting Wermacht for?" way. What I'm curious is to see Gen Z grow older and whether there will be a new boom of teen reflection on some of the content they produced and whether they will become as judgemental of Generation Alpha as we Millenials were of them.
If one a week works for you then there is probably no harm in that if it improves the overall quality of your life. You may benefit from reading Cal Newport's Deep Work too. Has helped me quite a bit with being less distracted
Is there anything in particular from Gary Vee you found helpful? A book maybe. I've been referred to his marketing content a lot but haven't taken that step yet.
@Jannes I did a bit of fact checking and I think you're right, my assumption of bodybuilder protein intake was exaggerated. Seems I need to do more research on bodybuilding type of diet. Jay Cutler claims to have been taking 300-400g of protein per day on average. C-Bum seems to be scoring about 250 g / day. Obviously they compete in slightly different sets so perhaps the common ratio is somewhere in between. I agree that it it not protein itself but protein being proxy for saturated fats maybe? or low fibre diets? The protein-kidney thing does not seem to hold in the evidence. Either way I need to dust off my knowledge in this area, glad I don;t work with bodybuilders Thanks for multiple corrections!
There we go, this is your main problem Addition to not being bored. If you can fix this and be ok with doing boring activities and getting "high" on boring things like reading academic textbooks or walking in the forest, you will get your dopamine back. A good way I found to practice this is to go to gym without headphones, without caffeine, preworkouts, creatine or any stimulation. Just go and exercise and embrace the lack of stimulation. You can retrain your mind to enjoy it. Another way is to force yourself to read more especially something that would be in a category "Important but Boring" Forget about exogenous substances, herbs and mushrooms. This is a mindset problem, not a biochemistry problem. BDNF and NGF agonists (mushrooms are neither btw) aren't going to cut that unless you suffer deficiency which would be even hard to test for and statistically very unlikely for a young guy unless you suffer chronic depression or dementia. Reflect on what it is that you are trying to achieve with the stimulation. Shortcuts? Avoidance of negative feelings? Avoidance of hard work? Finally, is it possible that your life could be missing a deeper spark? A purpose? Something you are going for, that drives you and pulls you out of the bed in the morning? Good luck. Enjoy being bored to death P.S. your diet seems fine. I wouldn't say this is a diet related issue although I'd need more information about portion sizes and meal prep to be able to tell for sure. Lack of protein and carbohydrate in general can reduce motivation in people as well as caloric deficient diets.
If you want to generate massive income (ethically & legally) you need to provide massive value. And in order to do that you need to posess unique skills that market values - building those takes years so this is not a quick-cash advice. But it doesn't stop there. You need to figure out how to sell your skills, how to market yourself, how to spread the word and generate attention. Without it, even the the best and the smartest is going to go hungry and broke because they'll be trampled over by an army of teenagers doing Reels and making millions of dollars, stealing all the eyeballs. That's unfortunately the reality of this world if you wanna do online business. There is other ways ofcourse such as going into academia, getting a standard 9-5 job etc. But if you wanna go solo, create a product, market it and make a living, you need to join the marketing hoard online in one way or another to generate attention. Btw this is not coming from direct experience, I very much struggle to do this myself so once I figure it out I'll let you know Perhaps you should give yourself some time to reflect on these questions every day. A journaling habit can help you do that. Reflect on these things while you are still young and (I assume) without kids, mortgage and that sort of stuff.
I think the main message from these is to breathe through your nose and fix your mouth breathing at night. Mewing seems to help to be more mindful of it and forces you to nasal breathe because mouth breathing while keeping the tongue touching the upper palate is weird and feels wrong. Not sure if those claims around the change of bone structure are to be believed. Once your epiphyseal growth plate stops growing and calcifies, you don't get further bone development, but maybe it is like wearing a retainer that the constant pressure of the tongue does something indeed over the time. It is possible. I've been doing this practice for about 30 months+ but haven't noticed any changes of facial structure. Maybe it is more profound if you are in your early 20s and still have some possibility of bone development. Taping mouth was fun too
Oh you bet it does. Eating 1gram per pound of bodyweight is going to make you pretty weak if your goal is to get stronger, it is nowhere near enough. You will fatigue quicker, and your progress and recovery will be significantly impaired. There is a reason why bodybuilders go above 3 grams a day. It improves your recovery and your strength significantly. You can train twice a day and go very heavy while maintaining muscle mass and burning more fat. Especially pre-competition where you need to chissel like a statue, this is where ultra-high protein vs normal protein makes a difference. Well that and anabolic steroids But like I said it is a short-term strategy and I would never recommend such protocol to anyone because my thing is chronic disease avoidance and long-term quality of life even if it comes at the expense of sacrificing 30% of my strength and taking 3 times as long to make gains. I agree with you that for regular person maintaining health and being reasonably active, 1g is enough Any high protein, high meat diet leads to stacking up too many genetic adaptations and are going to shorten your long-term survival. This is why all that appeal to ancestral diet is just stupid. Eating ultra high-protein diet such as carnivore will get you there, and make you strong like an ox (if you plan it right) but after 40 expect a downfall to begin due to all that saturated fat.
that's an understatement Durianrider is like that crazy NPC in GTA 5 who gives you a quest to murder someone while laughing like a maniac. You have to consider that he is coming from a perspective of an endurance athlete with very low BMI who can burn it off. The major issue with sugar is where it leads to weight gain. Becoming too fat for your own body to handle is what will give you insulin resistance, not the sugar itself - this has pretty robustly been demonstrated by Roy Taylor's research But a lot of his advice is weird. There is nothing wrong with complex carbs. If we are to follow nutritional epidemiology, then any diet that moves away from red meat, trans fat, excess sugar and sugary drinks and processed meat pretty much any way, is going to lead to better health outcomes. Ideally you wanna stay around relatively high carb moderate fat and moderate protein at least if you intend to stick around for a bit longer - a modified version of Mediterranean diet is probably going to be your best bet unless you want to play a Russian roulette with your health and see if low carb quacks were right. If you don't care about long term health or your heart or your brain but want to become as strong as you can while in your prime years and then rapidly decline - do carnivore diet. Btw John Venus did not quit veganism for his mental health. He was never an ethical vegan and for him it was a business opportunity and chance to become famous. He also went of veganism because he was afraid for his son's health. I kinda agree with that caution tho, it is good to introduce kids to all foods to minimise risk of late life allergies.