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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. @Damir Elezi love your routine. Man, if you are able to pull that off every day, awesome !!
  2. @Buba perhaps abandoning your current live and joining a Buddhist community in South-East Asia would be transformation. I know how cliche this sounds. But I'm not talking about the eat-prey-love bullcrap. I' talking about re-discovering your true humanity, learning to enjoy the tiniest things like refilling a water bucket from well and feeling the grass on your bare feet or collecting wood for the fire. Spending next 5 years of your life there in exchange for work you would get served food and spend most of your days in silent meditation, house chores or some kind of spiritual practice. Personally at this stage, I could not imagine doing that but if I felt suicidal and that my life just couldn't get any worse, perhaps I would consider leaving everything behind. Just a suggestion...there are stories of people who have done that and returned completely changed, i love with life.
  3. @Alexo45 too deep for this topic brother
  4. there is something you could try: At the end of the day, set aside 2 minutes and into a small journal put 3 things that you liked about that day, that you did well or were proud of. By the end of month you'll have 90 things to be positive about and by the end of year nearly 1100. It's a small psychological trick but it could help to elevate your spirit and keep you more optimistic realising that you are already achieving enough. This way also you will go to bed appreciating what you've done instead of pondering on what you haven't. Name this journal something like: "My journal of positive thinking" or something of that nature. Note that these don't have to be big achievements, they could also be a bit shallow: I like the dinner I coked I liked how I handled that customer call today I liked how I managed to resist having the cake after dinner I like how my wife hugged me in the morning I am happy I allowed the elder lady to sit on the bus today. Anything else that felt right There is nothing more important than self love and self acceptance. This is where your happiness starts and this is what is needed before you can successfully interact with other people and your surroundings.
  5. @Little Plant thanks for all your suggestions. I am slowly trying to get myself of the mainstream cosmetics getting into natural ingredients. I'll have a look at the toothpaste from Ugly By Nature, cheers !
  6. Not sure if this would help but it seems that your mind already connects your bedroom with stress and anxiety. Perhaps try to change the layout of your bedroom to make it look like a more pleasant place for sleep and more connected with nature. * change sheets and change pillows * add some plants into your room, * readjust the furniture * add some posters of nature or something that is calming to you. * perhaps add a small aquarium with goldfish * add a humidifier with an essential oil ( peppermin / eucalyptus / levander) to give the room more natural smell. whatever it is that would make the bedroom look more like a place of piece/sanctuary than a place of stress. It is possible that your mind has got used to certain setup and when it sees it, it gets stressed. An additional point, maybe an acupuncturist could help you relax although I don't have any personal experience so can't tell for sure.
  7. No amount of money in the world will satisfy you in the long run if your primal goal is to become rich. Look at all the corporate sharks, executives and all these "primadonas" in finance companies. They are not happy. They suffer depressions, paranoia and live on coffee, alcohol and drugs to sustain their taxing lifestyle. They already have more money then they need. Focus on contribution even if it meant spending next 15 years getting there.
  8. Many of us who are currently pursuing careers driven by ego , unconsciousness and achievement have mostly been indocrinated by parents and educators to do so. It is not inherently an evil thing, it just the way out society is built because none of these people know that it is possible to do anything else. It takes time to "wake up." I've been working for a corporation for past 5 years but for 4 years I thought this is it, that nothing else could be achieved and that my whole life I'll be climbing the corporate ladder. Leo opened my eyes and afterwards many other conscious people. Now I'm spending majority of my conscious time designing a plan of transition to higher contribution profession aligned with my core values. A career can be designed to serve both "I" and "them" to have a global or local contribution and to give something out to the world. Many guys and girls on this forum are proof of that, having their channels, coaching careers, education businesses etc.. But it takes a lot of pain to look inside and identify that a person is not aligned with their values, most people have no idea that there are things such as "core values" If these things were taught in the school, we would not be having global problems such as terrorism, global warming, wars, SSRI drugs and addictions The best thing anyone of us can do is to share our skills and talents and help others to "wake up" and share something with the world. By not being just consumers but also creators and contributors.
  9. No amount of healthy food will make you feel any different. Bloated maybe if you overeat. You would also feel different if you were lacking on any of the micronutrients ( fatigue, bruising, pale skin, dry skin, eye problem, ......) Everything that makes you feel different is toxic or addictive or both (stimulants, drugs, alcohol, tobacco...).
  10. Procurement manager at a boring low consciousness US company however it is low stress work and allows me to focus on my side education which is holistic health and naturopathic nutrition to break out of rat race ( hopefully) that I got myself into.
  11. Don't know if its just me and if the content of actualized.org has anything to do with it but I noticed myself getting more and more disgusted with all the show-offs and divas at the gym. (Tight bras, exposed bellies, 1inch layer of makeup, tight compressed tshirts, selfies, instagram posts, guys posing in front of mirrors all the time...you name it) I have hardly been noticing these things before before I started doing the consciousness work. Now it makes me sick every-time I see it. The most enjoyable workouts I get is outside in nature with the TRX and skipping rope now. Anyone else getting this?
  12. @SFRL I guess it didn't. In UK, African-brittons are unfortunately responsible for massive portion of petty crimes. But I guess you are right, didn't really add much value to it
  13. Thanks guys for all your comments. I have re-watched Leo's videos on "System Thinking" and "why do people seem crazy" and many things started to click in place. I notice myself being somewhat less judgemental and more accepting. I have even noticed being compassionate with a black guy stealing 5£ power-banks in discount store yesterday, though he probably has a reason for thinking he needs to do that. Acceptance is understanding is the key. Thanks all @AxelK, @pluto, @Shiva, @Spence94 for opening my eyes to this.
  14. @Vinnie this is still a relatively uncharted territory but from the few studies publicly available it is obvious that EMF has negative impact on various bodily systems such as reproduction, metabolism, growth, cognitive health etc. Most studies however show uncertain results so we'll need to await some more science. In the meantime it is still good idea to protect oneself as wel as possible. Have a search for EMF in the Health section of this forum, this topic has been debated couple times. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5014506/ Many studies have shown that electromagnetic fields can have destructive effects on sex hormones, gonadal function, fetal development, and pregnancy. So people must be aware of the negative effects of EMFs. Although the impact of the waves varied at different frequencies, it is better to stay as far away as possible from their origin because of the risks associated with exposures to these waves. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15760285 "Studies have consistently shown increased risk for childhood leukemia associated with ELF magnetic fields, whereas ELF fields most likely are not a risk factor for breast cancer and cardiovascular disease. There are still inadequate data for other outcomes." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26444201 "It should be taken into account that the entire world population is exposed to exponentially increasing RF radiation from base stations and satellite antennas. While several years ago the potential hazard was connected with placement of mobile phones close to human head, today "smart phones" represent small, but powerful computers continuously receiving audio and video data. The largest group of users is the children and teenagers who "need" to communicate nearly 24 h a day." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4130204/ "Despite divergences in the reported results, ELF-MF and radio frequency electromagnetic field have to be considered as factors possibly influencing the circadian system function, because a substantial number of studies demonstrated the changes in melatonin and cortisol secretion as well as in sleep after exposition to these fields. Due to widespread exposure of humans and animals to ELF-MF and radio frequency electromagnetic field, the studies on their biological effects should be continued."
  15. @InfinitePotential @Igor82 how do you guys go around taping your mouth? I just keep awaking with dry mouth even if I tape it. Bought a tape but it doesn't do much since I am still able to mouth breathe it seems. What type of tapes do you use?
  16. Drinking Milk is no different to getting under a cow and sucking a milk from its udder? Would you do that? Does that seem outrageous? Weird? How is drinking a milk from box different? Just because somebody pasteurised it doesn't mean it is meant for humans.
  17. @The Monk one of the issues with the milk is that most of it on the market shelves has undergone the pasteurisation process. During this process, the ensyme Lactase is denaturated and lost. Our bodies than have to compensate for this loss by producing our own enzymes which is easy while we are young but the older you get the more burdening it is for your body. That's why consuming raw milk is ok but in most US countries, that is forbiden and you are still facing risk of salmonella and bacteria contagion like E-coli. Second risk is the already mentioned levels of Insulin-like growth factor (IGF) which helps a young calf to grow to large cow. This hormone is being produced in humans until the age of around 20 but than stops. With milk, you continue receiving it and your cells and tissues grow, potentially stimulating tumour growth. https://www.ncbi.nlm.aih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4524299/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16684388 conclusion - "variation in childhood milk and dairy product intakes underlies associations of leg length, IGF-I and cancer risk. The association appears to be due to the protein content of milk." Another case is a risk of Osteoporosis ( loss of bone mass) and various bone disease due to high acidity of milk. This strains both your thyroid gland and kidneys to compensate by releasing more calcium. Not surprisingly, the United States, country with massive dairy consumption has highest rates of Osteoporosis/ Osteopenia, Osteoarthridis, Multiple-sclerosis and other similar conditions. If you are a healthy and active individual you can pretty much counter the negative effects of dairy but it adds unnecessary strain on your digestive system. Our bodies are already heavily bombarded by pollution, EMF, herbicides, heavy metals etc. You want to reduce that as much as possible. Going dairy free and switching to plant proteins can definitely help you do that. I know you asked about Whey but consider the fact that whey is biproduct of milk processing so all of the above apply. I agree that there are many benefits especially in sports supplementation but those are not worth the rick considering that you can purchase things like hemp or rice protein which are probably equally effective and actually cost less. 1kg of rice protein may as well cost 15 USD. Plant based eating combined with heavy exercise will give you all the gains you need without contributing to the destruction of the earth, global warming, death, deforestation and global disease rate.
  18. homemade hummus with carrots
  19. @Monkey-man there is a book called Oxygen Advantage from British author Patrick Mckeown. I would highly recommend you check it out.
  20. @Harikrishnan perhaps you are trying to hard to take control of something that cannot be controlled. Or maybe you are anxious that you are having anxieties because you though you are already beyond that point. I would say the ego plays a part in that since it probably thought that it is spiritually more evolved and could not suffer anxiety. Anxieties usually come and go and many times we never find out why. Have you tried contemplating what exactly is it that you fear in surgery. Is it pain? Is it the risk of loosing mobility in the tendon? But perhaps it is the fear of being afraid and not knowing what to do -> no control. Less controlling and more giving up and letting go is the key although easier said than done. Also make sure to be very mindful of your breathing when these attacks come, do not drop into shallow breathing. Breathe through your nose, slowly and mindfully. This method also increases your nutrient transport through arteries so better for your healing. Letting go takes time, be patient and the anxiety will drop. Mindfulness is the key. As per the injury, have a look at Comfrey. Either herbal or supplemental. This is what many naturopathic doctors and herbalists would recommend. Stay strong and swift recovery!! Let us know how it goes.
  21. The commonly agreed theory is the oxidative damage by free radicals. This is unfortunately a common byproduct of even basic activities such as breathing, walking, digestion etc.. Even if you took out all the external elements such as diet, pollution, smoking....it would still be there although not in such a rapid progression. What the studies of blue zones show us the the most simple lifestyle inhibits this process the best. While that means many things to many people, generally there are several categories that if challenged properly can have dramatic effect on how fast and how visibly we age. * Breathing Most of us do not breathe properly. Shallow unconscious breathing is an incredible way to early grave and disease attracting environment within. Mouth breathing = same problem. And ofcourse living in congested areas with a lot of air pollution and mold will contribute to many respiratory diseases and COPDs * Nutrition Massive category, discussed all over this forum. Again simplicity is the key. The closer to the nature you can get the better. Every form of processing destroys the balance of nutrients. adding emulators, sweeteners, chemical taste enhancers, hydrogenation etc only adds to the problem * Attitude Including everything from stress, emotional health, feeling of loneliness, lack of human contact, you name it. Massive contributor to imbalance in health if missing or if the feeling of void is improperly filled ( with alcohol, drugs, toxic food...) * Fulfilment & purpose Although this is still largely misunderstood and ignored topic in modern medicine and science, having no sense of purpose, being lost and confused. Doing things that violate our values and integrity are causes of many imbalances and diseases. * Air/Water/Soil pollution There is just so much to say here. The worst thing is that most of it is completely commonly accepted. Such as genetic modification, pesticides, herbicides, toxic wastes, high emissions, plastic and drugs in our water....oh man this is endless list. Unless you live up in the mountains doing ommmmm for 16 hours a day, there is no way to avoid this. Getting in touch with pure clean nature as much as you can reduces your exposure to all of this. * Physical Activity Again massive category but at least this one is commonly accepted by everyone nowadays although not practiced unfortunately. Those who stop being physically active age rapidly and create a welcoming environment for viruses, bacteria and all sorts of nasty foreign agents. * Radiation and EMF exposure Not so commonly discussed and not as massive as air pollution but still a mayor concern. High flyers are exposed to high level of cosmic radiation without realising this. Pilots and stewards especially endangered. People living close to electrical wirings, power plants, using wireless technology, being exposed to x-rays, laptops and computers. There are things to protect oneself such as wearing bioshields, walking barefoot and doing a regular detox/fast cleansing. there was a longevity post on the forum that had many great topics. Alternatively if you are interested in this I'd suggest you check out one of Brian Clement's lectures on longevity or ageing. Take care!
  22. Coconut oil is amazing if you don't mind being a bit shiny, un-parfumed. It also has a sun protection factor of 8. Generally the more chemicals in your cream the worse. All that crap made by Loreal and Nivea only makes it worse, toss all those into trash if you are using any. Always look for natural ingredients in creams without toxic chemicals. Especially important for sun protection. A cucumber juice, freshly pressed at home, consumed daily is an amazing way of battling wrinkles. There are also some face life exercises, you could probably find hundreds of videos and blogs on that.
  23. @egoless this is something that you will need to figure out for yourself. I suggest you take Leo's course if you haven't already. It is well worth the investment,.
  24. Routines may become dogmas and traditions if kept unchecked over years. While that is inherently not a bad thing, sometimes it leaves the person very stiff and unflexible because "traditions have to be maintained. "
  25. Attaching sticky notes to side to different pages also helps. Especially for some juicy insights. This way you can easily return to the best parts. You can also add a small comment on them so that it is easy to navigate. make sure to use plastic sticky notes not paper as those bend and un-stick all the time. Use different colour labels to assign different categories or importance levels. Definitely did the trick for me when I was reading Stephen Covey's 7 Habits which was just packed with awesome knowledge. Additionally most books have blank pages at the end for notes. Use those to note which sides had great info and make sure you highlight it. One last suggestion. Record your voice reading the juicy insights and play it to yourself before sleep. Many students of medicine or law do this I heard. Remember sometimes it is better to read 1 book diligently and thoroughly then 10 books vaguely. That 1 could have more to say than 10% of the Self Help section in any retailer's self help. With such a book, no amount of time spent is wasted. Patience is your friend