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Everything posted by Michael569
Your lungs can deal with an acute short-term offence. Just make sure to wear protective clothing and high-quality respirator the next time you do something like that I worked with a guy from construction industry once who told me that for over 20 years he has never been told to wear respirators and that he believes that was contributing to his severe ADHD & anxiety attacks through all that inhaled toxicity. It was definitely a possibility. But in your case, you'll be fine. You can take some NAC for a short time to boost your glutathione production and toxin removal. Lungs can take a lot of impact before becoming diseased. Just think how long most smokers inhale before first problems occur. although we could say that through our evolutionary history we are more adapted to detoxifying combustible particles than synthetic chemicals.
or maybe it is the evolution of the societies, cruelty, liberation from oppression and the unsustainability of endless territorial expansion on the expense of other free populations that made once large empires like Roman or Ottoman crumble. Most of the descendants of once great civilisations are still around tho Pretty sure chlorella had nothing to do with it
damn, imagine trying to have a normal life following all that advice. Sounds like a recipe for endless health anxiety and phobia If you are otherwise healthy, I would burn that book. If not, pick the stuff that other books have also talked about, be sceptical about the rest. Always important to expose yourself to many sources and then balance it out. Also note that one of the easiest ways to make money in health industry is to "rock the boat" harder than everyone before you, offer an "extraordinary solution" and convinced enough people to believe you. Pretty sure people who get better on medical medium do so because they switch from shit diet to somewhat of a high fibre diet, raw diet and for a short term that works for everyone. You don't hear from all of those who fail on it.
You might have been misdiagnosed the first time since nothing showed up in the consecutive years. OA is rarely diagnosed in people below 50. Yes you definitely want MRi, not X-ray for something like that. Your nutrition definitely did not cause that, especially not at 26. OA takes decades to develop even in the most predisposed individuals and once you have it, you need a surgical replacement because the worn-out cartilage cannot be regrown or repaired. It is either a misdiagnosis or something completely different. Joints can be painful for many reasons. Get a second opinion.
fasting is rarely the cure to long-term bloating. With severe restrictions, that fatigue may become even more profound and causes of bloating could be many or few, usually related to microbiome balance, the nutritional composition of your food, stress, heavy use of antibiotics in the past, long-term low fibre diet being replaced for high fibre diet etc. Still, worth experimentation just caution is always advised to not restrict your calories severely and for too long as it may impact the menstrual cycle, mood and sleep.
Maybe you could just read a good nutrition book. Courses are good if you want to be a therapist or a coach otherwise the cost might be hard to justify. For self-calibration, some books are pretty good.
When it comes to blue -green and green algae, majority claims are either made up completely or mechanistic speculations from in vitro studies are being exaggerated and extrapolated to human biology. I would be highly cautious with supplementing high amounts of this stuff since we very little clinical data on dosages, long term safety and it really being more than just an expensive green poo. And the heavy metal detoxication has never been verified properly in humans either, it is just something that naturopaths are spreading without a spec of evidence. You actually want high quality research and clinical safety data when embarking on something as aggressive as detoxication of heavy metals. Half assing can cause more damage than benefit
Don't make the mistake of thinking she will always want to be lead tho. Sometimes women like to take charge too. One of the traits of toxic masculinity is the need to always be the one that is in charge. There is a fine balance there
@Jannes nope you're good. Ofcourse megadosing greens and eating raw legumes still isn't a good idea (obviously). But normal volumes of these foods consumed by humams are totally safe. For all we know (and according to what early animal research is suggesting), some antinutrients might actually be beneficial for us.
Looks a little bit dull with all that chicken & rice but nutrient-wise you are probably OK. You could throw in some more fibre and some occasional DHA source would probably be nice. As others mentioned, some extra variety of other types of foods would be nice. Any gluten-free cookbook would fix that for ya. Just out of curiosity. Are you a hospital worker or do you get dietitian-prepared food? Coeliac is fairly easy to build your diet around,
you guys need to stop believing the antinutrient nonsense Seriously.
Damn, makes me want to try it even less now. Somehow I felt they reached a climax with DS 3, which was just ridiculously difficult, yet not as challenging as DS2. Maybe they felt they had to numb it down to attract larger masses. That's what happened to Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Total War series and Far Cry and many other once amazing series. I made it about 60% through which ended with a rage quit after being gang raped by invading demons right before a bonfire and losing a shitload of souls twice in a row . I think I'd like to give it another go. Great analysis tho, only watched about 15 minutes but he is making lots of excellent points there.
Wow ! Nice find, I've never seen this one It is as if he already knew this was going to be successful. The confidence and the typical Leo cockiness are all there. So fascinating to see the gigantic progress, thanks for sharing.
there are entire cook books and youtube channels dedicated just to this question. I'd say you may find the best answers there.
Italy could be an interesting one for you to consider. The country has a wonderful balance of good weather, access to sea, mountains, lakes, forests and natural parks as well as ancient history and culture. Socialisation-wise, Italians are very welcoming even to foreigners. You'd have to learn the language but it is not a difficult language, perhaps in 2years you could be semi-fluent with some tutoring and study
Damn, imagine designing a clinical trial testing this
the question is "how should you feel"? Or is it a question of "how should you NOT feel"? If a food makes you feel too stimulated for example, would you say that's good for long-term health? If a food makes you feel very strong and horny all the time, you could also say that it is not good because you are encouraging too many genetic adaptations and too many anabolic processes (burning the candle of longevity from both ends) - excessive cellular proliferation also increases risk for unintentional genetic fuckups and that raises your risk uncontrolled replication (cancer) A lot of what people call "ancestral foods" are foods that are supposed to make you feel strong and reproductively potent. If that is true and food is helping you achieve a supreme reproductive peak, it is also possible that the same food will lead to rapid downfall after the prime peak period because you have stacked up too many genetic adaptations and your cells are experiencing rapid telomere shortening leading to accelerated cellular ageing. Novel foods (e.g. plants, plant proteins, grains etc) which perhaps cut away some of that prime peak but do not encourage so many genetic adaptations are maybe better for you over the long-term despite the fact that some people tolerate them worse (e.g. bloating, indigestion etc ) and they push you through life on more power-saving mode giving you less energy but also being less anabolic and less pro-carcinogenic. One could ask if it is preferable to become a Liver King or Shawn Baker type of dude living on highly anabolic foods, being the alpha but at the same time encouraging the most rapid ApoB - proteoglycan binding in your arteries and getting that first bypass in your mid 40s or become more of skinnier type, surviving predominantly on novel foods and making it to your 70s with LDL below 100 mg/dL and normal blood pressure. To answer the initial question, most likely you will feel the best after eating the foods that are highly adaptogenic (e.g. beef , eggs, meat) and those are the foods that would historically make you the strongest around your peak reproductive age. What happened after was not important as long as you could pass down your genes and reproduce successfully a few times. In our ancestral times, caring for old was a burden, not a privilege. the more old people your tribe would stack up, the more vulnerable the tribe would become so it was actually preferable to get very strong and then die relatively young as long as reproduction was successful. Ancestral foods are ideal to get you that far. Since we have moved past that and achieving longevity is more preferable and we have developed infrastructure to care for the elderly and don't have to kill each other for food anymore, you could make an argument that eating foods that create soy boys rather than alpha tribal leaders are preferable if you intend to stick around for longer. A long answer to a simple question
Pretty sure those berries are not responsible for any of that. Berries actually blunt that blood sugar spike a little bit. Might have been all the other sugars tho. Maybe you'll notice that adding fruit back won't result in any detrimental outcome. Glad you found something that works!
Could it be related to anxiety? Anxiety attack feels similar to chest tightness. The more you ruminate the worse it gets - that's a common sign of panic attacks. GERD is definitely a possibility l. You could take some antacid when it occurs and if they help you will know that's what it is. Also costochondritis may feel similar when the ligaments between sternum and ribs are inflamed. There may also be bacterial infection of sternum. You could locate the source of the pain by pressing on these regions and they will hurt the most when taking the deepest breath Cardiac problems are statistically less common in young people when it comes to clotting and atherosclerosis issues. Rare occurences include things like patent foramen ovale - no idea how common that is and i believe those are not painful. Have you had your cholesterol levels checked? Based on what they investigated it is probably not heart related but keep exploring . Go get a second opinion or pay for more investigation if you have to.
Stress management and sleep improvement would be the most noticeable immediate benefits. Whem I get stuck in YouTube shorts loop for too long, a session of meditation helps me rebalance my overstimulated brain. I think it is also good for sexuality and libido although don't have a any clinical research for that. Neuroplasticity is a big one too if you care about things like creativity, memory, undistracted attention and mental health. That's some of the more biological benefits that you asked about
Andrew Hubberman has an entire 2hr video on dopamine. Worth watching, excellent content
There is limit to what nootropics can achieve here unless you are someone suffering with severe ADD or ADHD. Creativity is driven by internal motivation and by the strong vision & love for the content you create. The more distracted you are, the les creative you will generally be so a digital minimalism can be a powerful tool here. Being smart comes from having vast experience, having made a lot of mistakes and being able to learn from your and other's experiences. Emotional intelligence and social skills are also important here. Ofcourse things like psychedelics can open up a new dimension of creativity for you as well In terms of day to day stuff, your diet, lifestyle, daylight exposure, sleep, stress levels, any drugs you take and other things will have more profound effects on your day to day cognition compared to very minimal (if any) effect by common commercially available nootropics (the non-addictive ones) That being said, sometimes for the right people, the right herbs can work well but overall nootropics currently available are mostly hit & miss unless you want to go for pharmacological CNS stimulants, adrenergic receptor agonists etc. But those come with their own side effects.
This might be easier to fix than you think. Again, all about action. Maybe the action here is to start your day with 15 minute daylight exposure followed by a good breakfast and some short yoga. 30 minute time altogether can make a drastic difference to your motivation for the rest of the day. Good luck, either way
Perhaps it would be worth journaling on whether journaling itself isn't an avoidance of facing this existential question. Mind can be tricky with avoding the important work through something "urgent" but less important. One the axis of Urgent vs Important - do you focus on what has low importance and high urgency? How could you get to low urgency and high imortance. That's where the growth is but that's where also the most emotional resistance lies. That sense of motivation can be created. Mind can be very resourceful with dopaminergic stimulation but it needs to believe that you are serious. If you convince your mind that what you do is serious and important, that motivation will follow suit
Try using the forum less. Take a break from all the drama and take some action in real life. Spend some time alone to think about what you actually love doing and want to be doing. Writing in journals is nice but sometimes action is needed to move things forward. The more you resist the outer world, the stronger the grip of anxiety will become. Go out, explore, spend some time alone in nature, talk to people, read books and work on figuring out what's the most important thing to be doing with your life Your energy is also dependant on your diet, lifestyle, daylight exposure, vitamin D, iron levels etc but I feel (from your content) that the answer may be in disconnecting yourself from this place for a few months.