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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. You are absolutely right, we cannot control thoughts in our heads but we can control how they affect us. Best meditations I had were the ones done without any aim or any neurotic intention. The ones that I simply did for the pleasure of being still and being in the moment(even though you could say that is a sort of expectation already ). That alone does usually bring all the nice side products such as "still mind" or feeling of relaxation. It is the western perception that every activity has to immediately lead to some result and if it doesn't we failed. We all get trapped into this. But I'd say if that is the main thing driving your meditation practice, by all means continue doing that just be a little bit more detached from the outcome. Of course if you are very stressed individual and feel like it is debilitating your daily life consider other activities such as: connecting with nature, drawing, reading, thai-chi or hatha yoga practice. Anything that can connect you with the state of "flow" could do that for you.
  2. Could it be that you are trying to control and manipulate the situation too much? By saying "i need to relax" you already already giving in to your neurosis by setting a condition and expectations on to your meditation practice. Instead go meditate without any expectations and accept whatever happens. Also secondly, perhaps identify the cause of why you are not relaxed and dissatisfied in the first place. Is it work related stress? relationship? money? Are you living the kind of life you would want to? Are your values clashing with something else?
  3. Where exactly do you feel the pain/bloating? What people commonly refer to as stomach pain is intestinal pain. Because fruits are mostly carbohydrate they do not get digested in the stomach, only proteins do. Do you mix them with other foods such as high protein meals? Fruit on its own starts digesting in mouth and continues once it enters the duodenum (first part of small intestine)
  4. @bigzbigi you could keep a pig as a pet and it would be as clean as a dog. It is a false presumption. They are dirty because we lock them in tiny cages with no space to defecate so they just walk and lie all over it. If I locked you into a tiny room with no toilets for 2 months the room would be pretty messy pretty soon. Pigs are very intelligent and social creatures, it is unfortunate that we see them only as commodity to satisfy out taste-buds.
  5. Legumes, Wholegrains , sweet potatoes, yams. You can pretty much eat these without limit and without fear of gaining weight. They contain protective phytonutrients for your whole body, provide clean source of energy and do not destroy the planet in the process. Junk calories will do you a lot of long term damage
  6. Hemp seeds are still great. You'll get all the Omega 3 you need even from nuts but there is a high Omega 6 content as well....just something to be mindful of. As long as you avoid processed oils and keep it low on animal fat, you'll be fine
  7. @Charlotte here is a bit of cost overview for you on this: Cost of ingredients to make homemade Almond Milk 1kg non-organic almonds = 12£ (Amazon) 100 g = 1.2£ 1 cup = 150g = 1.25£ = 0.8L Homemade vs Store bought Homemade (0.8L) 1.5£ - Store bought (1L) 2£ Cost wise not a big difference however no preservatives, phosphates, calcium supplements and other crap the grinned almonds left in milk bag can still be eaten you can add a flavour by tossing couple of strawberries in the mix. less waste produced Downsides it is a bit messy process need to soak need to supply with almonds more often lasts only about 3 days before getting bad need a blender Worth it? Absolutely !!
  8. Hemps seeds are an excellent source of Omega 3 but the ones with best Omega 3:Omega 6 ratio are Flaxseeds/Lineseeds and Chia Seeds following. Many companies sell ground Lineseeds on Amazon and they are not expensive at all. I bough a 2kg package for 8£ in UK. To answer your question, yes it is needed to crack them to properly absorb. They have an incredibly hard shell and it is not something that a hydrochloric acid could do, it is not as strong as people assume it to be. Remember "stomach has no teeth." As @pluto mentioned above, if you have a good blender that does it however some cheaper brands like mine only toss the seeds around and do not crack them. Alternatively coffee grinders do the trick or you can just buy them already ground Chewing also helps ofcourse but considering their size and amount, you are very likely to miss some of them
  9. Crying is the purest emotional reaction there is. Like a pristine lake that has to flow in order to purify itself, crying is sometimes required to "reset" the emotional balance. Crying is a good way to filter out the onset of severe emotional wave and it helps the mind to calm and get a second perspective on the underlying issue. Never hold back your crying and never beat yourself over it but do not let it become your chronic distraction and escape from addressing an underlying issue. And never use it for a purpose of manipulation or self-pity.
  10. @Gabriel Pinto consider purchasing the Life Purpose Course, it would definitively give you some direction. Instead of asking "what should I do" try asking " How do I find out what I want to do? " -> the course will help you with that
  11. No major struggle but I just wanna say it's very humble what you are doing here man !
  12. Did you guys watch this one? Fuck.... I just finished along with notes taking and realised how close-minded and dogmatic I have been even though I though I am being open-minded.All these arguments on the forum and elsewhere...one giant rat-cage. Time to return to ground zero of not knowing anything....
  13. Do you have any existing condition such as Phimosis? ( foresking not being able to retract all the way back) this could be causing excess stimulation and PE.
  14. @John agreed! So nice to have an authentic, raw footage from time to time. Just like the Arizona video. The ego liked the shiny distractions and the music
  15. @Charlottesome herbs could alter the effect of some medications. Make sure to check with your doc if you are concerned. Some herbs are so powerful that they could interact and stop the effect of your meds. It would very much depend on the type of medications of course
  16. You guys keep moaning as if that stuff got taken from you. There is 300 videos for you to watch ( or maybe more haven't counted). With the amount of work the guy puts into everything he could not have turned any other way. The new content is difficult to follow up on, I agree but it is because most of us have been neglecting the inner work so we are far back of. If you like old Leo, watch old Leo's video. I love watching him grow week by week and the content although not always relevant for all of us who are not at that stage is still mindblowing. Things like his latest yoga video would be very difficult to find on other youtube channels. This channel is not supposed to be your only source of information. If you wanna know dark side of psychedelics, go research it yourself. like...you know...google..? So suck it up and stop being crybabies !
  17. @Shin there is a book called "oxygen advantage" from an Irish author. There are some parts on nose unblocking and proper breathing. Hard to say if this would fix your problem. Have a look on amazon reviews I've been doing those in the past when I suffered from Asthma and I believe this in combination with plant based diet got me rid of it. I noticed that during those exercises my nose usually got unblocked temporarily. Perhaps if I stuck to them, it would have been fixed by now.
  18. There are other theories linking it to the atherosclerosis of cerebral arteries and arterioles slowly over decades resulting in blockage of effective blood flow, reduced oxygenation and causing necrosis of the brain tissue. -> cognitive decline. There is also a link to lack of usage such as reading, learning and basically activating neurons in different parts of the brain. In UK, where I live Alzheimers is a huge problem just as it is in US which should be countries with superior medical care however also with terrible eating habits which contribute to formation of plaque in arteries, obstructing the bloodflow. If you would be interested in some reading, Dr Greger has a chapter on brain disease in his book How Not to Die that is based on lot of research linking it to diet as primary cause. There could be a genetic link in anything but that may as well be an excuse for why mainstream medicine is unable to treat it, only delay the progression. A progressed Alzheimer's is not treatable by any means today though. Can be prevented or at least slowed in early stages if caught on time.
  19. @Shin Are you allergic to anything? Usually this is the most common cause of rhinitis and swelling of nasal mucosa. For me, my dustmite allergies are a cause of having very similar condition to you nearly all the time. Haven't figured out a way to treat it yet. There are some breathing exercises that have definitely helped.
  20. There are mountains of evidence. Thousands of pre-reviewed and published research papers in the archives of US National Library of Medicine. Largest ones being Harvard Nurses Study, Fremingham Heart Study and China Study conducted over decades on hundreds of thousands of people. These have unfortunately been twisted and prostituted by various people to promote their ridiculous diets.
  21. The seed of doubt has been planted nevertheless .
  22. I used to be a fan of Spirulina until I came across Dr Greger's research. Playing a devil's advocate here, though you guys may be interested in following videos:
  23. Let's keep it a bit more creative than saying 5 sets of heavy squads. Have you guys found something interesting or a nice creative way of combining multiple exercises into a really demanding session? Outdoor or indoor I'll start with mine:(outdoor) Do these 3 points subsequently in one session. Part 1: 6*sprints (30 meter) + light jog back (sprint immediately after you get back at start line) Part 2: (6*high jump (knees to belly) + sprint immediately after 6th + walk back) that's 1 - do 6 of those part 3: (6*clap pushups + sprint immediately after 6th + walk back) that's 1 - do 6 of those
  24. stopped eating like a pig, cleaned diet and transitioned to plant based eating. stop wasting time with videogames stopped being a cry baby and a victim found my life purpose and started transitioning that way started reading books again started noticing the world around me become more aware of my emotions