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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. There are several thinks you may try that Chinese Taoists have been practising for millennia. Acupuncture. Visit your local Chinese area and look around if there is something Also, try signing up for Yoga class. Not the modern fitness shit Yoga but genuine oriental Yoga. Kundalini for example is gaining a lot of popularity. Fasting to give your body and organs an opportunity to rest by stopping digestion and focusing on recovery. Combined with colonic cleaninsing if you can. Get in touch with nature. Go hike into a national park or just spend some time in a forest by your own. Look into proper diaphragm breathing with focus on various body parts. Clean your nutrition of all pastry, processed food and add more vegetarian meals. Meditation would definitely help you with focus on releasing tension from individual parts Finally, look into the source of your stress. What is it? Being stiff, means you hold in a lot of tension. Something's gotta be causing it. Do you have a stressful job/ Quit it then before your health starts to diminish. If there was one book, I'd recommend to you it is: Tao of health, sex and longevity.
  2. You may just be catching an illness of some sort. Measure your temperature, notice how you feel. Have some extra sleep. Alternatively, "reset" your digestive system by 30 hour fasting and see what that does to you
  3. @SimonH you are asking questions that need to be replied by you only. Realise that everybody is wired differently. Start a journaling habit and put your thoughts on a piece of paper. Alternatively, work with Life Coach. He/she may help you find the answer you are looking for not by giving it to you but by guiding you so that you find it yourself. Good luck!
  4. no, it will still hurt like hell.
  5. @Annie There are certain hormonal changes that appear at different ages for females, usually this would be after 45. I don't know if that would be your case. However I would recommend you to look into an e-book section from Markus Rothkranz. He has a lot of content on youtube as well. All of them are paid, but not very expensive. Some time ago I was developing Symptoms of Asthma and downloading his ebook helped me realise what were the factors causing it and also to add some more foods into my diet which certainly helped. I haven't had any symptoms for over a year now. These books are very exhaustive listing many many herbs and foods so you only need to pick what sounds right for you but it may definitely have some value. Browse the list, maybe there is a condition that is close to what you are experiencing. http://markusrothkranz.com/online-store/e-books/index.html Hope that will be of some value to you
  6. @Annie try using a coconut oil on your skin, could help. For me it does better job than any other skin care. I would advise you to get your hormonal levels checked by a medical professional before undergoing any self treatment.
  7. For those of you who own a blog or their own website. (not monetised) What do you see as mayor challenges that may discourage your audience? What do you see your audience being more attracted to? What are some traps to avoid? Any tips you would share for a blog newbie? Thanks !!
  8. The only vitamin that large % of population is chronically low on is B12. Other than that it is wise to cycle Magnesium as the agricultural soil has been largely depleted across vegetable and food farms. D3 if you live in a climate that has little to non sun exposure such as northern Europe in Winter. And maybe an algae source of DHA
  9. @Sidi break your day down, on a piece of paper. By 15 minute sections. Identify what you usually do in this time. Set a priority to these chunks of time. 1- cannot be moved 2- could consider moving 3- could definitely move or even cancel. See what comes out. You may be spending a lot of time doing unimportant things without even knowing it. For me it used to be pc gaming, movies, social media, pointless hanging out with "friends" I guarantee that you'l find a 60-90 minute chunk. If not, buy a jumping rope, trx, pair of dumbels and find a place around your house, a park maybe. You can fit in a 30 minute HIIT session. Or perhaps find a gym next to your school and hit it the first thing after school.
  10. Haven't bought my domain yet , considering pros and cons so far.
  11. Best plant based source is Hemp and Pea because they are rich in other nutrients and highly bioavailable as well Whey is a dump from dairy industry. They used to dispose of it as a waste. Later on they realised they can feed it to bodybuilder so they convinced the fitness world that it is good for them. This stuff is as dangerous as the entire dairy industry. Humans should not even touch that crap.
  12. @Annie there is magnesium oil. Many athletes rub it under their armpits, knees, neck and in pubic area for joint&bone health and muscle regeneration. These are usuallyeven more digestible because they are taken through the skin, however can be costly.
  13. Yes, it does happen once you start to do some spiritual work. However it can be also a result of improper nutrition and lack of calories in your food.
  14. Has anyone had any positive experience with an Acupuncture. Has it helped you reverse any disease or burdening condition?
  15. @Jordan wang Your values are your guiding beacon, your light when all other lights fade. This stuff has to to come from very deep within. It should not be the surface level stuff and it should not be what society teaches you. This is a crucial exercise. Lock yourself in a room for 3 hours and contemplate. Your intuition can help you. Look at all aspects of your life. Why do you do the things you do? So you lift weights. Why? To get girls ( sex, approval) , to get muscle ( physical apperance / fitness) , to promote longevity ( health) , to become a personal trainer ( contribution), to make yotuube videos ( wisdom, knowledge , approval) . Take the actions you do throughout the day and break them apart. What are the re-appearing patterns. What makes you tick? Does it turn you on when you get to advice to someone at work? ( contribution,mastery). Do you love to read in the mornings? Do you enjoy making breakfast, lunch for other people? What kind of movies do you watch? NatGeo ( Education), action movies( excitement, fun), Epic movies ( adventure / nature/ travel). What kind of games do you play on PC? Skyrim/Witcher ( adventure/Mastery/Dedication/Independence), Mafia (Approval, Power), GTA ( Independence/Freedom/ money) This helped me to find my values. I believe that you should seek for what you already have within but haven't discovered yet. What I first did was to select those that I wanted to have but in the end realised they wouldn't work for me in most cases. Many of the values you already have, you just don't know it
  16. Low carb, Low fat? Wow, how are you still alive?
  17. @SFRL Read" Fast Food Nation". There is a large global meat Cartel. Biggest probably in US. The price is being held low s that everyone can afford it, the US Governments subsidises meat industry with billions of your tax dollars..huraaay. Meat farmers live at the edge of poverty with income hardly exceeding 24K annual. They are highly regulated, their properties are being taken if they refuse to cooperate with the dictatorship of meat companies. For example they have 4 weeks to raise a chicken and little longer to raise a cow. You CAN NOT do that without injecting growth hormones. Yes I agree it is off, the whole meat industry is bullish, exploiting, unconscious and incredibly cruel , second only to maybe war and oil industry in its destruction of the planet. ever compared the anatomy of carnivore such as Cat with Human? Long, sharp teeth designed to crack through bone., jaw without expanded angle, larger mouth, more acidic PH, shorter digestive track( to avoid food rotting inside), swallows food whole, no digestive ensymes produced in Saliva. Humans have none of that. We are herbivores and although we can digest meat we are not adapted for i, if you look at Heart disease statistics you'll see that something is probably fishy in there....and I am sure it is not result of us eating too much veggies This is just a cultural brainwash that humans need meat to be strong, to be on the top of food chain...
  18. @Roxane agree and those are all very valid points. For me those were reasons why I gave up all animal food. What I found out is simply that most people just don't give a f**k about any of that. We simply prefer not to think about it. And secondly many don't know or don't wish to know. Believe it or not but majority of the planet perceive meat as necessary and absolutely beneficial meal to human health. You cannot change anyone besides yourself. Follow your agenda and be an example to others. And if nobody is willing to follow, that's ok. People are wired differently.
  19. @Roxane Enlightened people have usually reduced their carnal cravings to minimum. They do not stuff their fat bellies with fat, sugar and salt. These people eat to live not the other way around. This is not what an average westerner does. They live a peaceful, stress free life. They do not cover up their psychological issues with food. What do most of us do when we feel distressed? Eat eat eat.... 24 hours a day, nonstop. These people make love to the world, contribute greatly and do not cause themselves pain with things such as judgement , hatred or envy. When you have your whole life together, an occasional animal meal will not do you any harm, it is our overconsumption that causes problems. That and lack of exercise, purpose, polluted water and environments, stress at work, stress at home, overthinking and all sorts of egotistic behaviours. If you look at Dalai Lama, it is pretty obvious that he only eats little food per day. I can't really imagine him stuffing himself like a pig.
  20. Love is not romantic Scot Peck distinguishes between true love, as defined above, and "falling in love". Our tendency to confuse the two, says Peck, is one of the most powerful and pervasive misconceptions about love. Peck asserts that falling in love is specifically a "sex-linked erotic experience": "We do not fall in love with our children even though we may love them very deeply. We do not fall in love with our friends of the same sex even though we may care for them greatly. We fall in love only when we are consciously or unconsciously sexually motivated." In contrast to real love, falling in love is not a conscious choice ("try as we might, we may not be able to fall in love with a person whom we deeply respect and with whom a deep relationship would be in all ways desirable"), does not require effort and is not about personal growth. It is simply the collapse of part of our personal boundaries and the temporary merging of our identity with that of another. In Peck's view, falling in love is nothing more than a biological mechanism to increase the probability of mating, or to put it another way, "falling in love is a trick that our genes pull on our otherwise perceptive mind to hoodwink or trap us into marriage". The "myth of romantic love" propagated by our culture, the idea that there is one true love out there for each of us, makes this misconception worse. The ecstatic feelings of falling in love always pass, says Peck, but the myth suggests that if we can only find the right person, "the one", they would last forever. This myth is a lie, and one with damaging consequences: "Should it come to pass that we do not satisfy or meet all of each other's needs and friction arises and we fall out of love, then it is clear that a dreadful mistake was made, we misread the stars, we did not hook up with our one and only perfect match, what we thought was love was not real or "true" love, and nothing can be done about the situation except to live unhappily ever after or get divorced... As a psychiatrist I weep in my heart almost daily for the ghastly confusion and suffering that this myth fosters. Millions of people waste vast amounts of energy desperately and futilely attempting to make the reality of their lives conform to the unreality of the myth." Source: Scott Peck - Road Less Travelled
  21. Have a look at the linked video. What this tells me is that Chester's inability to accept the present moment drove him to willingly take his life. I assume that nobody really mentioned high consciousness practice to him and most shrinks prescribed him mind numbing meds instead . What are your thoughts guys?
  22. It appears that how you a nice example of Co-dependent relationship going on there. You feel like you cannot live without each other because your breakup lasted so little but you suffer when living together. A mature growth in both of you is required to sustain this however terminating the relationship might be a viable idea considering what you say about him. You can only work on yourself, you cannot change other people unless you set an example. Here are few advice for you that could potentially help: Most of those come from Stephen Covey's 7 habits. 1. Don't look for a quick fix. The problems you are having are results of years of mindset building, cultural influence and background, one does not change that in a week. Be prepared for some serious growth or be prepared to suffer until the end of your life,. 2. Realise that whatever happens is your responsibility. Be it what you do and be it how you react to his behaviour. If you don't like his behaviour, leave him and never look back. Never be a victim, always be a proactive person. You know you can achieve everything you want if you put your mind and time into it. 3. Become comfortable with being single before getting into a relationship. Seek out at least 30 minutes of solitude throughout the day, meditate, think, observe nature, whatever feels natural. 4. Work on building your "Emotional Bank Account". This pretty much works same way as usual Bank account. You spend too much, you end up with overdraw. Emotional Account works as mutual trust and takes years to buildup only to be ruined by a single wrongdoing. If you want to make peace with your partner, start donating small gestures of good will to build up trust and more area for communication. From what I read your mutual Emotional Account is below 0. You have no trust for each other and both are extremely defensive and egotistic. 5. Become a really good listener and seek to understand. Here I don't mean hearing. I mean listening emphatically with the intention to understand. Notice how when he speaks you are probably getting angry already, preparing your response. Instead, slow down and stop thinking , just listen to what he says. Listen to his voice but also to his body language. There is a message hidden in there but you probably fail to see it. Really genuinely try to understand him, understand where he is coming from. We all have certain mechanics of behaviour, once you get that, it will be easier. 6. And finally,work to Synergize, to Win/Win. It is not about "I want to feel good in this relationship". It is about, having a mutually prosperous partnership that stems from understanding, compassion, honesty and integrity. You are a team of 2 different personality characters that have decided to cooperate, always look to understand the other side and work towards mutual benefit. If your motives are things like good sex and not being alone, you will suffer endlessly. Bonus: This is something I never realised until reading "Road Less Travelled". It's about the feeling of falling in love. We perceive it as a magical feeling and spend soooo much time chasing it once we feel it is going away. This however a pure fictional bullshit. True love is a conscious decision to nurture the spiritual growth of self an other person. The "in love " feeling is a sexual attraction that comes from human evolution and its prime directive is to support reproduction. That's it. The Hollywood love story is a bunch of horse crap. So realise that even if you do not "feel for each other" like you used to, it is because you haven't worked on the relationship, and not that this godly power has left you Good luck !
  23. Notice how you feel when you neglect your physical body. Even a great deal of consciousness work cannot compensate for lack of physical activity. Now compare it with the feeling you get when you leave the gym, when you have the cocktail of serotonin and dopamin which makes you feel alive and vibrant! A real growth is what needs to occur, you need to convince yourself within that this is something you have to be doing on daily basis. No amount of supplements, gym partners or music will do that for you, all those will collapse at some point. The deep motivation has to come from your willingness to be an extraordinary human being , I don't mean being muscular but becoming clean, efficient and full of energy, this transcends in all areas of your life. The pain in the gym is a small price to pay. I like the quote "pain is the weakness leaving your body." Created by some meathead but it does have a point. To positievely fuel yourself, think of positive benefits: Longevity, Sexual Performance, Energy balance ,Perfect mental clarity. It transcends in all other areas of your life. All that being said, you probably need some tangible advice to kick you in the butt. Do a proper warmup Start with light stretching to get your blood circulating, this you can do while at home. You'll already start to feel energy gain. Try adding skipping rope as a warmup. Its a lot of fun, much better than treadmil. Exercise outside, the fresh air will do you good and occasional peer may motivate you to go harder Have someone hold you accountable. ( but again that's not a real, growth) Eat a proper nutrition, this could also be a result of some negative energy. Brandon Brazzier's- Thrive Diet is an excellent guide to highly digestible athletic diet. Try a Sedona method, Leo has a good video on that.
  24. The problem with most pre-workouts is that the combination of beta-alanine, caffeine, arginine and other components completely burns out your adrenals. Even a proper diet rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants cannot cover the damaging effect. The "kick" you feel is your body going into Fight or Flight response, making you more vigilant and resistant but for a big price in the long term. I used to be very deep in that, couldn't even lift my ass of the couch without a double dose of No-Explode !! ....Throw that stuff down the toilet. Definitely look into your nutrition and add a regular exercise routine. @Outer made a great summary. Also agree with @pluto when you are completely out of touch with what you love, it drains you on the inside. One final thing,.. you may be low on calories which could also be causing you the lack of energy. Maybe you have a good nutrition but lacking calories will make you a walking zombie throughout the day.
  25. there is a book from Dr. Neal Barnard on reversing the sickness. https://www.amazon.co.uk/d/cka/Dr-Neal-Barnards-Program-Reversing-Diabetes-Scientifically/1594868107 . This is mostly based on changing your diet by focusing on Plant based. Not sure if this is something you'd be interested in, but check out a random video from Dr Barnard on youtube, this stuff is life transforming. He is a leading authority worldwide.