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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. "Why we sleep?" by Matthew Walker --> on my "to read this year list" is supposed to be very informative on this topic, perhaps check it out.
  2. @dude you seem like a knowledgeable guy in this area. What would you suggest as an alternative to Adobe Premier Pro to someone who has some editing skills but doesn't want to pay 400$ a year for editing software. Not a professional editing ..at leat not yet. Thanks!
  3. I also used to suffer from Asthma around 2 years ago, was getting lot of chest tightness and wheezing especially at night to a degree where I had to sit down and catch my breath, sometimes I would spend half an hour,just sitting and trying to calm my breathing ..probably caused by the Allergies starting to get deeper in the body. But it somewhow went away on its own, not sure if diet had to do anything with it. I've also mentioned Dr Morse's healing protocol few times on this site (fruits, veggies and herbs) ,the most beneficial thing I've ever done, my allergies is 90% gone and has stayed that way for some time now....I believe we spoke about this through couple messages exchanged. Anyways, perhaps the asthma is just progressed allergies for you as well? That's how it was for me.
  4. Do you know what type of cancer? Also, do you know what stage is he and how far has it spread?
  5. Because you've come around, full circle in a spiral and moved from having science on a pedestal to observing science with curiosity but keeping an eye on the bigger picture at the same time. Science has so much to offer regardless of how deep you want to go, someone has already done the hard work of discovering that shit for you. I find it absolutely fascinating to observe nutritional and health science but have to keep reminding myself that it is just one piece of the giant puzzle So be curious but be extremely selective and critical in what you apply.
  6. very practical post, thank you !!
  7. This is what I was thinking when asking about the Herpes virus as it been proven to trigger ADD by causing some neurological hyperexcitability
  8. Did you do the vision board exercise? Anyone on there you could use?
  9. That would not necessarily be a good thing. The factory animals go through incredibly stressful moments before slaughter which results in accumulation of massive amounts of adrenaline and cortisol in their muscle tissues, effectively once you eat it you also eat all those neurotransmitters......could be one of the reasons why people on plant based diet are more compassionate because they do not get these.... but than again, this theory might be full of shit and propagated by green ideology
  10. I think the same but with this, we get into realm of conspiracies, which is what the whole immunization is entangled with. Take a good care of yourself and you'll probably be less likely to contract flu than people who get shots every year and get the virus nevertheless.
  11. Probably a non-related question but have you ever suffered from cold sores / herpes outbreaks in the past? If so, how often? ....just exploring a potential (but unlikely) link with the ADD.
  12. Without wanting to sound like an insensitive dick, you may want to reconsider the future of this relationship. With time the gap between you two will only grow with you working on yourself and her wanting to stay comfortable. Here jealousy is only likely to get worse as well unless she recognises it on time and devotes time into fixing it. it is NOT your job to be fixing her neurosis...it is pretty obvious that you guys do not have same motives or similar values. You becoming more and more unattached, conscious and openminded is going to drive her to hide deeper and deeper in the cacoon to the extend of her giving you hysterical jealousy tantrum when you talk to other girls (not necessarily). Just a food for thought.
  13. Yeah pretty much. There is an extreme end for a man being too feminine as well crying and moaning like a little bitch over everything afraid to take control but the superior alpha macho man, I find these guys extremely hillarious, the more they try the funnier it is
  14. what a mindfuck rollercoaster
  15. Seems like a life purpose calling right there buddy
  16. nice way to increase quarterly revenue for pharma companies producing them
  17. good source, thanks for shaing + I'd also add playfulness, vulnerability and less alpha masculinity for guys ...but that's prob. obvious to most actualizers anyway
  18. In a perfect world (money is not an issue anymore) and 30 years down the road, what do you see yourself doing? What does your future self do? Is it working for a giant corpo being a senior executive of Finance earning 150,000 $ per month? Is it in South-East Asia rescuing Orangutans that have been abandoned? Is it decorating gardens all across the country being a garden architect?... Perhaps try to sit on this and think very deeply. I might be wrong in this observation but it seems to me that you are not 100% pursuing your deepest passion and are not alligned with your values, but have chosen a path that is economically most viable because your peers (family,teachers, friends) told you that this is the best way. While this is probably easier said than done, without a clear vision for your life, you may dabble from one place to another seeking happiness that these environments may not necessarily provide to you. As per losing your parents's support, would it be possible for you to get a part tim-job or a source of income such as language sessions for example? At least until you figure stuff out.
  19. --> should be moved to LP section. @aurum @Serotoninluv
  20. This shit absolutely works dude ! Buying the LP course was one of the best decisions I have ever made. NO and NO because I only finished it 2 years ago however ,have taken steps towards fulfilment. I started devoting 3 hours a day towards studying of what I have identified as my field of mastery, signed up for a postgraduate 3 year course and read probably around 20 books on the topic so far. Although I am still stuck in my current coroprate job which gives me a lot of pain because of how dissasociated it is with my values, I am trying to work on my patience and using the available time towards mastering the future field. So to answer your concerns, yes it works and it can absolutely transfrom your life, it just takes some time and a lot of work is required from you.
  21. London?.. ..Where do I sign up !!!!!
  22. depends on how deep you want to go but if you actually want to learn about fats, proteins, carbs, vitamins, hormones, minerals, ensymes various diets, supplements etc, I'd suggest you pick up an actual nutrition book. Something from amazon around "human nutrition". Might be a bit boring but will give you very solid foundation. Lots of podcasts only talk about chosen topics but if you are not familiar with the basics of nutrition, anathomy and pathophysiology it is possible to get confused easily EDIT: Also, if you want to learn a bit about anathomy and various systems in the body + maybe the pathologies, a simplified aanthomy illustrated book might be useful as well.
  23. there have been cases of people being able to fix their spine and gain few cm by doing all sorts of stretching exercises and yoga so that is actually possible. Also some people experience delayed growth and influx of growth hormone later in life so that may also be the case.
  24. This is going to be a bit of a rant but academic papers are just paraphrasing of other people's words, that's what it is in a nutshell. You cannot copy the exact meaning and if do, you have to post a reference. Otherwise, they will go after you and crucify you, burn the cross, pee on your ashes and demonise you all over the media and news, especially if they find ou after you have graduated. Not referencing idea is equal to homicide in the academic world. Even if you paraphrase you still have to post a reference. While it is very tempting to do, I would be careful with adding too much of your own content (beliefs, experience etc...) academia does not give a rat's ass about that....only in a conclusion section where you are supposed to summarise in your own words. Or to comment on the research that you yourself have made and that is original to you. I don't have much advice as to what anti-plagiator software or any of that but just make sure never to copy the exact sentences from whatever you are referencing. Academic paper is not supposed to be creative, original, funny, or entertaining. It is a boring, dogmatic and extremely creativity restricting format that has to be suffered through if one wants to successfuly pass.
  25. Same here ! This gal knows her stuff