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Everything posted by Michael569
@CuteCornDog are you able to get a job then? Or do you have a severe physical handicap that is preventing you from it?
Are you able to move out?
sorry for straightforward question but: "did you poop this out" ?
What is your % of bodyfat? Would you say you have a lot of fat tissue around your body? 103 kg doesn't seem like massive size unless you are like 155 cm tall and never exercised in your life. If you are mildly overweight, you will not have hanging skin especially since you won't be losing like 1 kilo per day.
@willybilly30 great stuff! Keep it up. Since many addictions stem from early youth, they may take a while to get off. Journal ling is an excellent way to keep yourself accountable and track any progress. Mindfulness is the key. Leo talks about this in his "awareness alone is curative" video, that one is powerful.
the cause of many addictions is that we are simply not aware of doing it. We go to kitchen and grab candy bar and eat it without even thinking about it, it is mechanical. The next time you go for a smoke do it with full consciousness. Be aware of the urgency to light up, be aware of yourself pulling out the box and a cigarette and consciously put it into your mouth and light it (actually tell yourself all these steps aloud) "I need to smoke" -> " I am pulling out the cig" -> "I am now putting it in my mouth" -> "I am no lighting it up" -> I am taking the first puff" -> " I am taking the second puff" -> " I have smoked it all" . Make sure you do not do it on autopilot. If you do this every time you engage in a a bad habit, you will notice a radical shift in your behaviour and addictive tendencies in the matter of days
Your body adapts to anything as long as it is a regular stressor. Our endocrine system works its magic 24/7 and your hormones and their receptors are constantly shifting around depending on the environment that you are in and its influence on you. So if doing 50 sets of heavy quads once a week is your thing, in few months you would not get sore from it, but add to id 5 sets of sprints and you are all "dead" again. It is the adaptation. It does not mean you are doing something wrong, it is just that you have adapted to the stress. It could also mean that your nutrition is awesome which definitely helps to eliminate the buildup of lactic acid Diet full of antioxidants does an excellent job in removing the effect of free radical damage after a vigorous workout.
I would just advise to slow down the rush and spend a lot of time with each single book. 7 habits from Covey is a pure goldmine. You could read that 15 times and always get something new. I remember I was reading it for a month, highlighting and taking notes from nearly every page. Actualizing is not really a goal but a way of life, as so, there is really nothing to achieve, we simply love the process and that's what gives us the highest pleasure.
Go have your thyroid checked. There could be a disruption between the pituitary gland and your thyroid gland. This is very often a case of energy insufficiency.
@Pristinemn no amount of plant food will give you a single nanogram of cholesterol. Cholesterol is found solely in animal food. If you go on a plant based diet you can eat as much as you want and not get fat as long as you dont start introducing junk and oils. No, I'm not telling you to go vegan and go all crazy about environment and animal rights, I'd recommend you grab a copy of "How Not To Die" and read what decades of science all aim towards. Yes, eggs will skyrocket your cholesterol, dairy and meat increase your cancer, diabetes, lung disease and heart disease risk with every single bite. Even just by frying meat, you inhale toxic PHAs which contribute to lung cancer (without even touching it with your mouth!!). By the age of 10 most of us already have mild atherosclerosis developed from the animal food. Having said that, you can achieve tremendous satisfaction with combination of: legumes, sweet potatoes, pseudograins( quinoa, buckwheat, theft, amaranth, millet...), I wouldn't touch gluten containing whey products either. Add to that daily portions of fruits, berries, greens and other veggies as well as nuts and flaxseeds and you are all set. Regardless what any ketohead tells you, this is the only diet to permanently avoid top global diseases and prolong life. The science has your back.
@saint_charming7 Try to change the way you workout from time to time. I don't know if this would work for you but I do get a lot of enjoyment from shuffling between weight training, outdoor cardio, jogging, yoga, shadow boxing / bag punching, rope jumping etc... So for example, instead if hitting the gym and doing same boring routines, get outside, buy a TRX, and a jump rope and try a circuit training, there are tons of examples on youtube and most of it you can do with your bodyweight. I like to add things like short sprint sessions, pull ups on trees, jumping on benches, shadow boxing, handstands etc... Whatever feels good. Sometimes I do this after dark under a clear night sky when there is nobody else around....there is some sort of megic in that although I can't quite tell what it is. I'd definitely recommend you workout outside from time to time if possible. Alternatively find a workout buddy whether outside or inside to hold yourself accountable. And finally I'd say no matter how concious and developed you become, there will always be a bit of emotional resistance towards workout. It is painful and tedious and our body perceives it as a threat to its survival.
The title of this conversation did grab my attention really fast sorry for your trouble but I couldn't stop laughing while reading the comments. You can use a lot of scented lubrication gel to cover "that shit " up
the question is, why does she feel a need to do that in front of other guys? Lack of self esteem? Wh*rish tendencies? Being bored and sexually frustrated in current relationship? Or perhaps simply enjoying the attention and the lust of other guys ( if so, see above) Women who are satisfied in their relationships and grounded do not usually need to do that, I might be wrong though.
Have a look into Dr Greger's Daily Dozen ( app for android and Ios). This app suggests which wholefoods should every person involve in their diet ( and what amounts) to stay away from the top 15 global diseases as well as improve quality of life and most likely loose weight without even trying. His work is 100% research based so if you are a science oriented person, you will absolutely love this. His book "how not to die" is just pure gold quoting hundreds and hundreds of research studies. The type of diet you mention above usually includes a lot of meat which is not necessarily beneficial in the long term. The closer you can get to wholefood plant based diet the better : ) And oh, one final thought: you want to lose weight? Get out there and exercise like your life depended on it, because it does.
agreed although I still miss the ego buzzing after getting a reputation point
Whatever rocks your boat as long as you stay active and put some strain on your muscles and bones. A combination of some cardio outside and some weight lifting on inside is a good idea. Also going out in nature hiking, brilliant thing!
Because sugar is 8 times more addictive than heroin. The sugar addiction is the most world-wide spread "disease." Most of us have become addicted to it withing our first 4 years of life.
I still can't wrap my mind around this topic. Probably being lazy or just comfortable. Contemplated in my head couple times, did not help. Thanks
@Sopot the things about going to school is that you get a structure of what and in what order should you learn. It is not about the content of the lectures but the "framework" If you are motivated enough, you will actively seek more information then they lecture however the framework that they give you is an excellent guiding line
Not sure if this is Hatha but for simple yoga at home have a look on Adriene Mishler's youtube channel called "yogawithadriene" and look up her 30 day challenge. This is a great starter pack with lots of simple and advanced movements to get you started.
Stevia is an incredible replacement that produces nearly 0 insulin uptake. Xylethol is also a good choice. I would avoid things like Maple Syrup, Agave Syrup, Corn-Fructose syrup, that stuff is 90%+ sugar. Most important of all stay away from artificial sweeteners such as Saccharin, Sucralose, Aspartame etc..all neurotoxins and stay away from 0 Sugar drinks like Diet Coke. Raw fruit + some figs/dates is the best replacement you can get. Check out some of Dr. Greger's videos on fruit if you are worried about fruit sugar demonstrating that even 20 portions of fruit a day are not actually harmful. Stay strong!
@Annetta yes indeed fish is full of things you don't want in your diet. Not only mercury but other things such as POPs, plastics, pesticides and all the garbage we dump in seas. All this stuff hangs around in fat tissue of fish. Farm fished are no better and most of them are full of antibiotics to keep the anaemic fish alive. You can easily replace your Omega 3 from fish by a single tablespoon of chia or ground flaxseeds added to your meal once a day. Or add them into a bottle of water that you drink throughout the day. The requirement for Omega 3 is very tiny (around 1.5 gram)/day and easily met. The excess of Omega 6 is what is problematic in our society. If you are still worried, investing in an Algae form of Omega 3 will help to add some more. Another one is D vitamin if you do not get enough sunlight (at least 15-20 mins a day) the paler your skin the less you need. The most important supplement that everybody should take is B12 , no exceptions. Plant-based or not. If you are concerned about your nutrient intake, try to track your meals on cronometer.com (they have a great app). The rest is pretty much depending on your lifestyle and whether you have any deficiencies or disease. As per a protein, the requirements vary, but Dr Greger (owner of nutritionfacts.org and author of "How not to die") recommends around 0.8g per kg of body weight. So it is much less than the insane bodybuilding.com community would tell you. Some of those articles recommend as much as 2g/kg which is an incredible way to ruin your kidneys especially if taken from animal sources.
@Annetta Have a look into autonomic nervous system and its two branches: sympathetic and parasympathetic to understand what is going on anatomically. These are basically two systems that the human brain uses to override and enhance or reduce various systems in body such as breathing, heart beat , muscular function, digestion etc.. 1) Sympathetic (fight or flight) is the elevated stress response accompanied by increased adrenal activity along with other things such as trachea dilation and vasoconstriction of your arteries, elevated heart beat and blood pressure. This also stops your digestion and reduces immune reaction. 2) Parasympathetic is the opposite also called "rest and digest" and this is where you want to spend more time. "Draw a clock" exercise (not an official name, I made it up ) An exercise you may find beneficial is to draw a circle for every waking hour and try to indicate how much time in those 60 minutes do you spend in sympathetic and parasympatetic mode. And following this try to figure out how to even them. Ideally you want 50/50. Some tips for Parasympathetic (rest&digest) Meditaton (Best one!!) or general breathing exercises (focus on diaphram breathing) Reading of peaceful books (not horrors) listening to peaceful music doing things like sudoku, crossword puzzle, board games....other things Activities that put you into Sympathetic (fight or flight) exercise (although this is of course recommended but should be followed up by one of the above) stress dramatic movies and books arguments and fights with people aggressive music (D&B, techno, metal) stimulants (coffee, drugs, alcohol, green tea slightly) Diet A plant based diet would be one of the best tips since it puts your digestive system at ease. And since your main brain and the enteric nervous system regulating your alimentary tract are directly connected via the vagus nerve, if you help one, the other benefits as well. It has been shown that unhealthy colon contributed to depressions and anxieties. Not to mention by consuming animal food, you directly receive all the hormones that have been flushed out during final seconds of that animal's life before merciless slaughter. And finally, perhaps consider discussing with a naturopathic nutritionist, it seems you are taking too many medications and they may not necessarily benefit you in the long term. Good luck
whatever place it is, make sure to video the whole session for us living a bit further, happy to pay some fee for that if you post it on actualized.org
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