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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. @Slade oh boy, you are asking for a scurvy
  2. All signs of your growing and them being stuck in low-conciousness values. And the more you continue this path the greater the gap becomes. I am seeing this in my life a lot with members of family and friends and colleagues. At some point you may need to start "cutting ties" or your growth will be stopped. At the same time be on the lookout to get around more conscious people.
  3. Unless you work for yourself, there is always an executive push, stakeholder requirement, finance restrictions, rules etc especially when working for corporation. These are all designed to prevent you from being creative and from growing. ....speaking from own experience unfortunately I would say it is possible but you may end up despising many of the rules and "values" (mostly toxic) that companies are driven by these days which makes it more difficult to turn inward.
  4. @Psyche_92 the thing with peanuts is that they are heated to very high temperatures to crack open the shell during manufacturing same as cashews. (hand-racked are not very common) Fats exposed to high temperatures turn to carcinogens. All unshelled peanuts ( raw or roasted) were processed this way the thing with roasted peanuts is that they were roasted twice which makes them even more dangerous. So when buying PB at least look for raw not roasted peanuts. But we gotta have fun sometimes so as long as we don't go crazy with peanut butter, we should be fine : ) Or you can make it yourself by buying unshelled and blending them in high speed blender.
  5. @Slade Your life, your decisions friend. No argument here, just make sure you know what you are doing.
  6. @caelanb if you feed meat to a cat for 20 years, it will not get atherosclerosis. ( plaque deposit in the arteries caused by sediment of macrophages trying to put out an inflammation and cholesterol). Human do. Most of us have had atherosclerosis since the age of 10. This is what causes 99% of heart disease in thr world. We are able to digest animal products however we were not meant to eat them in the first place, it has been a temporary thing in times of food shortages thousands of years ago. Not to mention a daily intake of animal protein puts your kidneys in state of hyperfiltration which eventually leads to Chronic Kidney Disease and renal fatique. Heart and kidneys are one of many organs who suffer from animal food. Pretty much everything does.
  7. @Shin I have been doing Judo for 16 years so would be able to share some experience. What exactly is it that you are interested in?
  8. No experience here but I would be careful with such an endeavour, there is a reason why humans cook the meat to kill whatever is inside of it. You would be risking severe infections by Helicobacter-Pylori, Salmonella, Shigella etc. Not to mention that our digestive tract is not designed to digest it. H-Pylori may cause you life-long digestive problems, inflammations even things such as Crohn's disease. Just a heed of caution : )
  9. I would take this guy's credibility with a spec of salt. While it is probably possible to thrive on 1500 calories and sustain health for a regular size human, I find it very difficult to believe that he build that physique on a low caloric diet such as the one he mentioned. The guy of his size would have to take in a lot of gear to keep that big without proper caloric intake. He does sound and behave very spiritually as someone we would look up to but there is something fishy out there. I don't think he is being fully honest with what he eats and takes and by advising people to go on super low caloric vegan diet, he could be causing quite a lot of damage since vegan reputation is already quite damaged among many people perceived as being deficient.
  10. @roberthenry there was an open topic on this few weeks ago, have a look into past topics.
  11. @Sahil Pandit Thanks ! looks awesome, I'm going to give it a try.
  12. @pluto great video, thanks for sharing! @Soulbass with Celiac's the best cure is unfortunately avoidance. Fortunately it is one of the autoimmune diseases that can be controlled by changing dietary habits. The list of gluten-free products is longer than the one containing them. I believe there is no cure so far but it can definitely be controlled. That being said, it could be other complications of GIT, your GP would be able to assess that.
  13. Oh yeah I absolutely love Indian cooking! Bring them on, all of them !
  14. Coconut Milk - Curry chickpea sweet potato recipe. 1 can coconut milk 1 sweet potato chopped in cubes ( peeled or not) 1/2 onion ( chopped) 1/2 bell pepper (chopped) 1 cup frozen/fresh peas 1 can / 1.5 cup chickpeas 2 tbsp currypowder 1 tsp cummin powder 1tsp red pepper powder 1. Saute onion and pepper on water ( or oil) for few minutes 2. ad spices and little water and stir occasionally 3. add coconut milk + sweet potato + chickpeas 4. slightly cover with water -> cook for 20 minutes, stir occasionaly 5. add peas and continue cooking until thickened. Serve with rice or quinoa. Goes well with mango chutney and naan bread. Vegan, Gluten Free ( without naan)
  15. @The Monk cholesterol is incredibly important. It is a precursor of Vitamin D production as well as all steroid hormones (cortisol, testosterone, oestrogen, some mineralocorticoids...). Your body uses it to put out an inflammation .....aaaand that's why our livers produce all we need! Around 1000 mg every day in healthy individual. We need zero cholesterol in our diets. Of course the production down regulates if we take it in but we cannot process infinite amounts. The excess has been shown to increase risk of fatty liver disease, atherosclerosis, stroke, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, diabetes type 2, pancreatic disease , hypertension (and all conditions related to it), kidney disease, gall stones and the list goes on... The problem is that all foods containing cholesterol also contain saturated fats as well as quite often trans fats. A combination of these is a simple and effective way to shorten ones lifespan. Also eggs are highly contaminated with pathogenic bacteria such as salmonella, shigella, Staphylococcus aureus..) Diabates https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24674850 Pancreatic Cancer (most fatal cancer) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25649888 Breast cancer https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27333953 Fatty liver in mice https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26847248 CVD https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26864369 Dmentia https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29357793
  16. @Privet pretty much.. I mean they are amazing at treating acute ilnesses and injuries, hats down but chronic disease..not a chance. Just crisis management. give it more like 30 days of all gluten. It takes a while to get all of that out. If you were a Celiac, gluten would wreak havoc because it completely wipes out the villi&microvili ( absorbtion area) from your intestinal tract so you get all the symptoms of lacking nutrition , lacking b12, anxiety, headaches, malaise, etc etc. I would not discredit this from your diagnosis. You could also be tested for this by immunologist. can you negotiate with your parents to stop buying food for you and give you a food budget instead? Figure out how much does your food cost them and tell them to give you that mony on monthly bases. Offer to help out when you can (within limits of your energy levels) perhaps try to get some easy job such as newsletter delivery, at bookstore, library or something quiet..options are out there. Or at local school some admin position to cover your food bills.
  17. You may look into sprouting, for those there is no need for soil or fertilizers, you can sprout various legumes and seeds in a jar on your windows. It is a good idea for a start and sprouts are high in protein and super easy to digest even for a baby.
  18. Damn man.... Are there people such as naturopathic doctors or generally nutritionists where you live? People who are not medical doctors but have equally studied anathomy, chemistry etc but focus on more of the natural side of the health? I am in second year of naturopathic medicine and if i was in your situation i would look them up as they would look more on the body as whole instead of addressing local symptoms and prescribing meds. Also at the same time, if you can look into a book called "how not to die" from Dr Greger. I would even order it through Amazon even if it took 2 weeks. I think somebody in your blog already recommended that you go on more wholefood plant based diet however only you can make that choice. This book is a scientific collection of nutrition studies and there is research after research with people who reversed all sorts and stages of diseases. Is there any chance you could be Celiac? Do you react to Gluten? ( in bread , whey, rye...)
  19. @Privet holly cow, that is a lot of symptoms and signs. You definitely need to get a full scale checkup by cardiologist, neurologist and endocrinologist who know what they are doing. Potentially even have your bone mass checked by DXA as some of those might be signs of osteopenia. What is your diet like these days or generally?
  20. @Privet sorry to hear you are having all this trouble. there is a glycoprotein called "intrinsic factor" secreted in your stomach that helps absorb B12. Have you had a history of gastritis / peptic ulcer / gastro-oesophageal reflux or something similar? Could be that your stomach is not producing enough of this. Generally the symptoms would be neurological things such as tingling, weird vibrations , random pain lacking stimulus...etc. Regarding your thyroid, you can sometimes tell if it is hypo or hyperthyroidism. How is your mood overall and your energy levels? How is your weight balance? Iodine and Selenium both are important for proper thyroid function. The issue could also be with your pituitary gland ( the middle man) or the hypothalamus (the manager of all endocrine function). What are generally your signs and symptoms? Anything else like puffy face, nausea, loosing the lateral third of your eyebrows etc...?
  21. @ornob as long as you can access you usual Actualized account and watch youtube videos, you are fine. I did the whole course on my Android:)
  22. a good therapist is an: 1. exceptionally good listener 2. exceptionally empathetic. These 2 qualities may often come across as personal affection since most people's attention spam is literally 0. So whenever we come across someone who can keep a deep eye contact for 15 minutes straight, we get confused as it is not common. I would say he is being very professional and would potentially risk loosing his license by engaging in a relationship with his client. Sorry, probably not what you wanted to hear but it could be the case.